How I Ended Up In Middle Eart...

By MsElijahWood

72.9K 1.2K 293

18 year old Alice Graham is an avid Lord of The Rings fan. She saw every midnight showing, ripped every artic... More

How I Ended Up In Middle Earth. (LOTR Fan Fic)
Chapter 2 HIEUIME (How I ended up in Middle Earth)
Chapter 3 HIUEIME
Chapter 4 HIEUIME
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 The Two Towers!
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
The Return of the King (Chapter 35)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 (The Final Chapter
A Memoir

Chapter 41

837 13 1
By MsElijahWood

By late morning, I was feeling a wee bit better, but still weak and pale. Pippin had not come back. Nor had Faramir or Zachariah. Only Gandalf visited me. Which was comforting, but I was worried why Pippin had not returned. Had I done something to scare him?

"Gandalf, what have I done to scare away Pippin?" I asked him. Gandalf looked at me kindly with soft eyes.

"You did not scare him. You just merely frightened him. He has never seen a person so sick before, so it came with shock and small guilt." Gandalf told me. I felt horribly guilty.

"I did not mean to make him feel guilty! I must go find him and tell him I am okay!" I flipped the blankets off of myself and leaped out of the bed. Gandalf seemed worried and stressed.

"I think you should not. You won't be pleased with him if you saw him!" he called after me. I ignored it. What on earth would Pippin do to anger me?

I found out just what. I had entered out of  Faramir's house. Faramir, no where to be seen. Zachariah was wandering around Faramir's garden. I paused to look out at the scenery before me. The sun had rose and it was shining off the bright white marble of Minas Tirith. A low breeze blew around, cool like the day before. A small dark cloud cast a shadow on only a small part of the city. But I knew that soon it would be engulfed. After taking a moment, I returned and ran down the walkway of the Dome house. The guards still watched over the tree, not moving an inch. I ran down and up to the door, pushing it open, nice and wide. There was Faramir, Pippin, and Denethor. Pippin was dressed in his  Gondorian wear, standing in front of Denethor and his black throne. Faramir stood of on the side. His head snapped up when the door opened. When he saw me, he motioned to come to him. I sprinted down the hall and stood next to Faramir.

"Faramir, what is happening?" I asked him. 

"Pippin vowed to be in my father's service, correct?" he asked. I nodded.

"Pippin is taking his vows." He told me. I stood and watched. 

"Here I do swear fealty and service to Gondor, in peace or war, in living and dying. From....from this hour henceforth until my lord release me, or death take me." Pippin gave his vows. I was shocked at how in depth they were. Pippin was basically vowing both of our lives here forever!!! Or untile this War took us!!

"Pippin!!" I called out. His head snapped up and saw me. He quickly looked away. I walked over to him. "Pippin, why? What have you done? Cast us both here forever or untl this wretched War takes our lives?!" I asked him.

"I-I-I'm sorry. I just...I'm sorry." He apologized.

"I'm sorry?", I laughed hysterically. "I'm sorry? Sorry won't cut it this time Pip. This is way too big a thing to be sorry for." I told him.

"Lady Took, I do suggest you take your leave." Denethor sneered at me.

"As you wish. And you won't have to bother with me any more. You will not see around these halls again!" I snapped and left, striding down the hall, tears forming in my eyes. It was not deep anger and rage that had made me leave so suddenly. It was the mortal dread and sadness of knowing that I may not see my Pip again. I might leave this world, or just the city without him. What had we gotten ourselves into. I was screwed. We all were. I thought about what brought me to this. I went all the way back to how I ended up in Middle Earth. That was the start of this...this hell. I knew that I was part of this world and culture, so I couldn't leave. Maybe I could retreat to Mirkwood with Legolas.

"Alice, what happened?" Zachariah saw me running out the the Dome house, tears streaking down my face. He came to my aid.

"Nothing...just nothing. There was a slight disagreement in something. Don't mind it." I sighed and cried some more. 

"O-okay. Well I best be off." He smiled slightly and ran off. It wasn't his fault. It was mine. He was too young to understand this.

