Miraculous Phantom

By Natsu_D_Blaze

21.5K 572 343

Danny is caught in an explosion when he is trying to protect Amity Park from a bomb. When he wakes up he is g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22. The End.

Chapter 12

958 25 5
By Natsu_D_Blaze

P.o.v. Danny

I thought it was weird that Ladybug had brought me pastries from Marinette's store. I wonder if she bought them, or maybe they gave her some for helping save them one time. Either that or she baked them. The last one seemed kinda weird, why would they allow her to use their ovens and what not.

It was around nine p.m. that I decided to do a patrol of the city. Everything seemed kinda quiet here tonight. I started thinking of why I was brought here after the explosion, or was I even in one? Maybe it was just designed to look like one.

While I was lost in thought, I ended up floating outside Marinette's place. I don't know why I ended up here. Maybe it was because she was actually one of the only friend I had here. Well the only one I was really close too anyways.

Marinette was out on the roof balcony gazing into the night, with Tikki right beside her sitting on the railing talking to her.

"I'm sure he will accept your apology Marinette. I'm sure deep down he understands the situation."

"I hope so Tikki."

I turned floated up to the balcony and saw Marinette and a little stuffed animal.

"Uh, hey Marinette." he says not noticing Tikki, "Enjoying the fresh air?"

Marinette was startled by my sudden appearance. She jumped back and ended up tripping over.

"Ow...." She looked up at me.

She got back up and looked at me. "Aren't you that new guy who has been helping Ladybug and Chat Noir? Also, how do you know me?"

"I've heard Chat talk and talk about how he protected you from that crazed artist guy. Didn't shut up about it for well over an hour." I said floating down next to her.

She looked at me surprised. "Oh?"

"Plus its getting kinda boring waiting for Ladybug and Chat Noir. I thought I'd just pop in and make a new friend is all." I smiled at her.

"Well they don't usually show up until there is an attack. I mean they must lead normal lives otherwise so it might be difficult to always be around." she said. She had a point. They had other lives and couldn't always be the hero's of Paris.

"Well I was hoping I would be able to talk to Ladybug. There is something I needed to tell her. Ah well, guess it can wait until the next akuma attack"

"Well I'm sure you will see her around sooner than later."

"I hope so."

"I don't mean to pry but what do you need to talk to her about? It looks like it's weighing on your mind." She was pretty curious to what I had to say.

"Well she doesn't trust me. I was just going to show her who I really am, that way she will have no choice but to trust me."

"I already do know" Marinette whispered lightly. I probably didn't hear correctly. " I mean how would that make her trust you? Aren't secret identities supposed to be left a secret?"

"Yeah, but my two friends back home knew who I was since day one." Eventually everyone found out and I was the most popular hero in my world.

"Well I hope things work out for you." She smiled. "I should probably get to bed, it's getting late." She gave me a small wave as she picked up the stuffed animal and headed back into her room from the trap door in her ceiling.

"Night Marinette." I smiled and flew away.

Marinette P.O.V

"You won't be able to tell him who you are Marinette even if he shows you his. Don't forget that. You also shouldn't let him know that you know who he really is. If word gets out things could go wrong." Tikki said.

I nudged her with my finger. "Don't worry Tikki. I won't let anything happen. He won't find out I'm Ladybug."

The next day I decided that I would transform into Ladybug and wait for him at the Eiffel Tower. It was the weekend so I had all day to meet up with him. It wouldn't cause a scene as long as I transformed after I got there. I figured I wouldn't have to wait long before Danny showed up. Sure enough, I didn't wait long.

Danny showed up a bit sooner than expected but none the less he was there.

"I knew I wouldn't have to wait long before you showed up."

"Why is that? You stalking me or something?"

I shook my head "No nothing like that. It was just a hunch."

Chat showed up as well. "Hey guys, how's it hanging?" he gave a sly grin.

"Back from the groomers so soon Kitty?" Although his puns were terrible, it was still fun to bug him about cat stuff.

"Hey you laugh, but it takes professionals to keep me this beautiful." he said while running his hand through his hair. He was such a diva.

I laughed then turned back to face Danny with a kind but serious look. "I truly am sorry about how I acted. It was unfair of me."

"Its alright, all is forgiven."

"Well then. Let me officially make amends by saying ...welcome to the team." I smiled and held out my fist.

Chat does the same and they do a three way pound it.

"Have you found any way to get back to your home yet?"

He shook his head. "No I haven't. If I could recreate the explosion then maybe, other than that, I don't know if I can. Even still, I don't know what caused it or what was even in it that caused me to transport."

Mhm maybe my lucky charm could be give us something...I'd have to ask Tikki about it later.

"We will help with whatever we can." Chat said.

"Thanks you guys, I really appreciate it. There is something I wanted to tell you though. Or rather show you that is."

I held my hand out. "Please don't show us your identity. It isn't fair to you since we cannot do the same. If anyone was to find out who you are, it could lead back to us. It sounds selfish, but anyone could use you against us. It's the same reason we do not even know each others true identities. If you were to be found out it could also put a delay on you getting home. Please understand."

"How did you know I was going to do that? I only told one person that..." he said looking at me questioningly. I couldn't very well tell him 'you told me when I was Marinette.'

"It's just protocol. We were told if any new miraculous holders appeared we would have to make sure they followed the rules. Although you don't have one you still have a secret identity if I'm not mistaken. We don't want you or anyone else to fall into trouble. The people of Paris can get a little nosy trust me." I thought of Alya, Chloe and of course anyone from the news station.

"What's the worst that can happen? But if you really don't want to know, than who am I to say otherwise."

"Thank you for understanding."

Danny's P.O.V

Just then my ghost sense went off, but instead of a little wisp of air, a gust of cold air forced itself out of my mouth. When I was looking around as to who or what caused it there was a giant Earthquake. The Earthquake was so strong that a bunch of the roads broke apart and buildings were collapsing. .

When the earthquake hit, Ladybug grabbed onto something to regain her balance. "We have to get out of here it's too dangerous. Let's spread out and get everyone to safety."

Chat stuck his staff to the ground and held on to that, while the earthquake was going on so he wouldn't fall over.

"Um, you guys might also want to hide as well after we get everyone to safety." (?)

There was a giant explosion and a giant green hole opened up in the sky. It started swirling with dark green, and light green in the middle of it. That could only mean one thing, Paris was about to get invaded by ghosts.

Chat looked up at the hole in the sky. "What is that?"

"Well that is a giant ghost portal if I have ever seen one, and trust me I lived in the same house as one."

"So we are about to be invaded by ghosts?"

"Yeah, hopefully there are one or two of them in there that can help us out, but I wouldn't hold my breath. A lot of them just don't like me."

"Great, we already stood a ghost of a chance with out all of that."

Then we heard a bunch of screaming, and realized just how hopeless our situation looked at the moment. It was sunny one moment, dark the next and when we looked over to see why there was a giant purple mass flying all over Paris. It all seemed to originate from the Agrest mansion.

"Dad." Chat said low enough that none of us could hear. "Just what are we supposed to do here? We got ghost going to appear from one end and akumas coming from the other end." he looked to Ladybug.

"Ladybug, what do we do?" Chat asked desperately.

We both looked at Ladybug to come up with a plan. Luckily, it seemed one appeared quickly in her head "We do what we do best. We work together. Danny do you think you could hold off at least some of the ghosts. Chat you find any akumatized victims and bring them to me. I'm going to gather up as many of the akumas as I can, to purify."

"I make no promises. But I will try my best, just in case though, we all meet at the school when we can't do any more. We will wait it out until we can get a better foot hold on this."

"Sounds good. I'll head out to the giant cloud of akumas in the meantime." She shot out her yo-yo and took off.

Chat yelled to her "Be careful!"

I flew up at the ghost portal that appeared and floated right in front of it ready to fight any of the ghosts that would come out.

Chat ran around and started holding off the akumas. They all looked different than usual. They all looked more like demons than anything now, maybe it was because Hawkmoth wasn't trying to give them specific powers this time around. They were all black as the night and had spiky hair and glowing white eyes, their fingers were replaced by claws and when they jumped it almost seemed like they were more shadowy than anything. Any of the akumatized victims if they were to hit another one would turn them into another akuma. He did the only thing he could do beat all of the ones he found.

If they were all being turned by another akuma that would mean out of the millions of people that live in this city, there was only one actual akumatized victim and they were the one they had to beat to free all of these people. What was the big cloud of akumas for then?

While I was waiting for the first wave of ghosts to appear I was kind of worried, all of my worries were dashed as soon as the first ghost appeared.

"Beware!" the box ghost was the first one I had seen some out of the portal. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha, it's only you? And here I thought I actually had something to be worried about for a second."

"Think again ghost boy." One of the toughest ghosts I have ever had to deal with. Walker floats through, followed by Ember, Skulker, Johnny 13, Deserai, and a few others I wasn't on good terms with.

"Oh great. Exactly how many of there are you?"

"Exactly every single ghost that fears what the new ghost king has done there Danny."

"New ghost king? Who is it? What happened to the original?"

"The new ghost king unlocked his cage, beat him, then locked him back in the cage after taking the crown of fire, and the ring of power." Skulker said.

"Who's the new ghost king?" I asked wondering who had enough power to beat the previous one. I was barely able to do it with the Fenton power suit.

"Dan Phantom. Your alternate future self came and kicked his butt. So when we heard Vlad say that this portal would lead us to safety well, we took the chance." Ember looked at me with sad eyes. "Those friends of yours are trying extremely hard to keep the town safe, but they aren't able to do anything except prolong the inevitable."

Sam, Tucker and Jazz were doing all they could to stop my future self. If it happens like anything he wants it to, they are in deep trouble. He will kill them to try and make sure that his timeline continues. I need to get back and help them, but I also couldn't just leave Ladybug and Chat Noir here to fight this alone.

"Well how about this, you guys help me here and I will make sure that Dan is stopped and you guys can have your homes back." They all stopped to contemplated it for a bit.

"Sure, I'll help you. Only so my adoring fans don't get turned to mush." Ember grinned.

The others weren't so helpful. They seemed to of gotten another idea.

"Or we could stop you here now, before you even think of having a chance of taking over the ghost zone in the future." I think Skulker knew very well that it wouldn't happen, he just wanted to an excuse to kick my butt.

He raised his fist ready to punch me but I have him a full ecto blast to the face. One of those little octopus ghosts went to attack me from behind when Ember smacked it away with her guitar. She then let loose a cord and blased a group of them away. I smiled at the fact that she was helping me out. I punched Walker right in his face and the box ghost started to throw, what else but boxes. For once though he started throwing them at the other ghosts.

"You're helping me?" I asked a bit taken back by it.

"Well yeah, I mean you have helped us out before. Why shouldn't I believe that you will do it again? Plus I really want to get on Dan's good side before he turns evil that way he will make sure not to inflict pain on me!" I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Of course that's why he is doing this. The three of us stood against the army of ghosts that was pouring out of the ghost portal.

Hello one and all, thank you for your support and your patients in my erratic upload times. Thank you RoseMoon22 for the help and I will be seeing you all next time. 


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