Possession ➸ Camren

By cabell0jauregui

725K 18.1K 11.9K

"Don't you get it, you're mine, the sooner you realise it the better." The first chapters are so bad but it w... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty one
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Final Chapter

Seventy Three

4.5K 103 22
By cabell0jauregui

The next few days were the same.

Late night baths had become a nightly thing, wether it was before they fell asleep or after a nightmare, they always happened.

Over three days all the girls had managed to visit them, never all at once though.

The days mostly consisted of sleeping from both Latinas, none of them getting very much at night. When they were awake they were filled with movies, food, meds and cuddles.

It was the same every day.

Except for on the forth day.

The day of Nick's funeral.

Lauren had stuck to her word about not attending her father's funeral, resulting in hundreds of texts from people who attended asking where she was.

She had ignored them all, allowing Camila to play with her hair until she forgot all about them.  

The same couldn't be said for today.

She was stood in the ensuite, applying a coat of red lipstick and trying not to think about what was happening later that day.

Her makeup was done to perfection despite the fact that it was inevitably going to get ruined and her hair fell in perfect curls down her back.

She took a deep breath before walking into the bedroom, taking the dress that was laid on the bed into her hands and sliding it on.

It was black and came to just above her knees. The sleeves were lace and gave a stark contrast to her pale skin.

"Want me to zip you up?"

Lauren nodded and Camila walked towards her, pulling her hair over her shoulder and sipping the dress up before placing a kiss at the top of her spine, placing her hands on her hips and rubbing her thumbs over them.

"I love you," She whispered.

"I love you too," Lauren moved her hands on top of Camila's, linking them.

"Lucy will be here soon, you should finish getting ready," Camila sighed and Lauren nodded, sitting on the bed and grabbing her heels.

She slipped them on, already knowing that she'd regret wearing them later.

Camila reached out to link one of her hands in her own and Lauren brought them to her lips, kissing it lightly.

"You're gonna be okay Lo," She assured her and Lauren nodded, standing up.

"I just want to get today over with," She sighed and Camila smiled sympathetically.

"You look beautiful," She told her softly, tucking a curl behind her ear before placing her hand on her cheek.

"They're gonna want me to talk about my father," Lauren murmured and Camila rubbed her thumb across the smooth skin.

"Well fuck them. You are not your father Lauren. You're kind and you're caring and you're so so beautiful, inside and out," She said softly, pulling Lauren in for a kiss.

"I don't want to do this," Lauren whispered and Camila leant her head on her shoulder, her arms wrapped around her.

"I know. I'm so sorry," Camila sighed sadly, rubbing her back.

"Are you gonna be okay on your own?" Lauren asked and Camila nodded, pulling back to look at her.

"I'll be fine. And if not I'll call Ally, don't worry about me," She smiled and Lauren gave a weak one in return.

"I always worry about you," She told her and Camila kissed her cheek.

"I know, that's the problem," She laughed slightly, lips tickling Lauren's skin.

They stayed in the embrace until the sound of a car pulling up was heard and Lauren was forced to pull away.

"I love you so much. Be brave and I'll see you in a few hours," Camila pecked her lips quickly, handing her her purse and smiling reassuringly.

"I love you too. Call me if you need anything," Lauren rushed, kissing the top of her head before running out of the room.

And then Camila was alone, something which she'd feared for months now.

It was the first time she'd been alone and free. She could go wherever she wanted. She giggled happily, collapsing on the bed and squealing excitedly before letting out a content sigh.

It was a nice thought to have.

Lauren didn't know how many times she could listen to people apologise before she screamed.

Apologising for her father, for Nick, for what her family must be going through.

And she had the same response to them all - a fake smile as she thanked them and assured them that she'd be okay.

Her siblings seemed to be going through the same ordeal and she managed to steal them away because Taylor looked on the verge of tears whilst Chris looked moments away from smacking them.

She pulled Taylor into a hug, kissing the top of her head and rubbing her hands up her arms before pulling away.

"You look so grown up Tay, wow, you're just like mom," She smiled softly.

"Of course she looks grown up, you haven't seen us in months," Chris snapped, wrapping an arm around his youngest sister.

"Chris," Lauren started but was quickly cut off.

