Caught in that Feeling | Seul...

By RossierX

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Different people, different routine, different personalities with different life are bound to get tied by one... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Strangers Today
Chapter 2 Collide
Chapter 4 Certain
Chapter 5 Hidden
Chapter 6 The Past and the Curious
Chapter 7 A Chance
Chapter 8 Another Chance?
Chapter 9 Point of View
Chapter 10 A Little Bit About You
Chapter 11 Rising Heat
Chapter 12 Unexplainable
Chapter 13 An Apology
Chapter 14 Meeting the Ultimate Rival
Chapter 15 Fight for My Way
Chapter 16 Shocking Revelation
Chapter 17 WHAT?!
Chapter 18 Brave Love
Chapter 19 Park Jimin
Chapter 20 I Won't Let You
Chapter 21 Have A Break
Chapter 22 Odds
Chapter 23 About Time
Chapter 24 No Regrets
Chapter 25 Every Angle
Chapter 26 The Consequence
Chapter 27 Accepting Defeat

Chapter 3 The Meeting

3.3K 167 91
By RossierX

Seulgi was able to drive back at the coffee an hour before it closes. There she saw one customer seated at an empty table upon entering the shop. The woman was wearing her cap as she waits.

"Excuse me?" Seulgi said and showed the phone in her hand. Irene stood up in surprise as she saw her phone. She immediately reached out her hand to take it but Seulgi avoided her hand to reach the phone. Irene looked at her weirdly with what Seulgi did.

Seulgi open her palm as if she's asking for something. "Give it to me" Seulgi commanded.

"Are you asking for money?" Irene snorted but Seulgi shook her head.

"Nope. I'm asking for my phone first" Seulgi explained flashing a smile after. Irene was embarrassed to completely forget abou Seulgi's phone and for thinking it the other way. She took the phone from her pocket and handed it to Seulgi.

"Thank you! Here you go" Seulgi handed Irene's phone back to her after taking hers.

"There were missed calls. Sorry but I can't answer them" Irene explained while Seulgi browse her phone.

"It's okay. It's not your job to answer that." Seulgi smiled brightly at Irene.

"You didn't do anything with my phone right?" Irene hesitantly asked because she doesn't want to offend Seulgi with her question. Seulgi shook her head cutely while looking at Irene. Seulgi completely know what Irene was thinking and it's just common in that kind of situation. She took her business card out and handed it to Irene.

"You can call me if you find anything suspicious that you think I did" Seulgi said, again she plastered a smile on her face along with her eye smile. Irene smiled awkwardly; it's the first time for her to meet a person who is so kind to strangers.

"Aren't you going to ask if I did something to your phone?" Irene curiously asked because Seulgi never ask anything.

"No. I wouldn't give my password in the first place if I thought you would do something bad. Anyways, there's nothing special here." Seulgi explained then Irene nodded quietly.

"You're a pretty quiet person. What's your name again? I didn't catch it when I called you." Seulgi tried to start a conversation trying to make Irene comfortable.

"Bae Irene" Irene blurted out her screen name because she got startled at the sudden question but looks like Seulgi didn't recognize the actress because Irene was wearing a simple plus size sweater and pants with her hair tied and was wearing a cap and eye glasses compared to her usual celebrity look.

"Nice to meet you, Irene-ssi. Well, time flies. I need to get going. Thank you for returning my phone" Seulgi said and stood up getting ready to leave. Irene thanked her at the same time.

After a few days

Seulgi was monitoring a photo shoot. Her team is in charge of the behind the scene of the shoot. She roamed around supervising some camera men. Then the female lead for the shoot arrived at the indoor set.

"Whoa. She's really beautiful" one of the camera men said while being mesmerized looking at the direction of the model. It made Seulgi turn to see; there she saw a familiar face.

"Oh. She looks like the person my phone got switched to" Seulgi mumbled to herself while unknowingly pointing at the person. Indeed it was Irene but Seulgi was so dumb not realizing that. Seulgi just tilted her head still examining Irene but just decided to shrug it off because she was busy. The shoot started along with the camera men covering a behind the scenes of the photo shoot.

Irene was posing for a while but got uncomfortable after changing to a skirt outfit not because of the outfit but because of one of the camera men suspiciously shooting her at a different angle. The camera man was putting the camera down shooting Irene's legs along with her mini skirt making Irene pull her skirt down trying to cover her legs. Seulgi happened to passed by and saw Irene being uncomfortable; she saw Irene momentarily glances at the camera man. Approaching the camera man, Seulgi saw what he was trying to do. He was indeed recording Irene's sexy parts while smiling like a pervert.

"C'mon Irene, just spread your legs a bit so that I could see something more exciting" the camera man whispered to himself like he was being aroused while almost placing the camera on the ground to shoot Irene but a figure blocked the view.

