lacuna ➳ tribbiani.

By buckystxrk

1M 26.3K 3.5K

friends | season one - ten SLOW UPDATES highest rankings. •#1 in joeytribianni •#38 in friends More



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By buckystxrk

11; the one with the Valentine's party.

"Oh god", Alycia mutters as they're right outside the big house where her mom lives. "Okay, I can do this".

"Why are you so nervous?", Monica asked Alycia, giving her a friendly smile as a way of trying to get her to calm down. "We've seen her a couple of times and she was actually really nice".

The girl turned to look at Chandler with pleading eyes. "You know my mom".

"Yeah, she's a lovely woman", Chandler commented, also trying to make her friend realize this wasn't so bad.

"I don't get why it's such a big deal", Rachel insisted. "I bet your mom is not like the way you describe her".

"Yeah, she's worst!", Alycia replied almost immediately, making all her friends to roll their eyes, thinking she was over reacting.

"Oh, and I'm the drama queen", Chandler snapped back, giving Alycia a look she quickly returned.

"Hey, it's going to be fine", Joey tried this time, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

Alycia sighed but found Joey's embrace comforting enough to get all those negative thoughts aside and try to forget how embarrassing her mom was. Perhaps she's not that bad and the friends can actually have a good time today at her party.

She ran the door bell and when the door was opened, her mom let out a gasp in surprise, rushing to hug her daughter. Alycia was surprise by the sudden embrace, but decided to hug her back anyway.

"Oh, it's so nice you're here!", she says in an excited voice, smiling widely at her as she pulled away. "And you brought your friends!". She only had the chance to meet them once but barely got any chance to talk to them. The only two she really got to know are Chandler and Joey, but the others only saw her maybe once or twice. "Chandler!", she exclaimed, hugging him this time. "I haven't seen you in forever! It's so nice you all could made it. Please, make yourselves at home".

"Why she was so scared of her mom?", Phoebe muttered to the group.

"I don't know. She's really nice", Ross commented.

"Oh, Chandler, there's a lot of men here who would totally kill to meet such a funny guy like you", Alycia's mom said as the group was entering the house.

Chandler turned to look at her, faking a smile. "Lovely woman", he repeated to himself, earning an apologetic look from Alycia as the entire group walked inside the house, admiring the surroundings. Her mom lived in a great house. It has decorations for Valentine's Day and actually a lot of people came to her party, something Alycia wasn't expecting. A lot of guests looked like their age, so maybe they're friends of her boyfriend.

"Hi there, daughter!", her mom's boyfriend exclaimed besides her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as Alycia smiled uncomfortably.

"Why do you insist on calling me that?", she asked. "You're three months younger than me".

Oh, how she would've liked her mom to break up with him for good last time they split.

"Hey, this is VD guy, right?", he asked over at Joey's direction, completely ignoring her comment. "Nice to see you again, man".

"Hi", Joey simply said, not even wasting his time on explaining yet again that he doesn't have VD.

"Where's Clarissa?", Alycia asked, looking around to see if she could spot her sister, being the perfect excuse to get her mom's boyfriend away from her.

"Around", he replied, still holding Alycia closed.

"Well, everyone is going to look for her", she immediately said, pushing the guy away and starting to walk as fast as she could, her friends following behind her.


"Oh, look. Friends!", Chandler exclaimed, walking towards Alycia and Joey.

"Where the hell is the rest?", Monica asked. "We were trying to find the bathroom, found like thirty of them, and when we were back everyone was gone".

"Joey wanted to see the chocolate fountain", Alycia said, pointing towards her boyfriend still eating things with chocolate. "I haven't seen anyone lately".

"If you see your mom, tell her to please stop telling gay men about me", Chandler commented, sighing.

"Sorry", Alycia apologized.

"Look! There's Rachel and Phoebe", Monica exclaimed. Everyone turned to look at the two girls as they walked with their arms interlocked, giggling and stumbling. "They look super drunk".

"I would be surprised if Phoebe wasn't already", Alycia pointed out, following after the girls.

"You go catch them, we stay with Joey so we don't lose him", Monica continued.

"Fruit?", Joey asked, looking extremely disgusted when a waiter put a big plate of fruit next to the fountain. "Why would you ruin chocolate with fruit?".

"Yeah, he's not moving anytime soon. I don't know why I said that", she quickly corrected herself, starting to walk after her friend as the three followed Phoebe and Rachel.

"Hey", Chandler said to catch his friend's attention. They both turned around, still giggling.

"Helloooo", Rachel trailed off, smiling widely.

"Guys, we're drunk!", Phoebe exclaimed.

"Yes, we noticed", Monica replied, faking a smile as she took Rachel's arm in an attempt to give the two a little more balance.

"You know, it's weird because I only drank from that juice your mom made", Rachel commented, accepting Monica's help, kissing her cheek softly. "I love you, Mon".

"That was punch, Rach", Alycia points out.

"You're mom said it was juice".

Alycia shrugged. "Yeah, for her it's basically the same".

"I like your mom", Phoebe replied. A person walked next to the group, making her drop the glass she was still holding on her hand and the fruit punch splattered Chandler's shirt.

"Oh, no", Phoebe muttered. "I'll have to go back to get more punch".

"I believe you've had enough, Pheebs", Alycia stopped her, grabbing her arm as she was trying to help her just like Monica was helping Rachel. "There's a bathroom down the hall so you can try to clean your shirt".

The group walked towards the closed door down the hall as Alycia instructed. When Chandler opened the door, everyone let out a sound of surprise when they noticed Ross inside, making out with a girl.

"Ross!", Monica exclaimed.

"Clarissa!", Alycia exclaimed immediately after.

Ross turned around to look at his friends with a horrified look, standing there in silence for a few seconds before angrily pointing at the door. "That was supposed to be locked!".


"You thought your mother was going to be the problem", Chandler started when they were all walking outside the house. "You didn't expect your friends to get ridiculously drunk and your other friend making out with your sister", he added as he laughed. However, he stopped laughing when he noticed everyone's expressions, especially Alycia's.

"Hey, about what happened...", Ross started.

"Ross, I don't think you need to explain anything", Monica cuts him off, still helping Rachel to walk. "We saw it".

"You went from divorce-guy to making-out-with-my-friends'-sisters-guy", Phoebe joked, snorting loudly.

"It was not like that", Ross argued.

"Is that so?", Alycia asked. "Then what were you exactly doing with your tongue inside my sister's mouth?".

"When all of this even happened?", Joey asked, very confused.

"When you were almost taking a shower on that chocolate fountain", Chandler points out.

"Oh, a cab!", Rachel said. "I see a cab!".

Both Phoebe and Rachel started moving their arms frantically, trying to get the driver's attention.

"I can take them home and make sure they're okay", Monica said as soon as the car was parked in front of them and the girls were getting inside.

"Yeah, I'll go with you", Alycia said, walking towards the car.

"Oh, Chandler", Monica said, turning to look at him. "I left all your dirty clothes in a big pile in the living room. Could you please separate them by color so I can wash them as soon as I get back?".

"Joey if I'm late, there's pizza in the fridge", Alycia said a few seconds after.

"Why you get pizza and I get dirty underwear?", Chandler asked to his best friend.

"Cause you're the onedating the crazy one", Joey replied as if he was stating the obvious. Chandlerturned to look at Ross and he quickly nodded, letting his friend know that hebelieves Joey is right.

Okay, so I decided just recently to try and make a chapter completely made by me cause I haven't done one in a long time and for some reason I had a major writer's block with this chapter but I was finally able to finish it! I'm sorry I made you wait for so long but I will update with what's left of season 6 during the week (that's like 5 more chapters). Love you all and hope you and your family are doing okay!!

Also, I changed the cover! Let me know what you think.

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