Reincarnated as the Fated Vil...

By Palastyn_Chroma

190K 8.3K 2K

COMPLETED | VOLUME ONE | It began as the usual flow for a reincarnated story... Aerra believed, as a young... More

Chapter 1: Beginning
Chapter 2: Prophecy
Chapter 2.5 (extra): Bond of Twins
Chapter 3: Fiancé Predicament
Chapter 3: Fiancé Predicament (2)
Chapter 3: Fiancé Predicament (3)
Chapter 3: Fiancé Predicament (4)
Chapter 3.5 (extra): A Selfish Request
Chapter 3: Fiancé Predicament (5) •
Chapter 4: The Plan is to Run!
Chapter 5: Desert Astray
Chapter 6: Desert Quarry
Chapter 7: Desert Requiem
Chapter 7: Desert Requiem (2)
Chapter 7: Desert Requiem (3) •
Chapter 8: The Return
Chapter 9: Partings and Meister
Chapter 10: The Change
Chapter 10: The Change (3)
Chapter 10: The Change (4) •
Chapter 11: Banquet
Chapter 12: Forgotten
Chapter 13: Harvest Day
Chapter 14: Harvest Moons
Chapter 14: Harvest Moons (2)
Chapter 14: Harvest Moons (3) •
Chapter 15: Off road
Chapter 16: Port City Ak'hilheim
Chapter 17: The Theurgist
Chapter 18: Glass Sky
Chapter 19: The Set Out
Chapter 20: The Great Seven Kingdoms
Chapter 20.5 (extra): Mind Games

Chapter 10: The Change (2)

4.5K 171 23
By Palastyn_Chroma

(ɴᴏ ᴇᴅɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴅᴏɴᴇ ʏᴇᴛ.)

• —Aeron's POV— •

Chapter 10: The Change
Part TWO

The commerce in our Greenrun Dukedom thrives from my people's products and the produce that we acquire from everything that surrounds us: the rolling hills and it's minerals, vast valleys with all the herbs and plants, the lake and streams, varying fiends and animals, and lush prairies; also decent foreign trading and tourism which are also blooming but not as brimming as the other large cities in the South. Unlike Osteell, we don't have mines to harvest ores or metal from, that can be used to manufacture products to be sold overseas— but Greenrun is prosperous and peaceful as is.

And I can see that with my own eyes as we began to walk around the Central District. Eriol walked beside me as Aerra followed us a little from behind together with Levi.

"Let's go check the Notice Board!" Says Eriol, picking up his pace to head to the board, where several papers are posted,  as we were about to pass by.

"We agreed already that we won't be doing any bounty huntings or apt to it." I grumbled but in a blink of an eye, he already strode to it cheerfully checking all the posted papers.

"Oh look at that! Wow! So many papers posted that means so many people needing help, Aeron!" He hollered, gesturing a hand at me.

"I'm not even a mercenary. Why should I care?" I replied, deciding to just walk towards where he was.

"Well, you are the future Lord of this land..." he began, I quickly interrupted,
"And that's why we made that notice board so people can ask traveling mercenaries to do their bidding. Small and irrelevant issues like that is not part of our job as the Landlords! Like this for example—!" I pointed at a paper that says 'JOB: Wanted Need Help with Deliveries. Few boxes of fresh fishes needs to be delivered from the ports to my shop. If interested, go find Narts at the Fish Market station 6!'

Eriol shook his head in dismay, "I wasn't referring to those kind of things. I meant this one!" He slams his hand to a post where red printed letters are seen saying: HUNT.
I sighed and rolled my eyes. "No bounty hunting" I reiterated at him, crossing my arms.

Eriol rips the paper off from the board and hands it to me. "Read!" he insisted.  I just glared at him but he kept waving it in front of my face, "Read! Go on!"

I took it off from his hand and read it. It says,

A band of thieves are sighted causing trouble around the outskirts lately. Especially to us farmers. We believe they are fugitives from the purge done from the southernmost borders, Ak'hilheim Kingdom. If anyone can help us put an end to this we are ready to pay ##,###. To anyone interested and further information, please visit us at Zenas Village

And then a small map is printed below the note.

I grimaced after reading it. It seems to be at the immediate outskirts about few miles away from Greenrun. They're not exactly part of our domain anymore, I thought. In fact they're not part in any domain at all. They are wild folks. And the sum of money they are offering seems too low for the job. No wonder no one is taking it.

I just sighed.

I look up at Eriol as he just sneers at me.
"Okay, I know you have some sort of reasonable and logical explanation on why I must care for such thing. It's not even a part of the Dukedom. So let me hear it!" I murmured, as I passed the paper to Aerra and Levi for them to read it as well.

"Well, look at the map! If you're a fugitive, where will you go?" Eriol uttered.

"The woods? I don't know. Somewhere close to the village so they can easily return to the farms?"

Eriol nodded his head in a smug, "The woods closest to the village are part of your domain." he added, tossing both his hands to each sides of his waist. "Plus we can surrender them to the Southernmost Kingdom if they're Wanted. That would create a good start for friendly relations."

"I'll just tell Papa about it tonight. I don't need to personally go do the job. He can send our men to take them out"

"I don't think the village is the only place they take their resources from." Levi interrupts, showing the map at me and points to an area. "The Fay Mills are located nearby since it's closest to the lake ports. Those are pretty expensive commodities here aren't they? How many of the Greenrun soldiers are stationed there? Four... six? Crime rates are too low in this city so I won't be surprised if they only sent few. I bet they're not even aware the Fay aqua-grains are stolen from them."

