A Beautiful Mistake

By _letmekissyounialler

74.1K 1K 131

Katherine Carter was your average 16 year old. Except for the fact that her parents died when she was 12 and... More

Pinky Promise
New Home
One Direction Are Vacationing Where?
The Five Boys Next Door
The Box of Carrots
Better Luck Next Time
Best Friends?
Getting Their Numbers
Going for a Swim
That's One For Twitter
The Not So Girls Day
Bring It, Curly
Disneyland with the Boys
Under the Castle
He's Said What???
Singing and Sluts
Chocolate Chip Pancakes and the Beach
The Truth Comes Out
Killer Spiders
Ass of Holes
Movie Premiere
He'll Keep You Safe
Stupid Ex Boyfriend
Hospital on Fourth of July
Hearts Break. Circles go on Forever
Niall's Grand Slam
Heart to Heart with Zayn Malik
Niall Makes Me Fall
Destructive Cookie Sheets
And So It Begins
What Are You Doing Here?
Can't Breathe
Goodbyes and New Beginnings?
Shopping Spree pt. 1
Shopping Spree pt. 2
Last Day
The Fun and Only
Down Right Cruel
A Fish Without Eyes
Zayn gets his Trousers Twisted
Annoying Buzz
Three Days
Payback is a Bitch

Good Night Kiss

1.2K 14 0
By _letmekissyounialler


Niall broke our hug, looking me deep in my blue.  "Katie, can I ask you something?"

"Of course." I looked back into his eyes, smiling. Our gaze never broke.

Niall took a deep breathe, "Will you... be my my girlfriend?"

Wait, what? Did I hear him correctly?? His girlfriend... Hell! It's about freakin time!!

 I felt the corners of my mouth go up. "Yes."


"YEAH BUDDY!" Niall screamed. He threw his arm in the air, fist pumping. I let out a small laugh. Niall pulled me into one of his classic Horan Hugs.

After a few seconds, Niall let go, but he kept his arm around my shoulder, "Smile!"

I looked up to find Niall holding his Blackberry in front of us. He took the photo and looked at it, "Aw, we're cute!"

I giggled as he shoved his phone to me so I could see the picture. "Send it to me!"

Niall smiled as he tapped away on his phone. Within ten seconds my phone buzzed. Twice. Hm, interesting.. I pulled out my phone from my dress pocket. I had a text from 'My Best Friend<3 xx' and a mention on twitter from @NiallOfficial. Oh gosh. The text and mention were the picture of me and Niall.

NiallOfficial: I am now the happiest man ever :) @Katherine_Carter

I smiled at his cute caption under the picture. Then I looked at the retweets. Holy shit! Over 5,000 under twenty seconds. I tapped Niall, "Look over 5,000 retweets already!"

Niall looked at the screen. A smile slowly grew on his face, "Gotta love the fans."

Katherine_Carter: You're welcome ;D

I clicked send and scrolled throught the replies. There was so many! As I was looking through them, I noticed the boys replied as well. Of course.

Louis_Tomlinson: @NiallOffcial you better not hurt my Katie Bear! I will hurt your Irish arse.

Real_Liam_Payne00: Cute! :)

ErikaJonesss: Be home by 10pm or there will be HELL to pay @NiallOffical and @Katherine_Carter

I like how Liam is all sweet but the others will hurt someone... I laughed at their replies as I locked my phone and stuck it back in my pocket.

"Katie, it's half past eight." Niall said as he stuffed his phone in his pocket.

I nodded, "Okay. Hey, you know what sounds good??"

"Some of Niall the sexy beast?" Niall asked, raising his eyebrows at me.

I couldn't help but laugh at his comment, "What happened to my innocent leprechaun!? But no, that's not it."

Niall laughed along with me. He smiled his famous crooked smile, "Then what else could it possibly be??"

"ICE CREAM!" I screamed. Niall jumped back and covered his ears. Maybe I shouted that a little too loud.. "Heh, sorry" I patted his ears, giving him an apologetic look.

"WHAT?" Niall asked super loud. He leaned in closer to try to hear me.

I rolled my eyes as I pushed him lightly.

"Well come on then!" Niall stood up and handed me my crutches.

"Really?" I asked as I took my crutches. Niall nodded and started to lead me back to the car. "YAY!"


"What flavor do you want?" Niall asked as we looked at all the buckets of ice cream. We decided on 31 Flavors.

"Chocolate." I answered a little too quick.

Niall laughed, "Alright then." He looked at the ice cream buckets through the glass. He looked like he was seriously thinking about what flavor to get.

"What's so funny?" Niall asked, giving me a confused look.

Oh shit. I was giggling out loud! "Oh, um. Nothing, nothing. Go on about your business." I shooed him off while I tried to contain my giggles.

"Hi, I'm Emma. What can I get you?" The red-head cashier asked. She looked about 17 years old. When she looked up from the cash register, she looked like she was going to drop to floor.

"Oh my God! You- You're Niall Horan!!!" She ran around the counter, "Can I please get a picture with you?" She asked as she twirled her hair around in her fingers.She placed her hand on his shoulder, waiting for his asnwer. I tightened my grib on my crutches to refrain from punching her in the face.

"Erm, sure.." Niall agreed. She obviously made him uncomfortable. I rolled my eyes at the stupid girl. I watched her take about ten pictures with Niall. I just want some ice cream.

"Excuse me? I've been waiting like five minutes for my ice cream that I could have ate already." I interrupted the red-head. She put her phone back in her pocket and glared at me. When she turned around to go behind the counter, I could tell Niall was trying to hold in his laughter. By the time, the red-head was behind the cashier, Niall's arm was around my shoulder. I could tell she was pissed when she looked at Niall and I.

"I'll have cake batter in a cone and chocolate in a cone, please." Niall smiled. Niall gave her an innocent look. The girl still had as scowl on her face as she scooped the ice cream in the cones. I hid my face in Niall's shoulder to try and cover up my snickers.

"Here you are. That will be seven dollars and thirty six cents." The girl stuck out the ice cream cones as Niall went to pull out his wallet. I stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"What are you doing? I can pay." I questioned.

Niall smiled at me, "I got it, love."

"Aw, come on! Let me pay!" I pouted.





"Your ice cream is gonna melt." The girl said in a very irritated tone. I was about to say something back, but Niall slapped the money on the counter, and took the ice cream.

"Aw, Niall! I had money!" I protested. I let my shoulders slump a little to show my disappointment.

Niall ignored my comment, "I see an empty table there. C'mon!" I followed Niall to the open table. I leaned my crutches against the seat after I sat. Niall sat across from me and handed me my ice cream cone. Finally!

"I still could have payed..." I muttered as I licked the ice cream.

Niall grabbed my hand, giving it a squeeze, "Katie, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you pay?"

"A good one!" I joked. Niall pretended to be all hurt. He let go of my hand and placed his over his heart.  "Okay, you set yourself up for that one." I pointed out.

Niall rolled his eyes teasingly and took a lick of his ice cream. I smiled at him then focused on my ice cream. It's melting to fast!!! I was trying to get all the drips around the cone when I heard Niall giggling. I was in the middle of a lick when I looked up. His ice cream was finished and Niall had his phone pointed towards me. What is this leprechaun doing now???

"Whatcha doing..." I asked. Right after my question, my phone buzzed. It was a mention from Twitter. Niall was laughing uncontrollably Oh no..  

NiallOfficial:  @Katherine_Carter is very focused on that ice cream. ;)

It was a picture of me with my eyebrows scrunched together staring at my ice cream cone very intently.

Katherine_Carter: @NiallOffcial YOU TAKE THIS OFF RIGHT NOW!!

A few seconds after I clicked send, Niall was giggling non stop again. I didn't mind though. I could listen to his laugh all day. Whoa, that sounded super cliche.

NiallOfficial: Too late!!

I laughed and exited out of Twitter before there was reply overload. I looked at the time just before I locked it. It said 9:30. HOLY SHIT! We've been here for an hour!?

