Chapter 37: Late Night Thoughts

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~~~~~•Marlene POV•~~~~~

Y/n and Lily were both sleeping. It was a quiet night in the Dormitory. I couldn't help but remember what I talked to Sirius about in the Great Hall today. It was a very important matter. An important matter that involved the both of us.


Sirius walked in and winked at me when he sat down. "So what'd you invite me over for?"

"I have to tell you something."

"What? You're pregnant and I'm the father?" He joked.


"Oh my God."


"How long?"

"3 months, remember that broom closet in November? Also, they're due in late June or early July. I've been hiding my pregnancy with spells."



"I'm so sorry, do your parents know?"

"Yes, I found out in December over the break, they were a little pissed but fine with it since they know you'll be responsible when it comes to visiting them and taking care of us."

"You're wrong."

"I should've known better judging by all the stories I've heard about you being a player, I should've known you didn't care."

"You're wrong too, because I'm not going to visit, I won't have to."

He pulled out a box and revealed a diamond ring.

"Marry me? I want us to have a family together."

I put my hands over my mouth.

"How long have you had that?"

"Long enough, but it's not important how long."

"I'm going to have to think about it, Sirius."

"I know it's fast, I understand."


I love Sirius but I don't know if I should. He's responsible and wonderful but we're still young. Then again, who knows how much longer we're going to be alive since there's a man killing everyone who opposes him, and we both strongly oppose him.

"Hey Marlene," a groggy voice said, "are you alright?"

It was Lily. "Eh, I'll tell you about it tomorrow."

"I hope it's nothing too serious. I'm going back to bed, goodnight."

~~~~~•Sirius POV•~~~~~

I was thinking about what happened earlier. James was the only one other than me that was awake.

"Hey Padfoot are you alright?"

"Not really, I asked Marlene to marry me today, she said she'd think about it."

"Isn't it a little fast? I mean did you get her pregnant or something?"


"Oh my God, Padfoot."

"I know."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not right now, and don't say anything to anyone about this."

"I won't."

"Thanks Prongs."

"When are they due?"

"Late June/early July."

It was silent for a while. Even though I want us to be together and have a family together, I understand if she's not ready. It's not something easy to think about. I do think I probably should've waited. It's difficult, if the school found out she was pregnant she'd be treated much worse than I would, everyone would be calling her a slut. I'd feel terrible if that happened to her, Snivellus and all his little Voldemort supporting friends would probably give her the worst.

Dumbledore and McGonagall would be fine with it though, they're understanding. Hopefully Marlene has told them so they can work something out for her, the twins are already being born prematurely because, well, they're twins. We can't allow for them to be born too early or else they're not likely to survive. If not, I'll have her tell them because it's important that they know. I just realized she played a Quidditch game while pregnant, bloody hell. It's truly amazing how she hides it and continues to thrive and succeed.



"You spaced out, don't you want to talk about it?"

"I do, I'll tell you. So as you know I got Marlene pregnant but I'm so nervous. I potentially ruined her life and career. I don't want her to be forced to be a stay-at-home mum instead of pursuing her career. I'm not saying that being a stay-at-home mum is bad, they're amazing and work just as hard, my mum being an exception of course. That might not be what Marlene wants to do from such a young age though. She's also going to be looked down upon for it and I don't want that for her."

"Padfoot," James began, "you're not going to ruin her life. She's going to pursue her career no matter what, I know she will and I know you do too. I'm sure you'll both be great parents. You're just having late night thoughts, ignore them. No matter what happens, you both love each other. I'm sure she'll say yes. Not tomorrow but at some point. Your kids are going to be great and you're going to be a happy family no matter what."

"Thanks Prongs, I'm just nervous. I've never done this before, I mean neither has she but still. But yeah you're right, I guess. These probably are just late night thoughts."

I wonder if Marlene is still up, thinking about the same things. Having the same late night thoughts. Thinking about the future and my proposal. I hope James is right about everything he just said. I never thought I'd be this loyal to anyone. To be honest, Marlene is the first person I've ever cared about this way and enough to stay loyal. Well actually Remus was the first and although I don't love him like that, he has a special place in my heart but that's about it. Marlene is the one though, I just know.

I decided to go downstairs to the Common Room in hopes of seeing Marlene, James lent me his Invisibility Cloak just in case. I sat on the couch and began intensely staring at the flames in the fireplace. Then I heard the voice I've been wanting to hear for the past hour or so.


I turned around, Marlene.

"Marlene, what are you doing up?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Same reason as you."

"Late night thoughts?"



"Marlene," I began, "why are you here?"

"I can ask you the same thing."

"Same reason as you."

"Late night thoughts?"



"I didn't give you a proper proposal earlier."


"I'm not expecting you to say yes, I just want to make it proper. You can take as much time as you need to think about it. Marlene, I never thought I'd ever be able to commit to anyone until I started dating you. I never thought I could love everything about someone until I met you. You're truly a wonderful person, you'll be an amazing mum to our kids. We've had our ups and downs, like when we thought Remus died. I realized I loved you when we thought he did though. I was willing to do anything for you even if it hurt me. Thank you. I want us to be together and raise the twins together like the family we deserve, marry me?"

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