I walked past the Tree and followed the pathway all the way to the end of the walkway. Literally. It had  come to a skinny end and a high perch. Part of the stone wall had been broken and opened up to make the perch. I sat down and let my feet dangle. I looked down. Wow we were high up. I sat there, looking out on the land, Mordor in my line of sight. I squinted my eyes and looked at it deep and hard. Dark red smoke blazed up from the giant Mountain. I had a sense that Mordor used to be a place of good. Not dark and evil. But something happened there that changed the reputation and fate of the Mountain. I watched as the small clourd loomed closer and closer, getting bigger and bigger like a thick black smoke from a chimney. 

"Quite the sight to look at. Mind if I join?" Farmair asked, from behind. I was careful not to startle, because of I did, then I would possibly fall off and die.

"No, go ahead." I forced a smile and scooted over. "Did you grow up looing at Mordor?" I asked him.

"Yes. Yes I did. Every morning. It lay dormant, so I was not afriad of it. But now, I fear its's exsitence." he sighed and sat down. 

"Yeah...I can understand that." I said in mono tone. 

"So...Pippin and his aren't pleased. I could tell."

"Ya think? I wanted us to live free. But now he has condemmed himself to your father. Who really isn't a great person. No offense."

"None taken, but I think that he is going slightly mad. Ever since he lost Boromir. But you are welcome to stay in my home as long as Pippin stays here." Faramir offered.

"Thank you. Really. But I think that I should go to where I came from. My elven roots. I want to live with them if I won't have Pippin. Maybe they'll help me raise the baby. You never know."

"Ah, I see. Well keep this in mind, Sometimes the hardest thing to do in life is make choices. Make sure yours is the right one." He ruffled my ahir and patted my back, then left. I sat on the ledge for a long amount of time, thinking about what Faramir had said. I groaned and got up from teh perch. I was going to walk down to the market maybe and just browse, beg for money. Who knows. My life has gone and changed.

"Ali! Wait!" I heard someone call my name in a distinct tone. I turned around.

"Peregrin Took, I want nothing to do with you anymore! You went off and pledged you fealty to some man we just met because Boromir died! Died on MY watch! I thought we were to stay together. Once this War is over, you still have to stay. And I hope you know damn well that I am NOT staying here. I will go back to Mirkwood!" I yelled at him. 

"But I had to! It was the right thing to do! I felt guilty! Please...don't." He begged. 

"That is it! Maybe when the Final War is over, I can reconsider staying, but right now, it isn't looking so bright." I told him and stomped off. 


Pippin stood there, after Alice left, feeling horrible and guilty, but slight anger toward his wife. What was he supposed to do? Leave that man to deal with a horrible burden by himself. THe least he could do was help Denethor somehow and that was to work for  him. But of course he did not consult with Alice. That could have been the biggest mistake ever. He may never get his Ali back. Pippin was in total stress. He left and went back into the Dome buidling.


I traveled down to the market and decided to make do with the rest of the time that I had left today. I had only yet to wait what tomorrow might bring. So for today I was going to take a break. The market was now busier than ever. Every single kind of person flocked to the main lever market. Guards, kings men, peasants, and house mothers. I wandered along the stalls, peering in to see what they were selling. Each time I did, they asked me if I wanted to buy anything. 

"I have no money to buy your food with." I would tell them. They would give me a look of pity and I would move on. But since I had no money, I was getting hungry. So hungry that I was willing to steal for some food. So I took into action. I walked up to a stall with different fruits in it. I walked up to the man managing it. 

"Sir, may I point out a rat in the stall near you?" I told him pointing to the ground behind him. If he fell for it, then it would be easy to take the food and run.

"really?" He turne daround and looked for the rat. I quickly took the food and ran off, but before I thought I could get away, the man from the stall called out, "Hey! she stold my food!!!" he called out pointing to me. I froze. People stared at me. THe guards noticed and took after for me. I took off, running through the labyrinth of Minas Tirith. I took a shortcut through the  alleyway near the beacon. I stopped, looked around and opened the door, leading to the high and far beacon. I slammed the door shut and raced up the musty, cold, stone staircase. I heard the door below open and slam again. Dangit, they knew where i was going. 

I reached the top of the tower, facing the fiery beacon. It had been lit. Chair had been set up were the watch guards had been. I ran to ledge and held onto a pillar, peering down.

"Excuse me miss." I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was one of the watchmen from the Beacon tower. I froze up.

