Chapter 29: Seventh Year

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~~~~~•Y/n POV•~~~~~

I was looking for Remus on the Hogwarts Express. I was going to give up and just sit with Dorcas and Mary when I heard loud laughter from another compartment. I walked in and saw James with his Head Boy badge and arms crossed glaring at a laughing Remus, Marlene, and Sirius.

I sat down and Sirius went "who in the right mind would make YOU Head Boy?!"

I began to snicker. "

I can understand Lily being Head Girl," I began, "she was the obvious choice. But you as Head Boy? I expected Remus."

"I thought I'd be Head Boy too," Remus began, "but hey, now that I don't have any duties I can spend more time with you. I can't believe someone made this bloody idiot Head Boy."

"Oh come on Moony," James replied, "I can be a genius SOMETIMES."

"Exactly," Marlene snickered, "sometimes. What are you doing most of the time though?"

James smirked, "pranks that Remus mostly plans and hitting on Lily."

"Wow James," I said sarcastically, "that sounds like a productive use of your time."

"I promise," James smirked, "this will be the year I get with Lily."

We all broke out laughing.

"In your dreams James," Sirius replied, "literally."

I covered my mouth and couldn't stop laughing.

"Well," James began, "at least it wasn't real or happened on the Gryffindor Common Room couch."

Marlene rolled her eyes at James and mumbled "every time, I swear."

Sirius went "mate come on that was almost a year ago, you guys just have to bring that up every time!"

Remus and I began to giggle. James continued to glare at us and said,

"I'm going to go join Lily now since we have to sit in a separate part on the train, I'll see you around."

With that he left.

"Hey guys," I began, "where's Peter?"

"He went to go sit with his other friends," Sirius began, "I'm surprised to be honest because he seems too shy to be able to make friends."

I nodded in agreement. I'm glad Peter made new friends.

A few minutes later the trolley witch passed by our compartment.

"Anything from the trolley dears?"

"I'll take twenty chocolate frogs," Sirius began, "five for each of us."

Sirius handed the trolley witch a few galleons and she gave him the frogs.


"You're welcome dear."

Sirius handed me, Marlene, and Remus our chocolate frogs.

"Thanks Sirius."

"You're welcome guys."

"I can't believe this is our last year at Hogwarts," Remus began, "I'm going to miss this place."

"Me too," I replied, "I'm also worried about the war since I'm a muggle-born and all."

"Y/n," Marlene began, "you'll be fine, you're very skilled at magic."

"I know I just... I don't know."

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