Right Next To Me

By urbanstargazer

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They say true love comes just once in a lifetime. Cate Ryan never stayed in one place. Her childhood was spen... More

Chapter 1 My Summer Begins
Chapter 2 The First Boy of Summer
Chapter 3 Derek
Chapter 4 I am going.
Chapter 5 Topless Boy
Chapter 6 Seth
Chapter 7 A Day at the Fair
Chapter 8 The Lake House
Chapter 9 Cranky Boy
Chapter 10 The Inside Story
Chapter 11 My Kind of Summer
Chapter 12 A Family Dinner and A Box of Memories
Chapter 13 Always You
Chapter 14 At the White Luncheon
Chapter 15 The (Polo) Playing Field
Chapter 16 Dylan
Chapter 17 That (Awesome) Anniversary Dinner Party
Chapter 18 Operation Bring Back That Lovin' Feeling
Chapter 19 The Beautiful Ones
Chapter 20 A Day with Prince Charming
Chapter 21 Summer Getaways
Chapter 22 Surprise!
Chapter 23 His Point Of View
Chapter 24 One Stormy Night
Chapter 25 A Lovers' Quarrel
Chapter 26 One Last Hurray for Summer
Chapter 27 Another Summer Ends
Chapter 28 The Birthday Celebrations
Chapter 29 Whose Birthday Is It Anyway?
Chapter 30 The (Best) Morning After
Chapter 31 On Courage and Sleeping
Chapter 33 Happy New Year Dear
Chapter 34 My Cranky Valentine
Chapter 35 The Love Intervention
Chapter 36 The Sweetest Thing
Chapter 37 The Birthday Boy
Chapter 38 On A Night Like This
Chapter 39 What Happens in California...
Chapter 40 Decisions...Decisions...
Chapter 41 A Promise I Make
Chapter 42 Right Next To Me
Chapter 43 Cheesy Lines and Perfect Words
Chapter 44 Endless Summer
Forever Summer Series

Chapter 32 Merry Christmas, War Is Over

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By urbanstargazer

Chapter 32 ~ Merry Christmas, War Is Over

Everyone came home for Christmas. We are all at the Hamptons villa hanging out after our Christmas Eve dinner.

Macy and little Livy are chasing Crinkles around the lounge. Uncle Aidan is worried they might slip and bump their heads. Aunt Lily also looks so worried following the kids around. Talk about overzealous grandparents.  Uncle Rick and Marie are also following the kids’ every move.

Maddie and Martin are busy stuffing their faces with the cupcakes I made. For once, Cranky Boy praised my cooking just because he cannot bake. He is not very patient with measuring ingredients and putting them in the correct order. He just likes to put in a little of something and a dash of whatever. Surprisingly, his cooking always tastes good.

Dianne and her husband Nick are chatting with Jessie. Ian and Derek are busy discussing something about movers and stuff. Ian is currently staying here at the villa but after New Year, he will officially move back to California. He is insisting it is just for work and business purposes. He cannot fool me. I know he is moving back because of Miss Maid of Honor.

I think I should meet Miss Maid of Honor when I visit Stanford and UCLA in March that is if things go my way. Kendall is also eyeing Stanford. It will be fun if both of us get accepted. The sad part is I will be away from Dylan…again. He is not even talking to me now because my visit to universities in California was discussed over dinner.

I guess that is something Dylan is also not looking forward to. He still avoids any topic related to my college education. Seth said Cranky loses his temper whenever he tries to bring it up, too.

I wanted to ask Dylan to come with me to California. We could stay there for his birthday and then I can check out the schools. However if I do that, I feel like I am spoiling his birthday. I know one of these days, we need to sit down and talk about the future. But it is the holiday season and I do not want to spoil it.

“Merry Christmas!” Seth slumped on the space beside me on the couch. “What’s with the long face?”

I sighed. “College.” I leaned in to whisper to him. I glanced at Dylan who is sitting by the fireplace. He is staring in space.

He nodded knowingly. “Still can’t tell him?”

“Yeah. I don’t know how to start.” I said, sighing again. “Oh well, I have a few months to sit on it. Until I get my acceptance letters…”

Seth snorted.”…letters, huh? I love your confidence.”

“Duh.” I hit his arm playfully. “I am just pretending to be dumb. Oh wait, is tuna a chicken?”

“Ha-ha. What about Kendall? Where has she applied?” He asked casually. Hmmm, Topless Boy likes my best friend, I think.

“She applied in the same schools I did.” I declared, watching his reaction. He sucked in his breath and got up. “Where are you going?”

