We're Triplets?!

By RoxanneMarie99

698 20 2

Lucy and Jim Gilbert have had to make a huge decision that will change their life forever. They promised each... More

We're Triplets?!
The arrival & the drop~Chapter 2
~15 years~ ch3
Ch 4 It happened....
Ch 5 The confession and the plan
Ch.6 ~ Is this real life?~
Ch7~The meeting
Ch.9 "Joy! I'm so sorry,"
Ch. 10 Thats how you feel
Ch.11 Oh snap
Ch12~ The basement
Ch.13 Uh oh~ Filler chapter Sorry!
Ch 14 (1/2): Suprise: sorry its short!!
Ch 14 pt 2
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch 18

Ch. 17

13 1 0
By RoxanneMarie99

When they got downstairs, they found  Hope asleep in Jason's arms.

"Oh, sorry, we'll let her sleep," Mason whispered, backing out of the room.

"No, Mason, we dont have time for that," Joy turned to Hope. "Hope! Wake Up! This is important!" she exclaimed, slightly shaking her sister.

"What is it? Do we have them back yet?" Hope yawned.

"No, but I have an idea on how we can, but first, I'm sorry I yelled at you. It's just all the tension and stress is getting to me," Joy apologized.

"It's ok, so what's your idea?" Hope asked hugging her sister.

Joy sat on her bed and explained her idea.

An hour later Joy had explained everything and drew it out, with the help of Mason who that place better than his own home.

"...So Mason, you'll be here ready to get Dad and Faith when its time. Hope and Jason you'll be here to create the distraction. Luke and Lily you'll be here to catch Byron and Ryan when and if they realize what's going on. Sean, you and I will be here ready to help anyone. Everybody got it?" Joy explained.

"Wait, Joy. If Hope and I are creating the distraction, don't you think they would think something's up since Hope looks just like Faith?" Jason asked.

"Right. I didn't think about that. Luke and Lily you two will have to be the distraction. They've never seen you before,"Joy told them, "I'm sorry."

"Ok, so how do we distract them?" Lily asked.

"We go Girl scout style," Hope told her.

Jason, Luke, Sean and Mason got confused looks on their visages.

"She means we go door to door selling something. Except we only go to Byron and Ryan's house and we sell empty boxes," Joy explained

"Oh?" The guys all said at the same time.

The girls died with laughter.

"Its ok, guys. You'll understand when it happens," Lily told them after she finishes laughing.

"Ok so well do it tomorrow. I'll call Me. Johnson so he knows and can get us hand cuffs," Joy said catching her breath.

"I'll go get empty Girl Scout cookie boxes. Do any of you have  one pound weights?" Hope asked.

"I do. I'll have to run to my house to get them though," Jason said.

"Ok great! Oh I just remembered, from now on we need to travel in pairs. So Mason would you go with Jason?"Joy asked, " Its so we have extra eyes and back up. If anyone leaves this house have a buddy."

Hope walked upstairs with the guys. The guys left and went to Jason's house and Hope went to find all types of Girl Scout boxes.

"What do you want me to do?" Luke asked.

"Well could you talk to Austin into helping us? He'll listen to you," Joy told Luke.

Luke agreed and went to talk to Austin.

Lily and Sean looked over the plans for tomorrow while Joy called Mr Johnson.

"Hello?"Jonathan answered.

"Hi, Mr. Johnson. Its Joy. We teenagers have an idea on how to her them back since you police cant get solid evidence. We're going to need your help," Joy explained.

"What's your idea?" Jonathan asked.

Joy explained the whole plan to Jonathan with every little detail.

"So how can I help?" he asked.

"We're going to  need 8sets of handcuffs and we're going to  need you and maybe Dads partner after you to help with either arresting Byron and Ryan or getting Faith a d Dad but only the two of you," Joy told him, " and we want to do it tomorrow..." she added.

Jonathan agreed but said he didn't know about getting 8 pairs of handcuffs but he would try.

Joy thanked him and hung up. "Step one: check," she sighed with relief.

(Finally! I was able to update! I'm so sorry to all of that have been waiting for this chapter. I got sidetracked with school then summer and I started writing other stories and trying  to get them started. I'm so sorry!!! But if any of you enjoy my writing and want to read my other stories... I have a One Direction fanfic called Did That Just Happen? and a Halloween one called Darksdale Halloween Fest. you can find both I'd them in my profile! I'd love you you all to read vote and comment on all my stories! I love you all so much! again im so sorry this update took forever!)

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