Chapter 10: Halloween

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~~~~~•Remus POV•~~~~~

I was sitting next to Y/n during Professor McGonagall's class. I couldn't help but think about how it'd be during the Halloween dance. But then I remembered something. There would be a full moon on Halloween, I'd have to leave her alone. At least I'd spend a good 30 minutes with her before having to leave. I want to tell her everything, but I can't, she'd hate me.

~~~~~•Y/n POV•~~~~~

I couldn't wait to go to the Halloween dance with Remus. It'd be magical, spending all night with him. I couldn't wait. It was Monday, the dance would be this Saturday, Halloween. Class was finally dismissed. I walked hand in hand with Remus to the Common Room.

"I'm so glad you're with me, Y/n."

"I'm glad I'm with you too, Remus."

He has a troubled look on his face. I wanted to ask Rem if he was okay, but it was probably nothing.

Once we reached the Common Room, we snogged on the couch for a few minutes before doing homework. The homework was a little difficult so we helped each other out a tad bit. I just couldn't wait for this Saturday, I've always enjoyed Halloween, nothing bad could ever go wrong that day. If someone told me Lily would die on Halloween, I wouldn't believe it. Maybe the day before or after, but not on Halloween. Halloween is and always will be a good day for me.


~~~~~•Lily POV•~~~~~


Y/n bolted out of bed and changed very quickly.


"Y/n," I giggled, "I was ready way before you."

"Shut up Lily, I'm still more mature than you."


"REMMMMMM," Y/n yelled once we found the Marauders, "AM I MORE MATURE THAN LILY?"

"No darling, you are definitely not," he laughed, "but that's okay."

They are so cute it kills me.

"Lilyflower," I sighed, it was James, "will you pretty please come with me to the dance?"

"Potter," I sneered, "I already said no, no means no you ignorant toe rag."

He walked away defensively, "fine, but I'm still going to marry you and have a child."

I sighed, if he was less of a git he'd be okay, but I have to admit he's improved since last year.

Y/n and the rest of The Marauders left. I was left alone with Remus.

"Remus," I sighed, "when are you going to tell her? You're not planning on just running out after an hour, right?"

"Lily," he looked down, "I can't tell her, she'd be afraid of me. Also I have an hour with her? I thought I only had 30 minutes, thank goodness."

I sighed. Why couldn't he just understand that Y/n wouldn't care.

I was walking around outside with Y/n. I was afraid of how she'd react when Remus left her.

"Lils," she questioned, "is something wrong?"

"No," I faked a smile, "everything is alright."

We went to eat breakfast and then lunch.


Moonlight and Chocolate (A Young Remus Lupin x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora