Sad Song (Lauren/You)

By Maclue

47.5K 1.5K 229

"I'm tired of feeling alone Lauren. " Y/N pulled her hips close to his hearing his favorite little gasp that... More

Part 1- Superheroes
Ch. 1 ~A Sky Full of Stars~
Ch. 2 ~The Edge of Tonight~
Ch. 3 ~One Of Those Nights~
Ch. 4 ~Middle of the Night~
Ch. 5 ~Stargazing~
Ch. 6 ~Passing Time~
Ch. 7 ~Hanging by a Moment~
Ch. 8 ~Standing in the Dark~
Ch. 9 ~Rock Bottom~
Ch. 10 ~Real Friends~
Ch. 11 ~Invisible~
Ch. 12 ~Flicker~
Part 2 - Hope and Despair
Ch. 14 ~Night Changes~
Ch. 15 ~Wake Me Up~
Ch. 16 ~Fix You~
Ch. 17 ~Love Drunk~
Ch. 18 ~Believer~
Update on the Update
Ch. 19 ~Nervous~
Ch. 20 ~Youth~
Ch. 21 ~Ghost of You~
Ch. 22 ~No Filter~
Part 3 - Purpose
Ch. 23 ~Complicated~
Ch. 24 ~Young & Relentless~
Ch. 25 ~Good Life~
Ch. 26 ~Heavy~
Ch. 27 ~Bad Liar~
Ch. 28 ~New Man~
Ch. 29 ~Two Ghosts~
Ch. 30 ~Demons~
Ch. 31 ~Always~
Ch. 32 ~So Close~
Ch. 33 ~Sad Song~
New story
Special Epilogue
I'm back!
New Fifth Harmony book?

Ch. 13 ~Angel~

1.1K 42 11
By Maclue

"Camila? " Y/N called out as he entered the brunette's homey apartment.

Only silence greeted Y/N as he lock the door behind him. He took off his shoes and place it beside the door. After taking off his jacket and placing it at the coat hanger, he made his way to the living room, planning to watch some TV and take his mind off the crazy night he had.

"Oh, Camz, "

Camila laid asleep and sprawled out in the same couch Y/N saw her singing for the first time. An empty coffee mug laid beside her on the floor.

"You didn't have to wait for me, Camz. " Y/N mutter, but his heart warmed to the thought that Camila stayed awake until she fell asleep waiting for him.

Gently and silently Y/N pick up the light brunette and carried her up to her room. Y/N has never been to her room but he didn't have any trouble finding it. Colorful and huge stickers with the brunette's name is sticking outside a white plain door.

With ease Y/N open the door while still carrying a sleeping—and drooling—Camila.

Y/N lay Camila softly down her bed. The latter immediately grab a pillow nearby and cuddle into it while snoring softly.

"The things I do for the people I care about, " Y/N mutter, wiping the drool on his neck.

"Fudge, " Y/N whisper when his hand accidentally swat something in the dark. He turn his eyes to Camila and breathe a sigh of relief when the girl remains asleep.

Grabbing his shitty phone from his pocket, he started searching the floor while the light from his phone lit the room. It took a few seconds before he found the thing that cause all this tiring search.

"How...weird " The thing Y/N held in his hand is a picture frame. A normal looking picture frame. But the thing inside it is what cause mix feelings to arise in Y/N.

"Is...these... her 'sisters'? "

There are five girls in the picture including Camila.

That was the only normal thing in the picture. The thing that made Y/N stomach churn and his mind going overboard with questions is:

There heads are cut off from the photo. Exactly in the neck area while there body's stands headless.

"Hmm, " Y/N stood back upright, the picture in his hand as Camila mumbles sleepily, "Bananas. "

Deciding not to push his luck; Y/N return the picture frame from where it drop, and left the room with questions he'll never find out without bringing up old wounds on the younger woman.


"Good morning. "

Camila walk into the kitchen with mess up morning hair and sleepy daze eyes.

"Good morning. " Camila yawn, stretching her arms in the air.

"Breakfast. " Y/N said smiling as he serve Camila with an all American breakfast.

"Thank you! " Camila immediately dug in into the bacon then eggs.

Y/N lean back against the island, thinking on how to ask the question that's been bugging him since last night.

"Hey Camila... " Camila raise her head and Y/N had to stifle a laugh at her puff out cheeks.

Camila swallow loudly then wipe her mouth with the back of her mouth, "Yes? "

Just as Y/N open his mouth a loud ringing fills the room.

"Just a sec... " Camila stood up with her breakfast in one hand as the other held her phone in her ear before exiting the room.

Letting out a sigh, Y/N sat on the counter and waited for the brunette to return. Slowly without even feeling it Y/N fell asleep.

"Are you sure about this? "

She rolls her blue eyes, a teasing smile on her lips as she spoke: "You know if your too scared too- "

"I'm not scared! " A young Y/N protested to his smirking girlfriend. "I just... I am being cautious. "

"You mean being a wimp? " She raise her eyebrows.

