By cuddlylittleblue

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Kim Taehyung is the new art student from Korea who always had the dream to study somewhere else than his home... More

first day
movie night
find yourself
bad dream
little space
scary movie
not eating
well again
pinky promise
play date
tae's past
big date
little date
yoonmin throwback
little paintings

jinkook throwback

1.7K 66 72
By cuddlylittleblue

Jungkook didn't got better so Jin prepared a bag with the most important things and carried the younger to their car and drove off to the hospital.

There he couldn't know if his boyfriend would act like a Little but honestly it wasn't important.

The doctors could think he was weird or needed help or something, he would just ignore it.

He wouldn't change his Jungkook ever.

Jin and Jungkook were best friends.

They met at the supermarket when Jungkook was trying to take a pack of cookies on the highest shelf, but he was to small to reach there.

Suddenly a stranger passed by and saw the adorable situation and decided to help the kid.


Jungkook turned around and saw the other male, surely older than him, and gave him a little smile.

"T-Thank you." he took the pack from the others hand, trying not to think about the blush he was currently having.

"You welcome."

They stayed silent for a few seconds, but the older being more open in talking with people decided to talk with the shy one.

"I'm Seokjin, but you can call me Jin. You are?"

Jungkook was taken aback from the sudden question, is body started slowly trembling.


And that's how they met. From that day they started hanging out almost everyday, for months,  Jungkook having this feeling of security and happiness whenever he was with Seokjin.

It was the first time in years that he felt like that and was thankful for being small enough to need help to reach something in the supermarket for the first time in forever.

Until Jin unintentionally found out about his secret.

That happened when Jin visited Jungkook to his house for the first time. He was always alone, his family always traveling because of work.

Jin asked for the bathroom and when he entered it he saw a few bath toys on the bathtub.

He thought that he lived with a younger brother or cousin too so he didn't mind it at all.

But when he was about to go to the living room where they were watching a random tv show, he noticed that someone was mumbling in one of the bedrooms.

Luckily for Jin the door from that one was slightly open so he just peaked through there, staring at a very odd situation.

Jungkook was playing with a barbie and a car while he had a pink pacifier on his mouth.

Seokjin noticed how bright and pastel-y the room was, he noticed how big Jungkook's eyes were compared to when they were in the living room, he noticed how he seemed smaller, he noticed how messy his hair looked.

He was just adorable.

However, he didn't noticed how in shock the younger was when he saw the older peaking through the door.

What happened next made Jin truly nervous. Jungkook started to cry very loudly and he didn't had a clue of what to do to make him stop.

The poor kid thought that he just lost the only friend he had and was thinking that he was a sick person for having a bedroom like that; for acting like that.

Suddenly Seokjin's heart felt like it would sink and break because he needed to make the younger to stop crying.

He had this need to protect him and tell that everything was okay because he truly cared about the boy and wanted to make him happy.

It doesn't matter if Seokjin was almost nineteen and Jungkook fourteen, he would always be there for him.

He decided to sit down beside the boy, trying to figure out what to do.

Eventually he thought that if he was acting like a little kid, then he should treat him like one, so that's what he tried to do.

"Don't cry please, i won't judge. You're to beautiful to cry."

Jungkook stared at Jin for a few seconds, his cries slowly dying. He felt his cheeks getting hotter and hotter, but tried to forget about it.

"You look very cute, i mean you're always cute. You know that, right?"

Jungkook was to shy to look directly to the older so he decided to play with his fingers, noticing that his pacifier was missing and pouted.

Jin noticed the upset face that he had so after a few minutes trying to think what to do, he saw the pacifier laying on the carpet beside him and took it without the other noticing.

He went to the bathroom and cleaned up the object with hot water and came back a few minutes later.

Jungkook was clueless at first, but when he saw Jin moving and placing something on his mouth he was speechless when he saw his favorite pacifier there.

He started sucking on it with a shy smile and red cheeks, Seokjin admiring the cute view in front of him.

"You are so cute." he said, truthfully and with a chuckle.

He didn't saw the tears coming again, this time Jungkook without thinking hugged the older very tight, his face hidden in the oldest chest.

Seokjin didn't saw that coming, but hugged the small boy anyways, moving his hand up and down on the others back gently, with a fondly smile.

"What's the reason of those tears angel?"

The younger just cried more when he heard the nickname, butterflies erupting on his stomach.

"K-Kookie bewy ha-happies!"

Seokjin chuckled and smiled once again because of how precious his baby-talking was.

"I'm glad that you're happy. Are you always like this when you're at home all by yourself?" he felt the younger nod on his chest. "Oh. Well being alone when you're acting this cute should be illegal. Don't you think that it gets lonely?"

Seokjin have been trying for weeks for Jungkook to move with him because he is fourteen and he lives by himself.

Now that he knows about him being this cuteself he has one more reason to take Jungkook home so he can take care of him too.

"What if you try to do something that it's meant for someone like me to do? I don't what you to get hurt for something so silly."

"J-Jinjin wants Kookie t-to mo-move?"

"Yeah, don't you think you would be better with someone taking care of you and give you lots of hugs and kisses? Someone who could buy you all the toys you want?"

The younger gasped when Seokjin mentioned hugs, kisses and most importantly toys.

His parents took all his toys away because he was almost an adult and toys were things for babies.

He only could hide his Barbie and little car from everyone so he could have something to play while in little space at least for a little while.

The bath toys were his cousin's who is a baby and he takes care of him sometimes so they had the excuse to leave them in the bathroom.

The thought of having more toys and love was very appealing to Jungkook.

"So what do you think baby?"

Jungkook breathed in and out slowly because of the second nickname of the day and once he was okay he got up and decided to just jump on his bed.

Jin cooed at the sight but soon asked Jungkook to stop so he wouldn't get hurt if he suddenly fall off the bed.

"Thank chu b-bewy much Jinjin!" he said with a bright smile. "Chu the best p-person evaaa~!"

And it was in that moment that Seokjin promised himself to always be there for this sweet angel and never ever leave or hurt him.

With Jin's help, Jungkook put everything that he needed in bags and left the house, heading to Jin's.

After a while Jin stopped the car, indicating that they were there. The ride was a bit long so naturally Jungkook ended up falling asleep.

With a chuckle Jin got off of the car and took the bags, putting them all in the hallway.

He returned to his car and very gently took the younger on his arms in bridal style, heading to his house and closing the door with his foot.

Seokjin went to his bedroom and lied the younger down on his bed, under the blankets.

He noticed his old bear that he had since he was eight and decided to gave it to Jungkook, who hugged it tight and smiled lightly.

Jin decided to put everything that was on the bags in his wardrobe and desk.

Once he was finished he thought that was a good idea to search for what to do to take care of someone as cute as Jungkook on his phone, actually surprised with how many people were just like him.

Mommy or Daddy? Now that i think about my childhood i feel like calling my own parents like that would be really awkward now, Seokjin thought, but it would be very cute if he ever decides to call me that.

After he read about rules, things that would make him fall into that called little space, relationships, little food, how to be little outside without people knowing and the different behaviors of the Littles he thought that he was more ready to take care of Jungkook now.

The first thing he would buy would be an adult pacifier for Jungkook. When he found a website for 'adult babies' he was literally surprised that there was actually things like pacifiers and bottles adult size.

In fact he would order one now.

Jungkook was waking up from is brief nap and noticed the bear on his arms and smiled a little, still sleepy.

He closed the gap between the bear's head and his nose and he could smell Seokjin's strong scent, which made him smile wide.

He loved the oldest perfume, it was his favorite.

He yawned and decided to get up and search for Jin, hugging the bear really tight.

He went to the kitchen unexpectedly but found him there, who made Jungkook squeak of happiness.

The next thing Seokjin could feel was the youngest arms around his torso.

"Hello baby, sleep well?"

"Mhm! Comfy bed!"

"I searched some things on the internet." he said while making Jungkook sit on his lap comfortably. "So you're a Little."

"Yeah..." he could feel his cheeks hot again.

"I saw many more like you on tumblr. It's adorable. YOU are adorable."


Jungkook while in little space stutters a lot, more if he's shy and Seokjin couldn't help but coo at it.

"You are my new favorite thing in the world and i promise to take good care of you. I will be the best caregiver in the entire world, you'll see."

"Chu a-a'weady the bestest!"

"Do you know about the rules?"

"Yesh." he nodded.

"I think we should make them now, mm?"

"Yesh pwease!"

Jungkook was really excited cause making rules makes everything more official.

"I'm going to find some papers and colors."

Jin returned once he had the things, with a very hyped Little waiting for him.

He sat down again and they started writing down the rules with different colors.


1. Inside voices only;

2. Bedtime at 11pm;

3. Always be polite, say please and thank you;

4. If you feel Little outside always tell your caregiver so he can help;

5. If you want to buy anything always ask your caregiver, without telling he can't guess;

6. If you feel sad or upset with something you must tell your caregiver so he can help you;

7. Never say No to your caregiver (except if you feel uncomfortable or sad with something);

8. Don't throw tantrums and always behave, your caregiver loves good little boys;

9. Whenever you want you can show your caregiver how much you love him, he will appreciate it always;

10. Always eat your veggies;

"Mm, i think that that's all." Seokjin said.

