The Metahuman Agency: The Sup...

By wrathsburg

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An army of mercenaries. Six supervillains. A weapon with the firepower to destroy an entire city Under the co... More

First Strike
Brand New Day
Seeds of Unrest
Exploring D.C.
The Build Up
The Press Conference
The Skeleton Crew
Before the Fall
Outmatched, Outgunned
Pushing Back
Mad Art
Run Or Die
Metal Devil
Frenzied Pursuit
Through the Woods
Respite and Rest
Nightmares and Hopes
Ghostly Caller
Night Raid
In the Belly of the Beast
Moving On
Road Rage
The Spider and the Beetle
The Search
Second Reunion
Sick Mind
Food Run
The Next Step
Circle of Friends
GHOST Headquarters
Beneath the Factory
Lonely Nightmares
The Mistress of War
The Gathering Storm
Dark Strike
Close Quarters Combat
Hallway Brawl
Bombs, Bullets, and Bodies
The Elephant's Roar
Screams Amidst the Fire
Battle of the Bridge
Fallen Friends
Silent Screams
Blood Frenzy
Crocodile Tears
Guests of the Government
Cold Comfort
Out of the Cage
Breaking Point
Friends in High Places
Sleeping Beauty
Tears in the Sun
The Ultimatum
Bay of Memories
Head Games
Young Love
Invasion: San Francisco
Beach Strike
Spider's Kiss
Cellblock Rampage
Cellblock Showdown
Scorched Earth
Wrath of the Inferno
Airship Assault
Enemy Territory
A Rock And A Hard Place
Failed Composition
The Final Countdown
Sinking Ship
Safe And Sound
A New Future
All Good Things...
...Need Not End


8 1 0
By wrathsburg

Jason, Laureen, Tuatara, and Hiroshi moved together, soldiers flanking them as they were led by Collins down the hallways. Collins didn't speak to them, merely whistling loudly as his boots clinked on the metal floor, the whistle echoing off the walls.

Jason found the noise annoying, but it was certainly preferable to fighting these guys. Admittedly, he was still feeling sore over these pricks trying to stick them full of needles while they were sleeping but they had taken the upper hand now, as far as he could tell. And he wasn't going to be caught unawares by the military jerks again, no matter how sweetly they talked to him. What was that saying? 'A smile on his face, a knife in his hand.' He swear he'd heard that somewhere.

They finally stopped at the end of one twisting hallway, before a pair of glass doors. Jason caught a glimpse of inside, seeing a massive table inside. A Secret Service member stood before the wall, still as a statue, expression hidden by sunglasses.

Collins stepped aside. He smiled again and gestured at the doors. "After you," He glanced at Tuatara. "...Although you might want to...morph back into a person or whatever you call that..."

Tuatara sniffed. "And be naked? No thanks."

"Yeah, I've already seen enough of your prick to last some unfortunate lifetimes," Laureen said, limping forward. "I'm sure the Vice President can deal with a lizard-man striding into his meeting. If not, well, it'll be a fun shock I'm sure."

Without waiting for further complaints, she shoved open the door and stomped inside. Jason smirked and followed after, Tuatara and Hiroshi right behind him.

They burst into a conference room, a long table dominating it. The Vice President stood at its head, holding a clicker in one hand. He was standing before a projector. The news was playing on it, images of the attack on Quincy flickering across it. Several men who Jason presumed to be generals sat around the table, dressed in flashy military garb and wearing equally shiny medals. They all turned...and their collective faces went white.

"What the fuck?!" One general cried. He tried to stand but his legs gave way and he fell to the floor, knocking a stack of papers that had been in front of him down with him. The other generals rose, staring horrified at Tuatara, backing away from the table.

The Vice President lowered the clicker, his eyes narrowing. He moved forward, teeth curling in anger. He started to shout but Jason suddenly wasn't paying attention to him. His eyes went to the projector, where the images of Quincy continued to rattle off.

The current image depicted the burned out husk of a building, cinders of smoke rising from it, chunks of rubble surrounding. Firemen surrounded the building, pointing to the upper floors while emergency services picked their way through the rubble. A pair of men emerged from the smashed font doors, covered in dust and soot, carrying an old man out, an oxygen mask pressed to the old man's face. Below the image was a news bumper, which read: "TERROR IN QUINCY: TERRORISTS LAY SIEGE TO CITY."

The feed switched to a news woman, standing before a convoy of ambulances. She looked flustered, her makeup askew, her hair not combed. She began to speak to the camera but her voice was disrupted, as the Vice President continued to shout. His words brought Jason back into the room, his focus ripped from the projector.

"...the meaning of this!" The Vice President was barking. Jason turned and saw him screaming at Tuatara. "Do you think this wise, my friends, breaking into this room?! Now?! I could have you all shot! You were told to stay put! Is that order beyond you?!"

