Living with the Badboy🌹 l (B...

By mals64

1.2M 44.4K 33.5K

The story is about Malia and Liam. Malia is African (Sudanese) and Liam is White. More

•16 l Other's POV included
Author's Note l Please Read
•17 l Update
Long Or Short chapters?!
create your characters
i'm back
·27 /Picnic Hangout
100k 💚💚💚
·30 Awaited Chapter
dancing with him
colourful days
no longer a secret
· home sweet home
Jalia Movie Nite
Surprise Amor
future Q&A
New Story: Sequel


10.5K 425 251
By mals64

Malia's POV:
*two weeks later*

I was walking back from the gas station with snacks in my hand.
That's when I felt something heavy hit the back of my head causing me to fall in the floor. My head was aching really badly and my eyesight was poor. My head was soaring extremely bad and black spots were slowly growing.

"Fuck you bitch." the stranger says and it was possibly a feminine voice. The stranger sat down and her face were blurry. A material was on her hand. I remember seeing hair so vivid and bright. It was so vivid and eye-catching like the flame of a candle stick. It was hard to distinguish the face but, the long hair was vivid. "This is for your own good."


"Why are you doing this Claudia?" I ask her.

"Who are you to judge me about something I did four years ago? I made a fucking mistake and regretted it so, what else would you expect me to do?" she yelled and her voice echoed. She gave me a wild and fierce look.

I sat with silence unable to say anything which made her snicker.

"That's exactly how I fucking thought." she says smirking and then kicking me in the stomach. I hiss at the pain and cursed. If I wasn't tied in this chair then best believe her face would be redder than the hair of hers.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask her coughing.

She stared at me then beamed. She began to walk across the dim and dirty room. She walked back and forth thinking something. "That's a good question."

"She had enough of your bullshit." a different feminine voice said from the darker end of the room. I stared at the area frightened. Slowly, the person stepped forward and behold stood..Katherine.

My jaw dropped by her presence. They both planned this out? Last time I checked they couldn't stand each other. All I wanted was some popcorn and I get Kidnapped?

"Surprised to see me?" she says beaming and she puts on her thick sunglasses. Who wears sunglasses in a fucking dim room? I look at them with disgust and then spat at the floor.

"I'll take that as a yes." she says.

"You still haven't answered my question, Claudia." I said with anger. I wonder what Asshole is thinking right now. I wonder if he noticed how long i've taken or haven't noticed yet.

"Did you know I used to like you?" she asks.

"Yeah, I mean we used to hang out like friends. I thought you were cool." I paused. "But who knows you could've been acting the whole time."

Katherine chuckles. "Not that kind of like silly."

What does she even mean not that kind of like?


That's when it hit me. The reason why she would turn red whenever I complimented her, the poster she showed me in the mall, and the reason why she would look sad whenever I mentioned James' name. Is this all because, she had a secretive crush on me?

"You like me?"

She rolled her eyes. "Girl, I said liked. Past tense. Now I look at you with pity."

"I still can't believe you had a crush on her instead of me. I'm over here serving looks." Katherine says dramatically flipping her hair at the end.

"You're too obsessed with yourself." Claudia says.

"It's not obsessed if you're confident with yourself and feel blessed to naturally look a certain way."

"But, you have makeup on and curled your hair."

"So? I still look cute under the makeup and curling wand."

"When we met up last week you had at least ten big old acne. It looked like white chocolate chip cookies on your face." Claudia says with disgust.

I cleared my throat and they looked at me. They whispered something among themselves and I silently prayed that I get out of this mysterious place safe and alive. After what felt line eternity their whispers ceased and they look at me.

"You want to know why we decided to kidnap you." Katherine asks smiling and began to twirl her hair.


"Well we both have our reasons to do this. I'll start. The reason why I decided to do this is because, I still love Liam and regret cheating. I'd been pretty down and emotional after he broke up with me. One day I was just roaming on his Instagram page and what did I see? I saw him posing with a girl on not one but, two photos.
And who was the girl?"

She strolls in front of me and tip my forward up so, I can see her face. "You. Out of every human on the fucking earth it was you. And you know what piss me off the most? The fact that you lied to me when I was in your room. I warned you to leave him alone and stay away from them. You denied that you had any good interaction with him. 'We're not even friends' you said. you lied to me and i'm going to plant revenge on your ugly ass."

