Queen of the Beastsâś…

By b00klover09

2.3M 99.6K 13.9K

đź‘‘1 in Queen Seriesđź‘‘ (Warning: Dark themes & sexual assault) I will have you...all of you, Esmerleda," he s... More

Attention/ Authors Note
NEW Announcement
Queen of the Fangs!


31K 1K 66
By b00klover09

"I think you will make a great King. Not as great as me but a pretty damn good one," Edwin jested with Thorian as he frowned at him. Both of them winding up laughing together. Which made me even more ecstatic. They were really getting along and my heart was overjoyed with that fact.

I put my hand on Thorian's arm. "He will be the best King Lycea has ever seen." I hoped Sirus did not hear me, even though he was speaking with someone else...

Edwin chuckled, his hand going to his shoulder. "Do you know what separates the princes from the Kings, Thorian?"

Thorian glanced at me and then looked to Edwin. "Strength?"

"No wit and a woman of course. Without those two a kingdom will surely fall. Lucky for my kingdom my sister was here and she is both witty and I suppose a woman." He supposes? I hit him gently on his chest and he grinned as he felt the need to ruffle my hair. Edwin would learn once he received a well deserve kick in the shin that he does not ruffle my hair. I do not care if William does, he is not William!

Thorian frowned, "Wit is the same thing as strength...mental strength."

"Touche, nephew but do you have a woman?" I would not stand here and listen to this, but Edwin clamped his hand over my own. Squeezing it tightly. Oh, I was surely going to give him a piece of my mind later in the evening.

My son scratched the back of his neck and made a sound as if he were uncomfortable. "No...I do not have a wife yet." Edwin was not even married yet he felt the need to question my son! The audacity. "I am looking for her though."

"Well that is something you need to find...as do I," he added in as I snatched my hand from his and planted my foot securely on his shoe. Edwin winced but made no other movements to indicate he was in pain.

Yes he needed a wife, but he did not need to focus on that right this minute. He had an entire kingdom to run first!

"Well I do believe that...that..." I noticed that Edwin had paused in his sentence and I looked up to see if he was alright. I was surprised to see him with his mouth agape...staring at something behind me.

Even Thorian seemed to be amazed. I quickly turned around to see what had gotten the two so stunned. I gasped, placing a hand over my mouth. The music faltered as I supposed everyone noticed what we were looking at.

Three guests stood towards the entrance, looking at all of us as if we were the well minority. Green skin. Fangs. Orcs...orcs were here...in our castle. Under the same roof as us. In our dining hall.

"You...invited them?" I questioned. Stunned that they have even showed up. The Orcanians did not communicate with the other kingdoms. Only minimal trading with the Dracon kingdom and that was all.

I glanced up at Edwin to see a grin spreading across his lips as he nodded his head. "I never thought...in a million years that they would...accept my invitation!"

"Well be a good hostess, greet them, they are uncomfortable," I pushed him as he grabbed me pulling me along with him.

I counted three of them. Two men and a woman. As we neared them the crowd hushed, as if we were going to do something awful to them. "Please enjoy your festivities, we are among friends!" Edwin announced as everyone soon calmed down and continued doing what they were doing.

The tallest and most fierce man stood in the middle of the two other orcs. A large brown pelt covered his shoulders, almost like a cape. Items and jewels decorated his hair which was braided against his skull. He had two sword holders which carried two overwhelmingly large swords in its hold. His bare chest was exposed, showing off paintings of ink that swirled on his body. Also...piercings on his well...his nipples and ears, and one in his nose.

"Ah, my friends! I am so glad you all could make it!" Edwin announced, his hand going out to the male in the middle, that had his chest puffed out.

The man glanced at his hand, before crossing his arms across his chest. "I am King Draka, you are King Edwen." Their accent was different, much harsher in our language than how other people pronounced it.

"Yes, yes, I am. I am glad that you have chosen to come yourself King Draka to my coronation...although a little late we still are celebrating," Edwin chuckled as he glanced down at me. A smile on his lips, "Ah this is my sister,  Her Royal Highness Queen...ah Princess Esmeralda," Edwin coughed glancing at me with a bit of worry.

I laughed softly. I was a princess again. How odd. At least he added in Royal Highness. I did not mind though. "It is a pleasure to finally see you on our lands, my King," I said while bowing slightly. He frowned, staring at someone beside me. It was Thorian. "Oh and this is my son, Prince Thorian." I get so giddy like saying it aloud!

"He is an animal?" He questioned, "I thought mundanes did not mix with other species," he said while his eyes zoned in on me. Making me feel more than a bit uncomfortable.

Edwin chuckled, "Well it is a new era, King Draka. Dragons have intermingled with fae's, vampires with lycans...the possibilities are endless," Edwin told the King as we heard a high pitched sneeze.

I looked to where it was coming from. The smallest Orc who stood, probably my height or a inch or two taller. She still was shorter than the two Orcs and Edwin and Thorian. "This is my sister, Princess Ketakkari," The King announced as I watched his hand push her a bit so we could actually get a glimpse of her. She had a cloak on so all I could see was her slim green hands.