"You-you left us with him! Whilst you were off busy with her," He spat.

The argument quickly ended because Lucy pushed her way towards them, grabbing Lauren's arm and pulling her away after excusing them.

"The funerals about to start, we're at the front," She informed her.

It wasn't a surprise. Apart from his brothers, Nick had no other family.

The church was busy.

That's what Lauren could tell from where she was sat, her eyes fixated on anywhere but the coffin as she focused on Lucy's hand in hers.

She sat through multiple speeches that she zoned out of because they were so formal and nothing like Nick.

Her friend who used to sneak her out the house to go to parties and beat up any boy who dared treat her wrong was gone.

Gone because of her.

And now people were hurting, even more than before. There were easily over a hundred people in the church, mourning a boy, a friend, a family member who was dead because of her.

She could make out one of his brothers break down from the corner of her eye, quickly to be pulled into an embrace from another one who was doing his best to fight back tears.

It was when one of his brothers got up to do a speech, the only realistic speech given about him, that Lauren started crying as they mentioned his humour and selflessness.

She didn't think she stopped after that.

Eventually the funeral ended and Lauren made her way out of the church on her own as Lucy disappeared to find Vero.

Normani and Dinah were already waiting for her, marching sympathetic looks on their faces as they took in her puffy eyes.

"Come here," Normani opened her arms and Lauren allowed herself to be wrapped into an embrace, Dinah rubbing her back. "He wouldn't want you to cry Lauren."

Lauren only shook her head, hiding her face in her friend's neck and trying to ignore the stares from other people.

They stayed in that position for the entire burial, Lauren refusing to move except to throw a handful of dirt on the coffin.

They were dragged to a bar for some sort of gathering after the funeral.

And that's where she currently was, nursing the same glass of champagne she'd had since she had got there and repeating the same three sentences.

"Thank you for coming."

"I'm fine, thank you."

"Sorry for your loss."

She was one more fake conversation away from throwing her glass at someone's head.

She just wanted to go home and cuddle Camila and maybe sleep for two days straight. Was that too much to ask?

"Want me to take you home?"

She turned to the voice, surprised to find her brother there with a kind smile.

"You've drank," Her voice wobbled pathetically and he shook his head.

"I haven't. Come on Lauren, you've done your bit. Let's go," He coaxed and Lauren nodded, allowing him to take her hand.

She said her goodbyes before letting herself be guided to the car.

The ride home was silent, neither sibling talking until they pulled up outside the house.

"I'm sorry about dad," Her voice was weak and fragile and she cringed at how it sounded.

"Don't be, he was a jerk anyway," Chris told her and she found herself nodding in agreement. "Get some sleep Lauren, I bet your girl's waiting for you."

Lauren hesitated before asking, "do you want to meet her?"

"Not today, I think I'll let you have her for today. But don't expect her to skip my interrogation, she needs my approval," He joked and Lauren smiled half-heartedly.

"I'm sorry for not being there," She whispered and Chris squeezed her hand.

"We'll work on that, yeah?" He questioned and Lauren nodded again. "Get some rest Lauren, you look like you haven't slept in years."

And then Lauren was climbing out of the car and stumbling into the house.

The minute Camila heard the door shut she ran (to the best of her ability) downstairs, rushing to greet her girlfriend.

She stopped when she saw her, red puffy eyes and heels in hand.

"Hey Lo," She said softly, catching her attention.

"Hi. Have you been okay?" Lauren's voice was hoarse and Camila shook her head.

"Don't. Don't do that Lauren," She sighed and Lauren rubbed her temples.

"God I've got such a bad headache," She muttered and Camila walked towards her, wrapping her arms around her.

"I've got you. Let's go cuddle and watch some stupid movies," Camila ran her fingers through her hair, the simple action and offer bringing Lauren to tears again.

"I'm sick of crying," She exclaimed frustratedly.

"I know. You just need to get it out or you'll feel so much worse," Camila told her knowingly, feeling Lauren's chest shake with the first sob, "they're just tears Lauren, they'll dry."

"It hurts. It hurts so bad," She cried, her hands clutching above her heart as she sunk to the floor.

Camila knew she wasn't talking about her head.

She lowered herself down and sat in front of her girlfriend, taking her hands in her own.