I took a good look at the map and true enough, Levi is right. The Fay Mill's product, the aqua-grains, is an essential element in our commerce. We are one of the few that supply such commodity on the entire continent.
I clench my teeth as my fists tighten to my side. This is an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with immediately.

"Aren't you even curious in trying out your new capabilites? Don't worry! We got this!" Eriol says in such confidence.

I turned to Aerra. She just shrugged, "I'm fine with it. It's not like we're completely powerless. And besides, we have Eriol and Levi with us this time!" she says.

"I can order my men to follow us in and send reinforcements if we don't return before sundown." Added Levi.

"Wow, so you are all in this huh? Fine!" I tossed my hands up in defeat. "Let's hunt down the fugitives."



"The woods are acres and acres wide. Just make sure they have specifics for us to find the fugitives faster. We can't spend a night out here just to search. The banquet will be tonight, after all." I murmured as I eyed all of them as we sat patiently inside one of Levi's iron carriages, which he calls an automobile.
Just like the horse-driven carriages, the seats were situated in a way that we face each other squarely. Aerra sat beside me as Eriol sat to the seat in front of me while Levi sits beside him, facing Aerra.

"What do you mean 'make sure'? You know I can't do that. Why are you being so edgy anyway? No one's going to kidnap you or Aerra this time." Eriol replied in a sneer.

"I will assure that." Levi added in a tone just above a whisper.

"I'm not afraid of getting kidnapped or anything. I'm just... not sure about this idea!" I explained. I looked at Aerra at the corner of my eyes.

If something bad happens to her, I don't think I can forgive myself.

It would have been better if I didn't bring her along after all.

I regret this.

Eriol and Levi exchanged glances.

"Just relax, kiddo. Nothing bad is going to happen" Eriol's tone suddenly changes.

I wanted to argue back but I held my tongue and just turned and looked at Aerra who sat beside me. She just sighed and smiled. "They're right. It's okay, Aeron. As long as we stick together, nothing bad will happen. And besides, Eriol is with us. He's a high tier wind magus and a well-seasoned mercenary despite his looks!"

"What do you mean despite my looks?!"

Aerra rolled her eyes at Eriol's remark, ignoring him. "What I'm trying to say is... I know this will be the first time we will travel away together again after what happened two years ago and being frightened it might happen again is not what you are exactly dreading on about. I know—!" She grabs my hand and squeezes it lightly. "You're just worried about me... So stop it. I'll be fine. If you think I won't be ...then make damn sure I will be. You are stronger now than before, aren't you?"

Aerra really knows how my mind works...

"...not that I will depend on you. I can somehow handle and protect myself now after all." She concluded in a contented grin.

"Fine. Just make sure you won't charge head on to trouble. I would prefer it better if you depend on us! Don't just assume you're alone in deciding what should be done" I told Aerra, as she just shrugged as if dismissing my suggestion.

I don't want her to make decisions that would make her blame herself again just like what happened back at the deserts when we lost Nora...

I turned my hand around to accommodate the hand that squeezes mine. Our fingers crossed and she just eyed me in silence. I just stared back. 'Depend on me...' is what I thought but somehow she seems to understood it even before the words even formed out of my mouth. She reluctantly nods before looking away.

I just chuckled at her reply and released her hand.

For some reason, there's this mutual connection in our heads that made us understood what the other is feeling or thinking. Like an instinct.

Perhaps... a kind of bond I will only find in Aerra.

I find solace in the idea that she completely understands me and tries to compromise.

I turned my head to the window and watched the view from it. I can see the sun still barely risen up completely to the high skies. The day has just begun. We are once again heading outside Greenrun, this time, there aren't any guards following us nor any kind of escort. Papa wouldn't mind surely as long as we return safely, Mama on the other hand might fuss a bit but she calms down as soon as we hug her anyway. In other words, I don't think our parents would see this little travel to be bad— as long as we return in one piece... or pair.

It took us about half an hour to finally arrive to the Zenas Village, an outskirt village that is  under in no particular reign or kingdom. But under the laws of this land, since they exist in this continent, they should be under the High King's reign. But a village as rural and small as this is usually ignored, or so I thought.

The village was nothing like I expected. The walls that suppose to protect the entire village are only stocked rocks that stood only about four feet high. Houses are just made from low quality materials that won't seem to last if a typhoon arrives. But then again typhoons or abnormal weathers almost never happen here in the South.

There are lots of orchards that surround the area and vast plowed fields that stretch wide beyond the village walls. I noticed most of their apparels are made from the same fabric with unique patterns that perhaps distinguish their own culture from the rest. I could almost count the number of houses. There's so few...

A big stone-well is seen on the middle of the village perhaps their only source for potable water and few children scampered playfully around us as we made our way through.

Rather than looking gloomy despite the rural ambiance, they look rather contented. Happy with whatever lifestyle they are in. I wonder if their fabrics are really enough for the winters though. Maybe I should bring fabrics from Greenrun next time. And how about medicines? Do they just settle with traditional lowly herbs. Maybe I should provide tertiary medicinal elixirs too. And their sandals are just straw... and they don't wear hats despite being farmers... and gloves! No gloves might hurt their hands while farming or gardening, right? —wait what am I thinking?! I shouldn't meddle with them. They're not even my people.

Ugh. This is irritating! Why aren't they updating their ways of living! Don't they know they can get sick easily?

"Aeron, just relax a bit. You're scaring the people with your death glare." Aerra whispered, nudging an elbow at me.

"I'm not—!"

Am I really sending the wrong signals?

In that case, I shouldn't make any eye contacts with the locals. I'll just let Eriol do the talking.

I watch some of the farm animals that loiter around. They seem to let their livestock ran amok. But despite that, their surroundings are surprisingly clean and well managed. Air is fresh too.

I admit it though. This peaceful rural village is beautifully quaint on its own way.

I walked a little slower to make Eriol lead the way. But I began asking around to where the village head is at.

I can sense eyes watching us carefully.
I don't think they know about pureblood since the villagers look at us with astonishment because of the clothes we wear instead of gazing at our eyes and hair color.

It doesn't come as a surprise though. Purebloods are only important matters to nobles. Some commoners doesn't seem to care about those things too much since it doesn't concern them or affect them directly in any way. At least that's what I learned from our morning lectures— and it make sense! Except for the Osteell that is.

Which reminds me...

As I watch Levi in silence, I somehow want to see how Levi handles himself in fighting. I know he's good at sword fights but I want to see what other things he's capable of. He's a commoner blood who bears no magic in his veins but about an hour ago, he showed something that got me wondering how powerful he is.

And if I think it that way —somehow, I thought to myself as we stepped inside a house, I can't wait to encounter those bandits.


"Welcome, mercenaries!" Says an old man in an old looking brown cloak. "We've been waiting for someone to finally take the job."

"We're not all mercenaries actually. We're just some curious travellers!" Eriol replied, "Oh but we can fight. I assure you! We can get the job done." he added when the old man's forehead wrinkled at his first statement.

"Well. Any would do as long as you can help us. My name is Saloom Isha. I am the village head."

We all slightly bowed our head to greet back as he bowed in reverence at us. He has small slanted brown eyes and a glistening bald head. A broad red nose, which is too big for his face, that has a bump like a button on the tip. The skin of his face is dry, loose and saggy, marked with small pin point discolorations from working too much under the sun, I assume. And several vertical lines are etched from the years that passed him. Under his lips, a long trailing silver beard drapes to his chest. If I were to guess, he's roughly in the age of late 70's.

"Well, my name is Eriol. This is Aeron, Levi and Aerra." Eriol introduces us. Sawook... or whatever his name is, narrows his eyes at Eriol all of a sudden. He seems to admire the color of his eyes. Well Eriol's eyes are unique so no surprise there.

I watch them in silence as Aerra and Levi stood idly in silence too.

I don't understand why we are wasting time at this point. Has Eriol forgotten that we only have until sundown? The banquet starts narrowly after that. And we already politely had our introductions so...

"So about the job. Can you tell us about the bandits problem you're having lately?" I uttered, crossing my arms impatiently.

The village head walks towards me and glared at me.

"What?" I murmured, abruptly looking away.

He steps in closer and stared boldly at my hair. Maybe he knows something about pureblood. I let him stand there for a couple of seconds. I naturally assumed he has blurry vision for his old age that's why he needs to looks at things closer to study them. He doesn't have glasses after all.

"How old are you, mister Eirom?" He says withh his husky warm voice.

"It's Aeron. I'm twelve, sir." I replied reluctantly as he steps closer and closer.
"B-but I am pretty capable of fighting so..." I added as I leaned aback. The tip of his nose almost touching my cheek so I took few steps away.

"You have a white hair! And with such young age! How peculiar!" He gently brushes his beard in a smile. Whew. I'm glad he doesn't mind my age for this job.
"Your hair reminds me of... uhh... It's white as..." he pauses and purses his lips. Rolling his eyes up while tapping his chin.

"Like snow?" I supplied. "Because I get that a lot."

"No! Like a sheep!" He smiles innocently. "It's curly and white! Nice to make a wool from during the winter! But your curls aren't kinky enough and it's too thin. Not a good quality at all."


How dare he compare my hair to a livestock—!
Our bloodline is rare and almost extinct and yet he—!!!

"Well isn't that grand, old man!" I grinned, clutching my teeth together.

"And he has white hair too!" He points at Aerra, walking towards her this time. "—and long, like a woman's. But the quality is no good for a wool as well. This is similar to a white goat's hair, rather, with no particular use."

Aerra just smiles in defeat, letting the old man stare at her hair and stroke it.

This old man is annoying me. 💢
Ignorance or not, that right there is punishable by law! To talk to a noble that way is—
Ugh! Who am I kidding. I bet he can't even tell we're noblemen.

"Okay about the job—!" I insisted.

"Ah! Oh yes. The job! Reino, yes?" He replied, tapping at his chin at me.

"It's Aeron! —So give us specifics already about the job, you bald headed old geezer!"

"Aeron, be calm!" Aerra interrupts, sighing.

I am calm. What is she talking about?

"When did the bandits began causing trouble?" Eriol adds.

"Well, they just suddenly came here one morning like this, about two months ago and asked us to give them money and food. We don't really have anything much to give so they trashed our village and threatened to take the women and kill my people if we don't provide." He stated. I crossed my arms together and listened. Huh, very cliche. Textbook intrusions. Those bandits must be dimwitted.

"They left as soon as they came but the next day after that, they returned and finally agreed to just take whatever food we can provide or else. As you can see, my village has more old people than youth so we fear for our lives as much as we fear for the safety of our daughters, so we never fought back. They return here in no specific schedule but they did visit just yesterday so surely they won't return today. They took several sacks of grains and fruits again and so with several bottles of milk from our produce that we were suppose to sell at the South Kingdom.

Our village is small and our earning here are humble and just enough for us to get by for a year. We can't accommodate such increase in demand. Our village will soon be in crisis if this doesn't stop. We're in desperate need of help!"

"For two months?" Aerra gasps, troubled by the idea. "Living in such predicament for two months? No one have ever arrived to help or take the job?"

The Village Head affirms.

"And the bounty?" Levi murmured, seeming interested all of a sudden. "You're in such state but that amount of money is big enough even for this kind of village."

"That's the amount my people has been saving personally from each of the households. They gave it to me so we can hire mercenaries such as yourselves to help us! If it's not enough, we can get you more if only you give us more time!"

"No, the amount is fine. I was only wondering how you manage to acquire that. Forgive me for my rudeness" says Levi in a slight bow.

The village head shook his head. "It is alright. So would you help us?"

I nodded.

"Wait here, I'll give half the bounty then! Just as a downpayment to pay for your troubles in coming all the way out here!"

"No! Don't give the bounty unless the job is done!" I murmured

The village head just arched his brows at my remark. "If you say so then"

He seems to trust so easily, I thought to myself.
What if a scamming mercenary came before us instead and proclaimed he killed the bandits in a lie and ran of with their bounty?

I can't just let them be at this point.

I sighed, "Well... We'll definitely help you so tell us, do you know where we can find them?"

He nods his head, "My daughter, Hysmin knows where their hideout is. She followed them one time and saw it." He shook his head, "Such a stubborn girl..."

"Where is miss Hysmin then? Can we talk to her?" Eriol replied.

The village head shook his head again, "She left to sell our produce just this morning. She usually return the following day. We can provide you a place to stay for the night if you kindly wait for her return."

"No, we can't wait that long." I grumbled, eyeing Eriol. We have a banquet tonight and surely tomorrow our morning lectures resumes.

"I see, I understand. Thank you for hearing us out at least." the village head sighs in dismay, while once again bowing down in reverence.

Wha—! That's not what I mean....

Aerra, Levi, and Eriol eyed me almost all at the same time.

'What?!' I mouthed at them.

"Actually, we're a bit pressed for time since we have plans for the night. But we will gladly finish this job before sundown! So what if we just go to where she is so we can talk to her ourselves. I can assure you we will do our best to help you!" Aerra stated, mildly tapping the shoulder of the village head whose eyes suddenly gleams in delight hearing her proposal.

"If it won't be too much of a bother... please do! Hysmin went to the great southernmost city, Ak'hilheim Kingdom. We usually do our tradings there because they offer the best price for the exchange."

"Exactly how many hours does it take to travel to Ak'hilheim?" I whispered at Levi as I walked beside him.

"About ten hours by carriage." He replied after careful estimation.


Surprised, they all looked at me. I just shook my head, "It's nothing. I was asking something unrelated to Levi."

Horse-driven carriages do ran so slow with just the horse trotting and prancing all through out the journey.

"Can't we use your warships? Those are faster than any ordinary airships, aren't they? That would cut us the time too, right?" I murmured at Levi, leaning closer.

"Have you forgotten I'm from the eastern nation? We can't just randomly cruise in with a warship and cross another nation's borders, idiot."

"You did that when you rescued us from the deserts."

"That was another matter. We did several prior engagements to have that settled before we came in raking the skies and borders of another continent. This is different. It takes days for one Castellan to approve of a warship to cross their lands. Documents needed to be signed, concessions, and also an approval of the High King."

I sighed.

"Then we go to the Fay Mills and ask the guards about the bandits. They will surely talk if I ask them personally."

"Waste of time. Let's just cut us some work from doing one quest to another and just ask miss Hysmin. At least with her, we have a lead."

"But the trip to get there is..." Another sigh escapes from my mouth. "Options Levi. I need options. Otherwise we will have to decline this one and Aerra will surely be disappointed. Look at her, she wants to help these people."

"I know that, idiot. Don't play that card on me. I'm already trying to think... So stop nagging." Levi grumbles subtly but manages to remain composed.

"Hysmin will be at the bazaar for sure. After the trade, she usually stays at a shop of an old family friend to do small jobs and generally just help out. The shop is named as Geníse's Store. She stays there overnight and travel the next sunrise to return here." Says the village head as he then points at a framed picture of a girl that was on a shelf. "That's Hysmin. She's 18 years old, the only daughter I have. I'm sure you won't miss her. Her clothes' patterns are the same with ours. And she has a mole on her left cheek and green beaded locks in one side of her hair." he adds

as Eriol nodded, "Okay. Off to the Southern borders we go then!"

As soon as we walked outside, Eriol crossed his arms together. "You guys just wait for me here. I'll go to the Ak'hilheim myself."

I remembered he can somehow fly using his wind. What a handy element.

"But I want to see the Southern kingdom..." Aerra sighed almost inaudible but we heard it. She clasp at her mouth when she realized we heard it well. "Ah! No! Don't mind me! Sorry about that. I was just talking to myself!"

The point why I agreed to have Aerra in this journey in the first place is so that she can somehow revert back to her usually vivacious self. If she wants to go, we should. No point in restrictions now.

I shook my head. "I want to see the Southernmost Kingdom as well. We are from the south yet we never had any chance to visit that Kingdom before." I stated,

"Ak'hilheim Kingdom, also known as the grand Port city of the South. Ruled by King Ulf of House Rahn, the Castellan of the Southern nation. Also known as Sultan of trades." Levi began, with a finger under his lips as if brooding. "Huge harbours, exotic with its trade preferences overseas, and unique mix cultures and races, surely a journey to such place will be worth it." He then closes his eyes and nods once. "And besides, if Aerra wants to go, so shall it be. I have a plan. We will use the hyperloop drive concept. It's a theory being studied by our scholars in Osteell. Luckily, the automotive I bought along might be able to handle that. Along with your combined help, that is, it might actually work."

"Hyperloop? You might want to talk in a language we can all comprehend, buddy." says Eriol, patting Levi's shoulder.

Levi brushed him off and walked away. "Just come follow me, I'll elaborate." He gestured at us and we followed him.

We returned to where the automobile is parked, with one of it's driver stood by waiting for us. He bowed down the moment he saw us and opened the door.

Levi shook his head at him. He then faced us. "Basically hyperloop drive theory makes an automotive ran without the wind resistance. We try to create an environment that will enable us to release the full speed of this machine. Once we do, we can boost the engine in full throttle. I will enable us to hover just enough that we can glide through the roads. And if fast enough, perhaps I can do something more. With this, we can cut our time travel by utmost 75% percent."

Do something more huh?
Like teleport? I wonder.

"So.... is this safe? You said it's still being studied back in Osteell." Eriol murmured, with one brow arched up.

"As you already know. Osteell is mostly ran by commoner blood. So we make sure everything we do enables us to do it without the need to use magic. However... if we do use magic, the missing link might enable it as plausible in an instant."

Levi really is smart. But no time to admire him now, "So what do want us to do?"

He nods, lips curling in one side.

What an eerie smile.

"Even though this automotive is made of iron. I assured with alchemy that it will act as a dielectric material. So, I will serve as the electric conductor and assure the stability of transmutation of your powers to the engine. Eriol, provide an airflow around the vehicle that will and must allow us to speed up without air resistance. Aeron, you will supply me with electrical charge we need to power up the entire transport. The important note here is that we need to keep doing it until we reach our destination, so if you plan to give up midway, just say so now."

Eriol and I exchanged glances.
Pretty sure we're both lost at what he meant at some point.

"Sure. Let's just do this." I murmured, shrugging.
Eriol just rubbed his nape. "Yeah. Let's just do whatever you say."

Levi nods.

"And me? What would you want me to do?" Aerra cuts in, stepping closer.

Levi steps in briefly inside his automobile and then stepped out with a piece of rolled paper. "You'll be the navigator. Just sit in front next to the driver and guide him where we will be heading. The guys and I will stay at the back seats and commence the plan."

Aerra smiled hearing this. I guess she want to take part. Although I'm quite sure the driver knows where to go without any navigator but I'm just glad Levi considers what Aerra would feel.

We all agreed and finally went inside the automobile.

The backseats are partitioned from the front, where the driver is. Only through a small window allowed Aerra to take a peek at us as we sat inside, while she sat at the passenger seat next to the driver.

"There might be a little bolt of energy that might escape. I'm sorry but we need to close all windows... including this one." Says Levi as he apologized to Aerra. He then closes the small window behind him as he sat down facing us, while Eriol sat beside me. We all closed the windows to our side.

"Eriol. Begin with the air flow plan." ordered Levi as Eriol nods and I can hear wind from the outside, building up like a sound of hurricane forming.

"Done!" Eriol says in a smug.

Levi just nodded and then closed his eyes shut.
The driver seemed to have started the engine as well and began to drive in a steady speed.

We just watch Levi as parallel and straight circuit lines of gold began to creep thoroughly his skin like veins, emanating in a soft pulsating glow. It went on until it covered his arms, neck and reaches his face and a runic emblem appeared on his forehead. He opens his eyes and his amber eyes glowed in gold as well. "Let's begin." His voice was ethereal when he spoke.
I can see how Eriol is as surprised as me.

Suddenly an energy surges beneath our feet and an odd looking circle emits with runic symbols hovering around us.
And then, just like before, circuit lines manifested apt to creeping veins, covering the entire walls and ceiling where we're in. More runic symbols hovered around us.

"Is that.... ancient inscriptions?" Eriol gasps. "How... how is this possible?"

Ignoring the question, Levi focused his eyes at me. "You will serve as a generator. Supply me with your electricity and I will transmute it for this machine. However, I believe you are more powerful if you're a Meister, correct?"

I tilted my head to a side. "You want me to combine with Eriol now?"

"We need as much energy as we can." he replied.

Eriol just nodded and transformed into the silver scythe. I took him with both my hands and balls of lightning appeared around me like before.

"Transfer your power to me, Aeron. Just let it all out and I will handle the rest. Do it now." he says in a calm voice but it somehow sounds really unsettling. Nevertheless, I did what he said.

I closed my eyes and focused my magic. I can feel the wind barrier Eriol had casted around us. I tried my best to maintain it just with my will.

Eriol is right, if I focus enough, it feels like I know how to use the wind element without any problems. And at the same time, my lightning feels uncontrollably powerful than before. I held on that and released it aimlessly out of my body.

Suddenly, after that. Everything went blank.

When I came to, I opened my eyes and realized everything was back to normal. Eriol returns to his human form and spoke, "What happened? Did we fail?"

Levi who sat in front of us, calmly shook his head. He looks normal again.
"On the contrary... we succeeded. We're here. But we stopped only about few meters away from the city. I don't want to cause too much ruckus by landing inside, so we need to walk to the main gates from here instead."

"Wait. We have arrived?!" Eriol quickly opens the door and true enough, we were on plains with different scenery from that of Greenrun's.
There were more bushes and unique looking trees and flowers around that I never seen before in real life, only in books.

I was about to step down the automobile as well when I noticed Levi was holding on to something glowing.

"I hope you don't mind. I charged one of my spheres from the energy you gave me." he says, but his eyes are fixated on a spherical glass that is as big as a fist. It glows in a soft blue light. "You really are interesting, Aeron. Powerful to a fault. This little sphere can help me with my projects later on."

"What exactly is that?" I murmured at him.

"What do you think it is?" He switches his focus and eyed me tentatively. As if waiting cautiously for my answer.

"To my understanding, it's a glass ball that can collect electrical energy which you can use later on?" I stated, sounding more like a question.

Levi nods, "I call it a Cell. A kind of container that stores in electric energy from magic. But this is special since a pureblood such as yourself charged it."

He then pushes a button somewhere near his seat and an air pressurised compartment opens like a drawer. He places the glass ball inside it carefully where a cushion that fits the ball perfectly is seen and then he closed it. I just watched in silence as finally our eyes met. Levi's eyes were somehow hollow yet sinister-looking amidst his usual blank facial expression but I felt no malice directed at me in them somehow. But it was a bit odd.

I can't really read this guy.

But... the existence of that compartment alone makes me suspect he had been planning for something like this to happen and collect my magic from me. As if he had calculated this all along. Is that why he was so interested in coming along? I wonder.

Wait. No.

I feel bad for growing suspicions on Levi. He is my friend after all. I need to stop this overthinking nonsense.

"Let's just go" I said, to cut the silence between us. He just nods and followed me as I stepped out.

We saw Eriol opening the front doors as Aerra wobbly steps out, looking a bit wan.

"Are you okay?" I asked, walking to her as she just held on to my arm as she tries to balance herself.

"Ughh... I felt like I was just catapulted to the moon in the speed of light." she groaned.

"You what?" I murmured, trying to catch her bleary eyes.

"We went ultra fast than I expected. We went zooming in such a speed for few minutes and then everything went white! The next thing I knew, we're already here! I... I think my soul even parted from my body at some point." She whimpers as she pressed to her stomach. She doesn't look good. She gags but manages to stop it.

"Excuse me!" she says all of a sudden, bolting across the road and towards a bush where she sat there and started throwing up.

I sighed.
That just now sounds more like we teleported.
So my hunch is right.

"We didn't just cut the time to 75%, we actually reached up to 98%." Levi stated, as he reached to opens one compartment inside again that had familiar canisters of potable water.

"What do you mean?" Eriol asks

"I mean... it took us less than half an hour to arrive here. Very remarkable result, don't you think so too? But it still needs improvement." He replied as he opens the canister and went walking his way towards Aerra as she was about to walk back towards us. He then offered the water to her.

I shrugged. "As long as we arrived in one piece." I murmured but he was no longer paying attention.

Eriol just eyed me.
And then he walked closer to me. "Do you really and completely trust this brat?" His tone is as good as a whisper.

"Of course. Why ask?"

"He literally just controlled and summoned ancient inscriptions like some kind of a —human weapon. I mean... the bodies of commonfolks aren't suppose to handle large amount of energy like that, especially not that kind of magic. We don't even control that kind of thing even as nobles with innate powers nor as purebloods. It's for ancient machina for pete sake. They build an entire structure just to control such technology long long ago and yet he's..." Eriol shook his head and just crossed his arms. "My point is—! There's a reason why they are called ancient. We shouldn't meddle with them.... just saying."

"So you don't trust him?"

"I do and I don't. Depends on the situation. But right now, he seems harmless to us... at least for now."

"Should we just go ahead and ask directly?"

Eriol shook his head. "I doubt he'll spill it out if I ask. But you go ahead and try."

"Maybe... I will." I replied.

I get what Eriol is trying to say. The entire Ouboros base was sucked in a vortex two years ago just because of a defective portal that was run by ancient technology.

And quite frankly, I'm still confused about what the ancients really are. I know they used to live with the gods and goddesses and had been living in an era of prosperity and powerful advanced technologies, but something happened that made it all changed. That part is a blur and there after. There is literally no book that tells us what happened.
Or at least.... no book that exist about that in this continent.

Ancients machina, huh. I wonder what is that?
And a human weapon...?
I turned to Eriol and realized he's just calmly watching Levi and Aerra.

Eriol is from another continent.
I wonder if—

"I'm alright now. Sorry about that!" Says Aerra as she walks up to us with Levi following a little behind him.

I shook my head to dispel all the scattered thoughts and doubts inside my head.

"If you're feeling better then let's get going, shall we?" I said, as we all began to march towards the main gates of the Ak'hilheim.


We soon reached a point in the pathway where several lamp post on the sides of the road are seen standing in a row with strings attached above them in a crisscrossed pattern with multi-colored triangular flags hanged from. And from up ahead we can see the open gates of the kingdom.

We came in as ordinary travellers and the guards let us through just like that.

The moment we got in, I felt like I stepped into another dimension.

The place is jam packed with crowds of people, both with human race and the demi's. The entire streets were plain soil, no bricks, no pavements, not really the tidiest place around but...

Amidst the chaos— no, not chaos, just really crowded and busy streets... there's this sense of vibrance everywhere. A sense of vigor and cheer.

There were street vendors on a mat sitting at some corners of the streets. Overhead, rolls of colorful fabrics covered the streets from the blasting sunlight— canopies, providing enough shade against the lingering heat. There's this trail of music that can also be heard coming from a huge stage where musicians with lyre, drums, flutes and rattles played in a clearing, where people idly passed throwing coins by their feet. Also lots and lots of varying patterns and designs of apparels and armors. Everyone are wearing unique varying garbs of their own; Some were revealing too much skin and some covered almost everything entirely but their eyes. Some walked around with sceptres, halberd, poleaxes, scimitars, ginormous bagpacks, belt of daggers around their body, uhh.. is that a frying pan... and plenty of other stuff I never normally seen people walking around on the streets with.

It's like a street full of mercenaries and traveling merchants combined. Now this is what blooming tourism seems like.

There were people with long pointy ears, and some with odd looking features that I reckon as Demi's, a hybrid race of humans and bestiaras. I never really saw other races besides our own, until now that is. I thought they only live up to the farthest eastern continents across the seas.

"Careful on the gaping there. Your jaws might drop!" Eriol snickered, nudging me by the shoulder.

Was I being too obvious?

I braced myself and cleared my throat. "Ahem! Well, anyway! Let's just go to the bazaar and finish what we came here for!" I stated as I took a few steps forward.

"It's okay to be amazed, kiddo." Eriol says, ruffling my hair, striding beside me.

"Don't we need some kind of cloak?" Aerra asked, obviously pertaining with the rest of people around us that wore cloaks.

"Ak'hilheim is a city of diversity. So it's okay. Many different kinds of people really visit this place for its trade!" Eriol answered and then he points at the horizon which has the vast view of the ocean and where several foreign ships are seen and up above hovering idly are several airships of obvious merchant from various guilds, "You'll be surprised to find more unique characters out in the streets more than you consider yourself as one." Eriol added in a wink, wearing his trademark smile that looks like a sneer.

"So it's safe here?"

"Not entirely. There's no such place as safe when you're outside the walls of Greenrun, princess!" Eriol says in a chuckle.

"I know as much! I was just referring to safety as in exposing our hair and eyes." Aerra grumbled.

Ah, now I get it. My twin is worried about presence of 'Collectors' that usually hunts for purebreeds like us.

"Don't worry. If something bad happens, your prince and knight is right beside you. Nothing to worry about at all!" Eriol grins, gesturing at me and at Levi, consecutively.

Irony how he excluded himself when he's the primary one who usually rushes to save Aerra head-on several times before.

"No, it's not that I'm worried. I just don't want trouble. And for your information... I don't need saving. I can handle myself!" Aerra marches towards and pass me, pouting. We just watch her as she stops midway and turned about to look at us. "I don't want anyone to risk it just to save me. Let's just get that one cleared."

Where is she getting that confidence from? I wonder.

"You speak as if you can fight. You barely trained for these past two years!" I grumbled, furrowing my brows at her. She just kept meditating as far as I know.

But I do recognize her astonishing capability to evade and parry. Although, that won't be enough if a real fight comes up.

"That doesn't mean I can't fight. Just trust me." She says in a grin. Her crystalline blue eyes watches me steadily, as if I'm looking at a mirror.

And then she blinks away and I caught her eyes side-glancing Eriol, who just crossed his arms behind his head while standing in a very lax stance, looking around nonchalantly.

I suddenly felt annoyed. Aerra says that with confidence but now I know she rather means that she has Eriol by her side. After all, if she needs to fight, she can just summon him because she trust he will come to her aid no matter what.

Well I'm his Meister too but I don't pull my confidence out about fighting just from that!

And here I try to make Aerra depend on me. But there she goes trusting another guy to help her. Worse part is that Eriol's not even asking her to... Yet she just genuinely plaster that as if it's an innate thing to do.

My eyes sweeps to look at Eriol.
Our eyes met briefly, I looked away in a haste even before he notice I'm scowling.

"Whatever you say, Aerra! Let's just go!" I groaned and strode off.

They all followed me from behind but Aerra hurried to match my pace.

"Why are you being so cranky again?"

I glared at her. "I am not!"

"That right there is being cranky." she chuckled in a laugh.

I just clicked my tongue in response and walked faster. I turned to look for street signs and easy enough, I found the ones that points to where the bazaar are at. I followed it with my eyes and realized they're everywhere.  There are some that seems to be pointing in a reverse direction.

"Seems like if we follow the signs, we might end up lost." I said, halting on my tracks and turning to face my friends.

"Let's go ask around then." says Eriol,

Levi just sighed.

"I agree, let's ask the locals! Since there's no palace guards around, so it seems" Aerra added.

I glance at Levi but instead of seeing him just returning a placid stare with his usual emotionless facial expression, I saw him looking at the ground, brows a bit furrowing instead.

He doesn't look good.

He must be really tired. He did use a great amount of magic awhile ago or whatever it is that he used to teleport us here. But if I address his pale condition, he might just deny it. Especially since Aerra is around, he would hate looking weak in front of her for sure.

Oh, I have an idea.

"We came a long way. We might as well rest for a bit and besides, Aerra— you haven't even eaten breakfast yet, have you?"

She opens her mouth to perhaps argue but then, as if on cue, her stomach growled loud.

"I thought so. Me too actually! Let's try out the food here. Might be interesting to see how their dishes would taste like. Besides, I don't think miss Hysmin will leave the city premises on a spur anyway!"

"Perfect! I've been meaning to try the local foods here ever since we got here!" Eriol added, pumping a fist in the air.

