My Master Skywalker - Book(2)

By RogersSkywalkerR5er

104K 2.4K 585

Book (2) Sequel to Falling For Skywalker! Skywalker Series. Raina Starlight is the daughter a Commander in t... More

The New Republic
Weight of The Galaxy
The New Republic Consitution
First Padawan.
Together Again
The Balcony
Jedi Temple
Jedi Archives
First Mission
Growing Tension
Begining Of A New Order
The Corscant Festival Ball
The Chase
Letting Go
A Royal Birthday
Birthday Suprise
Tagged Again!
Star Wars Tag!!
Suprise Proposal
The Deal
Letting Him Go
Knighting Ceremony
The Search
A Feeling
The Truth
Pass On What You Have Learned
First Lesson
One Day Left
Royal Wedding
Visions and Negotiations
Wishes and Negotiations
Last Chance
Meeting Again
Return to Corscant
Pushed Away
No Longer Alone
What Are These Feelings?
Jedi Academy
Taken Back
Back On Endor
Late Nights
Beautiful Place
Trusting You
I Love You
Mysterious Presence
Back At It
Back Home
Telling Him and The Engagement
Making Plans
Our Secret Wedding

Answers on Jaccu

1.1K 36 0
By RogersSkywalkerR5er

Luke's POV.

Luke landed is X-Wing on the sand of Jaccu. It was evening and the sun was setting behind the dunes. A small village was close by. He had decided to let the Force guide him and it had led him there. Luke put his travel poncho on over his head and wrapped a scarf around head, so that the blowing sand wouldn't get in his eyes.

Artoo and Luke walked into the village. Different beings walked about in the streets. Many of them trading or doing daily chores. Luke opened himself up to the Force letting it guide him to whoever this San Tekka was.

As they walked through the village, Luke went over to some traders. One was a dark haired young man and the other a grey haired older woman.  The woman's eyes were dull and she looked very tired.

Luke pulled his scarf down so he could speak to them. "Excuse me? I would like to ask a favor." He began.

The man and woman looked at him.

"What sort of favor?" The man asked.

He looked at Luke with caution.

"I am looking for someone. I was wondering if you could tell me where I could find them."

Seeing that the man was silent, Luke continued. "I'm looking for a man with the name San Tekka. I believe he is here somewhere in this village."

As soon as Luke had said the name, the woman and man looked at one another. Luke could sense they were scared of something. He looked between the two and leaned in closely.

"I only want to speak with him. It is very important that I do. Though, I would prefer not to draw too much attention."

The man looked at Luke for a moment and leaned in. He spoke in a low voice.

"What do you want with him?"

"I only want to speak with him."

The man narrowed his eyes. "That's not a good enough reason."

Luke looked down and sighed. They were obviously trying to protect San Tekka. He couldn't sense any danger. They were no threat.

"Very well."

He looked back up, and looked straight at the man.

"My name is Luke Skywalker, Grand Master of the New Jedi Order. I have come to speak with San Tekka because the Force showed me something. Something, that to understand, I have to be able to talk to him."

Both the man and woman's eyes widened.

"A Jedi?" The woman asked Luke, speaking for the first time.

He looked at her. Her eyes were filled with something new now. Hope. Luke couldn't help, but give a small smile. He nodded. The woman smiled and looked at the young man who must have been either her son or grandson. The man looked from her to Luke.

"How do we know you are telling the truth?"

Luke sighed.

"You can't know for sure. You'll have to trust me." He told him.

"I don't want to put anyone in danger. I promise I am not here to hurt San Tekka or anyone else. I come in peace. I only want to have a conference with him. Please."

The man stared at Luke and finally sighed. He looked down and then to the woman. She pleaded with her eyes that he help Luke. The man looked back at Luke and spoke quietly.

"Come with me."

Luke gave a discreet nod and followed the man. They walked through the village all the way to the edge of town. Luke watch as the man walked to a small hut with two torches in the front. The man looked to his side and then knocked on the door gently. Luke looked around checking to see if the area was clear. It was.

"San Tekka it's me."

Soon the door opened and man with a dark beard stood in the doorway. He looked at the man and then to Luke.

"What is this?" He asked.

"Let us inside. I'll explain." The young man said.

San Tekka let them in. Luke told Artoo to wait outside for him.

Once inside, Luke noticed how small the hut really was. It was only large enough for one man to live in. A cot, a chair, a cooler and a small stove was all there was. He noticed a table in the corner with a small wooden chest setting on it.

San Tekka and the young man stood and talked quietly. Luke knew that he was explaining the situation to San Tekka. San Tekka looked over at Luke a couple times and would nod to the younger man. Soon the young man left, leaving Luke and San Tekka alone.

San Tekka looked at Luke.

"So, It is true then? You are Master Luke Skywalker?"

Luke nodded. "I am."

San Tekka raised his head. "I hear you want to speak with me."