"He's gone. He's dead and I'm never gonna see him again. I-I needed to talk to him... too late," Lauren rambled and Camila felt her heart physically shatter as she pulled her into a hug.

"He's go-one. He's dead," She cried into her shoulder and Camila looped her fingers into her hair, pressing her lips to the side of her head.

"I'm so sorry Lauren, I'm so fucking sorry," She murmured, using her other arm to hold her tightly.

"He's never coming back. He's dead. He's dead and it's all my fault," Lauren's breathing was becoming rapid now, her words rushed together into one big one.

"It's not your fault Lo. It wasn't your fault," Camila countered quickly.

"He ran in after me! He told me to wait," Lauren sobbed, her tears wetting Camila's shoulder.

Camila held on tighter as her girlfriend crumbled in her arms as if scared that if she never, Lauren would break into pieces.

"It was his choice, he knew it was dangerous. It wasn't your fault," Camila told her softly.

"I killed him. I killed him," She cried bitterly.

"No you never Lo. Look at me," She coaxed, pulling her head back so they were looking at each other, "you never killed him. You tried to help him, you did everything you could."

"I left him with the others. If-if I-" Lauren stammered and Camila pulled her back into the hug.

"You couldn't have done anything. You tried Lauren, you tried," She whispered, feeling Lauren collapse against her.

"I'm so tired of hurting everyone," She sobbed and Camila kissed her head again.

"You don't hurt anyone, I promise. You're not a bad person Lauren," She murmured into her hair.

They stayed on the floor, holding each other desperately, until the cramp in Camila's legs almost became as strong as the ache in Lauren's chest.

"Lo, I'm gonna have to sit on the couch. Are you coming?" Camila questioned quietly, combing her fingers through Lauren's hair.

She felt Lauren nod against her shoulder and stood up, pulling the older girl up after her. Camila took her face in her hands, wiping her damp cheeks with her thumbs gently.

"I love you," She kissed her gently, playing with the baby hairs at the nape of her neck. "Get some Advil and I'll meet you in the living room."

Camila was only on the couch a few minutes before Lauren came through, sitting down before laying so her head was on the older girl's lap.

Camila smiled slightly at the action, starting to play with her hair. Lauren's cries had reduced to sniffles, her breaths hitching unevenly.

"You want to talk? Sometimes that helps," Camila offered but Lauren shook her head. "Just wanna cuddle?"

Lauren nodded and Camila reached out to unzip her dress because it was clinging to her skin and Lauren's chest was heaving.

"You're not a bad person Lauren," She rubbed her back across the smooth skin of Lauren's back, scratching it lightly with her nails.

"I hurt people," Lauren whimpered quietly.

"No you don't. I promise, you're such a good person," Camila told her firmly but kindly and Lauren hiccuped.

"Yeah?" She checked and Camila smiled.

"Yeah," She confirmed in a whisper, "he ran in there because he wanted to save you Lo, he didn't want you to get hurt."

"But what if I wasn't worth saving?" Lauren sniffled.

"You are so worth saving Lauren. I swear to god, don't ever doubt that," Camila murmured, trying to ignore the way her heart pulled at the thought of her girlfriend believing that.

She continued tracing her finger up and down her spine long after the older Latina fell asleep, tear marks staining her cheeks and chest rising unevenly.

Camila couldn't comprehend how someone could look so beautiful whilst being so upset. Her dark hair framing her face in neat curls, her ivory skin even paler than usual.

Camila moved her hand down so she could rub circles on Lauren's stomach, biting back a giggle when Lauren wiggled contently.

Her phone pinged and she grabbed it to find a new text from Normani.

How is she?

Camila looked down at the sleeping girl, taking a photo of her before sending it with the caption 'not good'.

What a puppy.

It was quickly followed by a

That was from Dinah.

Camila rolled her eyes at her friend before replying 'don't you dare tease her about this or I will hurt you.'

She never got a response for a few minutes until her phone rang, which she immediately answered.

"She looks like shit," Dinah stated bluntly.

"No she doesn't!" Camila defended protectively.

"Mila, I get you're in love and it's blinded you but look at her. She looks like a stick that's been left out in the snow," Camila pulled at face and the description the blonde gave her.

