My Master Skywalker - Book(2)

By RogersSkywalkerR5er

106K 2.4K 585

Book (2) Sequel to Falling For Skywalker! Skywalker Series. Raina Starlight is the daughter a Commander in t... More

The New Republic
Weight of The Galaxy
The New Republic Consitution
First Padawan.
Together Again
The Balcony
Jedi Temple
Jedi Archives
First Mission
Growing Tension
Begining Of A New Order
The Corscant Festival Ball
The Chase
Letting Go
A Royal Birthday
Birthday Suprise
Tagged Again!
Star Wars Tag!!
Suprise Proposal
The Deal
Letting Him Go
Knighting Ceremony
The Search
A Feeling
The Truth
Pass On What You Have Learned
First Lesson
One Day Left
Royal Wedding
Visions and Negotiations
Wishes and Negotiations
Answers on Jaccu
Meeting Again
Return to Corscant
Pushed Away
No Longer Alone
What Are These Feelings?
Jedi Academy
Taken Back
Back On Endor
Late Nights
Beautiful Place
Trusting You
I Love You
Mysterious Presence
Back At It
Back Home
Telling Him and The Engagement
Making Plans
Our Secret Wedding

Last Chance

1.4K 45 20
By RogersSkywalkerR5er

Surprise! New POV! You will understand why this POV is so important after reading.

Jacen's POV.

Jacen sat in the medical center's waiting room waiting to hear about his master. He had been here for two hours. Jacen buried his head in his hands.

Two hours ago he was walking out of the bar and on his way to the ship, when suddenly Master Starlight screamed at him. He didn't know it, but two speakers were coming right for him. Without time to move he knew he was going to be hit and most likely die, but out of no where he was pushed out of the way and onto the muddy ground. Immediately he heard a crash and looked up in horror.

Master Starlight lay there in the street, blood covering her face and body. Half of her body was under the gold speeder. The two speeders had wrecked into one another, when the one in front hit Raina and the one behind ran into the speeder in front.

Jacen shouted in horror. "No!"

He scrambled to his feet and ran over to the scene. People were gathered around asking the drivers and one-another questions. Jacen bent down to her. She was moaning and very much out of it.

"Master Starlight." He called to her, trying to keep her awake.

Her eyes began closing.

"No! Master Starlight stay with me! Raina!" He called.

Soon the medics showed up and placed her in a medical transport. He went with her. He had never seen her like this. Jacen held her hand and called to her trying to keep her awake, but couldn't. Soon her eyes closed and she blacked out.

Once they had gotten to the medical center they took her back.

It had been two hours and Jacen was growing impatient. He tried to focus his mind on he room she was in, trying to see what was happening, but he couldn't he wasn't strong enough yet.

As he sat there waiting he began to wonder how Master Skywalker would take it if Master Raina didn't make it? Being Grand Master he would probably be the steadiest person through the whole ordeal. He and Raina had never been that close anyway. At least they never seemed close. Actually they seemed to avoid each other a lot.

Just then a nurse case out and called Jacen. He stood and walked over to her.

"Is Master Starlight alright? Is she going to be okay?" He asked in concern and worry.

"We aren't sure yet. She made it through the surgery fine, but she's very weak. All we can do now is wait and hope for the best. If I were you, I would give her family a call and let them know the circumstances." The nurse told him sadly.

Jacen nodded and looked down. Her family. She didn't have any that he knew of, but she did have close friends. Jacen looked up.

"May I see her first?" He asked.

The nurse nodded. "She is still asleep, but if she wakes let us know."

Jacen nodded and followed her to Master Raina's room. She opened the door and let him in. Jacen walked over to the bed and saw his master lying there with cords attached to her body. She had bruises and cuts all over her face and arms.

Jacen walked over to her side.

"Master? Master Starlight?" He whispered.

She didn't awake. The steady beep of the heart monitor kept on.

He sighed.

"In case you don't wake up. I just want to tell you that. . .you have been the best master anyone could ever have. And I am very thankful." Jacen whispered.

He got up and walked out of the room. He had to call her friends. Jacen ran to their ship and turned on the holo. He had it prepared to be sent to Coruscant, but he couldn't reach it. The signal was too week. Instead he sent the message to Princess Leia and General Solo.

"Princess Leia and General Solo, I am sorry to interrupt your trip, but I have some grave news. I tried to send this message to Master Skywalker, but it failed to deliver. The signal is too weak here. Please forward this message to him at once, after you have heard it. This afternoon, Master Starlight was hit by two speeders here on Nal Hutta and is now in a coma. She has a punchered lung, a broken rib, two broken legs, a fractured wrist, and a fractured scull. She made it through the surgery, but came out very weak. She also hasn't come out of her coma yet. The doctors say there's a chance she may not make it. They wanted me to inform you just in case. I will send our location along with this message if you want to come and see her. May the Force be with you."

Jacen sent the message, praying they would receive it in time.

Leia's POV.

Leia was standing by the window of her room. Looking out onto the snow covered Corellian mountains and the beautiful sunset. She and Han had been on their honeymoon for about a week and had one more week to go. They had been staying at a resort in the mountains. It reminded her so much of Alderaan. Han and she were going down to the dining room to have dinner and she was waiting for him.

Suddenly she heard her holo go off. She turned to see that Raina's ship calling. A recorded message was being sent. She knew it was probably about the Negotiations.

Leia walked over and answered it expecting to see Raina, but was instead greeted by a recording of her padawan, Jacen. She watched in confusion as Jacen's concerned voice filled the room.

"Princess Leia and General Solo, I am sorry to interrupt your trip, but I have some grave news."

At this Leia knew something was terribly wrong. She could feel it. Leia quickly yelled for Han.


The recording went on. "I tried to send this message to Master Skywalker, but it failed. . ."

"Yeah?" Han yelled to her from the bathroom.

"Get in here!" She shouted, as the recording of Jacen continued to speak.
". . .too weak here. Please forward this message to him at once, after you have heard it."

Han walked in, fully dressed in his suit. He looked at her in confusion. "Leia what's-"

She cut Han off and looked from him to the recording.

"Look at this."

Han came over in confusion and stood next to her as the recording continued. 

". . .Master Starlight was hit by two speeders here on Nal Hutta and is now in a coma."

Leia gasped and covered her mouth in horror. She looked up at Han, who was looking at her in worry.

"She has a punchered lung, a broken rib, two broken legs, a fractured wrist, and a fractured scull. She made it through the surgery, but came out very weak. She also hasn't come out of her coma yet. The doctors say there's a chance she may not make it."

"Oh my gosh!" Han said quietly in shock.

Leia has already begun tearing up. Her best friend was possibly going to die.

Jacen went on. "They wanted me to inform you just in case. I will send our location along with this message if you want to come and see her. May the Force be with you." Jacen ended the message with a saddened tone.

With that the message clicked off.

After taking a moment to process everything, Leia looked up at Han, tearfully.

"Oh my stars! I can't believe this! How could this have happened?"

Han shook his head sadly. "I don't know."

Leia looked down. "We have to go and see her."

Han nodded. "I'll cancel dinner and get packed. We can be ready to leave in an hour."

Leia nodded as Han went to the door. Once he left Leia began packing.

Suddenly she stopped remembering she still needed to send it to Luke. She remembered he had said he was going on a mission, but he hadn't told her where or if he did she couldn't remember. Leia prayed silently that he had returned to the temple. She quickly forwarded the message to Coruscant.

Later Han came back and they both went down to the falcon. They took off and headed for Nal Hutta. Leia hoped that Luke would get the message in time.

Luke's POV.

Luke and Artoo arrived in Coruscant around midnight. Luke was exhausted and couldn't wait to get into bed.

Once they were inside the temple Luke and Artoo headed to his room, but before that, he went by Raina's room to see if she and Jacen had returned.

He hadn't even tried to locate her, because he hadn't mostly shut himself off from her. He did this so that he wouldn't be distracted or bombarded by her presence. If he would let himself then he would never be able to focus.

Luke knocked on her door, but got no answer. He knocked again, but this time he knocked harder. Still no answer. Was she ignoring him or had she not returned? Luke sighed and cracked open the door. He peered into the dark room.

"Raina?" He whispered.

No answer. He stepped in and looked over at her bed. Empty. The room was completely empty. Luke furrowed his eyebrows. Shouldn't they have returned by now? He shrugged it off.  Maybe negotiating with the hutts was harder than he had thought.

Luke walked to his room and unpacked. He changed cloths and plugged Artoo in. Artoo beeped.

Luke smiled tiredly. "Night, Artoo."

He went over to shut off the lights, when Artoo beeped at him. Luke turned.

"What?" He asked.

The droid beeped again. Luke realized what he was saying. He looked over at his holo and saw that a blue light was on, meaning there was a message for him.

Luke walked over and hit the button to hear it. The message had originally been sent from Raina's ship, but had been forwarded to him from Leia. Luke read the time it had been sent to him. It had been sent six hours ago. He had been on his way back to Coruscant during that time. Luke hit play wondering what the message was about. The bad feeling he had been having returned.

Luke became even more concerned, when he saw Jacen instead of Raina. Jacen had a look of distress on his face, which made Luke pay closer attention.

"Princess Leia and General Solo, I am sorry to interrupt your trip, but I have some grave news. I tried to send this message to Master Skywalker, but it failed to deliver. The signal is too weak here. Please forward this message to him at once, after you have heard it."

Now Luke began to worry. What was so important thy he needed to know? What had happened? Had the hutts been angered? Had it been a trap?

He listened as Jacen spoke.

"This afternoon, Master Starlight was hit by two speeders here on Nal Hutta and is now in a coma."

Luke gasped loudly, in horror. "Oh, Force!" He exclaimed, as he placed his hand on back of his head.

"She has a punchered lung, a broken rib, two broken legs, a fractured wrist, and a fractured scull."

Luke stood there in shock at hearing the list.

"She made it through the surgery, but came out very weak. She also hasn't come out of her coma yet. The doctors say there's a chance she may not make it."

At that, Luke's world came crashing down around him. Tears blurred his vision.

"No." He breathed out through tears.

"They wanted me to inform you just in case. I will send our location along with this message if you want to come and see her. May the Force be with you."

With that the message disappeared.

Luke stood there in shock. Raina was dying. She was dying. The woman he loved was going to die or she was already dead. It had been six hours after all.

He looked at the ground. Tears dripping from his eyes. Luke's chest trembled as he held back tears. He closed his eyes tightly and tried to push away the pain, but he couldn't.

Suddenly the conversation he and Raina had before they left on their separate missions came back to him.

"Luke I should probably tell you now. . .I have a very bad feeling about this." Raina said.

Luke looked at her in concern and confusion. "What do you mean? You have a bad feeling about your mission?"

"That's just it. I don't know. . .its just a bad feeling. It's like if you and I separate on these missions something terrible will happen to one of us."  She explained.

Luke thought for a moment. Maybe she was right. No. He couldn't let himself worry.

"Raina, I'm sure the only reason your feeling this way is because we've never been on separate missions before. It's new to you and your scared. That normal, but-"

"Luke no! That's not it at all!" She exclaimed.

"So you deny the fact that you scared of handling a mission on your own? That you don't want me with you?"

Raina sighed. "No."

Luke nodded. "Than all the better that I'm not going with you." He told her. "Raina listen. I know that you are afraid, but there's no need to be. Remember fear is the path to the Dark Side."

"But Luke I wasn't afraid until I felt this way. What if the feeling isn't warning me about the danger of my mission? What if the danger is yours? What if something happens to you and I'm not there? Or what if something happens to me and. . .your not there?" She asked.

Luke looked down and sighed. He has to stay strong. He couldn't let himself always worry about her. If he did it could destroy him.

"Raina, we both know that one of us getting hurt is a possibility, but as Jedi we have to learn to accept that. We can't be afraid of the future."

Raina looked down, as he continued.

"I can't let myself be afraid of what will happen to you, Raina, you know that and you shouldn't let yourself be afraid either."

Raina looked up at him. He could tell she was hurt.

"Do you really think I can just stop being concerned about you and your safety?" Raina asked in disbelief.

Luke began to open his mouth, but was interrupted.

"I can't. I don't have that luxury, Luke. I'll never have it, but not you apparently. You've been able to stop have any feeling for me in just a short time. That's a nearly impossible thing for most to do, but you were able to succeed and for that I congratulate you." Raina said with tears in her eyes.

Luke looked at her with sadness and regret. "Raina you know that's not what I-"

Raina breathed a laugh and shook her head. "It doesn't matter. Not anymore. I hope you find whatever it is your looking for on Jaccu. I've got to go." Before he could say anything else she turned around and walked to her ship.
***************end of flashback*************

Luke opened his eyes and stared at the wall in front of him. How could he have said all that?! How could he have been so cold to her? Why hadn't he listened to her and gone with her? She had been right the whole time. He had been so distracted by pushing his feelings for her away that he hadn't been able to sense the danger. He had sensed it, but he ignored it completely.

A beep made Luke turn his head to look at his droid.

He nodded sadly. "Yes Artoo. Raina's in trouble."

He sat down on the edge of his bed and starred at his hands. Artoo beeped again.

"I don't know if we can help her, Artoo. You see she's. . .she may be. . ." Luke couldn't bare to even say it. He put his head in his hands and cried. He felt completely broken. His best friend and woman he loved was being taken from him. 

Just then a voice filled the room. "Luke."

Startled, Luke looked up to see a blue glowing figure standing in front of him. The figure was a tall male about Luke's age, with wavy dark blond hair and blue eyes. Luke immediately recognized his Force signature and his appearance from the night of the celebration on Endor.

"Father?" He asked.

Anakin smiled warmly at his son.

"Hello son."

Luke stood looking at his father in confusion. He had never appeared to Luke before. Why now?

"What-why- what are doing here?" He asked.

Anakin sobered. "I'm here because you've made a mistake."

Luke nodded somberly. "I know."

Anakin shook his head and raise his hand. "No. You don't."

Luke looked at him in confusion.

"Luke, you're wrong. Just because you fall inlove doesn't mean you will turn. It wasn't the reason I turned."

"But Yoda said-"

"Luke, listen to me. Yoda is very wise, but he didn't know what had actually happened. Yes my love for your mother gave Palpatine something use to make me fearful of loosing her, but it was my fear and thirst for power that made me turn in the end."

Luke listened closely. Anakin sighed and began to remember back. He looked as if he was back in time. Back to a time that haunted him even now.

"After I turned I went to your mother and told her not to worry and to wait for me. I lied to her and said that the Jedi had tried to overthrow The Republic. Your mother wasn't stupid. She knew something was wrong and when Obi-Wan told her what I had done, well she didn't want to believe it. But, she knew there was something off."

Anakin paused remembering that fateful night.

"Your mother came to me on Mustifar to see if it was true. I didn't deny it and told her I had done everything for her. To save her." Anakin gave an incredulous and bitter laugh.

"As I went on, she knew I had become power crazed. Luke, your mother begged me to come with her and leave all of it behind. To raise our child, . . ."
Anakin gave a sad smile. "In reality, children, you and Leia."

Anakin shook his head in disgust.
"I had my chance to be with her, but I refused. And I didn't refuse because I was afraid of loosing Padme. I refused because I liked the way it felt to be feared. To be intimidating. To feel power."

Anakin's eyes held great sadness as he spoke.

"I was so lost that through my anger I actually hurt the only woman I had ever loved. If
Obi-Wan wouldn't have been there that night who knows what I would have done. I was blind. I was blinded by the power I had gained." Anakin explained sadly.

Luke looked down picturing it all.

Anakin looked at Luke. The sadness gone from his face, now all that was left was seriousness. "

"You and I are very similar, Luke. In many ways. Even in weakness, but you do not have the thirst for power that I had. You never have. You are much stronger than I was, Luke." His father assured him.

Luke shook his head. "But I have too much fear. Yoda even said so."

"Yes, but unlike me, you can fight that fear. Remember your own words, Luke. If you truly love a person, you would never want them to go through loosing you to the Dark Side. Even if it meant they were going to die."

Luke looked down. What his father had said made sense.

"I loved your mother more than anything, but I wasn't strong enough to fight my fear and was too corrupted by power in the end. You are different.  Both you and your sister get your strength and determination from your mother." Anakin smiled.

A small smile grew on Luke's lips, but soon he shook his head and looked down.

"It doesn't matter anymore anyway. She's dying. She may already be gone. It's too late." He said as tears threatened to fall.


Luke looked up at Anakin.


Anakin looked at Luke firmly.

"No. It isn't too late. Not yet. Raina could still make it. She's not gone, yet."

Luke felt hope swell up inside him. So Raina wasn't gone. There was still a chance that she would make it.

"Go to her, son. Be at her side and when and if she wakes tell her you were wrong. Don't make the mistake I did, when I lost your mother."

Luke nodded. "I won't, Father. Thank you."

Anakin nodded. "Good bye, Luke. Oh, and tell your sister congratulations for me."

Luke smiled. "I will."

With that Anakin disappeared.

Luke quickly got dressed in his black Jedi cloths. He unplugged Artoo and sent the coordinates to his x-wing. He had to be by her side if she was still alive. He promised himself that if she made it he would never leave her side again.

Luke and Artoo raced off for Nal Hutta. Luke prayed that he would get there in time, that what Anakin had said had been true and that it wasn't too late.

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