“I will sulk with my best friend over there.” He said sadly and motioned towards Dylan’s location by the fireplace. Cranky Boy has been staring at the fire for the past half an hour.

“Seth, that does not make me feel better.” I looked at him, scowling.

“Give us time. We’ll get over this.” He smiled and sauntered over to Dylan.

I cannot let this happen. I cannot let my holidays be ruined by what is not even decided yet. I got off the couch and walked over to where Dylan and Seth were. They weren’t talking. They were literally sulking and brooding, staring at the crackling fire. I sat between them on the floor, flopping down on an empty bean bag.

“I am still here. Why are you so sad? Why waste time sulking when we can have fun?” I said, trying my best to sound cheerful. Seth snorted. He is obviously not convinced. Dylan did not have any reaction. I pinched his side playfully. He still didn’t budge.

I sighed. “Dy, let’s enjoy the time we have together, shall we? Besides, what if I get accepted in Columbia instead and I get snubbed by Stanford? You are sulking for nothing.”

“You applied at Columbia?” He asked and glanced at me for the first time after dinner. I nodded. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead. “I just cannot imagine not being with you every day if you move to California. Sorry, baby.”

“It’s OK. We have a few months until we know for sure where I will be in the next years.” I smiled up to him. He smiled back and kissed me gently on the lips. Seth made a gagging sound. Dylan just smirked at him.

“Shut up, Topless Boy. You’re just jealous.” I hit him playfully.

“So, this road trip in March…May I join?” He asked wagging an eyebrow. “I want to hit up the beaches on the west coast and meet some young California girls.”

I looked at Dylan to find him shaking his head. “No. It is our trip for my birthday.” He said sternly.

“I promise I will not disturb you guys.” Seth whined. He gave me the puppy dog look.

I cannot help but laugh at his reaction. “We’ll think about it.” His shoulders dropped. I felt sorry for him. “Ok, maybe you can join us.” I said quickly. Seth grinned because he got what he wanted.

“Cate!” Dylan protested. His handsome face is all scrunched up and he looks so pissed off.

“Cranky, Seth is our friend. We cannot just leave him. We’ll have fun on your birthday, I promise.” I started kissing his face all over. “You will give us alone time in California, won’t you Seth?” I stopped and turned to Seth.

Topless boy nodded vigorously. “I will leave you two alone. I will be very busy checking out the beach babes. I won’t have time for you.”

“See? Plus, it’ll be fun if you have your best friend and the most gorgeous girl with you on your birthday.” I declared, grinning widely.

Dylan and Seth started laughing. “What? You don’t believe me that it will be fun?” I knew they were laughing at me. Talk about over confidence. Most gorgeous girl, my ass.

Dylan pulled me closer, still chuckling. “I love you, baby. Merry Christmas!”

“Merry Christmas, war is over.” I said smiling and kissing him back. “I love you so much, Cranky. Please don’t be mad at me.”

“I’m not mad at you. I am just sad but as you said, we have a few more months together in case you will move to California, so I’ll take it.” He said smiling and kissed my nose.

“If you will be this mushy in California, I will ditch you both.” Seth huffed, looking so disgusted.

I laughed. “Ask Kendall out already so you will not be this bitter. You know you want to.” I poked his rib.

“Kendall, Kendall, Kendall…” He sighed, shaking his head. Dylan is trying hard not to laugh at his best friend’s over dramatic act. “I’ll keep her a daydream away so I never have to lose.” He said in a sing song voice.

Dylan and I snorted. “OK, if that is how you want to play your cards.” I said. “Don’t come crying when she dates someone else.”

“I’ll try not to… Uffhh…” Seth let out a breath. Macy just jumped on his lap. The little girl wants to open her gifts. “Mace, we can only open that tomorrow morning.” She looks so cute when she pouted and gave her big brother her version of the puppy dog look. Seth relented and let her open one gift. “Sigh…women. My weakness.” He kissed Macy’s cheek when she gave him a toothy grin and a big thank you for the gift.

I cannot help but laugh at him. Seth is really a great guy. I hope he finds someone special soon. I know Kendall is special. She would be perfect for him but she just might break Seth’s heart. I love them both and I don’t want anyone to get hurt.

I felt Dylan tug my hand. “I can’t wait for tomorrow morning to give you my present. I’ll give it to you now.” He got up and held out his hand to help me up. He led me to the love seat by the window. It is slightly secluded and away from everyone else. Then, he got down on one knee.

By this time, everyone and I mean everyone stopped whatever it was they were doing or saying. It is like the world stopped to watch Dylan and me.

