The Contract That saved my Br...

By sel_evelyn

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What are you willing to help your only sibling? Would you do anything? Well, Alexandra didnt quiet had option... More

The Contract... that saved my brother but not me
Chapter 1: My new life & home
Chapter 2: Ian and Kyle
Chapter 3: He likes me?
Chapter 4: Alex + Ian= love ?
Chapter 5: Engaged
Chapter 6: How about we try?
Chapter 7: Our first date
Chapter 8: Too good to be true...
Chapter 9: Kyle
Chapter 10: Hoping
Chapter 12: Uncle Luis
Chapter 13: Three more days
Chapter 14: Disaster comes knocking
Chapter 15: My wedding day
Chapter 16: Honeymoon
Chapter 16: Extended
Chapter 17: Going back home
Chapter 18: The Truth Comes out
Chapter 19: After the truth
Chapter 20: Hope
Chapter 21: What should I do?
Chapter 22: Auction and Love
Chapter 23: Finding peace?
Chapter 24: Cheated
Chapter 25: Past and Present
Chapter 26: I am free
Chapter 27: Life goes on
Chapter 28: Wrong deal
Chapter 29: Baby surprise
Chapter 30: Another surprise???
Chapter 31: I still want him
Chapter 32: The truth finally comes out
Chapter 33: Time flies
Chapter 34: Finding Alex
Chapter 35: Continue Finding Alex
Chapter 36: Babies Time
Chapter 37: Finalizing
Chapter 38: The start of the end Part 1
Chapter 39: 38 continued
Chapter 40: Missing
Chapter 41: The start of the end Part II
Chapter 42: The Final Result
Time Passes By: The End
Ending Two (Alternative Ending)

Chapter 11: Getting better...

8K 302 3
By sel_evelyn

It's June and the summer is as hot as it can get. My wedding will be in two weeks. I will marry Ian Wilson in order to save my older brother's life. It was the only way we both will stay alive. Now, I am living in a kind of prison. I am force to pretend I am happy with my fiancée. But in a weird way I am happy.



"So, have you decided which flavor of cake?" I ask Ian. We are at a local bakery trying to choose a flavor for the wedding cake. We are stuck between banana and fudge chocolate.

"I can't decide how about we get both?" he asks.

I roll my eyes, "Ian, just one cake is enough."

He bites his lower lip and starts to sing, "Minnie mino mo."

"Okay, fudge chocolate wins," he finally decides!

The young lady nods and asks if we need anything else.

"No thanks," Ian says.

We say goodbye and head home.

Ian is driving now. I guess he still doesn't trust Kyle or any guy now. But he is trying, he apologize to Kyle in front of me. He seems sincere and Kyle was respectful. We talked like normal human beings about our relationship. I decided to give him a chance but we taking it super slow. For now, he is a person that is trying to be my friend.

We arrive home and we head to his room.

"Look, I don't want to be alone with you in a room." I say.

He gives me a crocked smile; he is trying not to laugh. "I want to give you the package I received and show you my suit for the wedding," Ian says.

I see a cardboard box on his bed and a silver designer suit. It has a white button shirt with a black tie and white handkerchief on its pocket.

"Do you think it will look good with the wedding dress?" Ian asks as he holds up the suit on top of his body.

"Yeah, did Jennifer tell you I will have black and gray roses in my flowers?" I ask.

He says yes and lightly smiles.

"Okay, well here is the box." I get the box and leave to my room.

I see the address and don't recognize it. I open the box and see only an envelope. I rip the paper and get the letter out.


I see there is another envelope with my name and information. I open it and I see in the right corner of the letter: STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK

I can't believe I got accepted!!

I scream in happiness for everyone to know. I run to find my mom. She is sitting outside and I tackle her.

"Ay! Alexandra, what is wrong with you?" she exclaims.

"I got accepted to SUNY!! Ma, I got accepted!" I yell.

She jumps around and hugs me, "Congratulations mija! You got into your university!"

I want to get a degree in biology. I actually want to become a teacher, so I can teach kids who are underprivileged. Science is very important to someone's education.

"Oh, I am so proud of you Alex. See, I said you will be accepted because you are so smart." She hugs me again and kisses my cheek. But then, I see Richard coming in. He asks why we are screaming.

I realize I won't be able to attend any school. I can't go anywhere out of this state. I won't have independence.

"Oh well, my daughter,"- I interrupt my mom- "Nothing, I just got excited about the wedding."

My mom looks at me with confusion and worry. "No, Alex got accepted to SUNY. Why don't you want to tell Richard?"

Richard smiles, "Wow, that is very good Alexandra. Congrats."

I get upset with him. He knows I won't be going anywhere for a while.

I thank him and go back to my room.

"Alexandra, you okay?" Richard knocks on my door. He took a while after me to get to my room. He comes in and sits on my bed.

He is wearing a white office suit. His brown hair looks like it's been cut shorter and his face now has facial hair. I guess he is trying a new look. Whatever.

"Alexandra, you can go to college you know," he says.

"No, the contract states I need to be living in the same state as your son. He needs to stay here in order to get his money."

"I meant by getting your degree online. I see a lot of young adults do that now."

That will be a way to get my degree but it won't be the same.

"Well, how about you think about it? You can also go to the local colleges in this area," Richard pauses, "How about I make you a deal?"

I roll my eyes, "another one?"

He gives me a quick smile then explains that he can pay for my college. It will be part of my wedding gift from him to me.

"But you got to promise me that you will try harder with my son, maybe not fall in love but get along," he finishes explaining.

"I don't have a choice do I?" I ask him.

Richard's cheeks get light pink and I see his perfect white teeth. "Oh you are a funny one," he chuckles.

"Can I have my alone space now?" I ask.

Richard nods and leaves.

Later that day

I am having dinner with Ian in his office. We are eating the finest Chinese fast food, shrimp with noodles.

"Okay, now I need copies of this paper, make 4 copies please," Ian says. I am helping out in his business. I am his personal assistant. Anyways, Richard wants me to have the independence of any high school graduate, which means earning my own money and food.

I eat my last shrimp and make the stupid copies. I turn around and see Ian getting my fortune cookie. I throw him a piece of crumble paper to his head.

"Don't you dare get my cookie!" I yell. I run to the desk and grab my cookie.

"What is wrong with you!? You hit me in the head! You did that all because of a stupid Chinese cookie!" Ian says as he chuckles.

"Yes, Ian, because it's MY cookie." I cross my arms against my chest.

"You are so weird," Ian says.

Then we hear a beeping sound coming from the copy machine.

Ian stands up and has an oval mouth. "Shit!"

I turn and see papers flying everywhere! I totally forgot to stop the damn machine!

We run to the copier and Ian presses stop but doesn't work! I see the floor flooded with copies!

"Turn it off!" I yell. Ian is panicking trying to find the extension cord while I am clicking on any red button I see. Red means stop, right?

Ian starts to kick the copier and punching the top.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" I ask. I push him to the side, "You idiot! You are making it worse!"

"This is your fault! You broke it!" he screams.

I push him to the side and finally find the cord. I unplug it and the machine is dead.


I suddenly hear Alex laughing as I walked to my desk.

"What are you laughing at dummy?" I ask.

I see her index finger pointing at my back. "You have papers on your butt."

I reach to my back and yep I have papers all over. I take them off and throw them to her. She yells but not in anger rather than excitement. She crumbles the papers and starts to throw them at me. I block them off with my ninja moves, and return the attack to her.

Alex starts to walk towards me with a pile of papers in her arms. She drops the papers all over me, the barely dry ink staining my skin. I push her to the side of the desk and wrap my hands around her.

"Let me go stupid!" Alex says with a chuckle.

She sees me with that smile, a sincere smile that makes my heart feel like if it's in the clouds. Her smile slowly disappears into a plain line, "What?"

I lean close to her, my nose touching the side of her nose. "You are going to pay for this entire mess young lady."

"Don't you have a maid to clean this up?" she asks.

"I can tell her but I rather you do it. I rather you be here with me for a while longer," I whisper.

I sense she is getting uncomfortable by what her eyes express sadness. "Ian, I need to go now."

I am making her nervous. "You scared of me?" I ask her.

"No," she tries to get her oxygen in her lungs, "Why would I be?"

I lick her upper lip, which taste like the sea. I put my hand on her expose skin on her back. She is wearing a tight black small shirt with skinny jeans.

She gets Goosebumps on the spot I touch and tells me to stop.

"Ian, its late I have to go now," she whispers.

I don't want to let her go! I get her closer and tighter on me. "Why can't you just admit that you want me to kiss you right now?" I ask.

"You are silly, I don't want a kiss from you," she chuckles.

My heart is beating so freaking fast, my palms are beginning to sweat, and my bad thoughts are coming out.



I tell him to stop but he kisses me. He rushes into my lips but by each second he slows down.

I get into it, he knows what I like. He kisses my upper lip while I kiss his lower lip. This is the first time in a while that we have kiss for any reason. I am still confused. I am kissing Ian, I like it.

He pulls away, "I finish with you later." He smirks and begins to pick up the papers when Kyle comes in.

"What the hell did you guys do?!" he exclaims.

"What do you want Kyle?" Ian asks.

Kyle picks up some papers and puts them on the desk. He turns to me, "Alex's mom was looking for her."

"She told me to tell you that your uncle is coming tomorrow. For you to get up early," he finishes.

"Okay, thanks for telling me."

Kyle runs his hand through his dark dirty brown hair and chuckles. "No really, what in the world happen here?"

"Alex got carried away with the copies." Ian says.

"Nah-ah! It was an accident," I turn to Kyle, "Don't listen to him."

Kyle shrugs, "Whatever, night." He leaves.
"You better get to your room then," Ian says. He randomly picks me up and carries me to my room. He lays me down, not even giving me the chance to change into my pajamas. He puts the white blankets on me and kisses me goodnight.

I guess he knew before I did that I am so sleepy. Since I immediately close my eyes and fall to sleep.


Next day:

My mom is rushing through the kitchen like a Tasmanian devil. She is helping the cooks make my uncles favorite: Menudo. (It consists of pork skin and meat, and it is very spicy. Oh! And it red!)

I finish cutting the lemons that go with the menudo. "Mom, I finish with the lemons! I am going to go change now!" I yell as I run to my room.

I change into my white jeans and baggy yellow shirt that goes off my left shoulder. I quickly put the brown wedges and run to Johnny's room.

I bust in and he is wearing only his jeans. "Dude! Knock before you enter, I could have been naked!" he exclaims.

"Sure, whatever," I chuckle, "You ready? Uncle Luis will be here any minute."

Johnny nods and puts on a fitted white polo shirt and nice black shoes. We run downstairs and wait in the living room. Jennifer comes later on with a simple pink strapless dress and Ian with a black business suit. He sits next to me while Jennifer sits on the side couch.

"So, anything I should know about Uncle Luis that I need to know?" Ian asks me.

Johnny answers, "He can tell when a person lies to him so please," he looks at us, "Don't make it too obvious."

"Don't worry," I assure Johnny. He is paranoid about all of this. He doesn't want anyone to know.

"So, why is this uncle so special?" Jennifer asks.

"He was sort of like our dad," I answer.

Jennifer just gives us a quick smile. "I guess I understand your situation," she gets interrupted my Richard.

"So where is the man of the hour?" he asks. He has black suit on with a black button shirt and red tie.

"He is outside! Everyone look happy and rich!" my mom comes running out of the kitchen excitedly. She sits next to Jennifer and Richard leans against the couch.

"Ello? No one is here?" I hear Uncle Luis voice echoing through the hall. I hear that sweet Mexican accent that makes me happy and laugh.

He comes walking in very confuse and surprise by his surroundings.

"Hola," Mom says as she stands up with her arms wide open. Uncle Luis smiles wide and hugs her.

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