Divergent Hollywood

By Lauren_is_Divergent

9.9K 299 79

It's me again! With another divergent fanfic!(Movies and other actors are all made up for the most part) I AM... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
new book
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Author's Note

Chapter 39

116 4 3
By Lauren_is_Divergent

I pull into Christina's driveway, noticing Will's car isn't there. Well, I guess that we can have a girls day to ourselves. 

I park next to her car, and unload with my bag. With the van locked, I pull out her spare key and walk in. 

All I hear is sobbing...

"Christina!" I call out as I shut the door behind me. 

"I-In here!" She stutters, then blows her nose. 

I run over to her, just to find a pile of tissues and The Fault in Our Stars on her flat screen. That is so ridiculous, it is just a-

"Augustus Waters died eight days..." 

I start sobbing, without even realizing it. 

"T-Tris! Why does H-Hazel have to look l-like you!" Christina cries, letting another sob rack her body. 

I plop down beside her, "B-because it's Shailene!" 

We both are a mess of waterfall tears and tissues, and I just got into the house! 

My vision is blurred from tears as my hand moves around for the remote, and I turn it off. 

"Christina! I-if you are 14 weeks pregn-nant, don't watch this movie!" I exclaim, barely composing myself. 

She sniffs, "I'm sorry, I needed to cry!" 

I laugh, wiping my face. Christina pushes all of the tissues off of her, revealing her small baby bump. 

"How have you been with morning sickness?" I ask, trying to distract us from the cry-fest. 

She sighs, "A little better, I think it should be over soon. This little one is also quite the eater!" 

I laugh, putting a hand on my own stomach, "Imagine two. I literally ate two pizzas to myself last night." 

"Well, for three people, that seems like enough." 

Christina stands up, pulling me with her, "Come on, I needed you today. I have been housebound, and it is so stressful! Will won't let me leave because my mother had a lot of pregnancy problems in her family history or whatever." 

"Well, I did this advertisement with this spa downtown one time, so I get free sessions, do you want to go there?" 

Her eyes widen, "Are you kidding me? Of course I do! Face masks, pedicures, massages, sauna, it would be so relaxing!" 

I laugh, already knowing she would love to go. "Well, you should probably get dressed then, I can get you a bag ready." 

She gives me a grateful smile, and runs upstairs. I clean up her tissues for her, and then put her phone and charger in her bag. 

I love her, but geez Christina is such a mess! She comes down a few minutes later, makeup already done, and has on leggings and a flowing tank top. 

"Now that you've said it, I am too excited! Let's go already!" She exclaims, her feet moving rapidly down the stairs. 

I laugh, and we both go out to her car instead of mine. She drives, seeing that I could probably not even fit my belly in the drivers side, and we go to the spa. It is a locally owned spa, called Amity Aura. 

We park up front, and we walk in together. The owner, Johanna, smiles giddily when she sees me, "Tris! You're back! I haven't seen you in a while!" 

"I'm here now!" I run over and give her a hug. 

Christina jogs over to catch up, as we start talking, "How has everything been going? The spa looks updated!" 

Johanna says, "We had a few renovations, added a Jacuzzi, some new treatments, you know, the works. But, as always, you are the face of our commercials, pamphlets, and everything else."

I place a hand to my chest, "Johanna, sweet as always. What do you have open today for Christina and I?" 

"For you, anything. We aren't too busy nowadays, I might just need a new commercial." 

She leads us back to the familiar changing area, which has swimsuits and bath robes of all sizes. 

As Christina and I change, I ask, "So, what all are we doing?" 


We both laugh, pulling the robes over us, "There are other customers, you know." 

"So we can do stuff with them, duh!" Christina displays a silly smile as we walk back out, Johanna waiting. 

"As usual, massage first. Then face mask and mani/pedi's, and lastly, the jacuzzi." 

I gasp, "Johanna! You always spoil us." 

She laughs, "Nothing better for my star client." 

She brings us over to the massage tables, and I laugh when I see one with an indention in it, for pregnant women I assume. 

The curtains around the tables close for a second, I take off my robe, and lay down. The towel is placed over my bottom half. 

"You ready Chris?" I ask. 


Our masseuses open the curtains just enough so we can see each other, and we both turn our heads. Every time we get massages together, we make sure to face each other. It's kind of an ongoing joke now. 

"Damn, your boobs have grown!" Christina exclaims, looking at me. 

My cheeks flush, "Chris, there are other people here right now. You can't just say that kind of thing." 

"I know, but pregnancy has done you good." 

I lift up my head, and hit it on the rest, "Stop it!" 

"Whatever, you should be proud." 

I shake my head, "I should stop taking you places. You are such a handful." 

"Of course. How's the boyfriend?" 

I smile, thinking of Tobias, "Wonderful as always, putting up with his emotional girlfriend. How's the baby daddy?" 

"Annoying. You already know he has me on house arrest. But he isn't here so who cares." 

I laugh, "You know he just loves you, right? T-Four is just as protective over me." 

She sighs, "I know, but even you know I can't just lounge around for nine months." 

"You are too 'Christina' to be boring. I get it, I am almost six months pregnant with twins and I go out more days than not." 