She could faintly hear Normani trying to snatch the phone from her.

"Mani says- ow Mani! That hur- I'll give it you in a second," Dinah sighed impatiently and Camila rolled her eyes, "Mani! You're showing us up here. Ow, wait till we get home before you spank me."

"Dinah," Camila cut her off before it could continue, "did you want to tell me something important or just that Lauren looks like a stick?"

"I was gonna check up on you but not now that you've got a stick up you ass, oh my god! If Lauren's a stick that means she's up your ass. She's eating the booty like groceries!" Dinah shrieked.

There was muffled arguing before Normani spoke up,

"She's has one too many glasses of free champagne, sorry about her," She explains. "Is Lauren okay?"

"She cried herself to sleep," Camila informed her.

"Will you be okay? Should we come over?" Normani questioned worriedly.

"We'll be fine. I promise, I can take care of us both," Camila said confidently.

"Okay, well message if you need me. I'm gonna go back to babysitting Dinah - wait, she wants to say something," Normani announced.

"Love you Mila, happy you aren't vanilla anym- ow!" The younger girl exclaimed and Camila quickly hung up the phone.

She turned her attention back to her girlfriend who was still fast asleep, rubbing her back.

"Our friends are idiots Lo," She murmured with a small smile, "but I love them anyway. I love you more."

Lauren woke up a few hours later in the same position.

"Hey gorgeous," Camila hushed, rubbing firm circles on her back, "you feeling any better?"

Lauren nodded groggily, bringing her hand up to rub her eyes before lifting herself up.

"You should have moved me. I probably crushed you," She croaked blearily and Camila smiled.

"You didn't, I enjoyed cuddling you," She told her, grabbing her chin and pulling her in for a kiss.

"Morning breath," Lauren murmured in warning.

"Don't care," Camila hummed, connecting their lips softly.

"Mhm, I love you," Lauren said against her lips and Camila smiled wider.

"And I love you," She returned, "and I want to be sure that you're okay."

"Yeah, fine. Honestly Camz, just forget about earlier," Lauren brushed it off, going to stand up but pausing when Camila grabbed her hand.

"Yeah that sounds like an unhealthy coping mechanism," She rolled her eyes, "you don't have to hide from me Lo, we're open."

"I am open," Lauren mumbled.

"You're about as open as a closed door," Camila deadpanned. Upon seeing Lauren's dejected expression she sighed, kissing her forehead. "You worry me."

"I know. You worry me too," Lauren told her.

"I know," Camila mimicked with a smile.

"I promise I'm okay, I just let all my emotions build at once. I'm okay now," Lauren assured her.

"Promise?" Camila checked and it was then Lauren saw her brave facade slip. She could act as strong as she wanted throughout the day but it was at night did she break, always ending up with salty tears staining Lauren's t-shirts as she cried.

"Promise," She nodded, giving her a quick kiss that Camila immediately melted in to.

It was clear to see that Camila wasn't as brave as she made out later that day when she has a panic attack because she swore that someone was outside and Lauren wasn't in the same room as her.

She could feel the panic slowly spread through her veins like ice, freezing her in place; feel her heart hammering in her chest; feel her throat close up so she was unable to breath. She wanted to run but she couldn't feel her hands or feet, a numbness taking over them.

She must have made a noise at some point because Lauren was suddenly in the room and she was sobbing into her chest.

She couldn't hear anything over the sound of drumming in her ears but she could make out Lauren's lips moving through her tunnel vision when the older girl took her face in her hands.

She was frozen and she swore there was still someone outside and she couldn't breathe.

She was sucking in air as if there wasn't enough oxygen in the room because there wasn't. She couldn't keep it in her lungs for long enough and she had to be dying by now.

She managed to choke out something that sounded like 'someone'soutsideandgonnahurtme' to Lauren who somehow still managed to decipher it.

Lauren was shaking her head rapidly before she darted over to the door and locked it for confirmation.

When Camila's hysterical sobs didn't stop she pulled her into her arms, murmuring a 'jump' and wrapping the brunette's legs around her waist.

She could feel the girl shivering despite how her skin was hot to touch, her body trembling violently.

"I'm gonna take you upstairs. Is that okay?" Lauren kept her voice quiet, waiting for Camila to nod before moving.

Camila felt sick to her stomach, hot and dizzy all at once, despite how she was shivering.

"You're safe baby. Nothing can hurt you," Lauren told her, pulling her onto her lap and holding her closely. "Breathe with me Camz. In and out, just like me."

She took an over-exaggerated breathe, rubbing Camila's back firmly as she felt her chest rise unevenly due to her hyperventilating.

Camila's breaths were ragged as she sucked in air desperately to try and stop the crushing feeling on her lungs.

She whimpered when she remembered that there was still someone outside, she swore there was, but Lauren hushed her soothingly, bouncing her slightly and pulling her closer.

"Focus on me baby, I've got you," She assured her, "listen to my heartbeat. Keep breathing and focus on my heart."

The steady drumming of Lauren's heart filled her ears, alongside the low murmur of her voice.

"Feel that?" She tapped her two fingers against Camila's thigh lightly. The brunette nodded tearfully, cuddling against Lauren even more. "It's only us, I've got you."

The process repeated for about ten more minutes, Lauren occasionally tapping different places on her body in hopes that it would make her focus on what was actually real.

Eventually her breathes return back to somewhat normal and despite the fact that she's still crying, she seems somewhat calmer.

"That's it baby, you're doing so good. You're doing so well," Lauren encouraged in a whisper.

"So-omeone was o-outside," Camila hiccuped.

"No there wasn't baby, no one was there," Lauren countered softly as she shook her head.

"There is. They were gonna hurt me," Camila insisted.

"I'll go check, yeah? I'll go and see," Lauren told her, standing up.

"No! They'll get you! No, you can't, you can't get hurt," Camila rambled, clinging to her.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you're okay. That's all that matters. Besides, they wanted to punish me anyway, not you," Lauren pointed out.

"Why would you say that! You matter! You matter so much. No no," Camila sobbed even harder, causing Lauren to backtrack quickly in fear of another panic attack.

"I was kidding baby, I was kidding! I'm not gonna let anyone hurt either of us. I'm staying here, I'm not leaving you. I wouldn't hurt you like that," She murmured, holding her tightly.

She buried her face in her hair, rubbing her thumb over the back of her neck.

"Don't cry Camz, it's okay. I promise, you don't have to be upset," She told her.

"I don't want to lose you," Camila cried bitterly and Lauren moved to sit her on the bed before crouching in front of her and taking her face in her hands.

"You aren't gonna lose me baby. I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here with you," She whispered, wiping her damp cheeks. "Hey forever and always, remem-where's your bracelet?"

"They took it an-and your,your moms. Her-her," Camila stammered and Lauren shook her head.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter Camz. You're here, she's not, that's what matters. You matter," She told her, pulling her into her arms the minute she saw fresh tears fall down Camila's cheeks. "It's just jewellery Camila, it's not important. Anyway, you can buy more now!"

"Now you don't match," Camila sniffled.

"It doesn't matter. You know why?" Lauren raised an eyebrow and Camila shook her head. "Because you gave it to me. And I love it and I love you."

"I love you too," Camila told her and Lauren smiled, kissing her head.

"Get some sleep baby, you're exhausted," She murmured.

"Stay with me."

Camila was leaving the house.

She was beyond excited.

"Lauren hurry up!" She shouted from the front door impatiently.

"One second," Lauren yelled back for the umpteenth time, causing Camila to huff.

The brunette had been waiting for at least five minutes now but Lauren was taking hours getting ready, much to her annoyance.

Eventually she came running downstairs, her hair bouncing with every step.

"Can I grab an apple, I'm star-" She started.

"No!" Camila shouted, "you've been long enough, you can eat whilst we're out."

"I've not ate since lunch yesterday," Lauren whined.

It was true. Camila had insisted Lauren stayed with her whilst she slept and the older girl was happy to comply, even though it meant she never ate. And looking at her, she was still too skinny so Camila threw an apple at her before dragging her out of the house.

"I don't know why you took so long when you always look beautiful," She complained as they walked to the car.

"This is the first time people will see you and they'll see me too. I wanted to look pretty," Lauren shrugged.

"Will you stop saying things that make you sound adorable when I'm trying to be annoyed at you," Camila huffed, "but for the record, you look like an angel."

"Thank you," Lauren beamed happily before climbing in the car. "Have you decided where we're going?"

"We're going to visit my mom and then go to my house and that's all I got so far," Camila informed her as Lauren started the engine. "I'm so happyyy."

"I'm happy too. We're finally normal," Lauren stuck her tongue out as she smiled widely.

"Well you're still in this relationship too babe so I wouldn't call us normal," Camila pointed out, laughing when Lauren scowled at her. "Hurry up and drive!"

The cemetery was about fifteen minutes away from Lauren's house and the journey was filled with small talk until they were about five minutes away.

"I'm scared," Camila blurted out, "they're gonna stare at me."

"But that's all they're gonna do. They won't hurt you baby," Lauren told her, "and besides, as beautiful as you are people would stare anyway."

Camila nodded but didn't look convinced.

"We can go home whenever you want Camila, just let me know. Okay?" Lauren offered.

"Yeah, okay. Thank you," Camila agreed with a small smile because the older girl was so genuine and considerate and melted her heart.

"You don't have to thank me, dumbass. I just don't want people to ruin today, god knows you've waited long enough," Lauren said before scoffing, "I can't believe this is your first day of freedom and you brought me, who you've past the past nine months with."

"This is different. We get to be a couple and do couple-y things. I'm excited," Camila pointed out and Lauren smiled. "Even if it's just to the cemetery."

"Hey, no. You get to do whatever you like. And anyway, we can get food after or something," Lauren suggested and Camila nodded.

"I choose."

"Of course."

Camila was kind of glad that she'd chose to go to the cemetery because it was significantly less busy than a other places would have been - just a few people wandering around.

Some shot her looks as they walked in but didn't say anything to her, which surprised her. Her face was still front page on many news articles and channels, although there were a lot less than when she'd first been found.

"Do you want to go on your own? I'll come with you if you want, I don't mind either way," Lauren offered.

"I think I'll go on my own," Camila said after a few seconds of consideration.

"Okay, I'll go visit my mom," Lauren smiled happily.

"Come get me in like, fifteen minutes?" Camila questioned and Lauren nodded.

"Fifteen minutes, I'll find you," She confirmed, leaning in for a kiss. Camila steppes back before she could, causing Lauren to frown in confusion.

"I-I never came out before. No one knows," Camila mumbled, guilt overwhelming her as she watched Lauren's face fall.

"Oh, that's okay. I never thought," Lauren brushed it off causally, her sentence cut off by Camila cupping her cheek and pulling her in for a chaste kiss.

"I love you and I'll see you soon," She told her, watching Lauren beam and chirp out an 'I love you too' before walking away.

Holy shit, she really loved that girl.

Camila knew the way to her mom's grave like that back of her own hand and even after so many months of not visiting, she found it with ease.

"Hi mamí," She whispered, crouching down and placing the flowers which they'd bought on the way by her headstone. "Sorry for not visiting for a while, things have been crazy."

She recited the story, from the murder of her father to finding out he killed her to her kidnapping. She paused before continuing,

"I'm in love mamí, and it feels just as great as you said it would. She's like an angel, she's so so perfect. She's so beautiful and caring and kind. I wish you could meet her," Camila smiled sadly.

She could feel her throat get tighter and swallowed hardly, "I miss you so much mamí. I wish you were here, I love you."

"You know an angel?"

Camila's heart just about failed as the voice spoke from behind her and she turned around quickly, ready to defend herself.

She was met with a little girl no older than five, a curious expression on her face.

"You scared me," Camila laughed slightly, her hand on her heart as she tried to steady it.

"Do you really know an angel?" The girl tilted her head to her side and Camila smiled.

"I'll tell you but it's a secret," She told her, watching as the girls face lit up before whispering, "I know the prettiest angel of all."

"You do?" The girl squealed and Camila nodded. "My friend said they aren't real but they are, I know one."

"Yeah?" Camila questioned and the girl nodded proudly. "Are you here all on your own?"

"No but I lost my mommy and daddy. They're visiting Bump," The girl explained.

"Bump?" Camila raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, my baby sister! She died in my mommy's tummy. She's called Lily but I call her Bump," The girl rambled, fidgeting restlessly.

"And what are you called?" Camila asked.

"Ella. I know who you are, you're Camila. I saw you on TV, my mommy says you're a miracle," Ella told her.

"She is, isn't she?"

Camila smiled at Lauren's voice, watching Ella nod her head furiously.

"I leave you for fifteen minutes and you adopt a kid?" Lauren teased playfully and Camila laughed.

"Ella here, lost her mommy and daddy," She informed the older girl.

"Well in that case, I think we should find them again, yeah?" Lauren turned to the young girl.

"Yes," She said affirmatively.

"Do you have any idea where they might be?" Camila questioned, sighing when the girl shook her head. The cemetery was huge and although there weren't many people there, it was by no means empty. "How about we walk around and you shout when you see them?"

"I'm good at shouting," Ella told them both, taking their hands in her own as they started walking.

Camila smiled as she watched Lauren make aimless conversation with the young child, swinging their hands. Ella was looking up to her in awe as Lauren told her that angels were absolutely real - a topic she still seemed to be stuck on.

She'd never witnessed Lauren with kids before and she felt like she'd been seriously deprived of the experience.


The exclamation caused Camila to look up where she was met with a couple not much older than herself, obvious relief on their face.

"Gabriella don't scare us like that!" The woman cried, pulling her into a hug.

"Sorry mommy. Look who found me!" Ella pointed to the two Latina's who both waved.

"She's very smart. She didn't go to a stranger, she found me because she knows me from TV," Camila told them with a smile and the couple rolled their eyes lovingly.

"Thank you for finding her," The man smiled appreciatively.

"It was no problem," Lauren dismissed.

"Are you gonna say bye?" The woman released her daughter from her arms and the child ran forward.

"Bye Cameela," She wrapped her arms around her before rushing to Lauren. "Bye pretty angel."

"Bye," Lauren laughed, ruffling her hair.

After being thanked one last time, they started walking back to their car.

"Did you see?" Camila questioned and Lauren shook her head. "She was pregnant again."

Lauren smiled at Camila's happy expression, cupping her chin and kissing her quickly before pulling away.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah. Come on, I want to show you my house."

Walking into the house was weird for Camila.

She'd spent every day for eighteen years there and then suddenly she hadn't been there for months.

Despite for the fact that it was completely empty, it hadn't changed at all.

"I want to show you my bedroom," Camila told her before dragging her up the stairs.

Camila's bedroom was very... Camila.

The walls, although white, were covered with posters and old photos of mainly her and Ally along with a guitar hanging on the wall.

The blankets were a baby pink and covered in decorative pillows and an old studded animal. It was obvious that it had been searched thoroughly by detectives and probably that time Dinah broke in to steal her clothes but someone had made the effort to clean it up.

"It's very you," Lauren commented as Camila looked through her vinyls.

"It was the only thing I was allowed to have control over," She informed her, showing Lauren a photo of her and Ally at no older than twelve. "Look at us."

"You were cute," Lauren stated and Camila placed it back down, wrapping her arms around her neck. "I feel like there's a part of you here that I've never met."

"You wouldn't want to meet her. She was just a shy, depressed, isolated girl," Camila told her.

"I wish I could have helped you. Wouldn't it have been nice to be able to have a normal relationship? It's been months and I haven't even seen anything from your past," Lauren sighed wistfully.

"Because I don't like my past. I like my present and my future and I like you in it," Camila kissed her lips softly and Lauren smiled slightly. "We've got the rest of our lives together babe."

When Lauren never replied, Camila bit her lip playfully, "okay then, don't reply. I wasn't being cute at all."

"You're always cute, I'm used to it," Lauren told her and Camila laughed, pushing her onto the bad and clambering on top of her. "I'm so tired I will fall asleep on this bed."

"I won't let you do that," Camila emphasised, digging her fingers into her sides to prove it.

"No, stop," Lauren squirmed away, resulting in Camila doing the exact opposite.

She finally relented when Lauren was a giggling, begging, breathless mess, her hair slightly messy and her face flushed.

"I'd tickle you back but I can't, ass," Lauren told her and Camila smiled, leaning forward to kiss her. "You don't get to kiss me."

Camila effectively shut her up by slipping her tongue into her mouth, cupping her jaw with her hand and stroking her thumb across her smooth skin.

"Hi," Camila whispered when she pulled away, giggling slightly.

"Hi back," Lauren smiled, feeling Camila lay next to her and curl into her side. "You have glow in the dark stars."

Camila nodded against her side and Lauren moved her hand to run her fingers through her hair.

"I've always had them. I like them, they remind me of good things," Camila told her, looking up at them.

"Like what?" Lauren questioned.

"That there's more out there than just here," Camila shrugged and Lauren rolled onto her side to face her.

"Is that what you want? To get out of here?" She asked and Camila paused for a few minutes.

"I used to want to," She said slowly, "but not anymore. I like my life here."

"You're able to do so much. You have a future, Camz. You can do anything you want," Lauren stated quietly.

"Can I do you?" Camila joked before adding more seriously, "I don't know what I wanna do just yet. It's been so long and I just, i just want to enjoy now for the time being. I'll think later."

"That's a good idea," Lauren murmured and Camila reached for her hand, squeezing it gently. "I love you."

"I love you too."

They stayed and cuddled on the bed, tracing their fingers up and down each other's arms until there was the sound of the door closing downstairs. Camila was clinging to Lauren in seconds, her face immediately draining of any color.

"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. I'll go check it out," Lauren told her, rubbing her back before sitting up.

"Don't leave me," Camila squeaked, shooting up and grabbing onto her.

"It's probably just someone getting their things. Come on, I won't let anything happen to you."

And that was how Camila found herself following Lauren downstairs, clutching to her t-shirt in case someone suddenly appeared and tried to drag either of them away.

And maybe Lauren should have left Camila in the room because she stepped on a creaky floorboard, causing them both to freeze.


Camila's face broke in an expression of relief and she flew past Lauren to where the voice came from.

"Isabella," She cried excitedly, throwing her arms around the young woman's neck and squeezing.

"I'm so glad you're okay! They wouldn't let me see you at the hospital and then I couldn't find you so I was hoping you'd come home," The family maid rambled, "you are okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm great. I'm so happy," Camila laughed, nodding quickly.

"You scared me so much you brat," Isabella told her affectionately.

"Don't get too sweet," Camila joked playfully, pulling away. She saw Lauren stood in the doorway and waved her over. "Isabella, this is Lauren. The girl who-"

"Who found you! Thank you so much," The maid beamed and Camila took Lauren's hand, squeezing it gently.

"You're welcome. I'm s-" Lauren started but was cut off by her girlfriend.

"Stop apologising for him, I've told you this so many times," Camila chastised, nudging her with her elbow.

"Camila! That's not how you speak to people!" Isabella exclaimed, easily falling back into her old ways of caring (nagging) for the girl.

Camila simply rolled her eyes whilst Lauren smiled smugly.

"Are you going to be staying here? I'll have to clean your room, it's been searched more times than I can count," Maria informed her as she went to rush off but Camila stopped her, rubbing her thumb over Lauren's hand.

"I'm actually gonna continue staying with Lauren," Camila informed her, watching as the woman's face turned confused to suspicious to knowing in the matter of a second.

"Okay," She said slowly before smirking, "you shoot your shot girl."

"Isabella!" Camila shrieked, flushing red like she hadn't been dating Lauren for months already.

"It's fine by me, my goal is wide open," Lauren replied smoothly, smiling at the brunette.

They stayed for around another hour before they finally left, Camila tired after doing so much after doing the most exercise she'd done in over a month.

"Thank you for today. It meant a lot to me," Camila mumbled as she fought sleep, the gentle hum of the radio and car soothing her.

"Thank you for letting me come," Lauren smiled, placing her hand on her thigh (that was still too skinny in her opinion) and squeezing it softly.

"Can I go to sleep?" Camila questioned and Lauren laughed.

"Yeah, I'll carry you in," She told her.

"And cuddle with me?" Camila checked.

"Of course. We'll go to bed and cuddle," Lauren promised and Camila smiled dopily.

"You're an angel. I love you so much," She mumbled.

"And I love you more."

(Camila did fall asleep - not even five minutes later - and they spent the rest of the evening cuddling, Lauren whispering things to her girlfriend that she'd never hear whilst the brunette smiled contently against her neck.)

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