"Y-yes?" I stammered.

"I need you to come with me." He asked sternly.

"But why?" I asked, playing dumb.

"We need to talk to you." He said sternly.

"About what?" I put my hands on my hips.

"About your theivery. Come with us." 

"But I didn't do it." I told him.

"Do you really think that i am that dumb? Come on, your coming with us." He grabbed my small wrists and pushed me ahead of him. I sighed, knowing that I had been caught. He pushed me down the stairs, careful not to let me go. I tried a couple times to escape, but these Gondorian guards were good. It's like they knew my style. THey had me walk up to the top of Minas Tirith where I had come from. Great...another trip to the Dome Home.

"I am sure that Denethor will be able to do something with you." The man chuckled. I sighed. We walked up to the doors. The man pushed them open and I was met with the cool air of the building. 

"What have we now, Dane?" Denethor called. I put my head down.

"A theif my Lord." He said and threw me down. I still had my hands behind my back. I got up on my knees. 

"And who may it be?" he asked. I pulled my head up. "Oh How wonderful, Alice. Peregrin, take her to the cell under the staircase to the basement." He told Pippin. I looked up and saw him standing there. 

"Okay..." he said. He walked over to me and took me by the wrist. I kept  my head down so he couldn't see me cry. 

After he did take me down and locked me in the cell, I was left to my own devices. What to do in a small jail cell? I was sure that Denethor would keep me here until I died. So the least I could do was make him regret what he had done.

"HEY!! DENETHOR!!! I"M STILL HERE.. YOU CANT HIDE ME AWAY FOR EVER!" I yelled at him. I was positive that he could hear me. These walls were very thin. I pounded on the wall a bit and made a ruckus for a while. Then I marked up the wall with my nails. I sat back and sighed. I prayed that Gandalf, Zachariah or Faramir would notice me missing and come to find me. As I sat and waited, I felt a cramp rise up near my waist and pelvic area. A heavy weight sat on my pelvis. It was like a bad cramp I had during my monthly. Except this one was ten times worse. I felt a pressure on my stomach. I tried to ignore it, but this amount of pain was too much to even ignore. 

"ow." I Breathed in and out. I gripped the sides of the cell, about to break off the bars. Sweat began to form and the pain I had been feeling kept getting worse and lower. I couldn't help but let  a shriek escape from my mouth. I looked around in the dark cellar. All alone and without any help. I shrieked again. The pain was unbearable. I let out a loud scream and sank to the ground. Help me...please help. I think I'm dying inside. Help. I rocked myself to sleep, still in unbearbale pain. 

Came time for dinner, I was starving, alone, and weak. I wanted someone to come down and give me company. Anyone. I was felt alone in the world. Without a friend. I wanted to hear the sound of footsteps coming down those stairs, to rescue me. No one knew I was down here. Only Pippin and Denethor. I gave one last shriek for help before I gave up.

"HELP MEEE!!!" I cried out in pain. THe cramps went away, but I was still in mental pain.

"Hello?" I heard someone ask. 

"Hello?!! Hey!!! I'm down here!" I called out. 

"Alice, is that you?" I heard the old and wise voice of Gandalf come walking down the stairs. 

"Yes! yes it is! Please help me!!" I cried out to him. 

"I am coming." He said as he made his way down the stairs. "What did you do to get put down here?" He asked.

"I stole food." I sighed and leaned up against the walls of the cellar. 

"well then. Faramir was expecting you home by now and when you didn't come, we both worried. Zachariah told us something about a ruckus in the food market and I thought who else?" He grinned when he reached the cellar. 

"Me, I'm guessing?" I smiled.

"Yes ma'am." He pulled out a key from his sleeve and un locked it..

"How did you get that?" I asked him.

"Let's not discuss that. Come along." He hurried me out of the cell and wew ran upstairs. Pippin was no where to be seen and Denethor was busy at a table. 

"Thank you Denethor." Gandalf said. 

"Yes, of course. But that is that last time." He mumbled from the table. We snuck out and around to Faramir's house. Dinner was already being served. 

"Sorry we were late. I was able to find Alice." Gandalf apologized to Zachariah and Faramir, already sitting at a table, eating. 

"Yes, yes it's okay. I will have to leave for a moment tonight to talk matter of security and war to my father. I will be back thought." Faramir informed us. 

"Good to know." Gandalf nodded as he sat down. I followed and sat down at the table. This was the first time that I had dinner without Pippin by my side. It was different. It was quiet. I silently ate away ate the large lump of meat and something squashy next to it. I took it that Faramir doesn't usually cook much. But it was food and at the moment I wasn't that picky for food. I had gotten caught for stealing some just this day...ah the irony.

"My my my Faramir. You have a wonderful cook back there." I joked. 

"Yes! He is quite exquiset. One of a kind you will nevver find anywhere." He joked. Zachariah and I shared a laugh with that joke. Gandalf seemed rather zoned out. 

"Gandalf, are you alright?" I asked him.

"Theoden and his army should be on their way by now. I was expecting them to arrive by now." Gandalf informed us. 

"Well...hmm It might take a while. We lit the becon a day ago. Maybe they are bringing a larger army?" I suggested while eating, pointing my fork out at the window.

"Maybe. I just want them to come in time. I don't care what my father says. He isn't his best...He never was toward me." Faramir sighed and looked out at the window. I felt so bad for Faramir. his father was horrible to him. "I should be going now. I don't want to be late." Faramir excused himself rather quickly. We all nodded. I watched him get ready to leave. 

"Can I come with you?" I asked him. He stopped and looked at me.

"I don't this conversation would concern you. It's just war matters." He told me.

"I was a general for any army and won the battle." I told him. He smiled and laughed. 

"Okay, I guess you could come. Come on kid." he called me over. I hopped out of my seat and tugged on my knee high boots. I pranced over happily to Faramir's side and we waved out the door. 

While on our walk there, Faramir confronted me about my anger towards Pippin. 

"You shouldn't be all that mad towards him." He said.

"Why not? he cast himself into the eternity service, knowing that he had a wife." I responded.

"He feels guilty and is quite young. I am sure it was just a spur of the moment thought and he regrets it. Don't be so hard on him, give him a chance." He explained.

"I mean...I just thought that he would be knowing what he was doing by now. We have been through som much and I really think he would be more smart." I sighed. 

"Things like that take time. Maybe it was a first for him. Seeing another person being burdened by a death that he himself witnessed."  Faramir told me. It made sense, but I was still slightly angered at him. 


"No buts. Come on, get yourself together. We are going in." Faramir pointed to the grand doors before us. I took a big breath in and nodded. Faramir pushed the doors open. Denethor was where we last left him, hunched over the table. 

"Father, I bring an acomplince with me. We are here to talk about the matter of war." Faramir said. He gathered his bravery and talked to his father. 

"Ah yes...I was just pondering that. I do not think we should so lightly abandon the outer defenses, defenses that your brother long held intact." Denethor brought back the subject of Boromir. Faramir tensend up.

"What would you have me do?" Faramir asked.

"I will not yeild the river and Pelennor unfought, Osgiliath need to be retaken." Denethor told him.

"Denethor, Osgiliaith is overrun. It is not safe to send Faramir out there." I told him. Denethor was silent. He looked down at his table. Pippin appeared out from the corner. Both of us dropped out heads instantly. 

A look of new found information came upon Faramir's face. "You wish now that our places had been exchanged. That I had died and Boromir lived." He uttered. I was appalled with that info. 

"Faramir do not think--"

"Yes I wish that." Denethor interrupted me. I was crushed when he said that. I looked to Faramir. Tears began to swell in his eyes.

"Since you are robbed of Boromir, I can do what i can instead." He said and began to walk to the door, but stopped and turned, "Please think of my differently father, if I return."

"That will depend on the Manner of your return." Denethor whispered. I was shocked.  Faramir nodded and left. I was frozen standing there. But I snapped out of it, and ran after Faramir. He had already made it outside. 

"Faramir! Wait!! What are you going to do?" I asked him. He slowed down for me.

"I said I will do what I can. I that means defending my beautiful city and certain death, then yes, I will go to Osgiliath." He told me. 

"Faramir! Do not throw away your life! People care about you!" I told him. 

"It is the matter of the safety of my city. I will do what I can. Now go off to bed, I must think." he shooed my away back to his own house. I resigned and left him, running back to the house. What had out lives come to? 

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