Unplanned {Harry Styles Fanfi...

By styles_is_my_life

177K 6K 627

Laney always wondered where her life would take her after graduation, but what she didn't expect was to have... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 2

6.5K 205 41
By styles_is_my_life

A loud crash woke me from my slumber and I quickly jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs. I ran around the corner as I was trying to pull my hair into a ponytail. I was knocked to the ground after I had hit into something. I hit my head and it started pounding as I opened my eyes to look at what I had ran into.

Chad stood their above me with an angry look on his face. "How many times have I told you to watch where you're going!!" He hollered at me and little drops of spit fell onto my body. I attempted to stand as I wiped them off.

After I had stood and held onto the wall to gain some balance, I walked towards the kitchen to grab some asprin for the massive headache that was forming. I pushed the door and saw a pile of pots and pans scattered across the floor.

"Why-" before I could finish my question Chad cut me off.

"I was coming to find you to talk to you about the pans. Those are very expensive and you can't just push them in the drawer in a big pile! Everytime I need one, I end up making a mess because YOU can't seem to get the concept of organizing!!"

Each word caused my head to pound a little more.

"I guess you can make your own damn breakfast!" He huffed as he grabbed a bagel and picked his brief case up off the counter to go to work.

I leaned my forehead against the cold fridge and counted to twenty as I heard him walk down the stairs, out the garage door, get into his car, and pull out of the driveway. Once I was sure he was gone, I began to pick up the pots and pans and place them back in the drawer under the oven. I never had a problem with organizing. He was the one who placed things in big piles and paid no attention to the way they should go. He was the one that was always leaving messes all over the house and then blaming it on me and forcing me to pick them up.

I finished cleaning the mess and then grabbed a banana and some apple juice before heading back up to the bedroom. I walked into my small room and sat cross legged on the bed. I flipped on the tv and switched through some channels before landing on Grey's Anatomy.

We had only been married for a little over two months, and this was how almost every day began. I would get blamed for something that was actually his fault. He would yell at me. I wouldn't fight back, because what's the point? And then he would leave for work mad and I would come up to my bedroom and sit around for a few hours feeling sorry for the sad life I live now.

I say my bedroom because that is exactly what it is. My bedroom. Well more like a closet almost. We have never stayed in the same room. We have never slept in the same bed. We have never had sex. I was totally okay with all of this, but it would be better if he hadn't put me in the smallest room in the house.

My closest was packed with boxes and clothes. The doors wouldn't even shut all the way. I had about three feet of open space in the room. My bed barely fit against one wall.

I don't know what I was expecting when we got married. But it definitely wasn't this. I guess I was thinking that maybe we would get to know each other better and become that perfect couple that everyone wants to be. I would be the perfect wife who always made dinner and kept the house clean and watched kids when we had them, and he would be the perfect husband who would go to work, come home, spend time with me and then hold me in his arms as we both fell asleep. Well, reality ruined my life.

Chad was kind of abusive. Not physically. He never hurt me physically and he had never even made a move that made me think he was going to. But emotional and verbal abuse, he was all over that.

He yelled. I listened. He told me I did something wrong. I listened and fixed it. He told me I look fat in a pair of pants. I listened and would never wear them when he was around. He told me to do something. I listened and did it.

This was how our whole marriage had been. And I would never admit it to him, but I was afraid of my own husband. Actually I wouldn't really call him that. I mean technically we were married. We had the signed marriage license, but he is definitely not my husband. I'm not really sure what he is.


"We are going over to your parents for dinner tonight. They called me since you wouldn't answer your phone."

"But my phone never ra-"

"I don't want to hear it! Because you are so ignorant towards others around you, I have to make up for it in the end. Be ready in an hour. Don't make me wait on you."

Chad had only been home for a few minutes and we had already had a one sided fight. Lovely. I searched through my closet for something to wear. Whenever we went to my parents house, which was rarely, I had to make sure I was dressed nice and that pretty much meant fancy in Chad's opinion.

I put on a black dress that ended just above my knees. The sleeves went to my elbows and it was tight enough to show my curves, but not tight enough to look like it's two sizes too small. I braided my bangs back and pulled my hair into a high ponytail. I put on light make up mainly because Chad wouldn't let me leave the house without it. I grabbed my phone and purse and slipped on some black heels before heading down stairs.

I sat on the couch and waited for a few minutes until Chad appeared. He was dressed in a suit and tie and he had his hair pushed up into a small quiff in front. I stood up and started towards the garage door. I went to reach for the knob but a tight grasp grabbed my arm and flipped me around.

"You couldn't do your hair any better to go and see your parents?!" He was angry and not only could I hear it in his voice, but I could see it in his eyes.

"I. Well. I just. I thought it looked fine."

"It makes you look lazy! I don't want your parents to think I just let you sit around and be lazy all the time!"

"I can go, uhm, fix it." My voice was soft and timid which always fueled him more.

"No. We don't have time! Next time just do it right in the first place." He let go of my arm and walked through the door.

The car ride was silent until we pulled in the driveway. We always had the same conversation right before we went into either of our parent's homes.

"Now DO NOT make a scene in there. We are here to have dinner with your parents. There is no need for unecessary chit chat. Keep your mouth closed unless you are asked to speak."

Nothing else was said. He got out of the car and walked around to open my door for me. I rolled my eyes knowing this only happens when we are at our parents' homes. We walked up to the door and I reluctantly held his hand when he reached for mine.

Dinner was fine. The food was great and it was good to see my parents, but all I wanted to do the whole time was tell them what was going on in this relationship they forced me into.

After we finished eating, we moved into the sitting room and chatted while drinking some tea. I only spoke here and there as Chad spoke up after every question asked.

It was getting late and Chad had to work in the morning so we gathered our things and headed to the front door.

"Oh I almost forgot! Your mother and I were going to go out to that new Italian restaurant they opened down town on Friday evening. You two should join us."

I looked to Chad because I knew he would have the last say.

"That sounds fabulous. What time should we meet you?" Chad stretched his arm around my back and pulled me close. I wanted to vomit.

"I've made reservations for six thirty so we can pick you up around six if you'd like?"

"Sounds good. We will see you guys friday." I hugged my parents and they hugged Chad and then he rushed me outside into the car.

We started driving and I let out a small sigh of relief thinking that there was nothing he was going to yell at me for.

"See what I mean?! When your parents ask you a question you don't answer which makes me have to answer for you! They probably thought you didn't want to go to dinner with them on Friday!" He slammed his palm against the stering wheel and let out a low growl.

Well that silence lasted long. I knew better than to say anything so instead I placed my head against the window. I don't know how much longer I can take these multiple personalities from Chad. It's giving me whiplash.

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