By The Way ☾ A.K


13.3K 304 58

。☆✼★━━━━━━━━━━━━★✼☆。 she was swept up in the blood, sex and magick. 。☆✼★━━━━━━━━━━━━★✼☆。 highest ranks: #1 i... More



1.5K 23 1

Ellie's mind was hazy as she opened her eyes and her alarm rang on her night stand next to her. As she rolled onto her side her hand slammed down onto the snooze button letting out a groan tiredly. She was suddenly shifted as the long haired man next to her pulled him closer to his bare chest. He mumbled something as he pressed his face to her shoulder. "Noah, I can't understand you. You're mumbling." Ellie laughed rolling onto her other side. Her pale hand caressed the young man's cheek tenderly as his face fell into her breasts.

"I don't want you to go." Noah spoke louder and ran his fingers along her side sending shivers up and down her body.

"Well you know I have to. Mom will kill me if I don't." She whispered and pressed her plump pink lips to his forehead.

"Not just yet we have to talk." He told her sitting up on the edge of the bed. Ellie gulped nervously and sat up looking at him.

"What's wrong Noahbear?" She asked and looked at him.

"Am I not good enough for you?" He asked suddenly sending a shock of confusion through her body.

"What are you talking about?" She asked confused and watched him walk over to her with balled fists.

"You're just whoring yourself around at work! I see you all the time flirting with guys there. They ask you to get drinks and you just laugh not even saying no!" He said through gritted teeth.

"Noah, I don't know what you're talking about." She told him whimpering and shaking her head frowning. Her eyes were welling with tears at such an accusation. Ellie's face suddenly stung as Noah's hand met with her cheek. She gripped it tightly and swallowed hard starting to sob harder.

"Don't ever lie to me again! You're mine and only mine!" He told her angrily. "Understand?" He yelled and she nodded slowly. "Go." He told her and pointed to the bathroom. She quickly ran in there and sobbed loudly. She was shocked that her boyfriend of 5 years had just hit her across the face and showed no remorse for what just happened. She climbed into the shower after starting it and let the warm water hit her back and mix with her tears hiding them.

☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
Ellie walked into her family's dinner that she had been working at since she was 16. She was still shaken about what happened this morning with Noah. She had to skillfully cover up the bruise that had now formed on her cheek and try not to cry anymore than she already had. Her best friend who worked along side her, Haley, ran over with an extremely worried expression on her face. "Ellie! Where were you?" She asked cupping her face causing Ellie to whimpered softly. Haley's eyebrows furrowed and walked her to the bathroom. "What happened?" She asked. "Your cheek is swollen." She told her. Ellie silently shook her head as tears brimmed in her eyes.

"N-Nothing." She sputtered out and her tears started to fall. Haley didn't believe her grabbing a cloth to clean her face off exposing the large purple and black bruise that was on her face. She gasped and Ellie started to sob harder.

"Ellie! Did he hit you!?" She asked holding her tightly against her shoulder. Ellie nodded and sobbed against her best friend. "I'm gonna fucking kill him." She whispered and shook her head.

"I'll be alright." Ellie mustered and wiped her tears away with her ripped Metallica shirt. She pulled a hair elastic off Haley's wrist and pulled her blonde hair up in a messy bun. "I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding and a one time thing." She told her and shook her head standing up sniffling. She wiped her nose with the back of her hand and looked at her feet.
"I have makeup in my locker we'll cover it up okay?" Haley said in pure disbelief that her best friend was staying with someone who would hit her. She walked out to her locker and explained to Ellie's mom that she needed to help Ellie with something and they would both be back. When she walked back in Ellie was sitting on the floor more tears steaming down her face. With help from her friend they covered up the large bruise.

"We're gonna take a trip really soon, how does that sound? For your 23rd birthday?" Haley asked and smiled softly. Ellie gave a small grin and looked at her.

"Where?" She asked in a raspy voice from crying so much.

"I was thinking California, and seeing the Red Hot Chili Peppers when they perform there." Haley said casually and Ellie's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "And also meet the band." Haley said happily.

"You're kidding!?" Ellie asked after a couple minutes of speechlessness.

"I'm not."

"Haley! That's amazing!! Thank you so much!" She erupted happily and swung her arms around her neck.

"No problem girlfriend, you deserve it." Haley told her happily and helped her up. "Now come on we have to work." She giggled and walked out with her.

As Ellie worked she hummed along to the soft sounds of Jimmy Hendrix that were being played over the speakers. Her parents were complete hippies and she was raised on music like this. She was a complete rock nerd and being able to see her favorite band RHCP in a few short weeks was something she was looking forward to and was hoping and praying that Noah wouldn't continue to act the way he had been. She just wanted to have a get away and spend time with her friend without having to worry about anything.

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