Part 39

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This morning starts in our new typical manner as wake to Ramiel's soft fussing, he's awake and hungry. I swing the bassinet over the bed and lower the rail so I can ease him onto the bed. It's amazing how quickly we both have adjusted to me nursing while I lay on my side in the bed. On some mornings, and this just happens to be one of them, Prince is still in bed with me. He lifts himself up to kiss my cheek, "Good morning, Sugar," then he peers over at Ramiel, "Hey, Little Man." When Prince speaks to him, his eyes open to gaze up at his father, but quickly closes again as he feeds.

When it's time for me to switch breasts, I hand him over to Prince before rolling over myself. This is my favorite part of the mornings because Ramiel is sandwiched between us, giving us both simultaneous skin to skin bonding time. Prince's face is radiant with love as he studies our baby, he smiles when he looks up to see me studying him.

"What?" he says with that cocky half smile that makes me blush and avert my eyes. When I look back up at him, his eyes shift to my mouth before he leans in, his claiming mine. At first, the kiss is soft, that is, until his tongue presses its way between my lips and it deepens. I can taste his need and it leaves me slightly breathless.

Although my body is healing, the extra attention and affection that Prince has been lavishing on me lately has been enough to stir my sexual desires. I find we are touching each other more and more, maybe in attempt to reaffirm our love while we are limited sexually. Unbeknownst to him, I have been doing my Kegel exercises since that first day I had felt pain when my pelvic muscles involuntary contracted. I can happily say the pain has decreased significantly and I'm able to complete several repetitions daily.

Ramiel's sucking begins to slow and I can tell he's getting drowsy, however, Prince and I are most definitely awake after that kiss. I break the latch and whisper to Prince, "I'm going to change his diaper. I'll be right back." When I wink, he nods at me with anticipation in his eyes, then he watches as I leave the bedroom. I return shortly to find him still in the bed, his head is propped up on the pillow as he watches the doorway. Ramiel's bassinet is swiveled away from the bed, and I place him into it, he's still awake, but not for long.

When I crawl into the bed, Prince rolls towards me, "Wanna make out?" Complete with the eyebrow wiggle.

This always makes chuckle since I know he's being playful. It's just the wording seems silly, we seem too mature for 'making out.' "Yes," I answer honestly, leaning in to kiss him. We start to kiss and again, it deepens quickly, our hands start to caress each other's bodies and roam freely.

When I move my lips to his neck, he breathes, "I miss you so much," his hands squeeze my rear end.

"I miss you, too, but you know we can't actually make love," I start.

"I know, Sugar, but this is still nice," his hands squeeze again. I move my kisses to his collarbone, then his chest, moving lower until I'm kissing just below his navel. I hear him moan when he realizes what my plans are, "Sugar, you don't have to do that." His words are breathy and not very convincing.

I grin up at his face as my hand takes hold of him, he's already aroused, and I begin stroking the petal smooth skin of his penis. Feeling the girth of his erection in the my palm of my hand, after what feels like months, makes me wish I wasn't still healing, I have needs to. Before I torment myself any further, I slip my lips over his tip to hear him gasp, then moan that deep belly moan.

I watch his face while my hand and mouth move in unison. As I work him into a frenzy with my mouth and tongue, he alternates lifting his head to watch me, and letting it roll back onto the pillow. We both also sneak quick peeks to make sure the baby is still fast asleep as we play. Normally, I would have done more teasing than I had, but having him in my mouth is making me want him inside me, so I speed things up a little more to finish the 'job.'

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