Miraculous Phantom

By Natsu_D_Blaze

21.5K 572 343

Danny is caught in an explosion when he is trying to protect Amity Park from a bomb. When he wakes up he is g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22. The End.

Chapter 15

724 25 26
By Natsu_D_Blaze

Adrien P.o.v.

These shadow monster things were really starting to be a pain in the butt. No matter how many times I knocked one out, another one would always come to take its place. I was starting to get tired of doing this. My body was starting to feel heavy and I had a few bruises from when they threw me against a wall and just started beating on me. There was no way I was going to be able to hold these guys off for much longer.

I managed to fight off enough of them that the majority of them started to run away. I was at the marketplace. Damn I fought pretty far. While I was walking around I heard people calling for help. I sucked up the pain and ran towards the voices.

I looked at my staff that was ringing. As worried as I was about Ladybug I didn't have time to answer, I needed to spend as much time rescuing these people.I hear a scream and out of the corner of my eye I saw Marinette's parents. They were cornered by the shadows. I jumped in front of them and started to swat the shadows away.

"Don't worry you two. I will make sure they don't get to you guys." I said kicking one into another.

I was holding them off as best as he could. There was just too many for him to handle. I tried my best but one of the shadows got by me and slashed at Marinette's parents turning them into shadows as well.

"No!" I shouted. Holding my hand out. I couldn't bring myself to hurt them so I did the only thing I could do. I ran. I ran and ran until I ended up meeting up with Ladybug and Danny.

When Ladybug and Danny arrived they notice Chat immediately. Ladybug was relieved to see me. "Chat!" Ladybug called.

"Hey, guys." I looked at Ladybug "So how did the fight with Hawkmoth go?"

"I scared him off for now but he had chose a random family to target. In this case it was the bakery owners. The Dupen-Chengs." Ladybug said. Why would Hawkmoth make them the target?

"Yeah he told Ladybug they were tied up to a bomb in their house" Danny said.

"Well they weren't tied up next to a bomb. I just saw them." I said with a sad tone. How could he face Ladybug, or Marinette having failed to save Marinette's family? He was a hero. Ladybug would hate him for not protecting them and Marinette would hate me because I didn't do my job.

"Where are they now?" She asked almost demandingly.

"Um...they were turned into those demon shadowy things." he said hanging his head. "I tried to save them, but there were to many."

Ladybug put her hand on my shoulder. She could tell how disappointed in myself I was. " I'm sorry we weren't here to help. I'm positive you did everything in your power to help."

I looked into her gentle eyes and gave a weak smile. "So what's the plan?"

"We retreat for now. Let's go to the school and collect our thoughts and come up with a counter attack. I have some friends that can help." Danny then looked at Ladybug. "We will save everyone." he said it putting emphasis on 'everyone. Why? I didn't know.

Ladybug nodded. " Good idea. First, Chat and I should charge up though. We have used a lot of energy and we can't be too sure what that does to our miraculouses unless we have used our special abilities. We need to be at our strongest."

She was right. Plagg needed to eat his Camembert cheese. I was in this form for a few hours now. He needed his rest.

"Yeah well I have some friends here with me now. Also we need to find to get me a way home. Fast. My home is in danger."

"We will meet back at the school then. Be careful getting out of here and be on the lookout if Hawkmoth returns."

"Yeah I will. See you there in an hour." I ran off to go find a corner and changed back. I was going to save Marinette's parents if it was the last thing I ever did.

P.o.v. Danny

After Ladybug fought Hawkmoth the cloud of akumas seemed to of vanished. It worried me that they just vanished like that as if they were waiting.

Marinette and I, went back to her house so she could recharge. I went in first so I could scope the place out. When I let her in she closed the door. I turned to her as she de-transformed from Ladybug. " Spots off." As she did a little ladybug looking thing popped out of her earings. It looked like the thing that was with her the other night. I had just assumed it was a stuffed animal. She went down to the kitchen with the giant ladybug and came back with a tray full of food.

"Well dig in. You will need to replenish your energy too." She gestured to a plate of food in front of us.

I couldn't help but notice this giant ladybug was staring at me. "Um, no that's fine. I'm a ghost we don't need to eat."

"You told us the first day we met you were half human, I don't buy it. Also I've seen you eat at school. You can stop pretending." Guess she found out somehow.

"So you know huh?" I asked.

"The day I dropped off the peace offering, I saw you through the window. I didn't want to say anything for the same reason my identity wasn't supposed to be revealed."

I just stood there. Then a white ring appeared around my waist it split going up and down revealing my regular clothes, blue eyes and black hair. "Been a while since I've had to do this whole secret identity thing. To be honest." grabs a cookie and starts eating it.

