Moonlight and Chocolate (A Yo...

By hp_flash

328K 9.2K 16.4K

Y/n l/n is a muggle-born sixth year Gryffindor who is best friends with Lily Evans and Remus Lupin. Ever sinc... More

Chapter 1: The Sorting
Chapter 2: Sixth Year
Chapter 3: Potions
Chapter 4: The Plan
Chapter 5: Hogsmeade (Quick A/N)
Chapter 6: The Room of Requirement
Chapter 7: Full Moon
Chapter 8: After All This Time
Chapter 9: Together
Chapter 10: Halloween
Chapter 11: Living a Nightmare
Chapter 12: Remus' Condition
Chapter 13: Notes
Chapter 14: Monster
Chapter 15: Revenge Plan
Chapter 16: Crucio
Chapter 17: Explanation
Chapter 18: Why You?
Chapter 19: Hear Me
Chapter 20: Flashbacks
Chapter 21: I Solemnly Swear
Chapter 22: He Wouldn't Want This
Chapter 23: Missing You
Chapter 24: The Lupin Household
Chapter 25: The Funeral
Chapter 26: Work It Out
Chapter 27: The Holidays
Chapter 28: January 1st
Chapter 29: Seventh Year
Chapter 30: Meeting the Pick-Up Line Source
Chapter 31: Valentine's Day, 1978
Chapter 33: Quidditch & Lockhart
Chapter 34: Cliche
Chapter 35: The Beginning of the Prank Wars
Chapter 36: Smooth
Chapter 37: Late Night Thoughts
Chapter 38: The Last Game
Chapter 39: Sketchy
Chapter 40: The End of an Era
A/N: Reflections and Looking Ahead

Chapter 32: Spider-Remus?

4.9K 158 280
By hp_flash

A/n: Everyone imagines Hogwarts era Remus looking like Andrew Garfield so why not put a picture of his Spider-Man?


~~~~~•Lily POV•~~~~~

"So you and James," Y/n smirked.

I blushed, "yeah."

So much for "James Potter is an arrogant toerag blah blah blah I'd never date him."

"Shut up Y/n."

"Hehe, you probably can't wait to bang James Potter."

"Y/n I swear to God."

"Swear what? You don't have anything on me since I usually speak my mind."

"There's one thing I can tell Remus."


"One name. Peter Parker."

"Lily you wouldn't dare, that's embarrassing."

I couldn't help but laugh. Y/n was staring at me like I was out of my mind. Remus, James, Peter, and Sirius came downstairs with a confused look on their faces.

"Lily," James began, "have you gone mad?"

"For you she has," Y/n replied, smirking.

I rolled my eyes at her comment.

"Lily," Peter began, "I'd only laugh like that if I knew something about her that no one else knows but she doesn't tell me anything so that's not likely to happen."

That's probably because for some strange unknown reason she doesn't trust you, Peter.

I smirked evilly and Sirius' mouth dropped, "you do know something, don't you?"

I continued to laugh. I saw Remus smile to himself as Y/n continued to look embarrassed.

"Lily," James began, "you're becoming more and more like me everyday and I like that."

"You're the only one who thinks that's a good thing Prongs," Remus commented.

I couldn't help but snicker at his comment.

"Although," Remus began, "I really would like to know what this secret is."

I could see Y/n shooting daggers at me with her eyes. I was trying so hard to suppress my laughter.


~~~~~•Remus POV•~~~~~

A few hours had passed since that conversation and I wanted to find out what Y/n's secret was. I slipped a little veritaserum in Lily's pumpkin juice so let's see what that secret is. I kind of feel bad for invading Y/n's privacy in a way but chances are it's nothing too important, Lily wouldn't have even smirked if it was something serious. She drank the pumpkin juice. Perfect.

"Hey Lily," I smiled, "I want to ask you something."


"What's Y/n's secret about?"

"It has something to do with Peter Parker. Merlin, why did I just say that I'm so dead, Y/n is going to kill me."

"Peter Parker? As in Spider-Man?"