I glared at him. "So that's why you were so eager to volunteer in going here alone earlier. So you can try the foods here by yourself!"

"Hey that wasn't my intention! I just really though it would cut us time if I go alone and hunt this person we're searching for."

"And yet you would still find time to buy foods anyway, I bet." I murmured.

Eriol nods, "Haha, well I won't deny that!" He laughs, scratching the back of his head, "I mean, I would've bought some for you guys as well if you ask!"

"Right." I sighed. "Anyway—!"

"How about that inn over there!" Aerra cuts in, turning her head to look at a building.

I followed her line of sight and nodded. "Looks okay. Let's go!" I uttered as Aerra and Eriol strode away in cheer and excitement.

I chuckled watching them.

Suddenly, Levi walks by from behind and pats my shoulder and whispered, "Thanks!"

Our eyes met and I saw him smile.
What a rare sight.

I just nodded at him and grinned
as we both followed after Aerra and Eriol who already went in ahead of us.


"This city is amazing, isn't it?"

"Dusty" I replied, referring to the bold streets that bears no pavements nor bricks, just bare soil. Actually, even this inn is just all sands and soil as well, no concrete flooring. "And muddy in most of the places too!" I added, raising my shoes from under the table to where a shallow puddle exists despite being inside a building.

"It's not that bad." she uttered, eyes scouting around.

I shrugged. "I suppose."

Aerra giggles. "You suppose? You were gawking the moment we stepped pass the gates."

"Gawking? I am not!!! I w-was only... I was just—!"  I turned to Levi, "Was I gawking?"

"What're you asking me for?" he eluded

"It's okay, Aeron. I feel the same. The rush of excitement and mix with amazement... This is after all the first time we've seen something like this huh? Maybe we should travel more often. It's good for you as the future Duke to reign over Greenrun! Together that is! Let's all travel more together!" She beams at me, grabbing my hand with both her hands, tagging at it a bit. "Say yes!"

I just studied her in silence.
That's the smile I was waiting to see that I dreaded for to fade... That usual carefree smile that shines so bright.... I still wonder what was happening to Aerra that made her almost forget to smile.

I'm glad I agreed on this travel.

Suddenly, Eriol and Levi looms their faces close to me, almost just few inches away.
In surprise I jumped aback, almost tipping myself over from my seat.
"Wa-what the heck are you two doing?!"

"Why are you staring like that at her?" asks Levi in a bitter glare.
"Are you smitten with a male twin better than a female?" added Eriol in a mischievous sneer.

"Cut it off!" I slammed my hands down the table.

"Well anyway! We do need to return the brooches too! So let's all travel more after this!" Eriol grins, "Even if we barely began the actual hunt for those fugitives, just visiting cities like this is already fun! So let's do these some more, right Levi?"

"I agree." Added Levi. "You do need to see the world beyond Greenrun and Grantzæl, Aeron. Books can only teach you as much. As a Lord, you should be very knowledgeable about the world. See it all with your own two eyes and learn what our books can't offer. That way, no one can step on you that easily."

I'm not sure if hearing Eriol and Levi agree on something all of a sudden is more gravely disturbing and shocking than the fact that Levi just showed he cares for me just now.

"Just say yes, Aeron!" Aerra insisted.

"Yeah, Aeron, don't be such a killjoy!" Eriol added, reaching to wrap his arm across my shoulder.

"There are plenty more cities out there that's greater and more interesting than this." Levi crosses his arm and regards me with a warm look in his eyes.

I looked around the table, all three of them were staring at me, waiting patiently for my response.

"You guys are weird!" I answered. I felt my face hot so I looked away and pouted at the nagging feeling that I secretly feel a bit awed with their sudden gestures. "But yeah. S-sure.... do w-whatever you want...."

Why do they have to wait for me to say yes anyway? I don't understand. They can just go on travel without my consent.

Odd.... I don't get it.

"Yay!" Aerra cheered.

Levi just chuckled and closed his eyes in content, sighing in relief as he discreetly smiled.
While Eriol ruffles my hair vigorously.

"Enough about this! Let's just go order our food already so we can start searching for this Hysmin person and be on our way! You guys are acting so weird." I pulled away from Eriol and sat with my back straight, clearing my throat as Eriol raised his hand and a waitress came and took our orders.

When our orders arrive, Aerra stood up. "Let's toast to the future travels we will have!"

She's smiling so cheerfully.
I'm relieve how she's like this.

"Toast to more safe journeys!" I raised my mug

"Toast for more interesting adventures!" Eriol raises his, few liquid spilled but he didn't seem to care.

"A toast for this party." Levi added.

We clashed our mugs high above the center of the table but as we stood up to do so the table tilted and almost fell. On instinct, we held on to the table to save it but in the process our drinks almost spilled all over the dishes which we had to pull away from abruptly and in panic.

We then all sighed almost at the same time in relief.

Aerra bursted out laughing all of a sudden.

Levi, Eriol and I looked at each other and slowly, for some odd reason, I ended up laughing as well.

Eriol and Levi did so too.

More properly this time, we raised our mugs and Eriol spoke, "For now, let's just toast for the birthday of this two snow heads! I hope you guys to have a great future ahead whatever you both may decide later on with your lives! Happy birthday, you guys!"

Levi nods, "Happy Birthday, Aerra— Aeron"

I nodded once and so did Aerra. We drank our mugs down and soon after, we began to eat our meals.

That morning, I'm proud to say, I enjoyed the best late breakfast of my life!

———end of Ch10: part TWO———

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