BBC Merlin Fanfic Book 2 - Fe...

By xKatnipx

36.8K 870 78

The adventure and fulfilment of destiny's continue in this book! (Based upon season 2 BBC Merlin series)! Rea... More

Before Reading!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 7

1.3K 36 1
By xKatnipx

Hi everyone, here is the next part which is ridiculously over due. I've been trying to figure out where i want this story to go so that i can keep an interest in it. I so appreciate all the love and support all of you have been giving this book and the first one I read every single comment and honestly some of them are so funny! but anyway enjoy this chapter and see what happen next in Row's story!

Rows POV:

We had arrived at their main headquarters that next day and I was forced to meet their leader. Valiant had ridden next to me the entire time and had pulled me into the stronghold so forcefully I was sure I was about to fall over.

Their leader was a horrid man and he was not extremely pleased to see only one lady stood in front of him. They had guided me to a room once I had refused to speak. Well I say they I think you can guess who.

"This will be your room Lady Rosa. I hope it is to your satisfaction." He opened the door and needless to say it was in an absolute state. "I thought after I showed you some mercy you'd be able to turn your life around for good. I can see now I was wrong".

"Indeed, you were Lady Rosa and for your stupid sympathetic mistake you will be suffering greatly." Without any more being said he slammed the door and just as a grabbed the handle the sound of the key being turned signalling it was locked. I was done for.

It was already dark and without any warning Valiant barged in to my room to find me sitting at my dressing table looking at him in the mirror. "You have been requested and are required to come to this evening's entertainment in your honour."

"What happens if I refuse to go?" I turned around still sat on the small stool gazing at him with no emotion. He really did look villainous with that scar. "Then I will have to force you down there".

Either way I was going to have to go down there so I stood up slowly making my way towards the door. He was leading the way looking behind him every 20 seconds to make sure I was still there. "It's pointless to think I'm going to escape. I know nothing of the halls and would therefore be caught so, if you wouldn't mind I'd appreciate for your eyes to be kept forward".

Before he could reply Hengist spotted me. "Ahh Lady Rosa don't you look fine this evening please come take a seat." I made my way around the room, it was utter silence as the whole assembly was watching me. Not going to lie I felt extremely uncomfortable.

The feast began and everyone was engaging in conversation apart from me. This place was absolutely disgusting and I have never seen the likes of it in my life. Hengist then stood up getting the attention of the people in the hall. "Our royal guest the Lady Rosa, has grown bored. She needs entertaining. The entirety of his speech his hand was tightly around my shoulder and the more I tried to move the firmer the grip got. The room erupted in laughter as Hengist said entertaining which confused me greatly.

The cage in the centre was then crowded around and the portcullis behind the bars was raised. out came a very large man who immediately began to riel up the crowd hitting the cage with his sword. The second man to appear was extremely familiar and it didn't click as to who it was till his dark eyes met mine. Lancelot.

His once long hair was now gone and it was smartly cut into a short style. He seemed well. Apart from being in a fight to the death he seemed great. This was not entertaining at all.

I was at the edge of my seat the entire time. This man's fighting style was ruthless but Lancelot dealt with him exceedingly well. And by the end of it he showed mercy to his competitor by letting him live. He made his way towards the table where I sat to collect his reward. Hengist threw a pouch full of money at Lancelot before bothering to say anything. "What is your name?" he shuffled a bit in his stance but then replied with his name.

"You have proved yourself to be a skilful warrior, I believe you may even have impressed our royal guest Lady Rosa." He turned to face me and I tried my hardest to not show one bit of recognition. "My lady" that one phrase ruined it and for a moment my sympathy arose and my eyes spoke everything he wished to hear. Hengist began to chuckle to himself and it was getting rather irritating now. "Next time you fight do not expect any mercy. Release the wildren!" He signalled to the cage and within seconds a horrid creature appeared.

I couldn't bear the sight of such a thing so I made my way through the crowd into the corridor covering my ears from that poor man's screams. Once I was sure it was over I turned bac to the door and Valiant was stood with arms crossed over his chest. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I wasn't going anywhere, I just couldn't bear to stay in there while such a creature was present no one deserves to die like that." He shook his head and walked towards me. "You don't go anywhere without permission. Is that understood?" The wooden door then blasted open with Hengist' angry eyes watching me. "How dare you walk away from me!"

"I'll do it again if you don't treat me with some respect."

"I don't like your defiant attitude one bit and I hate being humiliated. I'm done with being gracious towards you perhaps you will have to learn your lesson the hard way. Your knew room awaits in the dungeons." I laughed taking him by surprise. "Think I'll be more comfortable down there anyway. A prisoner deserves the right living arrangements don't you think?"

"Take her away!"


Well it was everything a dungeon should be. Dark, cold and incredibly depressing. I had survived the night down there with my thin cape but if I stayed down here for as long as I thought I would be, I would at least need a blanket.

The sound of my name distracted me from my thoughts and I looked up to the small barred window to discover none other than Lancelot. "I could not believe my eyes when I saw it was you." I nodded in agreement totally awestruck that he was here. "I thought my mind was playing tricks on me."

"Row as happy as I am to see you again why are you here?" Well that's a long story. "I went on a pilgrimage with Morgana to visit her father's grave. Along the way we were attacked and taken hostage. Thankfully Morgana escaped. But their plan is to hold me for ransom. I hardly doubt Uther would pay a sum that these men have arranged. Can you imagine how much they are asking? As soon as Hengist realises this he's going to kill me. Or worse let that beast finish me off."

"I will not allow that to happen." Now he knew how I got here but then I started to worry about him. "What are you doing here? Are you one of Hengist men?" he was quick to shake his head thank goodness. "What became of you once you left Camelot?"

"There are few opportunities for men like me. So, I've been earning a living the only way I know. With a sword in my hand. It seems it is my destiny to entertain men like Hengist." The sadness not only in his face but in his voice said it all, he was meant for such much more. "Lancelot, I don't believe that of you. You are so full of hope."

"I was wrong, the world's not like that." As hard as it was to do so I squeezed my small hands thought the bars to take his in mine. "I still see the hope in you. I do not accept that it is gone." Our much-needed talk was interrupted by the sound of keys down the hallway. "Someone is coming!" we unhooked our hands quickly as I made my way back down to the bed. "No matter what it takes I will find a way to get you out of here." And just like that he was gone.

The footsteps were drawing near so I quickly sat on the bed trying to regain my composure before everything tumbled down. And seconds later the cell door was unlocked and in stepped Hengist.

"I've not yet received word from Uther that he intends to pay your ransom. I was informed that the king was very fond of his new Ward. Are you not surprised that he is content on leaving you here to die?"

"How can I know the kings mind when I'm locked up here. And I believe the king to be incredibly wise. He knows not to fall in to the traps of men like you."

"And yet it would seem he has. If I do not hear from Uther by dawn tomorrow this stinking cell will be the last place you ever see." I kept my emotionless face until he slammed the door and left. My breaths were no longer calm. My eyes no longer dry. If they were going to do anything in order to rescue me it was too late.

I huddled myself in to the corner of the cell head on my knees. Would he really kill me within a few days? Was Uther really going to let me die here? "Row?" The all too familiar voice called my name and a sudden rush of peace came through my body as I hastily made my way to the barred window. "Lancelot?"

"I was terrified I might find your cell empty." He was frightened for my sake? "There's been no word from Uther, he's giving me till dawn tomorrow." His hand found mine just like earlier and that sense of loneliness had long gone. "I will not allow you to die here Row you hear me?" I nodded in hope that it might be true. "What about you?"

"I have little to live for." How could he say such a thing? "Do not say that!" But he kept insisting it was the truth. "For all my words, for all I believed I have come to nothing". He was terribly wrong. "You are everything that is right with this world! Your life means more than you think. If it wasn't for your help where would I be right now?"

"Then you are the reason that I have the will to carry on. I shall not fail you. Be ready, I will come for you before nightfall."

I was laying on my bed for hours anxiously waiting for his return and he was right on time. "We haven't got a moment to lose." He extended his hand which I took and within seconds we were running through the dungeon hallways until we reached an entrance of a tunnel.

"Follow this tunnel it will take you out beyond the castle walls. I will buy you as much time as I can." He began walking away until I grabbed a hold of his arm. "I'm not leaving you!" he shook his head "You must."

"No! I am not leaving you here to die!"

"I would die for you 100 times over knowing that you are safe. You still have a destiny to fulfil, I know in my heart that mine is to keep you safe. Run don't stop running till you are far away from here." A stray tear left my eye as knew that I would probably never see him again.

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