He made a grunt and she quickly pulled at the hood of her cloak. She was beautiful. Dark hair that reached just to the nape of her neck. Gray feathers were mixed in with her hair, even standing out a bit longer than her hair. Her eyes were a golden yellow, and dark green freckles splattered all over her nose and cheeks. Full dark lips were pressed into a thin line as she seemed to take a few steps back. He said something very harsh to her in Orcish and she instantly bowed.

"It is my honor," she said quickly as she looked to me, Thorian and then Edwin. Who her brows seemed to furrow at before she bowed.

Edwin took that opportunity to grab her hand and kiss it, "Pleasure is all mine Princess." I watched as the other man accompanying them, snorted, pulling the Princess back from Edwin.

The King began to chuckle, his hand going to Edwin's shoulder. Slapping it rather harshly. "Down, Jantek! He is very protective over Ketakkari," he chuckled as I watched in horror as this Jantek man pulled the princess close to him and away from us. As if we would just attack her or something! She on the other hand looked ready to duck under a table to flee from the man's grasp.

"As he should be," Edwin said with a brief smile, his eyes lingering on this Jantek fellow before clearing his throat. Did I mention of throttling him once again? Staring is a bit rude in some cultures and I did not want them to receive the wrong ideas! "I hope you all enjoy your stay here. We have dancing, food, fellowship. Make yourself at home here!"

"Dancing?" The King questioned as Edwin directed his gaze towards the few men and women dancing together. "Hmmm, Princess teach me these dances," he said while pointing towards me. "King Edwen teach my sister. I will bring this 'dancing' back to my people."

Before I had the chance to attempt to say no or request him to another woman who danced better, the King had me by the hand, pulling me to the middle of the dance floor. "What do we do, Princess?" I felt like a juvenile when he called me Princess...

"Oh well..this...okay." This was all just a bit too much. I glanced at Edwin to see him attempting to coax the princess to dance. She refused to take his hand. Hiding behind the Jantek man.

"Ketakkari!" The King snarled. I was a bit surprised at how the large man who seemed rather kind, was now furious, making the Princess quickly take hold of Edwin's hand. I had to stop myself from frowning. He did not have to yell at her in front of everyone. Everyone visibly paused as the King calmed down and glanced at me with a now smile on his lips. A stark contrast to what I had just witnessed.

I cleared my throat. I could do this. "So King Draka is it? I need you to hold my hands...and we lift our arms high like this," I instructed him. "When I go back you come towards me," I told him as the lesson on 'dancing' began.

As the King learned through trial and error his eyes kept glancing to Edwin and Keta...his sister. "Why do we not dance like them?" Edwin was holding the Princess rather close and not keeping hand to hand but rather his hands on her back and her hands on his shoulders.

Because my brother was a dog that was why. That poor princess. "Oh there are different styles of dancing, King Draka," I explained to him as he grunted in response before stepping on my foot. My foot will be twice the size it is now...by the way he is handling me!

"My people will learn this...useless technique," he told me as I laughed lightly. I suppose it was rather frivolous and pointless...

After two more songs, the King paused mid dance. "When will this be over?!"

I had to stop myself from laughing. "Whenever you wish it to be, King Draka." He let go of my hand, with an exasperated sigh. His tongue going to his two..teeth that stood out.

"Good. I am done. Where is your brother?" I searched around for Edwin finding him still holding the poor Orc princess in his grasps. She looked ready to flee. My eyes found the other Orc man who seemed furious, while speaking with Thorian.

Before I had the chance to say anything, he was storming over to them. Grabbing Edwin roughly and whisking him away to a corner in the room. I watched the Princess nervously peek around before grabbing a piece of food from the banquet table.

I slowly made my way over to her, tapping her shoulder lightly. She whipped around, snarling as she looked me up and down. She calmed herself instantly, taking a step back. "My apologies."

Who did she think I was...so hostile. Maybe she thought I was her brother. "It is fine...how did you enjoy dancing?"

"I did not like it," she told me truthfully as I nodded my head slowly. Well I suppose I did not like Dancing much either when I was young.

"Oh...that is okay. Most women do not...so how was your journey?" I noticed she was not paying attention to me, rather than something behind me. I glanced behind me to see her staring at Thorian and the man Jantek. "Do you reciprocate his feelings, Princess?" Her eyes widened. I had known this man Jantek liked her....he had watched her like a hawk the moment Edwin whisked her away.

I realized my mistake when she stared at me, a mix of emotions on her face. None too kind. "He is my betrothed...feelings are not a factor. Only Mundanes and the Fae believe in those."

Well...I suppose she was right. Not one hundred percent though. "I did not like my first husband."

"First husband?"

I nodded my head, thinking it was common knowledge of Sirus and I...but she was isolated by a sea from us. She would not know. "Yes...the King of Lycea...things happened and we are no longer together."

"You killed him?"

What is this common theme of Sirus's death? "No, no I did not kill him. He is alive...here actually."

"Oh...my brother would be upset if I were to kill Jantek. He is one of our greatest warriors."

Was she really capable of killing that strong man? "Well...Ketakkari that is the price we must pay for being born female."

Did I like it, no? Did I feel awful for this beautiful girl? Yes. Was I going to be dense enough to go up to a warrior king and tell him he should call off the wedding of his sister. I would not mess this up for Edwin. He was King now. I was just a princess. Again.

One more bonus chapter:)

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