Y/N adverted his eyes away from the ones that always made him tell the truth. "I'm not being a wimp. "

She giggle before moving closer to Y/N, "Live a little. We're only skipping boring old Math class. No biggie. "

"I just don't want to get in trouble. " Y/N mutter as his girlfriend wrap her arms around his neck.

"But being in trouble is the fun part. " She grin impishly.

Y/N tries to look away but he can't, "I... I don't know. "

"Come on, it will be an adventure! " She said enthusiastically.

Y/N mind was at war with his heart. He doesn't want to see his parents face filled with disappointment and anger, but then he doesn't want to fail his girlfriend.

"Guys, come on! Before Mr. Cracker finds us loitering in the halls. "

My smirking girlfriend turns her beautiful face away from me to our group of friends who's standing a few feet away from us.

"Give us a minute. "

Y/N tries to back away from her but it was too late. Her lips were already on his and he knows its fruitless trying to deny her of anything.

" that a yes? " She ask breaking away from the kiss.

"Always. " And those six little letters weren't an empty promise.

An annoying shaking on Y/N leg woke him up. He groggily sat up and wasn't surprised at the pain on his back instead his surprise at the lack of pain in his neck.

"A pillow? " Y/N held a small pillow that was laying behind him. "Chairs? " Y/N move the chairs away from the island as he stood back up on the floor.

The shaking—which Y/N now knows as to his shitty phone—kept vibrating until he opened it. He almost drop his phone once he realize why it's vibrating.

"I'm fudging late! "

He ran upstairs to change out of his pajamas and onto his casual clothes.

"Sorry boy, not now. " Y/N patted a barking Franky as he threw on a random shirt.

He ran out of his room and headed towards Camila with Franky trailing behind him.

"Camila? " Y/N called out from behind the colorful door. He knock again. "Camila? Can I come in?.... "

When there was no reply Y/N pushes the door open.

"Camila... " This time Y/N could see the room more properly with the sunlight streaming from the window. The room matches Camila's bubbly personality. Bright but not too bright to annoy a person.

Y/N continues his search throughout the apartment for any sign of Camila; only finding a letter in the island.

Been called by management to do some publicity. I'll be back around late tonight! Don't wait up!

-Camz :)

P.S. : Sorry if I couldn't carry you to bed like you did so generously to me.

Y/N groan loudly. He didn't even get to ask Camila to accompany him to Lauren's party.

"I guess it's just me, myself, and I going then. "


"Are you sure this is the place, sir? "

The cab driver looks back at me weirdly before pointing a small computer propped in the middle of a dashboard, "I'm sure kid. The GPS doesn't lie. "

"Well... Here. " Y/N paid what he owe while his mind tries to comprehend at how close he was to Lauren the night he was thinking of her.

"Your change kid. " Y/N shook his head and thank the cab driver.

The moment Y/N feet touch the ground his nerves lit up.

"I still can't believe Lauren only lives two houses away from Camila's family... " Y/N mutter trying to distract himself from the bubbly feeling in his stomach as he knock on the front porch door.

"Coming! " The door open and Y/N was met with a younger version of Lauren.

"You must be Y/N? " The younger version of Lauren ask.

"Yeah, my name is Y/N. It's nice to meet you. " Y/N smile as his hands discreetly wipe the sweat on the back of his jeans.

"I'm Lauren's younger sister, Taylor. " Taylor said smiling widely. "Please come in. "

When Y/N enter the household he is immediately hit with the aroma of burgers and other meat smell.

"You hungry? " Taylor ask amuse, when Y/N stomach embarrassingly growl.

"Umm- " Y/N clear his throat. "Y-yeah. "

Taylor only smile and led him through the cozy living room before opening the sliding glass doors beside the modern kitchen.
"Everybody! Y/N here! " Taylor shouted.

Y/N gulp. He only expected a small party with a few people not a whole crowd with banners with his name and the word 'hero' on it.

"Finally! I was starting to get hungry. " A guy with brown hair and green eyes like Lauren's spoke.

"Chris! " An older woman with the same green eyes scolded.

"Y/N! " All Y/N saw was a blur of brown hair before he was on the ground with a tall woman on top of him.

"Hey.... Dinah. " Y/N breathe out.

Dinah chuckle but made no move to get up.

"Dinah! Let the poor boy breathe. "

Dinah rolls her eyes, "Later Ally. "

"Let. Him. Go. "

Faster than the flash Dinah stood back up in a blur. Y/N was left on the ground with four beautiful women standing above him. But only one of them caught his eye.

Lauren wore a simple white dress but somehow she made it look like it was owned by a goddess. Slowly she lean down closer to Y/N causing his heart to do flips.

Angel, Y/N thought unknowingly. My angel,

"Hello my hero. " But the smirk on her lips and the hidden intentions on her eyes tells a whole different story. "Ready for some fun? "

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