Our Secret Romance

By imakestories

46.8K 2.2K 245

Emma Swan (16) the most loved and most popular girl in school. Killian Jones (17) the boy no one ever sees. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 4

1.5K 67 5
By imakestories

Emma's POV

Tears where coming down my face and I just had to run away. Although its still school so I will have to hide before class and just calm down. I really didnt mean for people to start talking bad about Killian Jones I really didnt. I went outside and sat against a wall behind the school.

"Swan? Swan? Umm Emma... Where'd you go?" I heard Killian ask.

"Im right here." I say.

"Oh hey. I would ask how you are, but the tears falling down your face says enough." He says and whipped my tears away.

"You dont have to be nice to me. I dont deserve it. Why did you come looking for me anyway? Havent I ruined your day enough?" I question.

"No you didnt ruin my day. There just rumors and you didnt start them. I came here because I wanted to make sure your okay. Look if you need to talk Im right here." He says.

"Well I guess it would be nice to have someone actually listen to me for once." I say.

"Then talk to me." He says.

Though before I could the bell rang and lunch was over. Killian though whipped my tears away again and helped me up.

"Hey I see you walk by my place sometimes and since I would like to talk. Umm I'll be outside and your more then welcome to come see me after school... Maybe." I say.

"I would love that until then Swan." He says and kissed my hand.

I felt my face go red and after school I waited outside my house. Maybe he wont show or maybe he will. Will he? Oh here he comes.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey Swan." He says.

"Would you like to come in?" I ask.

"Sure." He says.

We walked into my house and my dad was getting ready to leave when he looked at us.

"Umm hey Emma. Whos your new friend?" My dad asks.

"Well Sir.. Im Killian Jones." Killian say holding out his hand.

"Well Im David Nolan." My dad says.

"Yeah I know everyone does. Your kind of known as the towns best sheriff." Killian says.

"Well I would says best... No I would say best. So Killian what brings you here?" My dad asks.

"Well actually Regina kind of said somethings and Killian is just nice enough to just hear me out." I say.

"Its true. I may be friends with Regina so I know how sometimes her words hurt people. I just want to make sure Emma is okay." Killian says.

"Well thats nice. Well I should go. I'll see you later Em and Killian it was nice to meet you." My dad says.

"Like wise Sir." Killian says.

"Please call my David." My dad says and walked out.

I just looked at Killian and I had no words about what just happened.

"Swan you okay?" Killian asks

"Yeah its just my dad has never even lets Neal call him David. He wants Neal to call him Mr.Nolan. Then again my father hates Neal so that could be why." I say.

"Well it depends on how Neal was when they first met. Now I actually dont really care about that. I want to hear what you have to say. This is about you not your boyfriend or your friends. Just Emma Swan." He says.

"Well then sit down cause this could take awhile. Oh and if you have to leave because it gets to late and Im not done. I will totally understand Neal and my friends do that all the time. So it really is no big deal." I say.

"Swan... I will stay until you feel 100% better even if the stuff goes beyond what Regina says. I just want you to be okay. Thats why Im here." He says.

"Well then buckle up Jones cause its gonna be a long night." I say.

He just laughed for a moment and then he just looked at me. I told him everything that has been bothering me since forever. He just listened to my every word and he talked back to me when I asked some questions about what I said. Not only does he listens, but he makes the pain go away. My boyfriend doesnt listen and my friends really dont listen. I know my problems run deep that therapy would be an option, but having Killian here was like that though he wasnt getting paid to help me he generally wanted me to feel better. I just like having him around. I feel safe and this is the first time in a long time that I have felt this way and you know what I actually like it.

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