"Well anyways. Anything you want to know? As long as Tikki over there approves then I can answer. There is stuff I don't know either."

"No not really. I can assume that Tikki, goes into your earrings you transform, become Ladybug then after using your power you have a time limit until Tikki is forced out of the earrings. I don't really care about the history or anything." I look at Tikki. "Nice to meet you Tikki." I gave the kwami a little grin.

"It's nice to meet you. Thank you for keeping Marinette's secret. You will have to keep me a secret as well. Unless you are a miraculous holder no one is supposed to know about us Kwami's. You being the new exception. We cannot be seen on any film or photos so the world couldn't even find out about us by accident. Unless we are bound to a miraculous we are invisible to all humans." Tikki said

"Alright, good to know. How about you? Got any questions you want to ask me? Either of you?" I said eating another cookie.

"I'm curious about how you became half ghost. If you are able to tell me."

"Do you remember that big swirling green mass in the sky earlier? Well, my parents were able to make a smaller version of that. A controlled one where they were able to close it if they wanted to. When they plugged it in it didn't work. I went in to check it out. Sam, told me I should do it. I put on a jumpsuit went inside and accidentally pressed the on button. It turned on while I was in it, and changed my dna. When I came out I was in my ghost form. It was only after praying to god, that I turned back that I was able to."

"Well your way seems a lot more terrifying compared to when I got my powers."

"Yeah try living in fear of being dissected by your parents." This brought back some not so fun memories. "How was your first time going out as Ladybug?"

"Well when Tikki showed up I tried trapping her in a jar. She explained everything to me and I was terrified to put the earrings on. I'm a clumsy person so I thought I'd mess everything up. I ran into Chat almost immediately. I sorta kinda fell from a building because I wasn't good at aiming the yo-yo yet. We got tied up from the wire. Turns out it was his first day on the job as well. Ivan from class, was the very first akuma victim in town. I didn't know to purify it so they ended up multiplying and I got so scared that I almost completely rejected being Ladybug."

"I know the feeling. I felt like I was putting everyone's life in danger, so I got rid of my ghost powers. I was normal for a little while, but I need to get my powers back to stop a meteor from crashing into Earth. That's when I realized. I needed to be Danny Phantom. The world may need him again someday." I place a half eaten cookie down. "Just like my home needs me now." I clenched my fist.

"And Paris needs Chat Noir and I. Let's get going. Tikki! Spots on!" Marinette transformed back into Ladybug.

"I'm going ghost!" I said transforming back into Danny Phantom.

We headed to the school to meet back up with Chat.

When we got there I saw an annoyed Ember and the box ghost talking to one another.

"Why do you have to be so annoying?" Ember said.

"I am the box ghost! It's what I do!"

Ladybug stood there looking at the ghosts in confusion. "So these are your friends?" she asked.

"You could say that."

"Oh there's the ghost boy. What took you so long? We have been waiting here for a while." Ember looked over at Ladybug. "So you finally dumped the goth chick and now have a new squeeze I see."


"So you're cheating on the poor girl. Shame."


"Beware!" The box ghost said waving his arms in the air. We all just looked at him with a look of 'why?'

Ladybug shook her head at Ember. "Just a new teammate and friend."

"That's what him and the goth kept saying for years. They finally broke." she put an arm around Ladybug. "Besides, wouldn't blame ya, he is cute." she said low enough so all I caught was cute.

"Trust me I'm not interested. I have feelings for someone else." Everyone knew she was head over heels for Adrien, but Adrien.

"Alright then."

"I'm sorry, am I late to the party?" Chat said as he jumped down and joined us.

"I hope you stocked up on enough catnip Chat Noir." She grinned at him. She seemed to love giving him a taste at his own medicine with the bad puns. However, she wasn't nearly as good at it as she thought she was.

"Well you know. Me, need my catnip, to stay spiffy, and purrfect." he grinned. "Now what's the plan to handle this catastrophe? No pun intended for once."

"Well we need to find the original akuma victim, then find out what happened to the butterflies."

"The ghosts decided to run amok and have as much fun as they can before Dan comes looking for them."

"Who's Dan?" Ladybug asked confused.

"The new ghost king who is attacking ghost boys home here."

"Dan Phantom. Is me." I said looking at her all serious.

"What!?" Ladybug and Chat said in unison.

"Dan is my future self. Or rather what could of been my future self. In another timeline I saw my family, friends and teacher, die in an explosion. This caused my downward spiral. I went to the other half ghost, Vlad Masters and lived with him. He was the closest thing to family I had, despite him being evil. I got him to extract my ghost half from me. In return my ghost half did the same to him and possessed his ghost. This caused him to snap, kill my human form and become evil."

