Part 8

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We arrive back in the US just a couple days prior to my appointment, and it's a good thing Danielle had got a head start on some maternity dresses, because I'm starting to need the extra room. She had come up with a very simple, yet flattering design that I requested in an array of colors, and they have already been integrated into my wardrobe at the house.

Now that we're home for a brief break, I finally get to see more of Prince as he spends some time actually relaxing with me. I had been noticing some intermittent pain along my sides, and some discharge this morning when I went to the bathroom. I hadn't mentioned these things to Prince, so when I bring it up at the appointment after all the routine stuff he instantly looks worried.

The doctor listens intently and nods, but shows no sign of concern, it turns out these new symptoms are all normal. The pain in my sides are my muscles stretching, and the doctor says that I could benefit from the use of a pregnancy girdle for added support as I get bigger, and the discharge is normal to help prevent infection. Prince visibly relaxes as each new item is explained, I'm just relieved to hear the same information that I had read in the pregnancy book.

Now the doctor brings up the Amniocentesis, as soon as its mentioned, Prince's jaw clenches and he shakes his head adamantly. I place my hand on his arm, "Prince, please let her talk." I turn to the doctor, "Why? What is it for and what's involved?" As she explains the procedure and risks, a wave of nausea passes over me and I start shaking my head as adamantly as Prince had just done. "No, I don't want it," I say firmly, but she tries to change my mind one last time, explaining the risks of abnormalities in pregnancies of mothers over 35.

"Abnormalities or not, we are fully prepared to care for and love this child," I look at Prince for validation.

He takes my hand, "No test."

The doctor is flustered by our decision as we prepare to do the ultrasound. This is the part we've been anxiously awaiting, and I happily push my skirt down a bit, then lay back, pulling my blouse up to bare my stomach. The goop is applied and the wand maneuvered, soon grayscale images appear on the monitor.

At first, it's layers of gray, like ripples in an ocean, then the silhouette of our baby appears out of nowhere. I reach for Prince's hand that is already searching for mine while we stare at the monitor, this just got real. "Our baby," he whispers as he looks up at the monitor, I can hardly see the tears in his eyes through my own.

The doctor smiles, "Would you like to know the sex?"

"It's a boy," Prince says confidently.

I nod, "Yes, I feel that, too."

The doctor looks stunned, "It is a boy," as she points out the area that indicates this.

We go over measurements, weight, heart rate, and previous tests and everything looks as it should. The doctor tries one last time to talk us into the amniocentesis, but again we decline.

We schedule my next appointment in 4 weeks, and since we're in back in the US, Prince agrees to do a show in California. I'm surprised when there's only the one show, but he has decided that we'll wait until after my next appointment to head back to the UK. Instead of touring he rents us a villa in the Napa Valley where we explore, relax and enjoy the sun's warmth.

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