Part 57

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Before I know it, the morning of 'my' merchandising meeting is at hand. Prince walks into the closet carrying Ramiel as I'm removing the third dress I've tried on. "I thought you had a dress picked out," he laughs as he looks at the discarded pile around my feet.

I sigh, shaking my head, "I thought I had narrowed it down," I say as I slip into another dress. I've lost almost all of the baby weight, but it seems that the pregnancy has redistributed everything just enough to give my once-tailored dresses an unpolished look.

Prince bounces and sways Ramiel as he watches on amused. "Doesn't mommy look nice?" he asks Ramiel before smiling at me. "Wear that one," his voice is gentle as I visually criticize myself in the mirror. He turns, strolling from my closet, only to return with one of his many jackets that he uses to create layers. "Here," he offers me the garment.

I slip the jacket over the dress and examine myself in the mirror, nodding at the reflection. "This could work," I whisper, only to hear Prince clear his throat behind me.

"Sugar, you look great. Now, stop procrastinating," he says as he gives me that you-do-this-all-the-time look. While he still holds Ramiel, his free hand tweaks a few strands of my hair back into place and smiles approvingly.

"Alright," I breathe, "Here I go," I say, squaring my shoulders and lifting my chin.

Prince chuckles under his breath. "You've got this, and you already know what I want," he hesitates before giving me an 'air' cheek kiss as not to mess up my make up. "We'll be there soon," he smiles down at Ramiel. Since Prince has not gotten ready yet, I lean in and leave a lipstick print on his cheek, then one on Ramiel's forehead.

As I move toward the elevator, Prince passes me as he heads toward the nursery. "Sugar?" He pauses.

I hold the elevator door and crane my head, curious to hear if he had forgotten an important detail. "Yes?"

"Don't hurt 'em," his eyes sparkle with humor. A quick wink and he disappears down the hall, leaving me to laugh at his little joke as I ride down to the main floor.


A couple hours later, I pause at the conference room door for handshakes and final pleasantries with the merchandising representatives while they file out. With the last person into the hallway, I close the door behind me and escort the small group downstairs to the Atrium. They're all quick to leave, and for good reason, the deadline for designs, prototypes and products is a rather rushed one.

With the group gone, I turn away from the the main doors, allowing my body to slump, knowing the most tedious of meetings is over. Monica grins at me from her desk, "Like riding a bike?"

I scrunch my face and nod before I laugh, "I guess you could say that." I look around the area, "Has Prince made it in, yet?"

"Yes, Ma'am, he said you could find them at the soundstage," she offers. I thank her before moving down the hallway to find them. Thoughts of the meeting disappear and a smile crosses my face when I hear piano music wafting through the open soundstage doors. My heart swells and tears of love fill my eyes when I stand at the open door and take in the scene before me.

Ramiel is on the floor, propped securely with a plethora of pillows in a sitting position, he is fully entranced with his father as he plays. Prince is in full form at the piano, eyes closed, singing as he plays, I recognize the song immediately.

I am a lonely painter
I live in a box of paints
I used 2 be frightened by the devil
And drawn 2 those who weren't afraid
Remember when u told me
That love was touching souls?
Well, surely u touched mine
Part of u pours out of me from time 2 time in these lines

I stand statue still, not wanting to disturb either of them as I struggle to memorize every second of this moment. Prince's eyes open slowly after he hits the high notes on the part "U're in my blood like holy wine..." that causes me to go weak in the knees. The grin he gives me lets me know he's been aware of my presence and that he hit those notes on purpose. When his fingers stop on the piano, he speaks matter of factually to Ramiel, "I need to do that again for your mother." Prince's grin is purely flirtatious as he taunts me.

"U're in my blood like holy wine..."

He watches my reaction as he continues, my body responds to his vocals:

u're so bitter and so sweet
I could drink a case of you darling
And still b on my feet...still be on my feet

My stomach flips again with those notes, and I blush like a schoolgirl. How is he able to turn me on with just his voice like that? I shiver as a chill runs through me, but my maternal instincts soon override my fan girl gushing when Ramiel spots me and starts to crawl toward me. Scooping him up, I join Prince on the small elevated stage the piano sits on.

"Hey, Sugar," he turns to kiss my cheek.

"Hey," I say as I struggle to calm my quickened breathing. Prince's eyes are full of questions about the meeting, but I make him wait. "Didn't Daddy feed you?" I ask Ramiel, who has grabbed a fistful of my hair and is pulling it toward his mouth.

Prince exaggerates excitement as he nods, "Sweet potatoes."

"Oh!" I pretend to be just as excited. Stalling some more, I ask about the spoon feeding, "Did it go well?"

Prince nods again, then looks expectantly at me, "Well?"

I cock my head, pretending I don't know what he's waiting on, when he scowls, I smile. "Even though they thought the deadline was ridiculous, everything will be ready for our approval by the end of the week. Manufacturing and delivery will have to be expedited, for an added fee, of course, but they'll make the deadline," I'm pleased to inform him.

Prince does his satisfied nod and his fingers begin to move across the keyboard, emitting an upbeat, happy melody. Ramiel and I watch in admiration as Prince soon loses himself to the music knowing that his plans for the upcoming tour are in full swing.

Forever In My LIFE  (Book 4) 2nd AlternateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon