Part 6

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Prince is amazed by my renewed energy after our return from St. Lucia. On this particular morning he is surprised to find me awake before he is, "You're like a new woman, I need to take you to the Caribbean more often," he says as he pulls me close and kisses my nose.

"I sure wouldn't mind, but according to the pregnancy book, this is normal," I grin at him, snuggling closer in the bed, "I can't ever remember being happy to be 'normal'."

"I guess I could settle for normal," he pulls far enough away to stroke my stomach. A slow smile spreads across his face, "I do believe I detect a slight baby bump, Mrs. Nelson."

My hand slips lower between us, "I think I detect something, too," and I begin to stroke him.

His eyes close as he enjoys the feel of my hand, and I relish the feel of him swelling as I stroke. I had worried in the beginning of the pregnancy when he seemed reluctant to make love, and I'm more than pleased that he got past his initial fears. Our sessions now are extremely gentle and loving, although they tend to run a tad longer because of this, I can't say that I mind. On a few occasions that I have mounted him and tried to be a little more enthusiastic, he quickly pulled in the reins with his worried expression.

With my brazen initiating this morning, he seems to sense it's going to be one of those times and I'm swiftly rolled over onto my back. When he pins my hands to the mattress with his, I know my face flashes surprise and anticipation. An eyebrow lifts, "May I tie you up?"

"Yes, please," I answer eagerly, so much so that he laughs and shakes his head before leaving me laying in the bed to disappear through the bathroom door. He returns with a pair of my nylons and gently secures my wrists to the headboard.

"With child, and you're still a freak," he laughs before he starts to kiss and lick my body from my neck to my knees. He pauses over my belly, kissing it softly before he looks up at me, "Our baby is definitely going to know my name."

When he grins and dips his tongue between my legs, I gasp, "Prince!"

I hear that smug chuckle, "See?" he dives right back in.

At first I thought he would soon be turned off by going down on me while pregnant, but his appetite has not lessened at all. Any changes my body has been going through has not hindered him in the least, he actually seems fascinated by every little thing.

After bringing me to orgasm twice, he moves up to fondle my breasts and lick my nipples. I miss him sucking on them, but he had read somewhere that it could cause contractions, although our doctor says it will not. "Softly, please," I beg as his tongue rolls across one. When he finally obliges, it feels amazing and I throw my head back in ecstasy. He quickly moves to the other one as he gives into my needs, but doesn't linger too long.

When he positions himself between my legs, I ask, "Aren't you going to untie me?"

"Not a chance, Sugar," he breathes as he slips inside me. He watches my face as he fills me, my pleasure is his pleasure.

He begins with his excruciatingly slow movements that has become the norm these past twelve weeks. When I start to meet his pumps in an exaggerated attempt to push him deeper, he presses his lips together and sighs. His hands move to my hips in an attempt to control my movements, "After this baby, I promise."

"That's a long time," I whimper in frustration.

Instead of pushing any harder, he slightly increases the pace, which is just enough to push us both over the edge. He doesn't lay on me to rest any more after we climax, well, not when I'm on my back anyway. He gently lifts off of me and unties my hands, then lays on his back so that I can rest my head on his chest. "The lovin' is still good, isn't it, Sugar?"

I nod enthusiastically, "Yes, it's just...different, for lack of a better word. I don't ever want us to stop making love."

"Me neither," he kisses the top of my head and begins to stroke my hair.

I feel a calm wash over me and my eyes instantly feel heavy, I let them close with a small chuckle, "It's been a while," I whisper as I fall under his spell.

"Yes, it has," another kiss is placed, "Just relax, Baby."

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