The Movie That Changed My Lif...

By Louislovely

3.8K 107 16

Ashley gets hired to play the character of Ashton Irwin's girlfriend in the movie with all 5SOS boys in it. S... More

The Movie That Changed My Life (5SOS Fanfic)
Meeting the Boys
Training Day
Photo Shoot
Bad Days
Don't Worry
Surgery Prep
Award Show


220 7 1
By Louislovely

We all went home at the end of the day and I went to bed.

I wake up the next morning, eat, and then have a shower. I put on black pants and a black shirt that says 'Born to rock' on it. I throw my hair up into a high ponytail and sit down to watch TV.

I hear my phone go off so I walk to my room and get it, "Hello."

"Hey sis it's me."

"Oh, this should be great." I say rolling my eyes even though she can't see me.

"It's not about mom."

"Then what's it about?" I ask.

"I have this friend and this friend didn't have a place to stay so I may have told this friend you she can stay with you until she finds her own place to live."

"You what? You can't make plans and let people stay here without my permission I pay most of this rent."

"Yes I know but she's going to pay and everything you'll love her. Her name is Laura and she's from Canada." I hear something in the background and before I could say anything he quickly says, "Sorry mom wants me, bye!" Then she hangs up.

I go around my house and take some things into my room that Laura whoever she is won't see. I close and lock my room door and then start watching TV again. I can't believe Becky would do that.

There's knock on the door and I go get it. A girl stands before me with brown shoulder length hair. She is wearing a Green Day shirt and really short shorts. "You must be the friend."

"Um, yeah, hi, sorry."

"Come in." I say holding my arm out to my little home.

"I should only be here for a couple days and I talked to your sister and I hope that's okay with you." She says walking into the living room.

"Yeah, when did you meet my sister exactly?" I can't help but ask.

"She came to Canada for a few months last year and we became friends and have been in contact with each other since. You must be Ashley." She says holding out her arm for me to shake it.

I take a hold of it and shake, "Hi."

She puts her stuff in Becky's room. "The only rule here is don't go into my room." I say then leave to my room.

"Wait I was wondering if you knew where the set is for Don't Stop?"

"The Five Seconds of Summer movie?"

"Yeah, that's the one."

"I'm in that movie."

"Oh my gosh you're Ashley. You've met 5 Seconds of Summer! What are they like in person?" She asks excitedly.

"Guessing you're a fan. Why do you want to go to the set?" I ask.

"I have to decorate one of the scenes of a wedding type thing."

"I could bring you to set." I say then grab my sunglasses off of the coffee table and then put on my black sneakers.


We arrive and they are shooting a few close up shoots of each of the guys from the very beginning of the movie. It's going to look so cool once it's done.

"Make sure you're quiet while the camera is going."

"It's five seconds of summer in flesh," she says quietly.

"Everyone take a lunch break" The director calls and I walk closer to the set so the guys spot me.

"Hey what are you doing here today?" Luke asks.

"And who your friend with you?" Michael asks not taking his eyes off of Laura.

"She's my sister's friend Laura." I turn around and she is talking with the director. I turn back to face the guys. "She's here to decorate some of the sets." I tell them.

"Oh I overheard she was suppose to come here about a month ago or so but she was gone setting up Liam's wedding. I still wish we could have gone to that." Luke says.

"Liam Payne's?" I ask.

"Yeah, Raven is just perfect for him." Michael says. He's in the conversation yet still looking at Laura. It's kind of creepy.

"By the way they are taking pictures this weekend I'm sure the director will talk to you about it." Luke tells me.

"Ugh, more makeup over loading."

"Yeah it's not like you need it anyway." He says making me smile.


"Yeah I'm going to go talk to Laura see you guys later." Michael says then leaves to go talk to her.

"Warning, she's kind of a big fan." I say but he doesn't seem to listen.

"I would love to stay and chat but I'm done and I have a date." Calum says.

"You welcome." I say.

He just smiles at me and keeps walking.

"Two of the four may be having girlfriends soon."


"Michael and Calum."

"And hopefully me, would you like to go out for dinner?" Luke asks. I eyes widen and I see Ashton's as well. Why is he surprised?

"I would love too." I say.

"Great I'll pick you up later." He says.

"Do I have to change?" I ask as Luke and I walk to the cab I came here in.

"No, you're perfect the way you are." He says kisses me on the cheek and then walks back to Ashton. I look down and feel my cheeks heat up a little.

I look back in that direction and Luke, Michael, and Laura are all there but Ashton is no where to be seen.

I see Laura wave and then come to the car.

"Oh wow you'll never guess what happened." She says as we get in the car.

"Michael asked you on a date?" I ask.

"How did you know?"

"I could tell."

"Oh, well did Luke ask you on a date?" She asks.

"It's not a date it's a get together to see if he deserves a date." I tell her.

"One of my friends use to say that." She says.

"It's a quote from Smallville." I tell her.

"That would why."

We get back to my house and watch TV, after a couple of shows in silence Laura talks, "You seem sort of nervous for your date."

"Nervous? Why would you think that?"

"You've been rustling with a bunch of tissues and don't seem very focused." I don't say anything and look at my phone, "Wait a minute is this your first date?"

"First technical date I've hung out with guys before and I've had my first kiss and stuff but no one has ever had the guts to ask me out."

"Why's that?"

"Maybe because I could beat them up?" I say and chuckle, "Or maybe..." I start to drift off.

"Well I'm going to start to get ready." She says then disappears into her room.

About an hour later I hear a knock on the door, I get it and Luke stands before me, "Hey." He says.

"Hey." I say back.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

"Just need to grab my purse." I do so and then we leave.

So where are we going?" I ask on the way to his car.

He opens the door for me, "Sydney Tower Buffet."

Once he gets in the other side I say, "We can't go there, I'm not dressed up enough to go there and it's really expensive."

"We're going, I wouldn't mind spending a gold mine on you." He laughs, "That was probably the stupidest thing you've ever heard, wasn't it?"

"It was sweet." I say then kiss him on the cheek. "But I'm still not dressed up enough."

"When you're famous it doesn't matter what you wear to things like this." He says focused on the road.

"I'm not famous, I'm not in a band, I'm in my first movie, my first debut." I tell him.

"You're famous already just being in this movie, you will be known for this." He tells me.

"Yeah, as Ashton's girlfriend." I say rolling my eyes.

"That part isn't that good but still you will be a star."

"I can see it now, my name on a Hollywood star!" I say sarcastically.

"Laugh now but I think one day it could happen, you have talent."

"Yeah I don't think so."

"You don't want it to happen?" He asks.

"No, I would love it, it's my parents. I would rather just not talk about it."

"That sounds good because we are almost there."

We arrive and get to the restaurant, the view is amazing, and you can see all of Sydney.

We sit down and a waiter gives us a menu of drinks then asks us what we will have.

"Pink kamikaze please." I say.

"Have you had one before?" Luke asks.

"No, but it sounds good."

"I'll have one as well." He says to the waiter.

We get our plates and the go to the buffet. There is so much food. I end up taking the American glazed bbq pork belly. Luke takes a combination of different things.

"The food here is amazing." I say almost finishing off my plate.

"And the drink is too." He says.

"Cheer to that." I say then we cheers and laugh.

For dessert we both have an apple tart, well I have one, Luke has two or three. We both get our drink refilled.

"So our whole meal we talked about me, what about you?" Luke says taking a drink.

"What about me?"

"I can't seem to figure you out. I mean this is your first movie. I grew up in Australia and I've never seen you here before."

"Australia is a big place."

"I serious, what's your story?" He asks.

It takes me a moment to answer, "There isn't one really." I tell him lying.

"I'll figure it out one day." He says and chuckles so I do the same to go along.

"I had a good time tonight, thank you Luke."

"No problem, I did too." He says taking the bill and paying.

He drives me back home, "I'll see you this weekend?" He asks.

"Yeah, see you then." He kisses me on the cheek and then I get out of the car. I wave goodbye and then go in.

I get ready to go to bed and hear Laura get in humming a tune. I get into bed and fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning and call the director before I forget.


"Hi this is me Ashley, Luke and the guys said something about a photo shot this weekend and I was wondering about it."

"Ah yes I heard three of the four boys had dates last night I was wondering if he was going to mention that. Entertainment Weekly wants to write an article on the movie so there is a photo shot this Saturday for it. Make sure you're there. I have another call I have to make, bye."

"Bye." I say then hang up.

I'm going to be in Entertainment Weekly!

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