The Lion King: Break Free

By Skyy15

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This is the third book to my second Lion King series, "The Lion King: Makosa's Beginning." In the last book y... More

The Lion King: Break Free
Saved By The Spirits
New Changes
Trouble With Royal Titles?
No Longer A Member
Royal Lessons
Big Brother Duties
Another Journey
A Wasteland
A New Project
The Search
The Amazing News
The Chewa Pride
Silly Grandmothers
Thank you!
Royal Intruders
First Hunt
No Longer Small
Signs of Hope
Past Stories
Children Talk
Unexpected Guests
Search Parties
Still Daddy's Little Girl
Preparing For The New Life
The Start Of A Journey
Lions In The Gorge
A Mystery
A Returning Friend
The Marsh Lands
The Tree Of Life
A Lost
Family Tree (UPDATED)
The Truth
A Start Of An New Generation
Old Times
Solving A Clue
Trouble At The Borders
A Missing Link
Someday, We Will Meet Again
Something To Think About
Seeking Guidance
The Dream
Welcoming The New Generation
Author's Final Note

Trouble In The Wet Lands

363 13 11
By Skyy15

A/N: The image above is to show Maha and Kion. I have noticed that I did not make any chapters with Maha and Kion together like I've done Maha with Kiara. We all know Maha and Kiara have a very close sisterly bond. It would be nice to see a sweet Sister and Brother bond too! So I want to dedicate this chapter to that ☺️.

Also on the previous page, you all agreed that my next Lion King book series should be about Kopa and Vitani's life with their own family. I will plot out the story and post it on Wattpad VERY soon. I don't want to jump into a whole brand new book without finishing this one first and we have a LOOOOONG way before this book is done too. There are many chapters to go! 😁

Now, you may read and enjoy chapter 18 below!





Morning has left revealing the next new hour of the day. The afternoon sun shines bright across the Pride Lands. The heat begins to rise, but not too hot. The dry season will be approaching soon. That means the herds will leave the Pride Lands to migrate for more water and greener grasses.

Us lions are smart. We always have a plan and know exactly what to do when this particular season comes. That means we have to search a little out of the Pride Lands to hunt more, since food will become scarce. Right now we still have time to feed and drink as much as we want.

It is my turn now to do the afternoon hunt with the hunting party. In my group I have Kisima, Asali (means honey in Swahili), and Fasaha (means well spoken in Swahili). The lead huntress Karima (means generous in Swahili) is in a group with Nia, Aala, and Hazina (means treasure in Swahili). We are hiding behind large bushes spying on a herd of Buffaloes.

"Okay girls, see anything appealing?" Karima asks.

"I see one eating outside of the herd. It looks like it had been in a few bad fights." Said Asali.

Asali points her paw at an old bull. He does have a lot of claw marks on his body. Perhaps he has fought off many predators that tried to eat him before or attacked the herd.

"Good job Asali! This guy will be simple to take down with all of us here. But the trick is that we have to keep an close eye out from the herd. They may try to defend him." Said Karima.

"How about some of us distract the herd keeping them away?" Nia asked.

"Yeah, that way we will have the Buffalo alone and cornered!" Kisima nodded, in agreement.

Karima smiles nodding her head. She approves the smart idea. "Excellent team thoughts ladies! Okay, Maha your group go distract the Buffaloes while the rest of us wait here for the signal." She ordered.

I nod my head without a word and turned around walking away with my group following close behind my tail. We walked carefully to not make any sudden sounds and stayed pretty hidden inside the grasses. Our furs are able to blend in and camouflage perfectly. Buffaloes have poor eyesight and sense of hearing, but their sense of smell is excellent.

One of the buffaloes had stopped grazing in the grass and gave the air a sniff. It scanned its eyes around.

"They must know that we're here." Said Fasaha, whispering.

"Yeah, but they can't see us though. That is what makes it so easy! They only rely on their sense of smell to guide them." I replied.

"Interesting! I did not know that..." Said Kisima.

"Me either. How did you know, Maha?" Asali asked.

"My parents used to take me, Kiara, and Kion trips around the Pride Lands when we were small cubs. We had to learn about every animal and how they can relate to the great Circle of Life." I answered.

"Cool!" Fasaha smiles.

"So, who's going out there first to scare off the buffaloes?" Kisima asks.

"I will!" Asali offers, while raising her paw.

I nod. "Okay and the rest of us will follow right behind you! We have to make sure they won't stampede or scatter all over the Pride Lands. Any animal can get hurt. We must keep the herd together. Remember that girls!"

They all nod their heads agreeing to the plan. Asali crouches very low on her belly and crawled her way slowly forward to the buffaloes who are still busy eating on grass. Her eyes are extremely focused and her ears move around like a radar tuning into every sound.

I count in my head. "3...2...1!"

Asali pounces into the air with a loud roar. She sprints off straight to the herd. Although the buffaloes cannot hear or see that very well, they can smell Asali's scent and know that a lion is in the area. The buffaloes run to the direction of the Wet Lands.

Oh no, we can't let them go there. That is the crocodiles home. They'll get hurt or even worse eaten! I jump out of our hiding place in the grass and run after Asali and the buffaloes. Kisima and Fasaha jog behind me. I was able to catch up quick to Asali's left side.

"Asali, we cannot let the buffaloes go this way. It is very dangerous for them!" I said, with seriousness and fear.

Asali looks confused while raising a brow. "Why not? What's ahead??"

"The Wet Lands. If they stumble into the crocodiles home, the crocodiles can either get trampled by the many heavy hooves or the buffaloes can get hurt by the crocs or even worse, eaten!"

"Oh no! I am so sorry Maha, I didn't know the Wet Lands was this way. How are we going to stop the buffaloes? They are not going to listen to us, we're predators for crying out loud!"

I am now in front of her as I speed up my running pace. "I have another plan, just follow me this way!"

Asali nodded without a word. My plan is to run inside the herd and try to get them to stop by talking in a gentle warm tone. If I would have spoke with fear and anger, the buffaloes will get very alarmed. My father once said, "Treat all animals with good and fairness just as you would like to be treated. We are all inside the special delicate balance in the great circle of life..."

"Everyone please stop!" I call out to the herd.

"Who said that?" A female buffalo asks.

"I don't know. It wasn't me!" Said a male buffalo.

I forgot that they can't see and can barely hear. I roll my eyes and sigh in frustration.

"It is me, Princess Maha! The daughter of Simba and Nala. You buffaloes must stop running. Your going into the Wet Lands, the crocodiles home. You will become fast lunch if you enter!"

The male buffalo came to a sudden stop. "Did she just say lunch?Everyone stop!!!"

All the buffaloes stopped running. They were so close to entering the Wet Lands. I sigh again with relief and wipe the sweat from off my forehead. I smile wide knowing that a lot of lives just got saved thanks to me.

Asali, Kisima, and Fasaha finally catch up to me.

"Wow Maha, that was amazing. You've stopped the buffaloes all by yourself!" Said Kisima smiling.

"Yeah, that was really brave!" Fasaha complimented.

"Thank you!" I said, while smiling at them.

"Wait, where is my baby?" The female buffalo asks.

She looks around panicking. A calf is missing and that is not good. You don't want to be away from the herd if your a baby. That makes you an easy target for predators! Me and the girls tried looking around for any signs of the missing calf.

"Girls, over here!" Asali calls.

She stands on top of a high rock facing the Wet Lands.

"Did you find the baby?" I ask.

"Yes." She nods. "He is over there stuck in mud! The crocs will get to him if we don't try to do something quick."

"What can we do? He looks stuck in there pretty deep." Said Kisima.

"Yeah and plus I don't want to hurt him with my teeth or claws trying to pull him out." Said Fasaha.

"Girls we cannot just sit here and let this mother buffalo watch her baby get eaten by crocodiles. We have to do something!" I said, with seriousness.

"How about the Lion Guard?" Asali asks.

The Lion Guard? I have not thought about that. Duh Maha, your brother and his team can save the day! But it would be too late if one of us go back to Pride Rock to get Kion. So, I decided to release a very loud roar that will get to Kion more quicker. He will hear my call for help.


"What was that?" Fasaha asked.

I twitch my ears and smiled wide. "It's my brother Kion! He got my message, he's coming with the guard team now to rescue the baby buffalo."

Kisima smiles while patting my shoulder. "Good job, Maha."

"Maha!" A voice called.

It came from above. We all looked up seeing Ono the Egret, who's position on the team is "keenest of sight." He swoops down from the afternoon sky and stood in front of my paws.

"Hello Ono!" I greet.

"Hello Maha!" He greets back. "Your brother and the rest of the guard team are on their way fast now. Do you mind showing me where the baby buffalo is?"

I point with my paw. "He is over there suck in the mud! I hope Kion and the others get here fast before the crocodiles do."

"Oh my! I will inform that to Kion now. Thank you!"

With that, Ono flew away. Fuli the cheetah now approaches. She has beat the rest of the guard team here since her position on the team is "the fastest."

"Hello everyone!" Fuli greets. "Mind showing me where the baby is? I can try to get him out before everyone else arrives."

Just like I did with Ono, I point Fuli to the direction of the baby calf with my paw. Fuli without a word, sprint off quick into the Wet Lands leaving us in dust. We all coughed.

"I hope she and the others can get him out!" Said the mother buffalo, while walking up to us.

"Don't worry, my brother and his team will try to do every thing they can. They will never let a animal down!" I say, with strong positivity.

I know the mother buffalo is very scared. I don't know much about being a parent, but if that was my baby out there stuck I would be worried too.

"Maha, I am here!" Said a voice.

We all turn our heads seeing Kion running forward with Beshte, Bunga, Ishara, and Ono. Glad they were able to make it on time!

"Thank you for calling us, sis. Now where is that baby?" Kion asks, in a hurry.

"Over here, I need some help!" Said Fuli.

She keeps slipping and falling into the mud while trying to pull the calf out.

"I can help with that! Us hippos know how to walk around in mud. It's easy for us!" Said Beshte.

Beshte's position on the team is the "strongest". Maybe he'll be able to pull out the calf with no problem. Ishara, Auni's brother position on the team is "courage". He has the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. He joins to help Fuli and Beshte, while Kion talks to the mother buffalo to help her relax. Ono flew above the herd to watch and make sure they stayed close together.

"Poor little calf. I hope that there will be some hope!" Said Fasaha.

"Yeah me too. I bet Karima and the others are wondering where we are." Said Asali.

"She will be fine. We'll explain to her everything that had happened later." Said Kisima.

"Hey guys look, the crocodiles are coming!" I point out with fear.

"Crocodiles?!" The Mother buffalo said alarmed.

"Oh no..." Said Kion, with worry. "I have to stop the crocs!"

I watch my brother run quick into the Wet Lands joining the other team members. Bunga stayed with the mother buffalo and sat on her back.

"This is very intense..." said Asali.

Fasaha nodded. "Indeed."

We watch Kion snarl angrily and swipe his claws at the crocodiles to fight them away.

Beshte counts, "3...2...1!"

He was pulling out the baby buffalo free. But before doing so, Fuli and Ishara had to dig out some mud to make it more easier for the calf to slid right on out.

"He's free!" Beshte smiles wide.

"Hooray!" Fuli cheers.

The calf runs straight over to his mother.

"My baby, oh my precious baby!" The mother cries with joy. She hugs her baby boy tight.

"Another great rescue!" Bunga smiles.

Kion gave the crocodiles a warning. The crocodiles said they will hunt something else and had returned back to their water with hungry bellies.

"Great job guys!" I said, complimenting the guard team.

Ono flew away leading the buffalo herd back to their safe grazing grounds.

"If it wasn't for you Maha, that baby would have been a goner." Said Kion.

"Heh, thanks bro. Glad to help!" I chuckled.

"Maha, we're going to go back to Karima and the others. See you back at Pride Rock!" Said Asali.

I nod. Asali and Fasaha walked away while Kisima stayed here with her boyfriend Ishara.

"So let me guess, we're having buffalo for lunch today huh?" Kion asks with a grin.


"Makes sense as to why the buffaloes were chased in this direction. I figured it was an accident. What a crazy rescue!"

I shake my head. "Tell me about it..."

"Let's go home before there is nothing left. Lion Guard, meet back in the lair tonight for a meeting!"

Fuli, Bunga, and Beshte nodded their heads without a word. They all walked away in opposite directions to do their own independent thing. Kisima, Ishara, Kion, and I ran back to Pride Rock.


After lunch, the whole Pride decided either nap or sunbathe on the rocks like me. I love to soak my fur under the warm sunshine. It felt very nice and relaxing! I was grooming my paws clean until I got interrupted by my brother Kion.

He walks up to me with a smile and climbed on the closest rock. He lays down.

"Hey, little sis!" He greets.

"Sup! No more rescues today huh?" I ask.

"Nope, not right now. I'm sure there will be later on. Today has been going very slow for us which is good. We can rest for once!"

"Haha, I understand."

Kion smiles again. "So, how are things with you? I know we don't get a chance to talk often because of me always being busy with the Lion Guard. I know Kiara is the most busiest since she is Queen. I miss having talks with two my sisters!"

I nod, "I know. It's been awhile since we've caught up. Things are going well! Your already the first to know about my engagement."

"And I am still proud of you. You truly deserve it! Mom and dad would have been really happy to hear."

"Awwwww, thanks bro! Yeah they would have..."

We both looked up at the afternoon sky with smiles as a breeze blew through our furs.

"So, how have you been besides the Lion Guard? Aala and the cubs are okay?" I ask.

He nodded. "Yes! They're doing fine. I've been thinking about starting Adia's training soon. She is almost a teenager. It is time! Don't you think Maha?"

"Yes Kion, I most definitely agree. Adia has always been ready to learn more about the Lion Guard since she was a smaller cub. She is eager, adventurous, brave, mature, responsible, selfless, caring, and protective. She reminds me so much of you when you were her age. She is really your twin when it comes to that Kion. Daddy's little girl!"

"Haha, that is very true! I always knew this job would be perfect for her. Chauna on the other hand I know will become an excellent huntress like her mother. She will start her training in that soon too."

"That is very good! Both of your daughters will grow to become very beautiful, intelligent strong lionesses. You and Aala have done a good job raising them."

"Thank you sis! I can't wait for you to experience being a parent like Kiara and I. Man, it really does change your life and make you become so soft. Well your already soft!"

"Hey!" I laughed, while shoving him playfully.

Kion laughs too while pawing playfully at my face. I will always love my big brother.

"Have you thought about having children of your own someday?" He asks.

I nod. "Yep! Rudo and I talk about it all the time. We want to wait until we are married first before bringing a new life into the world."

"Nice. Well, cannot wait to become a Uncle again. It'll give Adia and Chauna someone to protect and look after."

"Yes! Have you and Aala thought about having another cub?"

"Nope. All we want is just our two girls!"

I smile warmly. Kion and Aala are very good parents. Now that they've done their job parenting, they can sit back and watch their girls continue to grow. I totally respect that!


"You're going to become a great mother someday Maha. I've seen you with my daughters and everyone else's cubs. Motherhood is the right job for you!"

"D'aaaaww thanks! I have been getting those comments a lot from Kiara and the rest of the lionesses. When my time does come being a mother, i will cherish every last bit of it!"

Kion smiles. "And don't worry finding a babysitter. Aala and I wont mind, just ask!"

I smiled back. "I will."

We continued talking on the rocks. I am glad Kion decided to spend some time with me today. It's been a while. I miss him making me laugh and smile a lot.

Brothers can be annoying, but also good best friends too!

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