Chapter 3: Potions

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*Two days later*

~~~~~•Remus POV•~~~~~

I woke up two hours before class and decided to hang out with Y/n in the Common room.

"Good morning Y/n."

"Good morning Remus."

"So Y/n," I inquired, "what is your schedule?"

"Well," she responded, "I have Potions first, and I just saw your schedule for this week and I'm happy to say I have all of my classes with you since we both got the same NEWTs."

"Oh cool," I was happy to hear this.

We sat in silence until she interrupted.

"Hey Remus I think we can go get breakfast now, wanna go with me?"

"Sure," I replied, I felt my face heating up a little, "I'm hungry and I'm sure you are too." Bloody hell Remus you suck at this.

We were walking to the Great Hall when we ran into Severus Snape, Mulciber, and Avery.

"Oh look it's a filthy little mudblood," snarled Severus.

I felt my fists clench because of him calling Y/n such a word. I was tired of all this stupid prejudice just because of blood status.

"Blood status doesn't matter," I snapped, "it doesn't matter if Y/n is muggle-born! Muggle-borns can be more powerful than you, your pureblood friends, and those Voldemort kissarses called Death Eaters! Actually Severus, last time I checked, you're a halfblood! And Lily Evans, remember her, one of your only real ride or die friends and how you called her that word, remember that, how you lost her? I can guarantee she is more powerful and better than you in every way. Y/n is also better than you. Good day Snivellus."

Y/n pulled me to the Great Hall so we could get away from them. "Thank you Remus," she said, pulling me into a hug, "this is why you're one of my best friends, along with other fabulous reasons of course." I felt myself blush a little. She had some chocolate that she shared with me, we both shared a common love for chocolate. A few minutes later, Lily, Peter, James, and Sirius came into the Great Hall. Lily sat down next to Y/n and they began whispering about something. I was kind of curious what it was about but I didn't want to invade their privacy.

"Werewolf?" Asked James teasingly.

"Therewolf." Responded Sirius, pointing at me.

Peter, Sirius, and James started giggling.

Thank god Y/n didn't hear, he was deep in conversation with Lily. I admired how soft Y/n's skin looked, if she was turned around I'd be staring into her mesmerizing e/c eyes. Remus Lupin you stop it this instant, you can't afford attachments, no one can love a monster like you.


*Time skip to Potions*

I walked into class and sat with Lily and Y/n. When class began, Professor Slughorn called the whole class up to gather around the table.

"Now," asked Professor Slughorn, "can anyone tell me about the Amortentia potion?"

I raised my hand.

"Yes Mr. Lupin?"

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them. I smell chocolate, books, and some kind of sweet cinnamon that I normally smell in the.. Gryffindor common room.."

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