"QUIET!" Jason roared. The Vice President jerked back, eyes wide. Jason rounded on him. The Vice President seemed genuinely shocked, taking a step back. Behind the others, Jason saw the Secret Service man drawing his gun.

He yelled out. Hiroshi twisted, yelping in alarm. But Tuatara's tail lunged and wrapped around the man's arm. The muscles in the appendage tensed and the Secret Service man cried out in pain. The gun fell from his hands and clattered to the floor.

With a flick of his tail, Tuatara tossed the Secret Service guy on his ass before scooping up the handgun. He growled before snapping it in half. "We're not here to fight," He growled. "But if anyone tries to hurt us, you can hurt back."

The whole conference room went quiet, the Vice President swallowing and the faces of his generals paling. Jason turned his attention back to the TV and said, "Thank let me listen to this for a second..."

"...The dead are still being counted," The news woman was saying. In the background, another convoy of ambulances went buzzing past. "Despite efforts from the National Guard, the police, and many volunteers, dozens are still MIA across the city. Quincy appears to be the latest casualty of what government officials are calling Code Black incidents, terrorism perpetuated by superhumans. Here are some words from a civilian who nearly killed by one of the monstrous invaders..."

The scene switched and Jason blinked. A young man was seated inside of an ambulance, a blanket wrapped around him as he spoke into the camera. It took Jason a moment but he recognized the guy. He was the employee at the bookstore, the one who Incisor had snatched up. Jason breathed a sigh of relief, glad the man was still alive.

"...I still can't believe what I saw," The man said, his teeth chattering slightly as he spoke. "Like, I heard all these explosions and gunfire and I dunno, I just panicked. I didn't think to call anyone or do anything, I just hid behind the counter...then there was this...this roar. Like..." He shuddered. "I can't even describe it. Then I caught a glimpse of this...this thing plowing right through the storefront! He grabbed me and oh god..." He shook his head. "Oh man. I thought I was gonna die. And then, these other people showed up...people in weird costumes...I think it was those people. The...the ones from TV. The Metahuman Agency."

He made an arching motion with one hand. "And like...the monster threw me into the air. head's still spinning. And then I started to fall but...but then this other monster came out of nowhere. This beetle girl. She flew under me and caught me...put me down and told me to run. I didn't think. I just did what she said...and I legged it..."

The camera switched back to the news woman. She ran a hand through her hair before saying, "Similar reports have cropped up all across Quincy, from civilians to law enforcement. It seems we may have the Metahuman Agency to thank for driving off the mysterious superhuman attackers. And once again, we know little of what has transpired here. Despite their ties to the government, officials have refused to answer questions about them. Still, many are thanking the so-called Agency for saving their lives."

The camera switched again, now showing a woman clutching a young boy to her waist. This time, Jason didn't have to think hard to recognize them. It was the boy he'd save inside the building, the one who a mercenary had taken hostage.

"It was horrible..." The woman said, whispering, closing her eyes as she addressed the camera. "A quiet evening...just a normal evening. Then I heard all these explosions outside...for a moment, I didn't think they were real. I thought it was Danny playing a video game. But then..." Her lips quivered. She visibly had to set herself before she spoke again. "Then there was another explosion. Louder. And the building shook. And I..." Her eyes started to well up with tears. "I got separated from my child. Oh god..." She sniffed, her entire body starting to shake. She hugged Danny closer to her chest. "There were men in the building. Men with guns. I saw a few of my neighbors..." Her voice died away before returning and she took a breath. "...A few of my neighbors get gunned down. Right in front of my eyes."

She looked at the camera, blinking through her tears. "Those people...the Agency...whoever they were, I don't care. All that matters to me is they saved my life. They saved my child's life. I'm going to thank god for them, everyday from now on. They were heroes and you can quote me on that..."

The projector suddenly switched off, cutting the news broadcast short. Jason spun around and saw the Vice President lowering the clicker. He glared at them. The Secret Service man groaned from his position on the floor.

"I think that's quite enough of that," He growled, lowering the clicker. "So then, you've broken out of your holding room when ordered to stay, assaulted government soldiers, and disrupted a highly classified intelligence meeting. I think you missed the part when I said I could have you all shot. Half of the country would applaud me if I did. Give me a reason not to, especially now."

"Shot?" Laureen laughed nastily. "Is that how you guys do things? Just blow our brains out, execution style, no trial no nothing?" She made a gun with her hand and mimed shooting herself. "Pow! Seems pretty shitty, man."

"Yes," Tuatara snarled. "We're here to talk. If you want to shoot us, you're in for a rough time. I think me and my friends are tired of being jerked around. The real threat is out there and you need us to beat it."

"Need you?" The Vice President laughed, adjusting his tie. He waved a hand at the generals, who re took their seats, all sporting nervous expression. "I don't want anything to do with you people! I never did. To be sure, we've known about metahumans for sometime. But they always were rare and easily taken care of. A boy who started bleeding acid in a school bathroom. Or a woman who could leap great distances in a single bound. But now, it seems there's been an explosion of you lot. In a few short months, the world's been plunged into uncertainty and absolute terror. We're still cleaning up your messes! We're still counting the dead from metahuman attacks! And for whatever reason, we have been sidelined from dealing with them. For whatever reason, the President trusted the Director. He trusts you all." The Vice President shook his head. "Ridiculous. So, now, with yet another attack looming and another precious American city become a playground of superhuman battles, I've decided enough is enough. As I said, I'm...grateful to the Agency's role in defending this country. But you are all untrained. Undisciplined. And the combination of that, combined with extraordinary abilities, is a very dangerous combination. I won't have metahumans in charge of National Security and I won't allow another America city to be reduced to rubble in a matter of hours by another clash of god-like powers!"

Jason fumed angrily, crossing his arms. "Is that so?" He growled. Ungrateful prick. "We've put our lives on the line multiple times to defend you people. Half the country hates us, huh?" He jerked a thumb at the blank projector. "And what about those people we saved last night? Yeah, people died..." He grimaced. "And that's on us. But the fact is, it would've been a lot worse without us. If we hadn't been there in Washington, Zeus would've infected the President with the wrathsburg virus. If we hadn't stopped Akihiro, he and his pack of monsters would still be out there, killing kids for kicks! And I bet Quincy would be burned to the ground."

"Yeah," Laureen growled, glaring at the Vice President. "You're spinning events like we were just a fucking bunch of uncoordinated toddlers. We got training! We learned how to use our powers! Not like we were just throw into the field and they said 'Okay do something motherfucking good.' The Director wasn't an idiot and neither are we."

"Yeah..." Hiroshi folded his arms and grimaced. "The Agency...they took me in. They helped me. I, uh, I've seen what they're like first hand. And they...we...aren't the ones you should be angry with..."

The Vice President's eyes went to Hiroshi. The teenager cowered slightly beneath his penetrating glare. The Vice President snorted and then said, "Hiroshi Chenin, right? Or would you prefer to be called Photon?"

Hiroshi shifted uncomfortable, looking down at the floor. Jason stepped between, shooting the Vice President a nasty look. "Easy." His tone was hard and he stared at the old man, he knew he was ready to attack him should it come to that.

The Vice President continued, not appearing fazed by Jason's threat. "Mr. Chenin is both a criminal and an illegal fugitive in this country. How much damage did he cause, how many lives did he kill, when he was working with Akihiro Toranosuke?" He shook his head. "And're harboring him. He's not a child, despite his appearance, he's eighteen and fully responsible for his actions. He should be locked up, not paraded around and being a man we entrust with our lives!"

"But then again, you're all the rejects of society, aren't you?" The Vice President continued, not letting either Jason or Hiroshi reply. His eyes went to Laureen. "A girl who flunked out of school..." Max. "...The now disgraced son of a colonel..." His eyes settled on Jason. "And you. A criminal infamous enough that despite engaging mostly in petty left, you're record of violence was infamous enough the name 'Urban Spider' was a wanted man by the NYPD!"

Jason paled, recoiling from that. His jaw clenched as he hoarsely replied, barely keeping himself under control in the face of the man's harsh words, "I'm...not proud of that. But I did what I had to...I had to steal to survive. And I got a little caught up in my own power...but I'm moved on from that..."

"Really?" The Vice President laughed. He gestured to the groaning Secret Service man on the floor. "This is showing me you bunch are sane, rational people? Making demands of the government while slapping aside or threatening those who get in your way?" He shook his head. "Perhaps if you were all older...with actual training behind you...I would give you the benefit of the doubt. But the fact is, you all have sordid pasts, you seem too immature to lead yourselves, and I'm expected to hand over an operation of defending this country to you all? The Agency lies in ruins. Its...admirable you kept fighting after it was destroyed. I can respect that, to a small extent. But metahumans are extremely dangerous and just because you all think you can handle situations doesn't mean you can! Your previous victories worked out favorably due to luck, I feel, but here? Its obvious you don't respect me, perhaps you won't respect anyone who isn't your precious Director. The government has this situation well in hand. We will deal with the Skeleton Crew. Now get out of my office."

The Vice President gestured at the door. It opened and Collins stepped in, flanked by soldiers. They raised their guns, all four of the group turning to glare at them. The Vice President waved a hand outside. "You will kept in solitary confinement until we have the time to focus on dealing with you lot in an appropriate manner."

"Gonna throw us away until you come to shoot us?" Laureen growled, still looking defiant but the wind had noticeably gone out of her sails.

