My Psychology Professor

Da eunjihoonnim

11.3K 549 80

So-Hyun is in her first year of University studying Psychology, she has a poor sense of time management and s... Altro

It's a dream
New Story


551 34 1
Da eunjihoonnim

For the next few weeks So-Hyun was adjusting to the University life and was enjoying her lectures. It took some time to get used to the awkwardness she'd feel when in Professor Seung-Ho's class, but his usual cold 'professional'-self helped the process. She had gotten closer to Jin-Goo and they had lunch together whenever their schedules matched. It took time getting to used to his desire to be close again, but she didn't mind it too much. Her walls were still standing strong and she was communicating well without being uncomfortable.

She was struggling with some of the material in Professor's class and ideally needed to go to the workshop, as none of the module books were helping. She was contemplating not going because she didn't want It to be the two of them again. Deciding that she can't fail University simply because she's scared of awkwardness, she made the choice to go.

She was relieved to see there were a few other students there today, at least she wasn't struggling alone. Once the workshop was over, she was happy because she now understood the material and was on the way to meet Jin-Goo at the library when Professor Seung-Ho called her behind.

"Seonsaengnim, is there a problem?" She asked.

"Yes, there is" He said whilst shuffling through files on the desk "You saw your grades for the week 5 assessments I'm sure" He continued when he saw her nod in agreement "Care to explain?" He asked turning back to his papers.

"I can explain, but Seonsaengnim... didn't you say it was impolite to not make eye contact with the person you're talking to?" So-Hyun stopped surprising herself, why was she bringing up the past. She definitely did not want to do that.

"I'm sorry" she quickly apologised and continued "I don't know why my grades for the Forensics module are like that, I did try hard on the assignment and online test" She was lying. She didn't really enjoy Forensics and revising for it was even harder, so she did as much as her brain would allow her. In that sense you could say she did try her best. "I'll try harder next time" She said.

Professor Seung-Ho continued organising his files into his briefcase and once he was done his eyes quickly shifted to So-Hyun's, his signature smirk appearing when he saw her look uncomfortable. "Make sure you're trying harder than your hardest. It looks bad on me if you fail. Understood?"

She nodded in response

"Now that I made eye contact with you are you satisfied So-Hyun haksaeng?" He asked

She looked away in embarrassment and nodded slightly.

"That's all. You're dismissed" His smirk now gone, he brushed past her. The scent that she had almost forgotten filled her senses once again.



That same night, Jin-Goo had managed to persuade her into going out for drinks. She wasn't much of a drinker, she didn't like the taste of it, but he offered her at least three weeks off not going out together and she thought it was worth it. She didn't drink much but she enjoyed the music at the University bar they went to.

"So-Hyun-ah" Jin-Goo started "If you didn't like drinking you could have said" He said laughing at her flushed face "Let's go" He offered. She wasn't drunk, but she wasn't 100% sober. They'd been there for a total of one hour and it was time to call it quits.

She nodded, and they set off in a taxi, Jin-Goo making sure the taxi driver dropped her off first. When they reached her neighbourhood, he made sure to give her a hug before she got out. She was a little flustered, she still hasn't gotten used to his friendliness. She slowly pulled away from him and giving him a warm smile before she got off. She knew they were friends and a small part of her liked that, but what she didn't want was to cross the lines. She knew he'd never like her as a woman and she was happy with that, because she wouldn't ever like him as a man. She'd convinced herself of that.

She stopped by the market near her house to get some ramen, she'd been craving it all night. After her purchase she made her way to her house, when she stopped by Professor Seung-Ho's house. The lights were out, and it was as if the house was crying out 'I'm lonely!' so she just stood there in front of his gates laughing at the thought of a house speaking. She only had one beer, but she was feeling light and she began to sway with the breeze. Her mind then wondered to the night he was moving in.

Suddenly one of the lights on the right turned on and So-Hyun squinted to make sure she was seeing correctly. Before anything could register in her mind the shadow of a shirtless man appeared. So-Hyun stared at the figure with defined muscles and broad shoulders.


She slapped her hands against her mouth as she crossed lightly to their side of the street and into her house. Phew she thought. She shook her head trying to get rid of what she just saw.

After eating the ramen she bought, and prepping for the night, So-Hyun got into bed and as soon as she closed her eyes a pair of six-pack abs came to her mind and her eyes shot open.

Erase! Erase! Erase! You didn't see anything she thought in attempt to forget what her eyes had seen. She looked at her clock which read 00:15 and tried to close her eyes again. After five restless minutes, So-Hyun slowly approached her window and slightly opened the curtains and looked across the road to see that the lights were still on. She peeked a little more and she could see that he was still undressed from above, she couldn't see anything below that fortunately.

Without closing the curtains, she let out a deep sigh. What's wrong with me? This is your professor! Seonsaengnimi-ya! So-Hyun-ah come to your senses. Never drink again, it's making you feel funny.

As the lights on the other side turned off, So-Hyun too tried to make herself sleep. She needs to study harder this weekend, she can't be failing one of her modules and getting scolded by Professor Seung-Ho again.


When morning came So-Hyun slept in till 12pm thanks to the effect of the beer. She woke up to messages from Jin-Goo asking if she was okay and she replied letting him know her plans for the day. She liked how caring he was for her, like an older brother she never had.

She decided to study at the café that was near their house this weekend, she didn't have the motivation to make it all the way to the library. When she got there, she was happy that her usual seat by the window was free, she loved people watching.

A caramel macchiato and a blueberry muffin later, So-Hyun was reading through her books an making notes when the sound of the door and the whiff of a familiar scent caught her attention. She didn't look up just in case who she thought it was had just come in. She focused even harder on the paragraph she was reading not daring to look up. After 5 minutes she didn't hear that familiar voice, so in relief she looked up only to find Professor Seung-Ho sitting on the next table in front of her. She gasped.

Damn it she thought.

"Good afternoon Seonsaengnim" she acknowledged

He had his smirk on again as he said, "Good morning So-Hyun haksaeng".

Not that So-Hyun was complaining, but his work-personality is annoying as heck, but then again it's not like she cared too much for his normal one either. She was about to continue reading the same paragraph for the twentieth time when she heard him ask,

"Did you enjoy the view last night?"

So-Hyun almost choked on her own spit and looked at her professor with a puzzled expression "N-no, Seonsaengnim. What view?" She asked hoping he wasn't talking about what she thought he was talking about.

He smirked at her response and proceeded to pick up the magazine on the table. "Next time, just knock on my door, there's no need to hide behind your curtains" He teased "I'd be happy to show you my body any time."


"Yes Seonsaengnim" So-Hyun said in hopes that she could just evaporate. She hid her face behind a Forensics textbook and all she really wanted in that moment was to disappear, could she? Nope. She slowly peeked over her book to see her professor diligently reading a sports magazine. Ugh.

The next six hours went by very painfully, despite managing to grasp more concepts from her Forensics module, her senses were completely overtaken by her professor who for some reason hadn't left yet. Who reads a sports magazine for six hours? She grimaced. She decided to go home and help her mum with dinner, they haven't spent a lot of time since their both busy with work and studying.

On her way out, she didn't forget to give a small bow to her Professor "Have a good evening Seonsaengnim".

"So-Hyun haksaeng" He started off his reply, he didn't know what to say. He wanted to talk to her, have a full conversation with her, tell her how pretty she was and how nervous he felt just by her mere presence. But he couldn't. He wanted her to get to know him, but he respects her choice.

"Have a good evening" He said instead. It's not like he doesn't understand her thoughts. He's a professor and she's his student. The first moment he laid eyes on her, he couldn't explain the feeling that overwhelmed him. It was a lot like fate he thought.Why does it feel like he's back in high-school with a one-sided love on the popular girl in his class?

He decided to order one more cup of coffee before setting off for dinner too. He looked at the table So-Hyun was occupying and saw a pink pen by the chair and sat contemplating whether to take it or not.


By the time that Monday came around So-Hyun was feeling refreshed, she decided to not study on Sunday and spend time with her brother and mother. When she got to University, her first lecture was with professor Seung-Ho and she was there 15 minutes early. There's no way she's going to eat crap from him again this week.

She was one of the first to walk in to the hall and she was surprised to see Jin-Goo sitting at the back.

"What are you doing in a Psychology class Shakespeare?" she teased him as she got closer to him

"I came to say hi" He giggled "Hi" and gave her a little wave.

She laughed at his weirdness "I know we've already established that you're weird, but I'm going to say it again - you're weird" She teased again taking a seat next to him.

"HA HA" He said sarcastically before taking her into a hug and they proceeded to talk about their lunch plans.

When she saw the class was slowly filling up she told him to go "Oppa, I think you should go, my lecturer is really uptight, and I don't want you to get into trouble"

"There's like 200 people in here, your lecturer can't keep track of that many people" He said jokingly

You'd be surprised she thought in fear

"I'm going now, don't forget we're meeting after my lecture" He said and left when So-Hyun nodded in acknowledgement.

On Jin-Goo's way out he stumbled when someone brushed past his shoulder

"Watch where- "He stopped his sentence when he realised it was So-Hyun's lecturer. One glance and Jin-Goo understood why So-Hyun said he was uptight. "Sorry, Seonsaengnim" He apologised with a small bow.

Professor Seung-Ho was stood facing the door and turned his head slightly to look at him, he didn't say anything, just carefully examined him from head to toe and scoffed. "Next time, don't wonder into other people's classes... Yeo Jin-Goo haksaeng. Perhaps then we could avoid such happenings" He said calmly before swaggering in to teach his lecture.

Definitely uptight Jin-Goo thought.

A/N long chapter i think, kind of ended it weirdly, because I didn't want it to be too long. Things will pick up pace soon i think, let me know if you like the way it's going! Thanks for reading if you got this far! :)

P.S SORRY FOR TAKING AGES LOL I didn't think people were reading, but was surprised by the notifs when i checked later! Thanks a lot for the encouragement haha, i'm still lacking and this is just for fun tbh, but i'm happy there are people that like it! :)

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