Warping to Destiny - A Supern...

By SamGirl27

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Two girls are pulled from the world where Supernatural is a TV show into the world where Sam and Dean are rea... More

Chapter 2 - Getting To Know You
Chapter 3 - Why Are We Here?
Chapter 4 - First Night
Chapter 5 - Episodes and Universes
Chapter 6 - Useful Skills
Chapter 7 - Target Practice
Chapter 8 - The Devil Is In the Details
Chapter 9 - Instant Replay
Chapter 10 - An Intimate Moment
Chapter 11 - Maggie Shows Her Stuff
Chapter 12 - Not Just Girl Talk
Chapter 13 - The Girls Tell Their Story
Chapter 14 - Professors, Parents and Portals
Chapter 15 - Memories
Chapter 16 - Like a Virgin
Chapter 17 - Some Like It Hot
Chapter 18 - More of the Girls' Story
Chapter 19 - A Visit Home
Chapter 20 - A Startling Revelation
Chapter 21 - Confessions, Angels and Video Tapes
Chapter 22 - The Lady In White
Chapter 23 - Thoughts and Feelings
Chapter 24 - Clues and Strategies
Chapter 25 - Conversations
Chapter 26 - I like to Watch This
Chapter 27 - I Know Why You Do It
Chapter 28 - A New Lead
Chapter 29 - Enter the Dragon
Chapter 30 - Who Created the Creator?
Chapter 31 - One Question Answered
Chapter 32 - Brainstorming
Chapter 33 - The Outer Limits
Chapter 34 - The Dark Sorcerer
Chapter 35 - A Discovery and a Phone Call
Chapter 36 - Who's That Angel?
Chapter 37 - How to Make Dean Talk
Chapter 38 - Questions and Answers
Chapter 39 - Visitor's Day
Chapter 40 - Making Contact
Chapter 41 - Charmed, I'm Sure
Chapter 42 - That's a Lot To Ask
Chapter 43 - Expert Opinions
Chapter 44 - Parable of the Paintings
Chapter 45 - Interrogations
Chapter 46 - Hell No, We Won't Go!
Chapter 47 - Welcome Garth
Chapter 48 - A Rude Awakening
Chapter 49 - Surprise Meeting
Chapter 50 - Jolly Good Show, Old Dean
Chapter 51 - Welcome Home
Chapter 52 - Girl's Day Out
Chapter 53 - The Big Date, Part 1
Chapter 54 - The Big Date, Part 2
Chapter 55 - The Big Date, Part 3
Chapter 56 - Not God, Just Sammy
Chapter 57 - Blades and Blindfolds
Chapter 58 - Let's Be Serious
Chapter 59 - Meet the Folks
Chapter 60 - Training Blind
Chapter 61 - Ever Get the Feeling You're Being Watched?
Chapter 62 - Careful Planning
Chapter 63 - A Startling Truth
Chapter 64 - History Lesson
Chapter 65 - Mother Knows Best
Chapter 66 - The Last Day
Chapter 67 - Who's the Good Guy Here?
Chapter 68 - Love 'Em and Leave 'Em
Chapter 69 - Mission Impossible
Chapter 70 - Not in Kansas Anymore
Chapter 71 - Party On Girls
Chapter 72 - Moving and Grooving
Chapter 73 - Demons and Unseens
Chapter 74 - Helping Hands
Chapter 75 - Demon Invasion
Chapter 76 - Calling in Reinforcements
Chapter 77 - Greetings and Farewells
Chapter 78 - Doing it Smarter
Chapter 79 - Everybody Wants to be a hero
Chapter 80 - Magic and Mayhem
Chapter 81 - Love Letters
Chapter 82 - When Things Work
Chapter 83 - And When They Don't
Chapter 84 - Rings and Stones
Chapter 85 - In Hot Water
Chapter 86 - Finish Line
Chapter 87 - Put That Win In the Loss Column
Chapter 88 - Homecoming
Chapter 89 - Wrapping and Unwrapping

Chapter 1 - Unexpected Guests

1.3K 30 6
By SamGirl27

A few weeks ago my sister Maggie and I went to our parents' house for our mother's birthday. We live in the city and they live out on a farm, so we don't get to see them very often. Dad decided to take us all out for dinner, so we were in the back seat of our parents' car giggling and whispering about our favorite subject, Supernatural. And of course our favorite gorgeous hunters, Sam and Dean. Now you need to understand that although we are well into our twenties, we act like a couple of teenagers when it comes to Sam and Dean.

So there we were doing what we usually do, talking about the boys and doing some mutual daydreaming. Maggie turned in her seat and took both my hands and said "Oh my God, Katie, wouldn't it be awesome if we were riding in the backseat of THEIR car? I mean, can you just imagine it?

I laughed and said "Oh yeah, I can see that very clearly. That would be a blast!"

All of a sudden everything around us kind of shimmered and warped for a few seconds, and when it cleared we were definitely NOT in our parents car anymore.

At that point, several things happened at once, and things were pretty chaotic for a while. It was only a few seconds in time I'm sure, but it seemed much longer.

Katie screamed, "Oh my God!!"

A male voice yelled, "What the fuck!"

Another male voice yelled, "Who the hell are you?"

The car suddenly veered to the right into what we later could see was the very back area of a parking lot for a truck stop, and stopped so suddenly Maggie and I were thrown into the back of the front seats. By the time we righted ourselves our car doors were open and we were looking down the barrels of two guns being pointed at us, held by none other than our secret lovers, Sam and Dean Winchester.

I looked out my door into Dean's face and I can't tell you all the things that were running through my mind at that very second. First, I realized this was either really Dean Winchester or we somehow got transported to the Supernatural set, which I immediately discarded. I realized that these were probably real guns being pointed at us and we were likely in real danger. I realized that somehow when we were wishing to be here something made it happen. And I realized that Dean was even more gorgeous in person than he was in the show. My heart was beating a mile a minute and I was trying desperately to calm down and actually breathe.

We both had our hands up, and I heard Maggie saying something to Sam on her side but my brain didn't register what it was. Finally I DID register that Dean was using his angry/scared/pissed off face and yelling at us to tell him who the hell we were. I said, "Wait a minute okay? We aren't dangerous! We aren't monsters, we are humans okay? Please Dean, Sam, put the guns down so we can talk. It's really scary having them pointed at us."

Dean looked puzzled for a minute and glanced over at Sam. Then he asked "How do you know who we are?"

I took a few deep breaths and said, "Look, Dean, we can and we will answer all your questions but it's going to be hard for you to believe it so please, I'm asking you, put the guns away and let us talk! I'm not answering anything with a gun pointed at me!" At that point I was getting a bit irritated myself.

Dean looked over at Sam and they both motioned with their guns for us to get out of the car, and move around to the back. Sam opened the trunk and Maggie and I looked at each other and we both said, "Here it comes!" Sure enough, Sam threw holy water on us and Dean sprinkled us with salt. They touched us with silver and iron and a few other things I didn't recognize and then Dean got out his blade.

Maggie held out her arm but I put my hands out like to push him away and I said, "Oh no, you are NOT going to cut my arm like you cut yours all the time." I looked at his arms and saw that he actually had scars on his arm from all the times he had done that!

"Why the hell not?" he yelled.

At this point I was yelling a bit myself. "Because it freaking hurts, that's why. I never understood why you had to make a two inch cut to prove you bleed red. You wanna cut me, fine, I understand, but you do it gently and just enough to draw blood, okay?"

Dean seemed a bit nonplussed at that. He looked over at Sam again, who didn't say anything, but he shrugged and made his "Whatever" face. Then they both used their blades to cut us, just barely enough to draw blood, and I giggled. I looked at Maggie and said, "We're on the wrong sides!"

She giggled back and said, "I know, I've been thinking that already."

They both looked puzzled again and Sam asked, "What does that mean?"

Maggie and I exchanged another glance complete with giggles and I said, "Oh nothing important, just an inside joke." There was NO WAY I was gonna tell them that I was totally in love with Sam, and Maggie's heartthrob was Dean, all the way!

By this time the boys were looking a lot less angry/scared/stressed and mostly the puzzled was left on their faces.

Dean closed the lid of the trunk and said, "Okay look, there's a diner here and I'm starving. Let's hash this out over burgers. But you better understand I'm still on my guard!"

"I wouldn't have it any other way," I said smiling, as we walked toward the door of the diner.

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