He took a small velvet box from his jacket pocket. I held my breath. Oh my God, he is going to propose! His smile is making my heart beat incredibly fast. He opened the box and I saw a ring. It is not the ring I was expecting.

I glanced where Aunt Lily is sitting. She is still wearing the ring that I want for myself. It is her engagement ring given by Uncle Aidan.

Dylan will inherit that ring and give it to his future spouse which is supposed to be me (I hope). Why is he giving me a different ring now? I looked at Dylan pouting. I can still feel everyone’s eyes on us.

I heard him chuckling. “I know what you are thinking. But…I cannot give you that ring yet. I promised Ian I will let you graduate college before I pop the question.”

I sighed. I am disappointed yet again. So much for being excited to marry this boy. “So you are not proposing now?” I had to ask to be sure. I might just say yes when he hasn’t even asked me anything yet.

He shook his head. “Treat this as my promise ring.” He raised an eyebrow for me to give his ring a chance. “You’ll have Lily’s ring, I promise. But this would do for now.” He added.

I pretended to study the ring. I would take whatever he gives me. Hmm, it is a gorgeous Tiffany ring. It is the interlocking circles ring in sterling silver and 18K gold. This would do. I was laughing in my head for being silly. Easy Cate. I sighed. “OK.”

“OK? You’ll take this one for now?” He asked smirking. He knew I would take it.

“Yes. This is a major upgrade from the twine ring with a mounted seashell you gave me before.” I said chuckling. He gave me a huge grin which meant he remembered our promise by the beach when we were kids.

“Yeah. I’ll never forget that. It was our first ring.” He is laughing now. He took my hand and slipped the ring on my finger. It is a perfect fit. He took me in his arms and we ended up laughing together. “I will propose when you least expect it.” He said winking at me.

I sighed. “Patience is virtue, I know. But I also know, promises are made to be broken.” I smiled coyly.

“I never break or forget my promises.” He said solemnly and planted a big kiss on my lips.

“Ewwww. Gross. Cooties!” We heard Maddie and Martin chorus and everyone laughed.

We cannot help but laugh with them. Dylan and I used to react like that when we were their age and we see grown-ups kissing. Now, we are the ones grossing out the children. What goes around comes around.

Dianne and Jessie walked over to me to check out my ring. “Dylan, there is no gem in this ring. Is this supposed to be your engagement ring?” Dianne asked, looking at him disapprovingly.

“Nope. The engagement ring is still with Lily. This young woman will not get that ring unless she graduates college.” He quipped.

“That’s four years. I have to wait for years!” I declared, wide eyed as I realize how long the wait will be.

“I waited six years, baby.” He reminded me, kissing the top of my head.

“So, it is payback time now? Fine. Four years. Let the waiting game begin…” I grinned.

“I don’t think she could wait. Wanna bet?” Jessie said to Dianne who was laughing and shaking her head. She knew she would lose if she bets on me. I suck at waiting.

“Merry Christmas!!!”  Everyone shouted happily. We greeted each other with kisses and hugs.

This is the best Christmas I have ever had since I went away. Aunt Lily was able to convince my grandparents to celebrate with us this year. I have my family and my friends around me. I could not be any happier.

After another round of toasts, we settled in for the night. Tomorrow is Christmas Day. We will be at the shelter to cook and give gifts to everyone. We have been going back to the shelter to help since we went there for my birthday. I am glad I get to do something meaningful in my life by helping others.

Dylan sneaked into my bedroom in the early morning hours. We sleep on the same bed when we are in the villa or at the Manhattan apartment. I am not sure if anyone notices. We just sleep. OK, sometimes we do the deed. Cranky Boy has biological needs. OK, I do too.

Anyway, I like the times when I would wake up in the middle of the night and find him sleeping peacefully beside me. I cannot help myself. I would plant a soft, gentle kiss on his lips taking extra care not to wake him. I would turn back to go to sleep.  I would feel his arm wrap around my waist and kiss the crook of my neck.

I sleep better when I am wrapped in his arms. When I wake up in the morning, his smiling face is the first thing I see. I do not know if I can be away from him when I go to college (if I have to move to California).

I will seize every moment just to be with him.


I think the The Amazing Spiderman is awesome! In my opinion, it is the best re-telling of Spidey's story. What do you think?

I also heart Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield. They look so good together.  When I got excited talking about the movie, I actually called Emma Stone as Emma Watstone...hehehe I got her mixed up with Hermione's name. Yep, I am all mixed up sometimes.

ANYHOO, I would really appreciate if you would be so kind and generous as to hit the VOTE button for me or COMMENT below.


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