Chapter 12: Remus' Condition

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~~~~~•Y/n POV•~~~~~

I continued to stare into the distance. I have no idea how to deal with this. That dream didn't make it any better for me. Just then Lily burst into the room smiling.

"Y/N," she yelled, "IT'S REMUS, HE'S ALIVE!"

I continued looking down. "Lily," I sighed, "is he asleep?"

"Yes," she replied, "Madame Pomfrey said he'll get out at lunch, she also said he should wake in about an hour."

I quickly changed out of my pajamas, "come on Lils let's go before he wakes up."

"But Y/n," said Lily, confused, "don't you wanna see him awake?"

"I'd rather not," I snapped, "I don't want to face him and I doubt he wants to see me. Besides, he's lucky I'm even going to go see him."

Lily looked down and whispered a simple okay.

I walked with Lily to the Hospital Wing. We were silent the whole way.

"Y/n," she sighed, "shouldn't you at least try talking to Remus?"

"Why," I snapped, "so he can tell me he doesn't want me? Don't worry, I get the message."

"Y/n," groaned Lily.

We eventually reached the Hospital Wing and I saw Rem with cuts all over his body.

"Rem," I whispered, approaching him. He looked so peaceful, tears began forming in my eyes. I put my hand over his, more tears forming in my eyes. I ran my fingers along some of his cuts. Last night was terrible and vivid in my mind. Rem began to stir.

I got up and went to the door to leave.

"Y/n," pleaded Lily, "stay."

"I already told you," I sneered, "I'm not going to talk to him."

As I reached the hallway I heard his voice, "Y/n, please stay with me, let me explain."

"What is there to explain Lupin," I snapped, "I understand plenty, you don't want me, I'll just go and you won't have to talk to me."

I walked out the door, I was miserable, I trusted him and he let me down.

~~~~~•Remus POV•~~~~~

I watched as she walked away and the pit of my stomach dropped. I felt like throwing up. I then began to do something I haven't done in a long time, I began to sob.

"Remus," said Lily, comforting me, "relax, it's going to work out."

"Lily," I sobbed, "you w-were right. I sh-should've t-told her a-about my c-condition. B-but I was r-right t-too, she called me a monster last night. I lost her Lily."

I began to sob harder. There was no way out of this, I remembered most things from last night, the look of fear in her eyes, how much she cried, the way she called me a monster. Lily was silent.

"Remus," she sighed, "maybe in time she'll learn to forgive you."

"What if she doesn't," I sobbed louder, "what if she never talks to me again?"

"Remus don't talk like that!"

"LILY YOU KNOW HOW Y/N IS!" I cried so much harder.

Lily wiped away my tears. We sat in silence and I couldn't even cry anymore, I was out of tears.

~~~~~•Peter POV•~~~~~

I walked into the Hospital Wing with James and Sirius. We saw Moony sitting up with his eyes poofy and red. Lily looked concerned for him.

"Moony," asked Sirius, "are you okay?"

"Padfoot," he sighed, "if I didn't already run out of tears I would've broken into tears right now."

Sirius and I went up to hug him, James approached Lily.

~~~~~•James POV•~~~~~

I was concerned for Remus.

"Lily," I questioned, "what happened to him?"

She took me aside. "He's devastated because of last night, after Y/n called him a monster while he was transformed and all that other stuff, she doesn't even want to talk to him."

"You know what's worse," he sighed, "Y/n didn't even mean what she said when she called him a monster, she thought he was killed, I know she understands what werewolves go through."

Lily was silent, as was I, then she smiled, "I never thought you could be serious James."

"Pfft what," I joked, "I'm always serious."

"NO," yelled out Padfoot, "I'M ALWAYS SIRIUS!"

Lily started laughing harder, she looked beautiful and I could feel myself blushing, "you Marauders are idiots."

Remus laughed a little too, but it was obvious that he was devastated and broken. I knew someone would have to check on Remus to make sure he wasn't doing anything stupid.

"Hey Padfoot," began Remus, "you should go, Marlene probably wants you."

"But Moony," Sirius whined, "you're hurt."

"Just go," Remusreplied, "it's not like I can get any more hurt than I already am."

~~~~~•Lily POV•~~~~~

With that, Sirius hesitantly left. I felt bad for Remus, it was obvious that he was broken, it made me want to cry. I knew I couldn't convince and Y/n, she's too bloody stubborn. It was nice of James to have concern for Remus, I think I'm starting to be able to call him a friend.

~~~~~•Sirius POV•~~~~~

I felt awful for leaving Moony behind, but he wanted me to go. I saw Marlene talking to Y/n. Y/n looked almost as broken down as Moony, it really made me feel bad. I sat down next to Marlene and pecked her on the cheek, I felt myself blush.

"Y/n," I asked, concerned, "are you alright."

I saw tears form in her eyes as she whispered a simple, "I'm fine." With that, she left.

I held Marlene's hand, we both had concern for her.

"So," I began, "what were you two lovely ladies talking about?"

"You know who, Sirius," Marlene sighed, "it's just a huge misunderstanding and she's too stubborn to hear him out."

I held her hand, "Marlene, I'll find a way to fix it, besides they both have many classes together, they'll probably resolve this in about a week."

"I hope."

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