"So your alternative evil self is trying to take over both worlds with a ghost army and is most likely working with Hawkmoth." she said.

"Doubtful. Might be someone behind both of them manipulating them. Dan isn't the kind who plays nice with others. Also I doubt he'd want to take over Paris. He probably wants to set everything on the right path and make me evil."

"And when none of the ghosts want to follow Dan. We all ran from him. Vlad just told us that this way would lead away from him. Dan doesn't need an army."Ember explained.

"Now Vlad working with Hawkmoth makes more sense. Would explain a lot actually."

"Never thought Hawkmoth would join up with anyone since he just like to use pawns and lurk in the shadows."

"Vlad has a way with words." I said. "He can just about convince anyone to see things from his view."

"My guess is then, that this Vlad person is telling Hawkmoth that if they team up he can get our miraculous'. We might not know Hawkmoth very well but we do know that getting them has been his goal since he first appeared."

"Yeah, well we can always hope that's what Vlad is telling him. Vlad may also just be lying to him saying he has another way or something. Wouldn't be the first time Vlad double crossed someone."

"Hey guys I just had a thought. What if these shadowy akumas are just a distraction from something even bigger? What if Hawkmoth wants to distract us by freeing the people of Paris only to throw something much bigger in our face?" Chat's theory didn't sound far off.

"Like what? Also Vlad can't use the other miraculouses as leverage because I found out that The Ladybug and Cat miraculouses aren't just the most powerful. If someone obtains both, there is a rumor that it can grant your desires. The other miraculouses don't have this power and there's no way they found anymore. "

"I don't know, but I don't have a very good feline about this." Chat said making that horrible pun.

Everyone else in the room groaned except for me.

"No time for your puns Chat. Save them for after we defeat Hawkmoth and that Vlad guy."

I walked over to Chat. "Don't listen to her. You make all the puns you want. Either way Hawkmoth won't stand a ghost of a chance against us."

Ladybug groaned again.

"Well we should stop this cat-astrophe from happening."

"We will put them on ice." I said holding my hand up and it started glowing an icy blue.

"You butter believe it." Chat said holding up a stick of butter.

"They are toast!" I said holding up a toaster.

"Anyone else concerned where Cat boy got the stick of butter from and where Danny got a toaster?" Ember said.

"Just don't question it." Ladybug said shaking her head at us. "There's more important things to discuss right now." She glared at us with dagger eyes.

Both of us looked at her. "What?" We said in unison. "Are we bugging you?" we said together again and laughed because of the unintentional bug joke.

Ladybug looked at the ghosts. "Well I guess it's up to us then. Since they are no help."

"Yeah I mean the one is only a half ghost and has parents that has ghost hunting equipment."

"Well we need something that can seperate the ghost from the person."

"I got one of those. I have almost have anything you can think of."

"A thermos?" Chat asked

"Yup, capture the ghosts in that."

Ladybug's face lit up like she thought of a plan. "Do you have a way to get them?"

"Yeah the giant ghost zone portal up in the sky. I guess it connects our world. If Ember and the box ghost, who has surprisingly been quiet got here, should be able to get there in theory."

Ladybug nodded. "I may have an idea of how to separate the akuma's from the people. I need to see what I'm working with first. We also need something that can contain the akumas until I can purify them all. I can only do so many at a time."

"Well if we get Max and Tucker to mod a few things it could work."

"I just hope my theory is correct. If it is then we have a good chance at at least saving Paris and giving more time to try and save your home."

"I have an idea. Box ghost go tell Sam and Tucker to board the Fenton speeder and bring the thermos, the divider and anything else they might think will be useful. Tell them to bring it here and be quick about it alright?"

"I'm the box ghost! How dare you give me such a simple task! I am one of the powerhouses here. If I leave you will lose!"

"I think somehow we will manage. Now go before I get Ember here to let out her frustrations on you."

"Fine I will do the task of which you speak, but only because Ember is scary!" everything was silent for a moment. Until box ghost broke the silence. "Beware!" and with that he was gone

Authors note.

I am sorry for updating so late. Everything is done with this book, I just need to update more. Might upload the rest of it on my next day off. Or between the two days I have off at least. Me and RoseMoon22 are working on another original series called "The Adventures of Draco Blaze and Snow Bird." It was originally going to be a spin off of Miraculous Lady Bug, but we decided against it a few chapters in. So if you want to read that go over to RoseMoon22 and read it there. We might switch it to over to my page, but we don't know yet. Well hope you enjoyed this chapter, and thank you for the support.


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