"We're not going to kill you all," The Vice President said, lowering his hand. "That I promise you. But if you try something, like just now? Well, then I can promise you it could happen. My patience is at an end. So, fall in line or..." He didn't finish the sentence, letting the words hang in the air, but Jason knew what he was referring to.

There was a moment of silence. Tuatara's tail lashed back and forth. Jason glared daggers at the Vice President, almost shaking with rage. The Vice President pursed his lips and raised an eyebrow. He opened his mouth but Hiroshi suddenly stepped forward.

"Um..." He winced and rubbed at his bandages before he continued. "Um, sir. I know...I know, I've done some bad things..." Hiroshi took a breath and looked at Jason. Jason felt a pang from his heart, as he saw tears gathering in the kid's eyes. "But that doesn't matter, it really doesn't. I've seen what these Skeleton Crew people are doing. I don't...I don't...think you can beat them. Maybe the normal people with guns but not the superhumans...we could barely make them back off."

Tuatara nodded. "The whole reason Director Prescott formed our organization was to combat metahuman terrorists on equal footing. I may be a military dropout but I'd say I've done a pretty good job with this..." He ran the edge of one claw over the ridge of his missing eye. "...Despite some setbacks."

"And fuck dude, I've done a hell of a lot better in the Agency than I ever did before," Laureen jerked a thumb at herself. "Hell, I even became leader of this crew. Never thought I'd be a leader in anything, although I did lead a lot of party raids in World of Warcraft. Maybe that gave me some experience."

Tuatara turned to her. "Hey, you've done a better job than I ever did."

Laureen raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? You think so?"

"Yeah..." Tuatara grinned, showing off a mouthful of fangs. "I do." Laureen laughed and gave him a double thumbs-up.

"Right, this is all very touching..." The Vice President cut in. Jason returned his attention to the man. "But this isn't truly relevant. You think we can't take on the metahumans? We've learned from experience. I have the files of all the superhuman criminals you've brought down. We know they're strong, incredibly so. But they can be killed. You aren't the only ones who can take them on. Such an attitude is not only incredibly arrogant but dangerous. Your battles with superhumans have been incredibly destructive. In the hands of the military, we can approach it from a more professional point of view. Now, are you done?"

"No!" Hiroshi yelled, his voice rising. He bit his lip and clenched his fists. "No, no, I...I've got more to say. I..." He swallowed "...Listen, have you ever read Batman?"

The Vice President's eyebrow raised higher. "Batman? No, I never read comic books. I did watch the old show when I was a boy but that was a long time ago, when people dressed in costumes were considered the stuff of fantasy."

"Well..." Hiroshi spread his arms wide. Jason watched him curiously, wondering where he was going with this. Laureen and Tuatara were quiet, letting the kid have the floor. "Um, Batman was initially feared by the police and he even conflicted with them. But he forged a relationship with the man in charge of them, Commissioner Gordon. And they..." He clasped his hands together. "...became stronger when they worked together." He looked at everyone around. "Together, they were able to take on threats they couldn't when apart..." He stopped, nervously swallowing as all eyes watched him.

Jason cocked his head. Is he suggesting what I think he's suggesting? He glanced at the Vice President, rubbing his chin. Work with these assholes? He grimaced. He didn't like the thought of that...not at all. Especially after the stunt the assholes had pulled mere minutes ago. But...but...maybe it was necessary. Working with the military would prevent a lot of further problems and maybe make managing the crisis 'slightly' easier. Jason frowned deeply and decided to wait for the other's thoughts, mulling over his own thoughts.

"...You're suggesting we work together then?" The Vice President finally spoke up. "Stop the Skeleton Crew as allies?"

"Not the craziest idea I've heard," Laureen spoke up, smirking. She gave Hiroshi a nod. Hiroshi blushed and lowered his head, rubbing his hair absently. "Hell, it might even be damn smart."

"And tactically sound," Tuatara growled. "Instead of us being at each other's throats, we can work together. What do you say?"

Jason finally spoke up, figuring it would be good to add his two cents to the conversation. "I don't trust you, Mr. VP," He told the old man, frowning. "You basically tried to shank us in our sleep. But for now, I'm don't particularly care about you guys. If I gotta swallow some shit and work with you all..." He paused. Mulling over his final thought a few times before he finally said: "...Then I'll do it."

"Question is..." Laureen nodded at the VP. "Will you?" Her eyes went to the generals. "Will any of you?"

The Vice President looked at his men. One of the generals crossed his arms together, licking his lips. The VP turned back to them and then said, "...Excuse me. I have to make a call."

"A call?" Jason snorted. "Now? To who?"

"The President," The VP said as he approached the conference table. "This decision should be in his hands as well as mine..." He pressed a button and the phone automatically dialed itself, before ringing loudly.

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