Forever In My LIFE (Book 4)...

By DanaLarson5

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This is the second alternate ending to the ongoing relationship of Prince and Dana from the first 3 stories:... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Untitled Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67

Part 39

546 37 18
By DanaLarson5

This morning starts in our new typical manner as wake to Ramiel's soft fussing, he's awake and hungry. I swing the bassinet over the bed and lower the rail so I can ease him onto the bed. It's amazing how quickly we both have adjusted to me nursing while I lay on my side in the bed. On some mornings, and this just happens to be one of them, Prince is still in bed with me. He lifts himself up to kiss my cheek, "Good morning, Sugar," then he peers over at Ramiel, "Hey, Little Man." When Prince speaks to him, his eyes open to gaze up at his father, but quickly closes again as he feeds.

When it's time for me to switch breasts, I hand him over to Prince before rolling over myself. This is my favorite part of the mornings because Ramiel is sandwiched between us, giving us both simultaneous skin to skin bonding time. Prince's face is radiant with love as he studies our baby, he smiles when he looks up to see me studying him.

"What?" he says with that cocky half smile that makes me blush and avert my eyes. When I look back up at him, his eyes shift to my mouth before he leans in, his claiming mine. At first, the kiss is soft, that is, until his tongue presses its way between my lips and it deepens. I can taste his need and it leaves me slightly breathless.

Although my body is healing, the extra attention and affection that Prince has been lavishing on me lately has been enough to stir my sexual desires. I find we are touching each other more and more, maybe in attempt to reaffirm our love while we are limited sexually. Unbeknownst to him, I have been doing my Kegel exercises since that first day I had felt pain when my pelvic muscles involuntary contracted. I can happily say the pain has decreased significantly and I'm able to complete several repetitions daily.

Ramiel's sucking begins to slow and I can tell he's getting drowsy, however, Prince and I are most definitely awake after that kiss. I break the latch and whisper to Prince, "I'm going to change his diaper. I'll be right back." When I wink, he nods at me with anticipation in his eyes, then he watches as I leave the bedroom. I return shortly to find him still in the bed, his head is propped up on the pillow as he watches the doorway. Ramiel's bassinet is swiveled away from the bed, and I place him into it, he's still awake, but not for long.

When I crawl into the bed, Prince rolls towards me, "Wanna make out?" Complete with the eyebrow wiggle.

This always makes chuckle since I know he's being playful. It's just the wording seems silly, we seem too mature for 'making out.' "Yes," I answer honestly, leaning in to kiss him. We start to kiss and again, it deepens quickly, our hands start to caress each other's bodies and roam freely.

When I move my lips to his neck, he breathes, "I miss you so much," his hands squeeze my rear end.

"I miss you, too, but you know we can't actually make love," I start.

"I know, Sugar, but this is still nice," his hands squeeze again. I move my kisses to his collarbone, then his chest, moving lower until I'm kissing just below his navel. I hear him moan when he realizes what my plans are, "Sugar, you don't have to do that." His words are breathy and not very convincing.

I grin up at his face as my hand takes hold of him, he's already aroused, and I begin stroking the petal smooth skin of his penis. Feeling the girth of his erection in the my palm of my hand, after what feels like months, makes me wish I wasn't still healing, I have needs to. Before I torment myself any further, I slip my lips over his tip to hear him gasp, then moan that deep belly moan.

I watch his face while my hand and mouth move in unison. As I work him into a frenzy with my mouth and tongue, he alternates lifting his head to watch me, and letting it roll back onto the pillow. We both also sneak quick peeks to make sure the baby is still fast asleep as we play. Normally, I would have done more teasing than I had, but having him in my mouth is making me want him inside me, so I speed things up a little more to finish the 'job.'

"Sh-Sugar, I'm close," Prince manages between gasps, but I already could tell from his body's reactions. I keep my hand moving, but remove my mouth, moving to place it over that sensitive area just under his boys. When I gently lick/suck there, I hear his shaky gasps, then feel the warmth of his release run down over my fingers. "Oh, yeah," he moans.

With my hand still around him, softly stroking until his stomach convulsions slow before I move myself up to kiss his lips. "Thank you, Baby," he whispers as he looks down at the mess we created.

When I remove my hand, I'm careful not to touch anything. "You're more than welcome," I kiss his nose, "don't move, I'll be right back." I get out of bed and go into the bathroom to get a wet washcloth to clean him up.

When I return and sit on the edge of the bed, to sponge off his belly and penis, he watches me with a smile before his eyes move to my breasts with interest, "Um, you're leaking."

When I look down, I see he's right and turn the washcloth to myself. "We might as well just shower," I say, standing and retrieving the portable video display for the baby monitor. Prince gets up and heads to the bathroom while I make minor adjustments to the camera so we can keep an eye on Ramiel from the shower. I set the display just outside the shower enclosure and join Prince under the spray where we wash one another and discuss where we're going to go today. "Could it be a 'stay home' day?" I ask.

Prince has just nodded in agreement when the distant sound of a phone ringing barely comes across the baby monitor. The water gets shut off since we were done anyway, and we listen intently. "My office," Prince states when we don't hear the ringing from the bedroom. We towel off leisurely, it's obvious he isn't in a hurry to deal with the call. Dressed, we stop momentarily to look down at our child while he's sleeping, then we take the video display downstairs with us.

"I'll fix us some breakfast," I tell him when we step out of the elevator.

"I'll be right there, Sugar," he kisses my cheek before heading towards his office while I head to the kitchen.

With the monitor set on the countertop for me to see, I get started fixing us some vegetable crepes, Prince enters when they're almost done. His face is unreadable as he sits at the counter, "It was Kirk, he said we should come by Paisley."

"Something wrong?" I ask as I place the crepes on dishes and set them on the counter in front of where Prince is already seated.

"No, it didn't sound like something was wrong, he sounded happy," he says as he picks up his fork when I sit beside him. "He said, 'I think you guys need to swing by,' that's all," he shrugs.

I nod as I chew and glance at the monitor, watching Ramiel sleep. Seeing him sleep makes me want to go back to sleep, but since we're up and dressed, it looks like we'll be headed to Paisley instead. Prince finishes his meal before I do, and heads upstairs to 'check the diaper bag' while I finish mine. I grin, he sure has stepped into daddy mode 110%, but I expected no less from him. One plus with the packing of supplies, we don't have to worry about formula or bottles since I am nursing. Just a couple backup outfits for Ramiel, extra baby blankets, a burp cloth, clean diapers and wipes.

When I get upstairs, I reconnect the display to its charger, kiss Ramiel and go into the bathroom to find Prince applying some light makeup at his vanity, the diaper bag already at his feet. I quickly sit down at mine and also to a quick application, securing my hair into an updo. We are only days away from the beginning of August and with it being so hot and humid, I don't want my hair on my neck. "Should we dress Ramiel?" Prince asks before sneaking a kiss to my bared neck.

"A onesie should do, it's so hot, just grab a couple light blankets because of the air conditioning," Prince nods and strides out of the bathroom, diaper bag in hand. Oh, my, God, I think, I couldn't love that man anymore. When I step back into the bedroom, Prince is carefully maneuvering a sleepy Ramiel into a onesie that reads: HANDSOME, just like daddy. "Of course," I laugh at his choice.

"You bought it," he retorts with a grin, then points to the bed, "You prefer that one?" The one on the bed reads: A Dana & Prince production, copyright 2014.

"The one he's in is fine," I laugh. I had bought the funnier ones more as a joke, but I notice Prince gravitates to them. I peruse the diaper bag, making sure we're all set while Prince sways and bounces with Ramiel against his chest, we're ready to go.

Again, Prince chooses the Bentley and we're on our way to Paisley. I notice we get more horn honks and waves today, even though the traffic is light. It doesn't take very long before the studio comes into view, I always watch for it. There's something about it's first glimpse that reminds me of when Prince reveals himself onstage, there's an impressiveness about it. Today, I gasp when it comes into view, only to have Prince look oddly at me before looking back at the building.

When he turns to me, we both have tears in our eyes. Most of the fenceline on either side of the main entrance is an ocean of blue! As we approach, we can make out more of the individual items, there are blue teddy bears and other assorted plush animals, balloons, flowers, streamers, you name it. There are handwritten notes on blue index cards tied by the entrance, "Oh, Prince, we need pictures of this for his baby book!" I say as I wipe away tears.

He nods as he fights back tears, "I released a formal birth announcement last night, by the way," he jokes, but I can tell he's choked up by the outpouring of love from his fans. Ramiel is a big deal to more than just us.

Kirk exits the main doors with a grin plastered across his face, "Do you see all this?" he laughs as he opens my door.

"It's hard not to," I laugh back, reaching in to collect Ramiel from his carrier while Prince grabs the diaper bag. There's a more pronounced swagger to his walk as he comes around the car to join us. Cars honk as they drive past, we wave exuberantly before we head into the building. "See?" I look pointedly at Prince, "didn't I tell you that an announcement would be well received?"

"That you did, Sugar," he smiles his pleased smile.

"Speaking of which," Kirk hands Prince a folded paper. I can see the photo of Ramiel that I had chosen, along with the headline: HIS NAME IS PRINCE, too. When the paper is handed to me, I read the article, it's a simple, classic birth announcement. The only fanfare being the headline and a closing statement at the end saying: He's destined to be funky (too). Cute, I think, knowing the other journalist in question has to be seething with rage.

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