Part 60

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Morning arrives with sounds of Ramiel chattering away to his teddy bear, I smile, turning over, and snuggle closer to Prince. He kisses the top of my head, "I sure wish we knew what he's telling that bear." We both chuckle at the possibilities.

"I'm just glad he's so content to entertain himself in his crib until we're ready to get him." Spoiled by both my men, I think to myself.

"Speaking of which, I believe I'm on diaper duty," he chuckles again as he strokes my back absentmindedly.

"You don't have to, I was just teasing," I look up at him.

"I don't mind," he's sincere. "I can go ahead and feed him, too," he offers.

When I scrunch my face and shake my head, he frowns. I lift up and point to my breasts, "Not without these. I haven't been pumping any more than what I've been needing. I'm trying to slow down milk production."

"Let me go get him, then," he says, tossing the covers off of us.

I nod, smiling up at him from the bed, "I'm going to hang out here and watch on the monitor. He's going to be so excited to see you."

Prince takes the time to put on some clothes before making his way to the nursery. I slip on my nightie and watch the monitor from the edge of the bed. I see Prince enter the doorway, but Ramiel is facing away from him, deeply involved with the teddy bear conversation.

"Little Man?" Prince says softly. Ramiel's head jerks towards the doorway and he scrambles to pull himself up at the rail.

My eyes and mouth pop open when Ramiel exclaims, "Da!"

Prince's reaction is about the same as mine before he boastfully looks into the camera. "I hope you heard that?"

I nod at the monitor with my mouth still hanging open even though I know Prince can't see me.

"Da!" I hear again, then repeated, "Da, da, da, da!" as Ramiel bounces, waiting to be lifted from the crib.

"You little snot," I say aloud in disbelief.

Prince is beaming at me through the camera, that is, until the diaper is unfastened. "Oh!" he says as his face contorts and he turns his head away, looking a little green around the gills. "You're mother was right! What is she feeding you?" Ramiel giggles and squirms, this is all just fun for him.

I see Prince hold his breath and power through the changing like I do, breathing a sigh of relief when the used diaper is stowed away in its airtight canister. "That's bad, Son," he tells him frankly as he picks him back up.

I tilt my head when I see him scanning the room, finally he shrugs, leaving the room and the view of the monitor.

When Prince arrives back in our bedroom, "Did you hear that?" he grins, one eyebrow raised.

"Yes," I roll my eyes playfully. My mature body has paid its toll with this pregnancy, my breasts are still supplying at least a third of this child's nourishment, and he says, 'da'? But the look on Prince's face is priceless, so, all things considered, I wouldn't want it any other way.

"Where's your pump?" he asks as I stand up to join him, we're ready to go downstairs.

"In the kitchen," I shrug, we enter the elevator together.

"Ewww," he jokes.

"It's milk," I playfully swat his bicep.

"Da!" Ramiel interjects, pulling on Prince's tunic.

I pretend to scowl at Ramiel, "Rub it in, Kid." Prince wiggles his brows at me. "Don't you start, too," I wag my finger at him.

"Da!" Prince says to Ramiel, only to have him repeat it back.

The doors open on the elevator and I stroll out first, throwing a empty threat over my shoulder, "No boobies for either of you."

"Awww, Sugar," Prince hurries to pace me, kissing my cheek, "We need your boobies."

I have to laugh as he bats a pair of puppy dog eyes at me. "Men," I huff.


The three weeks that Prince is home between shows flies by in a flash. Ramiel is also now saying "ma" thanks to Prince's persistent coaching.

"Just one show this time, Sugar," he tells me the day of his flight. "I'll be home the day after tomorrow," he kisses me before looking at me lovingly.

"We got this," I wink back at him, feeling more at ease than I did the first time he left.

I'm just so glad that Prince was here to witness Ramiel's first tooth cutting through, and his first steps. Deep down I know he would have never forgiven himself if he missed being here for these milestones. Ramiel is still quite wobbly, but he's definitely determined, pulling himself up and taking steps every chance he gets.

"Sugar, I was thinking..." Prince starts.

I turn to him as serious as I can muster, "So, that's what I smell!"

I get the sideways mouth twist and the I'm-not-acknowledging-that-comment shade. "Anyway," he says dryly before changing his tone. "When I play in Canada next month, I'd like you two to join me."

I'm relieved, because the Canada shows were going to take him away from us for five nights and I was dreading it. "Oh, Prince, that sounds great," I pull him in tight.

When I release him from my grip, he curls his finger to me, drawing me back with sparkling eyes, and leans in to whisper in my ear. "What you smell is Ramiel's diaper. It's your turn!" he scurries out of harm's way, laughing his belly laugh at his own humor.

I smile and shake my head, "Come on, Ramiel, lets get you changed."

Forever In My LIFE  (Book 4) 2nd AlternateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang