Part 41

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Ramiel and I spend a little over two hours home alone in the garden.  At first, he sleeps while I do some weeding and pruning, I never knew examining one's hands could be so exhausting.  Then, after another feeding, I sit with him in the shade of the trees while he intently listens to the birds overhead.  A blanket is spread out on the lawn and he gets some tummy time while I sit next to him and read out loud.   This time when he shows signs of being drowsy, I carry him back into the house and up to our bedroom so I, too, can take advantage of a much needed nap.

After 45 minutes, the alarm on my phone sounds, I scramble to silence it, then peek at Ramiel.  With a sigh of relief that it didn't disturb him, I grab the display monitor and head to the bathroom to make myself presentable to leave the house.   Ramiel gives me just enough time to finish my hair and make up before I hear his fussy grunts coming from both the display and the bedroom.  "You've got uncanny timing, just like your father," I tell him as I situate myself on the bed to nurse.  As he feeds, I check the time on my cell phone, it's almost 4:00 pm.

Ramiel finishes, and I burp him while I walk down the hallway, "We better go, Little Man, your daddy will be pacing a hole in the carpet if we wait much longer."  I give him a quick wipe down with a warm washcloth, a fresh diaper, and get him dressed before I go to get changed myself.  With a prepared diaper bag, a banana to quiet my demanding stomach, and Ramiel fastened into his carrier, we pull out of the garage at 4:23. 

My banana gets devoured as I drive, and as I'm on my final approach to Paisley Park, I spot the entrance to The Garden by the Woods.  A quick glance at the cars clock shows 4:33, I smile, I have plenty of time.   My turn signal gets flipped on and I pull into the mostly empty lot. The shop isn't very busy today and I find a spot about midway down to park the car.   I step out of the car, closing my eyes and taking in all the earthy smells before I open the backdoor to get Ramiel.   I rest him against me and cover him with a thin, cotton baby blanket before I turn towards the small building. 

"Oh, my goodness, Dana?!" I hear yelled from the direction I'm heading.  I see Margaret come into view with a huge smile on her face.  "You brought the baby!" she grins and when we meet, peeks under the blanket when I turn Ramiel in her direction.  "Oh, what a doll!  Dana, he's beautiful," she peeks again.  

I haven't said anything yet, I just smile and beam with pride.  "Thank you, Margaret, I think he is, although, I could be a bit biased," I laugh, "Handsome just like his daddy," I say. 

Margaret does her best to hide it, but her face contorts for just a fraction of a second.  When my questioning expression indicates that I saw her, she looks embarrassed, "I really don't find Prince all that attractive, I'm sorry," she admits. 

"Oh," I shrug, "That's okay, everyone has their own ideas of beauty," I pat Ramiel's bottom and start my own automatic swaying.  

"So, you named him Prince?  I saw it in the paper last week."

I bite my lip, "Yeah, but we're using his middle name, Ramiel."

"Ramiel," she repeats the name, "that's unusual, but I like it."

"It seemed appropriate that it should be unusual."  We talk about the shop, and how my garden fared over the winter and anything else plant related for a few more minutes.   "Margaret, I better get going, we were headed to meet Prince and I just thought I'd stop by."

"Of course," she says, "May I have another peek? I love babies almost as much as I love flowers."  I turn so the sun is on Ramiel's back, then lift the blanket further away, but still keeping him shaded.  Ramiel takes little peeks at her, but doesn't react other than mouthing his hand, he doesn't recognize this woman. 

Forever In My LIFE  (Book 4) 2nd AlternateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora