The Prince (Harry Styles)

Od amandaJtommo

3.7M 124K 53.9K

Book #1 in the Kingdom of Ula Series In the kingdom of Ula, Prince Harry has come of age to look for his ne... Viac

Before You Read
World Confusion
To My New Readers....
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
2019 Acknowledgments

Chapter 4

101K 3K 1.6K
Od amandaJtommo

"This is your state room," Trish smiled as she opened two dark oak doors to reveal a beige and white bedroom. An audible gasp escaped my mouth as I stared at the beautiful furniture in front of me. 

My bedroom was larger than both my parents rooms and my room combined. The bed was larger than both beds as well, I was just in awe of the whole ordeal. I couldn't believe that by agreeing to the prince's offer I was given all these gifts. Who gets this kind of life? Definitely not someone like me.

The decorations were fairly simple. Dark beige walls accented in gold, white and pink. The headboard of the large bed was pink with gold trimming. The sheets were the whitest I've ever seen. There was a large white armoire across the room from the bed where a few maids were cleaning out. 

"Do you like it? We are allowed to change it to your liking—"

"It's perfect," I smiled to Trish. "It's the most beautiful bedroom I've ever seen."

Trish smiled to me and took my hand placing her hand over mine with a smile. She released my hand and walked over to a white dresser and grabbed a silver hair brush and a few other things from the top of the dresser. 

"Donya, sweetheart, be a dear and draw a bath for Ms. Price," Trish said with a smile. The black haired girl nodded and walked to a room behind me. "She's one of my daughters."

"Oh," I said with a nod. Trish grabbed a stool and a large cloth. She beckoned me to follow her and I did. She walked to a collapsible divider and ushered me behind it. 

"Please undress and put that robe on," she said with a kind smile. 

I did as she asked and tossed my mother's dress over the top of it and put the robe on tying the white belt around my waist. I took hold of my long hair and pulled it out of the back of the soft robe. The hard wood felt warm beneath my now bare feet, it was strange. I was used to cold flooring. I stepped out from behind the divider and looked at Trish with a smile on my face. It all felt so surreal standing in the palace let alone my own bedroom here.

"We're giving you a bath to clean you up, make you feel special," Trish smiled. "A letter came a few minutes ago from Prince Harry, he said he would like to see you straight in the morning. So we'll be in around seven o'clock to bring you your morning tea as well as help you get dressed for the day."

"Seven?" I asked her incredulously.

"Yes? Is that too early for you?" she asked worriedly.

"No, that's fairly late, actually," I laughed. "I'm normally up before the sun even considers rising."

"Oh, well I hope you don't have any issues sleeping in then?" she asked with a laugh. "We'll get you washed and prepped for bed. In the morning we'll run through your schedule."


"Yes," she nodded. "I forgot to mention this, I apologize, Ms. Price. As a contender for being the future queen of Ula, you must be taught the ways of being a crowned princess. You'll have a series of classes within the palace. Your etiquette classes will be taught by Queen Anne herself, I believe your first lesson is tomorrow."

"I have school?" I asked her with wide eyes. "Do I have coursework?" I questioned.

"That, I am unsure of. It is different with every queen. Some assign it, others don't. Since it only happens once per queen, I haven't any idea," Trish said. "Your bath is ready, if you please?"

I nodded following her to the bathroom. I undid the cloth belt and one of the maids helped me shrug the robe off my shoulders. I felt odd, I was standing in front of a bath stark naked in front of a bunch of neighbors. The women didn't seem to mind since they all had blank faces. Donya, I think, reached out a hand to help me into the porcelain tub filled with steaming water. I hissed lightly as my cool skin touched the warm water.

"Is it too hot?" someone asked. I nodded lightly. Someone dumped a thing of cool water in and stirred the water around. I dipped my foot into the tub and slowly got into the tub. I slid down the white curved edge under the large bubbled. 

The weird part was that the maids began to bathe me. It's not like I couldn't wash myself up, but they insisted that they wash my hair, my body. They even shaved the hair off my legs. The nightgown I was placed in, it felt weird against my legs since they were so smooth now. I don't think I could ever get used to that feeling of the softness of my own skin. 

"Ms Price, if you need anything, don't be afraid to ring for us via a guard," Trish smiled. I nodded knowing I wouldn't need anything from her. I think she knew that, too.

I took this time to wander my darkened room by myself. There were no candles here, just electrical items. My family has always wanted to light our house by electricity, but we didn't make enough money for it. We can't even afford to have running water. We have a well, electricity is but a dream. 

I walked over to two large doors and opened one of them. I gasped when I saw the balcony on the opposite side of the door. A smile was placed on my face as I stepped onto the balcony. A gust of air caught me and chilled me through to the bone. I walked up to the railing and rested my elbows against it looking over the palace grounds.

Honestly, I couldn't believe my life right now. This morning I woke up like it was any other morning and that same night, I am standing on a balcony of a place I am calling my bedroom until I am formally dismissed from being the future princess. I was living like royalty and it all felt so surreal. I don't think my smile will ever come off my face from this day forward. I think that may be why my mother smiles all the time. She embraces the life she has, but she wishes better for us kids.

My father must be elated by the fact his useless daughter is away from the house. 

I was snapped from my thoughts by soft voices coming from beneath me. I looked down on the courtyard and saw Prince Harry talking with his mother as they strolled from the garden. Her arm was wrapped tightly around his arm and her shoulder was pressed into her son's side. Apart from their clothes, they didn't look like royalty. They looked like two loving family members who were normal. 

Prince Harry was handsome, I give him that. I didn't have very high expectations, just that my mother said I had to accept the offer. After meeting him and finding out how nice he is, I learned that I may come to like this in the end. I should have known he would be caring and nice. The way my mother spoke in regards to King Desmond was in a way that he was someone she was proud to have as our ruler. His son would be no different, I could tell you that much.

"I think that girl is lovely," I heard Queen Anne say as they neared the entrance. "Just like her mother."

"Yes, I agree, Ms. Price is a very kind girl," I heard him say. It was odd to hear him, or anyone, say my name so formally. I didn't really care for it.

"Harry, my love, you can call her by her given name in front of me," the queen said. "She may just be my daughter-in-law one day."

"I know," he sighed. "I do like Emerald, thank you for inviting her family for dinner."

"Don't thank me, Harry, thank your father. He remembers her mother when she was here in the palace just like her daughter. Your father is fond of that Dorothy character, to what extent, I am not sure of," she sighed.

"Mum," he said. "I don't think he thinks of her like that. He let her go for a reason, didn't he?" he asked. "He chose you."

"Yes, but he almost didn't," she sniffled. She was crying.

"What do you mean?" Prince Harry asked with a concerned voice. 


Queen Anne was interrupted by loud blaring sirens sounding from the speakers. I straightened my back wondering what in the world was going on. As soon as I did this my main door swung open and a guard came towards me in long strides. He took hold of my arm and began pulling me from my bedroom forcefully dragging me down the corridor. 

"What is happening?" I asked as I struggled to keep up with him.

"I can't say," he said. "I'm not briefed, you'll know once the king finds out. You'll be placed with his family in hiding quarters."

I stayed silent. This obviously wasn't a drill, my heart began pumping profusely at the thought of whatever this was, it wasn't planned or normal. My family is the first thing that crossed my mind as I was dragged down a set of stairs into a small little room where the rest of the royal family was sitting quietly.

"Emerald, here, you can sit here, I need to discuss—" the king started but was interrupted.

"I'm sorry, your highness, we must ask you to stay here while we find out more," the guard said. 

"For Christ's sake, I'm the king. My son is already a crowned prince, I have an heir."

"I'm sorry, sire," the guard said backing out of the small room quietly.

Clearly this was an urgent matter because the king was frustrated. He was pacing before us in a stressed out manner. I wasn't fully aware of the seriousness of this situation. I was just there, no thoughts but my family crossed my mind. The King was in a serious state of distress. He was pacing in front of us. One arm was reaching across his torso whereas the other sat on top of it, his fingers pulling at his bottom lip.

"Harry," I heard someone whisper sharply. I heard shifting after this was said and he passed in front of me and sat beside me.

"You alright?" he asked folding his hands in his lap.

"I'm not completely sure," I said honestly. "I don't know what's happening."

"Ula's been invaded a few times now," he said to me. "Nothing too serious as of yet, but when they cross borders, they set off our alarm system and wherever the sirens come from, that is where they are," Harry explained. "Your family is safe, I promise."

"No you can't," I whispered. "If Ula is being invaded, no one is safe anymore."

"You're safe in the palace, Emerald," he said quietly to me. "You have us as protection. As long as you live here, you're treated as a member of the royal family. We are protected."

I looked up at him finally and saw he was trying to be sincere, but it was clear he didn't know what to say in this situation. He probably hasn't been in this situation prior to now. I felt Harry hesitantly place an arm around my back and rub his hand up and down my arm gently as he calmed me down.

"I wish they would tell me what is happening," King Desmond grumbled to himself. "I don't like being in the unknown."

"Father, just be patient," Princess Gemma said with a sigh. "You're tired and it's clouding your judgment. Please take a seat."

"I'm sorry, my dear," he said as she stood up. He took her spot and she sat down on his lap wrapping her arms around his neck. Princess Gemma nestled her head in the crook of his neck while he held her close to his body with one arm. His other arm he wrapped around his wife. 

"I'm sorry about this," Prince Harry whispered in my ear. "This must not give you a good first impression of the palace. If you want to leave in the morning, I fully understand."

I looked at him in surprise. He thought I would leave because of an intruder that couldn't make it close to the palace? I am dumbfounded.

"I'm not leaving," I said forcefully. "A measly attack on the borders doesn't concern me. I've dealt with harsh weather that tore the roof off my home. I think us being locked away in a hidden room isn't that bad. Even if it is too small to fit all of us."

Everyone chuckled at that last thought. We were all sitting within a close proximity of each other. It wasn't exactly the most comfortable I've been since I entered the palace late afternoon. Everything has been extremely spacious, but this room was no where near spacious enough for five people. 

"We have another room, but we thought this would be big enough," Prince Harry said. "We'll most likely use that the next time this happens. I'm sorry again."

The door swung open and the guard who brought me here was standing before us with a stern look on his face. He looked to be bringing unwanted news, but it may just be the face he makes all the time. Then again, I didn't even notice him outside of my door.

"As predicted, another attack on Ula. Just over the west bridge. There were a few casualties of our people. When they saw our troop, they scampered off," the guard said with a sigh. "There was a simultaneous attack on the north border near Ms. Price's village. Her family was unharmed, but there were about thirty casualties from there including one of your suppliers, Mr. Jacobsen. Like the west bridge, once they had seen us, they left. We assume they are part of the same group."

"Thank you, Sgt. Waters," King Desmond nodded. "Are we free to go back to our state rooms?" he asked.

"The warning has been lifted. I do advise pairing up the children with guards nearby."

"Des," Queen Anne. "We should have the girls share a room for the night."

"I don't think that will be necessary, Waters," the king said. "I would like guards patrolling the halls of the castle all night. Also add another guard to each of our room. Identification must be checked in the morning as well. Take as many precautions as you can."

"Yes your highness," he nodded. "I must ask, I was assigned to Ms. Price's room, how am I to escort her to her room when I am needed elsewhere?"

"Harry," he said after a period of time. "You will stay watch with Sgt. Poles outside of Ms. Price's room. Should there be an emergency, you take her to the nearest hideaway," the king instructed to his son. "You can send for the other guards," he said to Waters.

"Come, Emerald," Harry said holding out his hand. "We have to make a quick stop to my bedroom."

I nodded silently taking his hand. The tension was high in the castle, I could tell that much. Even Prince Harry was quieter and more rushed than before when we were in the garden. We stopped outside of a set of grand doors similar to my own. He took a set of keys from his pocket unlocking the door and walked in. 

"Emerald, you are welcome to come in," he said glancing at me with those entrancing green eyes. I nodded and slowly walked into the room closing them behind me. 

Prince Harry's bedroom was far larger than mine. Of course, I did expect this as he is the crowned prince. His large bed had a canopy with beige drapes surrounding the beige colored bed. A large crystal chandelier hung in the middle of the room over the coffee table placed in front of a sofa. He also had a dresser or chest, I wasn't sure which, at the foot of his bed with a bible, a plant, and a statue on top of it. He also had a small, circular dining table near the window with two chairs as well as a desk pushed up against the wall with books stacked neatly on top of it.

"I just have to change quickly, I apologize," he said making his way to his large armoire and pulled the doors open. "If we're assigned to guard, we have to wear our uniforms. I think that slipped my father's mind."

"It's alright," I said with a nod of my head. "I don't mind. If I'm with you, you're technically guarding me, right?" I asked with raised brows.

"Yes, I suppose you're right," he said walking behind the divider and throwing the red and black uniform over the top of the divider. "You know, I didn't really expect this all to happen—an attack."

"They're kind of unpredictable," I shrugged. "I'm just glad my family is okay."

"Me too," he said stepping from behind the divider in his uniform. 

The red jacket was fitted nicely on his body. It had an array of medals on the bl ye sash as well as on his chest. A gold cord hung on the right side of his uniform whereas the medals were on the left side. Around his waist was a striped gold and red sash that had a bow tied on his left side. He wore loose fitting black pants with a red stripe down the sides and shiny black shoes. He smiled at me and went back to his armoire. He grabbed a sword and adjusted it to his side. He then took a band and put it over his head and placed it over his bangs to keep it from dangling in his face. Prince Harry then reached up to grab a black hat with Ula's symbol on it and a gold visor. 

"You look..."

"Boring? I hate this suit," he sighed. "Unfortunately it's a requirement."

"I was going to say...dashing?" I said despite it was asking myself the question. 

"Thanks," he blushed. "I just have to put my gloves on then we can go back to your room."

"Sound good," I nodded. I waited there patiently suddenly feeling self-conscious of the fact that I was standing in front of him in my nightgown.

I crossed my arms over my chest hoping he didn't notice my unrestrained breasts. I didn't want him to stare at them even though I knew he wouldn't. Prince Harry wasn't that kind of guy, I could tell anyone that just after minutes of speaking with him. 

"Normally, my father would scold me for having a woman in my room," Harry laughed. "Due to the circumstances, I am sure he will let it go."

"It's not like I saw you naked or anything," I laughed. "You changed behind your divider."'

"I did," he nodded. "Shall we go?" he asked.

I nodded placing my hand on his elbow. Prince Harry in this uniform made me feel sort of self-conscious. I felt as if I wasn't good enough to be standing beside him let alone be seen as his future wife. I was so surprised that he had chosen me at all.

"You're awfully quiet, Emerald," he said quiet. "What is on your mind?"

"Nothing," I said quickly. "I am just lost in mindless thought, I suppose."

"I think that's a lie," he said. "You just don't want to admit anything to me."

"Of course not, I barely know you," I said as a smile crept up on my face. "Thank you for your concern, though."

"It is my job," he said. "I'm kind of your stand-in guard for the night," he said. "I don't know if your maids have given you any of your schedule for tomorrow, but the plans you and I had together, they are going to take place tomorrow evening I'm afraid."

"That is fine, I have plenty to do in the morning from what I am told," I said with a smile. 

"You seem to be taking this all in stride," he noted.

"My mother talked about this place like it was a fairy tale," I mentioned as we approached my room. He unlocked it and let me in my room. I motioned for him to come into the room. "I guess her fairy tale wasn't necessarily a tale, it's already been a dream come true."

"Why is that?"

"I get a break from the hardships of my own life. I also met a lovely man and his family who just so happen to be the royal family," I said quietly. "You're very kind."

"Thank you," he said placing a hand against his chest. "You don't have anything to do in here I noticed. Would you like to go pick out some books from the palace library? I can escort you there."

"I would, but no thank you," I said shyly.

"Why not?" he asked. "It's a beautiful place, one of my favorites in the palace."

"I can't read," I admitted. "We couldn't afford books in my family."

"I'll have to teach you then. I'm sure some of the classer they have you in require some sort of reading and writing, I'll teach you. I'll have them move my schedule around so I am first in the morning."

"You don't—"

"I want to," he smiled. "I happen to be a very good teacher," He grinned to me. 

"Yeah?" I laughed.

"You'll be reading the greatest romance novels of our time in absolutely no time at all," Prince Harry grinned. "You'll be fine, Em."

"Em?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I uh... it's shorter than saying Emerald," he blushed. "I hope that's okay with you."

"Absolutely," I nodded. "Em sounds fine...H."

"H?" he laughed.

"Yes, H. Nothing too fancy," I grinned. 

"I like it," he smiled to me. "Only you can call me that, though."

"Same to you," I laughed. "You better go guard my door before you get yelled at."

"Right, goodnight Em," he said and hesitantly leaned forward to give me a peck on the cheek. "I'll see you in the morning."

"In the morning."

Harry glanced back at me with his bright green eyes and then shut the door behind him locking me in. It felt odd being locked inside of my own room by the one person I had to trust in this palace. This whole night left me at odds with this whole thing. The only people in my family I truly cared were alright were my siblings, especially Lucas, and my mum. I could care less about the bastard who called himself my father.

I lay down on the plush bed and brought my legs up to my chest as I looked out into the moonlit skies of Ula. Being here, being in this state room, it felt like a dream. A dream that had been on my mind since I was a little girl and told my mother I wanted to be a princess. Well, here I am. I'm no princess, but I am well on my way to becoming one. It was all strange to think that if the crowned prince likes me enough, he could chose me to be his wife. I didn't know how to be a wife, what if I sucked at it? What if I couldn't have children? He would have married me for nothing then. The only thing I was worried about, besides staying here, was not knowing whether or not he would be happy with me. There was no way I could know this. Especially not after one day here.

Only being here one day had its downsides. The main one was that I couldn't form a final conclusion of what I thought of Prince Harry. Yes, we already had nicknames for each other, but it was more of the start of a friendship. He was kind and very handsome. His good looks practically blew me off my feet, but his personality is more important. I could tell he was an extremely kind individual. I can't wait to get to know him more.


Sorry if this chapter is kind of fillery, but I thought it was necessary to show what is happening within the palace like this. Plus, doesn't Harry in a prince's uniform sound so sexy??? Ugh... someone needs to make an edit of Harry on like Prince William's royal wedding uniform.


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