"What are you shooting at that angle? I said behind the scenes not behind the clothes she's wearing" Seulgi said appearing in front of the camera man. The camera man was startled and went out of balance making him sit on the floor while looking up to Seulgi. Irene saw the scene and watched them as she finally felt at ease but also surprised to see Seulgi there.

"I was just..." the camera man trailed off but was nervous to continue.

"Look. I heard a lot about you but I never believed them unless I see it with my own eyes" Seulgi stated while walking towards the camera man. He keeps on crawling back with fear while looking at Seulgi.

"We let what you did before slide for you to think and have a time to reflect but in the end you did it again" Seulgi added as they reached the corner of the room. All the staff and directors were looking at them. Some are just shaking their heads indicating that it's the end for the camera man.

"Should I call your head camera man for this?" Seulgi asked again. The camera man knelt down in an instance and asked for Seulgi not to and also asked for forgiveness. But Seulgi hissed.

"You shouldn't asked forgiveness to me but to her" Seulgi said pointing at Irene. The camera man immediately went to Irene and asked for forgiveness but Irene was silent the whole time. Seulgi called the man and gestured for him to step out. The camera man complied but before the man leaves the room. Seulgi called his attention.

"I forgot to tell you. You're fired" Seulgi said with her face being serious. The whole set were in awe because Seulgi rarely shows her serious face instead always wore a smile on her face. The camera man tried to plead but the security took him out of the studio. The director shouted to go back to work and forget what they saw. Seulgi walked back at the camera left by the man, she took out the tape and went to Irene and handed the tape.

"You can do anything you want with that. Use it as an evidence to sue that guy, throw it or destroy it, it's up to you" Seulgi stated then went back to work as if nothing happened.

The Next Morning (Day 2 of photo shoot)

Seulgi got an urgent call from the one of the director of the photo shoot asking her to come to the studio immediately so Seulgi rushed to the studio early in the morning.

"What's the problem director?" Seulgi asked upon arriving and approaching the director who looks so problematic in Seulgi's view. The director told her the problem making Seulgi's eyes widens in disbelief.

"Sir! You can't ask me that" Seulgi complained.

"Please Seulgi. I'm not saying it's your fault but you're the only person who fits close to this. We have no time to look for a replacement" The director pleaded. Seulgi scratched her head not knowing what to do blowing her bangs with air coming from her mouth as she walks around the corner to think. She let out a sigh not being able to think of an alternative.

After a few minutes

Seulgi went for hair and makeup then wore the said costume. Irene was already at the scene sitting at a red couch waiting for her partner for the shoot. She has no idea that Seulgi will be her partner for that day.

"Whoaa.." echoed inside the studio after seeing Seulgi stepped in the scene. Seulgi replaced the model for the shoot because the pervert camera man she just fired yesterday has the contact to the model that was supposed to appear in the shoot with Irene.

She was wearing a black bralette with a skinny shorts with black stripped cloth wrapped loosely around her arms, legs and body and black dog choker on her neck connected with a long chain as she holds it. Her hair was styled wavy while hanging down beautifully with her cat like eyes.

"Oh gosh! Our chief editor is so seductive! My heart can't take this!" one of her colleagues reacted. Even the director gulped seeing Seulgi. The concept of the shoot was like having a human pet with Irene portraying a role of being dominant sadist with Seulgi being a submissive masochist. Irene was wearing an all red dress with red lips and alluring eye make up.

"Let's start!" The director clapped excitedly after snapping out from mesmerizing on Seulgi in that outfit. The shoot started and Seulgi surprisingly was keeping up with good posings.

"Okay, we'll be doing the final shoot. Irene, sit on the couch with your back leaning on the arm rest slightly. Put your feet on the couch with the other on the ground while facing at the other end of the couch" the director directed. Then he went to Seulgi to explain what she will do. Irene saw Seulgi sigh heavily after talking to the director. Irene had no idea what Seulgi will do so she was really surprised when Seulgi positioned herself.

She knelt her left knee in between Irene's legs with her other leg stretched a bit on the back as she crawled up to Irene and placed her body and face close to Irene while wearing a face like she was drawn to Irene. Seulgi looked straight at Irene's eyes intensively but Irene wasn't able to maintain it and looked away.

"Irene, make your face more seductive and stare at Seulgi's eyes longer" the director commanded. Irene obeyed the director but she felt that there was something behind Seulgi's eyes that made her wonder if she's just really a chief video editor and not a model because Seulgi portrayed her character well even if it's just a photo shoot.

"Awesome! That's the end everyone" the photographer announced, hearing that made Seulgi roll down from the couch to the floor with Irene just looking at her. Seulgi let out a sigh of relief with her eyes close and her still lying on the floor.

'She's cute' Irene thought in her mind but then realize something.

'I'm pretty sure it's you'

Irene thought while looking at the resting Seulgi.

--End of Chapter 3--

Err I hope you can imagine how I imagined that photoshoot! 

It was hot,sexy and seductive rawrr!!! hahaha

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