"I has one mowe!" Little Jungkook said.

"What's that sweetie?"

"Chu Daddy!" he giggled. "Onwy mine!"

The oldest heart melted at what he just said.

"If i'm only yours then you're only mine."

11. In little space always call your caregiver Daddy or any variation of that name;

12. Daddy is yours just like you are Daddy's.

"D-Done!" Jungkook happily said.

"Well done sweetheart, should we hang it on the fridge so you never forget?"

"Yesh pwease!"

Jin got up from the chair and with Jungkook on his arms he went to the fridge and asked the Little to hang it with two magnets.

"Good job!" Jin said.

"Thankies D-Daddy."

"You welcome baby." he chuckled. "Now should we do the punishments?"

"Y-Ye-Yesh Daddy!"

"Let's go sit then."


1. Instead of 11pm, bedtime at 10pm;

2. Take toys away for two days or a week, depends on how bad it was;

3. No sweets for three days;

4. Timeout for ten minutes;

"Are you a sexual Little?" Seokjin asked.

Jungkook shocked on his own saliva, but shook his head almost instantly.

"K-Ko-Kookie n-no-no naught-ty!"

"Okay, i'm sorry baby, i didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." he kissed the Little's forehead.

"Otay." he smiled shyly.

"Well, i don't have more punishments, so let's end this here for now. But i think that my prince will be a very good behaved baby. So i don't need to be worried, right?"

"Y-Yesh Daddy! I be g-good, be-bewy good b-boy!"

"Why are you so cute?"

Eventually Jungkook got so comfortable around his Daddy that his stutters calmed down really a lot.

Seokjin was more than happy to have him in his life, such a wonderful person, big or little.

Now, there was this time when they went out to go to the movies because there was this princess movie and Seokjin knew how much Jungkook loved Disney princesses.

When the film ended they went to eat an hotdog before they went home.

It was night and gladly there was no clouds that night so both of them could look up and stare at the stars. They were so bright and Seokjin was pointing to a few constellations and explaining them to the younger.

"Thank you for being here with me now." Jungkook suddenly said. "Thank you for accepting me the way i am, i mean, thank you for everything you've done to me. I will be forever grateful."

Seokjin just wanted to cry but forced himself not to.

"I need to thank to you too. Thank you for making me smile and feel like i'm needed. Thank you for being the way you are, i think that i just needed someone to protect and take care of. That someone was destined to be you. Thank you for everything too, i... thank you."

It was six degrees outside and Jungkook was freezing so Seokjin just took off one arm of his jacket and closed the gap between them two and dressed the others arm on the empty jacket-arm.

"How funny this is." Jungkook laughed.

"At least you're not freezing anymore."


Jungkook felt the warm heat that was radiating from the oldest body and closed his eyes for a few seconds, feeling too the others arm positioning on his small hip.

A few minutes later they stopped walking, Seokjin staring at the younger.

"I don't know if i should tell this because i'm so much older than you but-"

"Age is just a number, it doesn't matter if i'm fifteen and you're nineteen or if a couple has twenty years of difference."

Seokjin was taken aback for a few moments, his heart suddenly beating faster than it ever been.

"What matters is the love that both of them feel towards each other, right Jin?"


Jin wanted to open his mouth but nothing came out, so he decided to take the youngest hand and place it on his chest.

Jungkook could feel how fast his heart was beating and everything was just making sense for him.

"You make me feel this way." Seokjin said.

"You too." He placed the others hand on his chest with red cheeks.

The older smiled and after this confirmation he took the next step.

He inclined the youngest head with his fingers on his chin so he could look at him.

His skin glowing with the light of the stars and how his dark brown eyes were sparkling were something else.

Seokjin finally ended the space between them and kissed the younger, his rough lips kissing Jungkook's baby soft ones.

Soon they started to move their lips, a slow and warm kiss, their eyes closed and enjoying the others presence.

When both of them felt the lack of air they parted their lips and Seokjin joined his forehead with Jungkook's.

"I love you, sweetheart."

"I love you too, Daddy."

And that's how their story began.


So what did you think about this? A little throwback tee hee

I was fangirling while i was writing this cause JiNkOoK iS mY lIfE aNd I sUfFeR wItH tHeM sO bAd

See chu all in the next chapter! Love chu all! 💜

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