She laughs, "That probably isn't good." 

I shrug, well, attempt to, as the masseuse rubs my shoulders, "I have been fine so far, Four trusts me." 

She sighs, "Will doesn't trust me with anything. But, I don't want to talk about that. We are finding out the gender in a few weeks, that's more exciting!" 

"That's amazing! Are you thinking of names yet?" 

"Not quite yet, I wanted to get suggestions from everyone." Christina responds. 

I think for a second, "Really, I would expect a name like Princess from you." 

She laughs, "I said that once in high school, that doesn't mean I meant it!" 

"Okay, then something like Daisy or Rose, that would be cute." 

"Actually, that sounds cute! I wanted the boy name to be Isiah, after my dad." Christina adds. 

We are interrupted by Johanna coming over, which most likely means it's time for our next thing. "Alright girls! I have a few new options for face masks." 

She closes our curtains, and I quickly slip my robe back on. I have to say, I am feeling beyond relaxed. We go over to the chairs, and like before, Christina and I sit right next to each other. 

Johanna grabs something and comes over, "Tris, I have a question." 

I nod, leaning forward. 

"Can we get a few pictures of you with our new face masks?" 

I laugh, "Of course. What do you have?" 

After showing me some options, one of the workers puts a peach and honey face mask on me, and they start the pedicure. Christina gets a cucumber rose face mask, and we both forgo the cucumber's on the eyes. 

"This just smells good." Chris says, taking in a deep breath. 

"Seriously, and they give killer mani pedi's." I add, looking at the foot bath. 

Now, we just relax and don't bother talking. It's  easier for Johanna to get pictures that way. I lean my head back and close my eyes, as one of the workers I recognize as Myra works on my nails. 

After the familiar click of taking pictures stops, I look at what they actually did with my nails. My cuticles were fixed, and they did a light peach color with polka dots on my fingernails and my toe nails. It looks gorgeous! 

"Wow, look at these!" Christina exclaims, shoving her hand in my face. She has lime green nails with black flowers on the thumb. 

"That's cute! Now, since these are gel nails and are already dry, let's go to the Jacuzzi!" 

Christina squeals, following me back to the changing room. They keep spare plain bikinis, for those using the Jacuzzi and sauna. 

I grab a black one, and Christina puts on a white one. We go back out, and Johanna leads us to the giant tub. 

"All nice and bubbly, just for you guys!" She says, helping me step up into it. 

I relax a little more the second my body touches the water, and sink into one side of the tub. The bubbles tickle my skin, and the warm water soothes every muscle in my body. 

I look down, just to glance at my feet, but my stomach is in the way. 

"One more thing ladies, since you are both pregnant, it is safer to only spend ten or fifteen minutes in here. Enjoy!" 

We thank her and lean against the sides. 

"I needed this day so much Tris, thank you." Christina sighs, her head bobbing from side to side. 

"I think we both needed it." 

She smiles, eyes still closed, "Will had nothing to worry about, going out was fine!" 

I laugh, "Well, boyfriends tend to be overprotective. I think the only reason Four even let's me leave is because he knows that I get cabin fever. We are literally moving in a week, I want to enjoy my time left here."  

"He is so perfect, you know." 

"I know." 

She really is right. Tobias has stuck with me through everything, and helps me with everything I need nowadays. I regret every day that I forced us apart after Cory kissed him. Tobias is the perfect man, that any woman would love, but I got the privilege of snatching him up first. 


God I love that boy so much. 


I snap my head up, looking at Chris.

She stands up, "We have to get out now." 

I huff, standing up and grabbing a towel. These things barely cover me and my babies, they should be bigger! 

We dry off, change, and meet Johanna at the front. I hold my bag and phone in my arms, "So, is there anything I can do to help?" 

Jo smiles, "Nope, you don't have to pay, and you let me get some pictures to advertise. There is absolutely no payment necessary." 

I smile, "Thank you so much Johanna, I can't wait to come again!" 

As usual, as I walk away, I throw a wad of cash at her, even though she never wants me to pay. 

She laughs, shaking her head as we walk out. 

Christina unlocks the car, and we both hop in. I roll my shoulders, "See, isn't Amity Aura the best spa ever!" 

She sighs, "It really is, that was so relaxing! How did the little ones like it?" 

I put a hand on top of my stomach, smiling, "I think they loved it." 

Christina looks at me, head tilted, "You are the mother I am going to aspire to be." 

I giggle, looking up, "Why do you say that?" 

"Because you love them so much and they aren't even born yet." 

My face softens, "Yeah, I really do love them."

We pull out, finally, headed for my house so we can check on the guys. The highway is oddly busy, it isn't even rush hour yet! 

"Will went to my place, right?" I confirm, checking my texts. 

She nods, "Yeah, Tris-WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" 

I look up, barely getting a glimpse of a semi truck slamming through cars, before it drives directly towards us. The next few seconds are a blur, I barely remember them. It was like slow motion, the crunch of metal against metal. Our screams fill the air, and my head slams backwards. The front of the car seems to get smaller, crushing Christina and I in. 

I think I remember, the windshield breaking in. That was before it all went dark. 

I sowwy-Lauren

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