I can't believe this. The reason why she brought me here is because, she's jealous over two friendly photos we took. We weren't even kissing at the photos so, why is she so furious.

"Didn't you cheat on him?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

She walks up to me and spat on my face. Horror was written all over my face. My hands were tied with a rope.
I was ready to spit back at her but, see a gun in her hand. I slowly wipe my face with my shoulder.

"It was an honest mistake. All the guys couldn't take their lips off of me. What can I say? I'm hot."

With jealousy.

"Is that why you knocked the fuck out of me? Over two innocent photos I took with your ex boyfriend?"


I look at Claudia and expect her to tell me her side of the story. I never expected her to be involved in such an evil and violent thing as this. She sat on a chair.

"I'm guessing you want to hear my side of the story. Ok. At the beginning of our friendship I had a crush on you and thought you were cute."I sat uncomfortably on the chair and look everywhere except at her. I hope she knows that I don't swing that way. Even if I did she'd never get the chance after knocking me out.

"When we were at the party in L.A. I was planning to confess to you my feeling towards you but, then I saw you dancing with Liam. You looked happy in his arms. And when you talked about James, you seemed happy. That's when I knew you would never like me that way. Let's move forward.
You began to ignore my texts When I wanted to talk to you. When I came to your house to apologize to you, you were insulting me. You also let Liam say stuff about me." she yells in anger.

I was frightened by her wild eyes. I never saw her this angry. She looked possessed and different.

"After I let his father have an affair with my mother, Liam bullied me at school. Him and his friends would make my school life a living hell that I had to be home schooled.I promised to set a revenge on the bastard and you seem like a gem."

There was silence.

"Is that why?" I asked.

"Yeah." Claudia says sighing exhausted by her explanation.

I stood silently hoping that they'd forget about what they plan to do to me. I attempt to break free but the rope was too tight but my legs were free.

"Now, how are we gonna deal with her?" Claudia asks.

Katherine chuckles. "Let's start by kicking her in ten minutes. Gotta text someone significant.It'll be my treat."

They both smirk at me before strolling away to the door leaving me by myself. I wanted to cry but, I remain strong. I still can't believe both of them will collide together to create such an evil plan.

I roam frantically across the dim room hoping that there were something to help me break free from this dungeon. I met eyes with a silver kitchen knife.

I listened and check the door to see if they'd catch me but, I didn't see a shadow or hear a sound. That's when I used my strength to get up with my legs and to the wooden table. Because, I was kicked my strength was weak but, I didn't give up.


Liam's POV:

Where the hell is she? It's been two hours since she left and she still haven't come back yet. She usually never take this long to the store. I even called her twice to see if she'd call but, she haven't answered.

"It's me. I've called you about two times and you still haven't answered my calls. I'm starting to worry. Call back when you get this voicemail."

I powered the phone off and sat on her bedroom watching tv. For the last two hours, I had an exotic feeling that something was wrong and I didn't know why. It's that reason why i've been so distracted and haven't payed attention with the show. So many assumptions of what may be happening came over my head.

My phone rung and I was shocked to see to that it was from her. I immediately clicked the green icon. "Where the hell are you Malia? It's been two hours Malia, two hours! What's taking you so long?"

"Ssssh!"she whispered."I don't have much time. Katherine and Claudia kidnapped me after I grabbed the snacks from the store and I don't know where the hell I am." she whispers and I can hear her fear.

"If this is one of your jokes-"

"Are you kidding me? What makes you think i'd take two hours to walk to a gas station which is only ten minutes away and then make a stupid joke after this?" she whisper quickly with temper. "I want to get out of this place safe and alive so, you better alert the cops, your parents, and my mom."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She was being kidnapped by two people I rejected and they teamed up to get her? She's fucking innocent.

"Why did they do this? I thought they didn't like each other."

"So did I but, they don't like me. Katherine did this because, she's jealous over those photos we took with each other on Instagram and Claudia did this because, you and your friends bullied her to the point that she had to be homeschooled." she whispers through the phone quickly without pausing.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way to help you out." I assure her.

"You better." she whispers and hangs up the phone.

How the fuck am I suppose to find her when I don't know when she could be anywhere right now? I receive a text message from an unknown number.

We have her sweetheart. Come to this address:

7401 Creek St.
Omaha NE 671202

Bring anyone else with you and she'll be dead.
*25 minutes later*

I sat down on the chair and folded my hands back and hiding the rope in the corner of the hands were free but, I have to pretend that i'm still tied in the chair for now. What's taking them so long to come back?

After eternity they come back and were give me innocent smiles.

"Did you miss us?" Claudia asks sipping on her red solo cup. Katherine has a gun in her hand playing with it her hands.


"You're quite boring to talk to Malia. I wonder how Liam managed to talk to you."

"Maybe because, he didn't kidnap me and tied me up in the chair."

She chuckles. "Maybe. Maybe. Or it's because, he figured out what he lost and decided to use you as a sex slave."

"I'm a virgin and , I take pride in it."

"I'm sure you do." she says in a sarcastic tone.

"Claudia untie her hands and do your first task. I'm going to go and get this thing." she says and then walks out leaving us by ourselves. Fear was creeping up on me because, who knows what may occur. My hands are free.

She walks up and goes behind me. "How the hell did you manage to break free?"she asks shocked. I get up quickly and punch her in the face with force.

"I've been waiting for three hours to punch you bitch."

She gapes and dabs on her nose for any blood. There wasn't any yet. "Did you just punch me?"

"Yes babe." I tell her then punch her repeatedly in the face. Maybe about six times but, then she pushes me lightly. I punch her again and kicked her like Shawn Michaels. She falls to the floor. I run up to the table and grab the tape and Navy blue scissors.

I quickly tape her mouth with it to make her have less volume when she attempts to scream. She pushes me and tries to take the tape out of her mouth but i stomped on her left hand five times and she screams. I run to the corner of the room to grab the rope and kick her head and stomach. I roll her over and then pick her up setting her on the dirty chair. I tied her hands with the rope.

I kick her in the stomach. "This is for knocking me out." she screamed. I kicked her in the stomach again. "That is for breaking the girl code." she shrieks but, I kicked her again "And that is for teaming up with Katherine to kidnap me." She screeched and I smirk knowing that I have power over her

I grab the pan from the floor and waited next to the door. Not even ten seconds, Katherine struts to the room humming but, when she saw Claudia instead of me tied up to the chair she gapes. Claudia screams and tries to tell her that I was behind her but, before she could turn her head any further, I hit her head with the pan. Her body slowly fall to the floor and I dash out. It wasn't much of a struggle to get out of the building

A familiar black car stops in front of the house. That's when I realized that the owner of the car was Liam. How did he figure out that I was here?

He opens the car door and he runs to me. "Are you ok?" he asks and I nod my head. He checks my face. He hugs me."You're bleeding." he says without letting go.

"They're in that building."I said not caring whether I was bleeding or not. I'm not surprised.

"I'll call the cops and i'm going to take you to the hospital."
"Is it ok if I come in?"he asks standing in front of my bedroom door and I nod my head. He closes the door and then lays next to me.

"How are you feeling?"

"My head still hurts and so does the stitches but, other than that i'm ok."

He nods his head and watches nickelodeon with me for five minutes but, then he gets up from the bed,closing the tv without an explanation.


He stands uncomfortably. "I'm going to make this quick. I promise. I just need to take this off my chest." he sighs. "Ok. I know when you first met me I was a. Bit if an asshole. I would say some shit without caring if it hurt you or not. It even made you run away to the bus like a little kid."

"Not funny bitch."

He chuckles. "You gotta be honest. It was pretty funny." he laughs. "I just wanted to apologize for being like that towards you. I was quick to judge and hurt your feelings. At first it was torture to see you everyday in this house but, slowly I saw you as the light at the end of the tunnel. You're kind, nice to hang out with, and someone I see in the future. I've been wanting to ask you this question since two days ago but,didn't have enough balls...Malia will you be my..girlfriend?"
I can see fear of rejection in his blue eyes and by the way he played with his blonde hair.

"Don't you think it's about time?" I say with a smile and it wasn't long before, he has one on his beautiful face too.

The ships has sailed ya'll. 🚤🚤🚤

Few chapters left ya'll.

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A. Name
D. What do you want them to say?

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To be continued x

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