My Master Skywalker - Book(2)

By RogersSkywalkerR5er

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Book (2) Sequel to Falling For Skywalker! Skywalker Series. Raina Starlight is the daughter a Commander in t... More

The New Republic
Weight of The Galaxy
The New Republic Consitution
First Padawan.
Together Again
The Balcony
Jedi Temple
Jedi Archives
First Mission
Growing Tension
Begining Of A New Order
The Corscant Festival Ball
The Chase
Letting Go
A Royal Birthday
Birthday Suprise
Tagged Again!
Star Wars Tag!!
Suprise Proposal
The Deal
Letting Him Go
Knighting Ceremony
The Search
A Feeling
The Truth
Pass On What You Have Learned
First Lesson
One Day Left
Royal Wedding
Visions and Negotiations
Wishes and Negotiations
Answers on Jaccu
Last Chance
Meeting Again
Pushed Away
No Longer Alone
What Are These Feelings?
Jedi Academy
Taken Back
Back On Endor
Late Nights
Beautiful Place
Trusting You
I Love You
Mysterious Presence
Back At It
Back Home
Telling Him and The Engagement
Making Plans
Our Secret Wedding

Return to Corscant

1.1K 36 17
By RogersSkywalkerR5er

Luke's POV.

It had been about a week since Raina had woken up from her coma. Luke had made sure to visit her every day and to stay continuously by her side.

Four days ago Luke had insisted that Leia and Han go on and continue their honeymoon. He felt after all that Raina was his responsibility and that, even though they were her friends as well, they shouldn't have to miss their honeymoon. As Luke told them both when they were reluctant to leave, you only get one honeymoon.

The last week Luke took Jacen under his wing as Raina recovered. Jacen was a great kid and had such a big heart. During the night when Luke couldn't be there he had Artoo stay with Raina to watch over her. Raina took to Artoo almost immediately. After a week Raina's memory was still gone. The only thing that had come back to her was her knowledge of the Force.

Luke was walking down the hall way with Jacen towards Raina's room. Today the doctors were getting all the tests back to see if she was ready to be released. Once they came to her room Luke knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in." Raina called.

Luke and Jacen walked in and were greeted by a happy Artoo.

"Hey Artoo." Luke smiled fondly at his droid.

He looked up at Raina who was smiling brightly at Artoo. She was looking like herself again. The bruises and cuts were virtually gone and she looked quite healthy. With a few dips in a bacta-tank her wounds had been healed and her broken limbs were good as new.

Jacen smiled at his master and walked over to her. Raina reached out for his hand and smiled. She had also taken well to Jacen too. She seemed to enjoy his company.

"Good morning Jacen." She smiled.

"Good morning, Master. How are you feeling this morning?" He asked.

Raina smiled. "Much better. I'm definitely ready to be out of this bed that's for sure."

Jacen chuckled.

Raina looked at him. "As soon as I'm released from here, you and I will need to talk about your training."

Jacen and Luke looked at her in confusion. She hesitated, looking down, but soon looked up again with a small smile on her lips.

"When I say we need to talk about it, I mean, training may be a little different from now on since I can't exactly recall our lessons. I'm not familiar with our training routine anymore, I'm afraid. You will have to be patient with me during the first few weeks." She explained carefully.

Jacen smiled understandingly. "I understand. I'll try to help you remember as much as I can." He assured her.

Raina smiled gratefully at her apprentice. "Thank you."

Luke couldn't help, but stand there and admire Raina's courage in her situation. She was a remarkable woman. Snapping Luke out of his thoughts Raina looked over at him and smiled.

"Good morning, Master Skywalker." She greeted him.

Luke immediately felt his heart break a little. Yes, Raina wouldn't call him Luke. He didn't understand why. She had taken so well to Han, Leia, Jacen and even Artoo, but with him she seemed. . .reserved. Even though she still would call Han General Solo, she was at least more relaxed around him. With Luke it was like business all the time.

Reluctantly Luke put on a fake smile, making sure he hid his emotions from both her and Jacen. "Good morning, Raina. I'm very happy your feeling better."

Raina nodded. "I just hope they'll let me out of here today. I'm so tired of being stuck in this bed all the time and being waited on hand and foot." She complained.

Luke chuckled. "Don't worry. I have a feeling the three of us will be on our way back to Coruscant pretty soon."

Just then the doctor came in with a data-pad.

He smiled at Raina. "Well, there's the heathy patient. I don't even know what your still doing here. You look fine to me." He said, trying to lighten the mood.

Luke chuckled as Raina smiled shyly.

"Now let's have a look at the report."

The doctor read from the report. He glanced up at Raina briefly. Luke felt the doctors emotions go from even to concern. He looked back down at the data-pad again and neutralized his face.
Luke eyed him carefully.

"Well, you seem perfectly normal and healthy Master Starlight. Your free to go." He smiled, but interrupted everyone's rejoicing.
"Before you prepare to leave though, I would like to have a word with Master Skywalker for a moment." He announced, gesturing with his hand to the door.

Luke looked at him in confusion, but followed him out.

"I'll be right back." He told the three.

Once out in the pristine, white, walled hall the doctors turned to face Luke. His face had turned serious.

"I have some. . .news." He hesitated.

Luke looked at him in concern. "What is it?" He asked.

The director inhaled. "Master Starlight's brain scans came in this morning and everything looks perfect."

Luke eyed him in confusion. "So what's the problem?"

"Her memory is the problem. The brain scans conclude that her brain is fine, yet her memory has not returned." He explained.

"But the trauma she had to her brain when the speeder hit her could be the cause of her memory not returning correct?" Luke asked.

The doctor sighed. "The scans we took earlier this week showed that there was trauma to her brain and scull, but not enough to cause this type of amnesia. With the amnesia she would have had, her memory would most likely had come back once her brain had fully recovered."

Luke waited for him to come to the point. "Well, her brain has now fully recovered, and yet there has been no sign of returning memory."

Luke began to grow concerned. "Wha-how? Why hasn't it come back?"

The doctor sighed. "I don't know exactly. It could be that her subconscious is purposefully keeping her memories from returning."

"Luke's mind began swimming through the possibilities and reasons as to why this was happening.

"Wait. You mean she purposefully lost her memory?" He asked.

The doctor shrugged. "In a way. . .yes, but not consciously."

Luke began to feel panicked and confused. "B-But why? Why would she want to loose her memory?!"

"I don't know. Maybe her memory of the past five years is something that has been hard on her. Maybe after having trauma to her brain, her subconscious went into panic and the only way it could deal with the traumatic experience was to push out whatever other traumatic, painful and unwanted memories she had."

Luke was beginning to understand. "So it was like an over load?" He asked.

The doctor nodded. "But then why wouldn't she have forgotten her parents death? Or her masters death?" Non of this made sense. "I'm not sure. There may have been something that happened over the last five years that was even more painful."

Luke took a moment to think. What could have happened? What could have made her want to erase her memory? What had been so painful and-

Luke stopped in his thoughts and released a breath. There had only been one painful, unwanted memory that he knew of. The reason she had been so distant and refused to let herself be close to him. Raina had lost her memory of the last five years to forget one thing and one thing only.


She had wanted to forget him.

Her feelings for him.

They're past together.

She wanted to forget ever loving Luke or knowing him.

The past year had been that hard on her. It had been that painful. Luke felt as if he had been hit by a speeder himself.

"Master Skywalker?" The doctor asked pulling Luke out of his thoughts.

He looked at him. "Yes?"

"Are you alright?" The doctor asked.

Luke blinked and nodded shakily, as he was still coming to terms with his discovery. "I just. . . it's a lot to take in."

The doctor nodded. "Well, under the circumstances I'm afraid we can't do anything more to help her. Her head injury is completely healed and her brain is fine. It's up to her now to remember. She is free to go." He told Luke as a matter of factly.

Luke nodded. "I understand. Is there anyway to help her gain her memory back?" He asked.

"Well, in theory yes. You could take her to places where some of her greatest or most important memories were made. You could re-intact some memories, talk about the past. Try to remind her of all the happy memories and experiences. That's all I can really tell you."

Luke sighed and nodded. "Thank you. Thank you for everything."

The doctor smiled kindly. "It's what I'm here for. I'm sorry we couldn't do more."

Luke nodded as he walked inside.

"Good day Master Skywalker." The doctor said.

"Good day." He answered.

When Luke walked inside he saw Jacen standing in the middle of the room alone. As he walked up to Jacen, the boy began to say where Raina was, but Luke had already been able to sense that she was in the refresher.