"Yes. Oh my god I'm so dead."

"What exactly is her secret?"

"She has a fictional crush on Peter Parker and has fantasized you dressed as Spider-Man doing the classic 'Spider-Man kiss' with her. Oh no she's definitely going to kill me now, why am I telling you this stuff?"

"Remember when you slipped veritaserum in my drink and made me confess that I liked Y/n?"


Lily's going to kill me. "I may have slipped a little veritaserum in your drink to make you tell me her secret because I knew it wouldn't be anything too serious whoops."


"Oh no."


"Would it make you feel better if I told you I have my own Spider-Man suit that can stick to walls and ceilings and also has web fluid?"


"Okay so I actually have that."



"Alright I'm still a little pissed but I feel better now. Do you have it with you?"


"Why do you even have a Spider-Man suit?"

"I actually really like Spider-Man. He's cool."

"That's pretty cool, but you're still a wanker."

"I know Lily, I know."


~~~~~•Y/N POV•~~~~~

I walked into the Common Room and a guy dressed as Spider-Man was hanging down from the ceiling.

"Hey there darling."

Bloody hell it's Remus.

"Lily told you... didn't she?"


"I'm going to kill her."

He chuckled. "Before you do that darling, I think I owe you a kiss."

I smiled at him, "alright Remus Parker, I mean Peter Lupin, I mean... oh I don't even know what I mean."

I lifted the mask a bit, put my hands on his face and pressed my lips against his.

I pulled away and went, "you'd make a good Spider-Man."

He chuckled and I went "I guess I won't kill Lily after all. Your ass looks great in that suit by the way."

"Oh err thanks darling."

"Rem, can you wear that suit for the rest of the day? For me?"

"Fine, you're lucky I love you."

"Love you too."

"Do you really think I look good in this suit?"

"Yeah, but you'd look better without the mask."

"But I have to hide my identity and for a second, knowing you, I thought you'd say I'd look better without the suit."

"Yeah I'm not going to lie, I thought about saying that at first."

"I know you too well."

We walked outside and he picked me up, web slung me to one of the towers, and kissed me again. We sat down looking at everything below us.

"Remus, just when I thought this couldn't be better you did the swing. You truly are the best."

"I know I am."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

I lifted his mask again and kissed him.

After we pulled away Remus said "not going to lie, that was a fantasy of mine too except I'd be in the position of Spider-Man."

I chuckled, "Rem why do you even have a Spider-Man suit?"

He blushed, "Spider-Man is one of my favorite, if not my favorite Marvel character."

\We looked down and saw James, Sirius, Marlene, Lily, Peter, and Dorcas looking at us. James and Lily were holding hands.

"IS THERE ANY PLACE YOU TWO WON'T SHAG?! HOLY FUCK!" James yelled from down below. Remus and I gave each other a certain look.

Then Remus finally took the mask off.

"Why is James so bloody loud? It's like he never shuts up."

"Well that's because he doesn't shut up. Anyways Y/n, do you think I can get him from here?"

"Yes, go for it. Aim for his face and the hand that's holding Lily's hand so they're stuck together."

Remus used one hand to aim for his face and the other to aim for his hand.



"You're right," I joked, "he really doesn't shut up."

We saw McGonagall walk outside and look at us.

"Mister Lupin and Miss L/n get down here!"

Oh Merlin.

Remus grabbed me and went down the tower.

"That was very irresponsible of you two. I expected better from the both of you! 40 points from Gryffindor! Detention tomorrow night at 8:00!"

"Yeah guys," Sirius commented jokingly, "how irresponsible, we thought you were better than this."

"Would you like to join them, Mister Black?"


"Then act right."

With that McGonagall left.

"Are you guys going to get this web fluid off my face and hand?"

"Maybe later since you're such a git," Remus joked.

"Damn you Moony, look what Y/n's done to you."

"I quite like what she's done to me, James."

"You've also quite liked when she's done you."

"Oh bloody hell James." I rolled my eyes at him.

Classic James Potter back at it again.

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