Chapter 39: Sketchy

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Author's Note: This chapter is going to be short because there was only one thing I wanted to establish in this chapter. The next chapter will be much longer since it's the last.


~~~~~•Peter POV•~~~~~

After the Quidditch game, there was an after party. I snuck out of the Common Room and met up with Snape and Regulus in secret. I know Y/n and Remus have the Marauders Map, it doesn't matter though because they barely look at it, they're snogging most of the time. Regulus looked uneasy, like he didn't want to be there. I knew that wasn't it though, he's going to be a loyal servant to the Dark Lord like me.

"Pettigrew," Snape began, "The Dark Lord wants to have a meeting of some sort the day after graduation according to Lucius Malfoy, will you attend?"

"Of course I will," I replied, "anything for The Dark Lord."

Regulus still remained silent.

"How about you, Regulus? Will you attend?"

"I thought I was too young."

"You can never be too young to serve The Dark Lord, besides, your mother and father want you to serve early so you don't disappoint them like your disgraceful brother."

"He's not my brother," Regulus snarled and sounded almost pained.

"Good, now we know where your loyalty lies."

"How about Peter, he literally hangs out with that whole group The Dark Lord hates?!"

"You have a point."

"Well," I began, "it seems I should tell you where my loyalty lies. I'd sell any one of them out for The Dark Lord any day. Especially Y/n. I'd even sell out their children if I had to. As long as it shows my loyalty to The Dark Lord and support for his cause. I won't expose myself to them though, the more they trust me, the more information I can give to The Dark Lord."

Snape nodded. So did Regulus, but he seemed worried.

"You should go back to those disgraces," Snape began, "before they find you with us."

I scurried back to the Common Room, the party was still going on, so it was easy to sneak in. A drunk James and Lily approached me.

"Heyyyyyy Peterrrrrrr," James began, "where'vvveee youuuuuu beeennnnnn?"

"What are you talking about Prongs, I've been here this whole time."

"Ohhh yeahhh."

A sober Marlene was in another room talking to a drunk Y/n and Remus, Sirius was surprisingly sober. We sat down and started talking about how fast time had passed and how our first day of Hogwarts only felt like yesterday.

"So Wormy," Sirius began, "where have you been this whole time?"

"Here of course."

"Really," Sirius began, "I don't remember you being here."

"Well, I was here so."

"No offense Peter," Marlene began, "but this scenario seems kind of sketchy, very sketchy actually."

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