He held up his hand and nodded. "I know. How long has she been in there?" He asked Jacen, looking at the refresher door.

"Only a few minutes. She's changing."

Luke nodded and turned to Jacen. "There's something you need to know before we take her back to Coruscant."

Jacen raised an eyebrow.

"Her memory loss is not because of her injury. The impact she had would have made her forget only for a short time, but it's healed now and she still can't remember." Luke explained.

"So why can't she remember?" Jacen asked.

"It's complicated. . . apparently her subconscious doesn't want to. When she went through the trauma of the accident her brain went into shock and pushed her memories out so she could deal with everything." Luke explained solemnly.

"I see. So she will never remember?" He asked.

Luke sighed. "I don't know. The doctor said that in theory we could try and jog her memory, but it's doubtful it will even work." Jacen nodded sadly.

"I understand. I'll try to help as much as I can." Jacen said.

Luke smiled kindly at the apprentice. "I know you will."

Just then Raina came out. She was dressed in her green Jedi robes.

"I like these. Did I choose them?" She asked.

Luke nodded. "You did."

She smiled and ran her hands over the soft green material on her arms.

"Well, shall we?" Like asked.

Raina and Jacen nodded and followed Artoo and Luke out. Luke could feel how unsure Raina was about the whole situation, but she masked it well. She didn't seem fazed at all. Luke assumed she was hiding it for her apprentice. She always acted incredibly strong around him. She probably didn't want to worry him.

Once they came to Raina and Jacen's ship, Luke looked over at Jacen.

"I probably should have asked you this before, but do you know how to pilot a ship?"

Jacen sheepishly shook his head. Luke sighed and nodded.

Raina interrupted his thoughts. "Excuse me, but I may have lost five years of memory, but I began learning how to fly when I was a teenager. I still remember how."

Luke looked at her. "You sure?"

Raina nodded confidently. "How do you think I was able to search the galaxy for Master Kenobi?" She asked.

Luke nodded, giving in. "Alright. Follow me to Coruscant. I'll see you both there."

Raina nodded.

Jacen, wait a minute!" Luke called as Raina and he began to bored the ship.

"Yes, Master Skywalker?" He asked jogging down to him.

"Keep an eye on her. If she seems tired or confused call me. We can always land somewhere and continue the journey later."

Jacen nodded. "Yes, Master Skywalker."

Luke went to his X-Wing and fired it up.

"Ready, Artoo?" He asked.

The droid beeped positively, commenting on his dislike for the planet.

Luke chuckled.

"Alright. Let's get outta here."

With a roar Luke's X-Wing took off through the atmosphere with Raina's ship following close behind.

Five hours later they arrived on Coruscant. It was the late in the afternoon. Luke, Artoo, Jacen and Raina all went back to the temple. They took Luke's speeder that had been stationed at the space port back. As soon as the temple came into view  Luke heard Raina gasp.

"So it's true. The temple. . . It's been restored." She breathed, in amazement.

Luke smiled and nodded. "You helped restore it." He told her.

"I did?"

He nodded.

Once they landed in the garage they walked through the temple doors. As soon as they entered the hall Raina seemed to be in awe.

Luke and Jacen had walked on, but Luke stopped when he noticed Raina wasn't with them. He looked back to see that she was standing frozen in the hall staring at a beautiful stone mural with an face of amazement and disbelief.

Luke looked to Jacen. "You go on to your dorm. I'll escort Master Starlight to her room."

Jacen nodded and went on.

Luke walked over to Raina and Artoo followed. Luke looked at the mural for a moment. It had the symbol of the Jedi carved into it and different scenes were carved around the symbol.

"You alright?" He asked her carefully.

She blinked and tore her eyes away from the mural. "Yeah. I just. . . it's amazing. It's beautiful." She said looking back.

Luke nodded. "I know. After you rest I would be happy to give you a tour." He smiled.

Raina looked at him happily. "Really?"

"Of course."

She nodded. "Thank you."

"No problem. Come on. Let me show you your room."

After leasing Raina to her room Luke instructed her to rest before he showed her the rest of the temple. She obeyed and thanked him politely for all he had done.

Once she had gone into her room he began to walk away. He froze when he heard her lock the door. She had never done that before. She had always trusted him enough to leave it unlocked. Sometimes he would even drop in unannounced, but she didn't trust him in that way anymore.

Luke looked down and sighed. "Come on Artoo."

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