"What's wrong?" Niall asked with a confused face.

"IT'S 9:30!!!!" I cried as I grabbed my crutches. I don't know how far away we are from home but better safe than sorry.

Niall's eyes went wide, "Oh shit!"

We scrambled out of the ice cream shop towards the car. I crutched as fast as I could but it was pointless. We finally made it to the car. I tossed my crutches in the backseaat and climbed into the passenger side.

"Damn those things." I muttered after I buckled myself.

Niall laughed as we drove onto the freeway. I stared out the window. My eyes were slowly starting to droop closed. Damn, I'm tired! I decided to rest my head against the window and closed my eyes.

I felt someone shake my shoulder gently. "Katie, we're here." The Irish accent whispered.

"Five more minutes..." I pushed away the hand on my shoulder.

"By then you can be in your own bed." Niall bribed. I slowly opened my eyes. We were parked by the curb outside my house. I looked at the clock, 9:45. My eyes flickered to Niall. The blonde boy had his arm rested on the shoulder part of the driver seat. He was giving me warm smile.

"Alright. I'm up." I stretched my arms out in my seat. My hand had that needles feeling when you cut off your circulation. Niall climbed out of the car and ran to the other side. He opened my door, extending his hand out for me to help me out. Once I was out, Niall handed me my crutches. Niall shoved his hands in his pockets as we walked to the front porch of my house. Niall put his hand on my back for support while I made my up the three steps on the porch. When I made it up without falling, I turned to face Niall.

"Thank you, Niall. I had so much fun!" I smiled. I looked into his blue eyes. It seems like I look at them, they're happy. Always full of life.

Niall gave me a goofy grin. "Me too, Katie."

I was about to turn around to go inside, but Niall's arm around my waist stopped me. He pulled me close to him, looking me in the eyes. Niall reached up and brushed a loose piece of my hair back behind my ear. His eyes flickered down to my lips then met my eyes once again. Ever so slowly Niall started leaning in. Niall finally closed the gap between us, kissing me softly. I didn't realize how much I wanted to kiss him until his lips met mine. The butterfiles in my stomach were fluttering like mad. My heart felt like it was going to jump out. Niall pulled away first, but he had the biggest smile on his face I have ever seen. I didn't know that was possible! I gave Niall a smile back as he gave me a tight hug.

"Night, Niall." I whispered from his shoulder. I felt Niall's lips on my forehead. He let go of me and jogged back to his house.

I went to open the front door, but stopped about halfway. I hit something hard causing a loud thump.


I peeked my head inside and found Erika, Kody, and Josh sitting behind the door rubbing their heads. What the hell!?

"Were you guys eavesdropping on me!?" I shouted. They slowly stood up allowing me to be inside the house.

"Noooo..." They chorused.

"You didn't have to barge in like that! I think I'm going to get a bump..." Erika complained while she rubbed her forehead.

"Good, you deserve it!" I stuck my tongue out at her. Kody and Josh ended up on the couch watching TV. "Well, I'm going to bed." I started to crutch over to the stairs, but Erika stopped me.

"WAIT! How was the date?" Erika nudged me with her elbow, throwing in a wink.

I patted her head, "I'll tell you tomorrow. Right now, I'm going to get some sleep."

Erika sighed, "Fine..." She walked over to the couch with her arms and head hanging. I shook my head before making my long journey up the stairs.

I changed in to my PJ's, tossing my dress in the hamper. I used on those make-up wipes to remove my make-up and finally climbed into bed. I grabbed my phone to do one final Twitter check. I got a text as I scrolled through my timeline.

From: My Best Friend<3 xx

You're the only person on my mind. I can't wait to see you again :)


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Sorry for the late upload!!!! I hope this chapter makes it up :) What do you think?? Please leave me some feedback! I wanna know how I'm doing :) Omg, I am so sore! Like everywhere. And every movement I make hurts. Like that front part of your shoulder? Yea, that hurts!!!! Oh well. At least by the end of summer I'll be all hot and shit :D LOL.

Comment. Vote. Fan?? :) xx

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