Luke nodded. "Yes."

San Tekka pulled his robe around his body and moved to sit down on his cot. He motioned for Luke to sit in the chair. Luke obliged.

"So, what is it that possessed you to come all the way out here? Not that I'm not honored to speak with a Jedi, but it is quite unexpected."

Luke nodded and smiled in a agreement. "It is, But I had to speak with you."

San Tekka furrowed his eyebrows.

Luke continued. "A day ago I was meditating and I saw something,. . .someone and I heard something too. I don't know what any of it means. The only two things I felt could answer the vision was a name I heard and a book I saw."

San Tekka nodded thoughtfully. "And the name you heard? It was mine?" He asked.

Luke gave a nod. "Yes."

"And what of the book?"

"That's a little more complicated. . .you see I don't know what the book is. The only thing I know about it is that the cover was blue and it had a silver symbol on it. It was the symbol of the Jedi. And in my vision the pages began to flip and it stopped suddenly on a page titled. . .The Chosen One." Luke explained.

Tekka's face grew into disbelief when hearing the title.

"Your sure that's what it read?" He asked.

Luke nodded. "Positive."

San Tekka looked down and then back at Luke.

"Tell me more. What else did you see?"

Luke thought about it. Everything he saw began coming back to him.

"I saw. . .a baby. . .in it's mothers arms. She was humming to it. Then I began hearing voices. The echoed over and over in my mind. Something about The chosen one. . . about destroying the sith. . .the prophesy. . .bringing balance. . ."

Luke tried remembering.

"Finally I heard a man cry out in sadness and despair. You were the chosen one. Then I heard what sounded like my old my master's voice, Master Yoda, say. . .that the prophesy may have been miss read and that was it."

San Tekka seemed to be in deep thought.

"And you came here wanting to know what the vision meant?" He asked Luke.

Luke tilted his head. "Well, yes and no. I have another reason. I was also wondering if you knew where I could find the book that I saw."

San Tekka took a breath. "Well, as for helping you understand your vision. . .I'm afraid I can't. You see I'm not gifted as you are to connect with the Force, but I may be able to help with finding the book."

Luke looked at him with hope.

"You can? You know where it is?" He asked, accidentally showing excitement.

"I do." He answered standing.

Luke stood watching San Tekka walk over to a small chest. He took a small key and unlocked it. The chest squeaked as it's lid opened. San Tekka reached in and took what looked like a book out of the chest gently. Luke's eyes widened. So San Tekka actually had the book. That's why the Force led him here.

San Tekka brought the book over to Luke and held it out.

"Is this the book you saw?" He asked.

Luke looked at the book and immediately recognized it.

"Yes. It is." He confirmed.

He reached out and traced the Jedi symbol on its cover.

"May I?" Luke asked, looking up at San Tekka.

He nodded. "Of course. It is more yours than it is mine."

Luke took the book and carefully opened it. He flipped through the pages. Every page was filled with information. This was what he had been seeking. This is what he needed.

"Where-where did you find this?" Luke asked, looking up at San Tekka in utter disbelief.

"I don't remember. It was along time ago, when the Empire was just beginning. I believe it was brought to me from the planet Coruscant. It was one of the only relics we salvaged from that place. The Emperor was quick to destroy any on Coruscant."

Luke looked back down. "You said you aren't Force sensitive, but then why do you take so much interest in the Force and the Jedi?" He asked.

"The way I see it is that. . .the Force flows through everything. It binds everything together and creates it. Just because I am not one of the few who can connect to it, doesn't mean I shouldn't believe in it. Just because I can't connect to it myself and can't feel it, doesn't mean it isn't real. There is too much proof that it is and if I were to ignore all of it. . .I'd be the fool." San Tekka said.

Luke nodded. "You are a very wise man. I thank you for your help."

San Tekka smiled and gave a nod. "Anything for the Jedi."

Luke smiled and sat down, looking through the book.

"You may have it if you'd like."

Luke looked up. "Wh-I couldn't take it from you."

San Tekka shook his head. "You need it much more than I."

Luke stood and bowed his head. "Thank you, San Tekka."

"Call me Lor." Luke smiled.

"Thank you, Lor. I do have one more question."

Lor tilted his head. "Why did that young man seem so scared to bring me to you?"

"Because, of the Empire. You see I am the leader of the Church of The Force. I teach others about the Force and the Jedi. Even people who aren't Force sensitive. The Empire did not like that at all. They wanted any trace of the Jedi gone, so we went underground." Lor explained.

Luke was surprised to hear this. He had never heard of The Church of The Force.

"For forty years we would meet in secret and when we heard about what the Empire has planned for the Jedi Temples and relics, we had to do something. Members from around the galaxy were notified, through secured channels, to save any relics they could find and to hide them away, until the galaxy was safe. Many members brought the relics to me, believing it would be safer here on Jaccu. This put me in even more danger from the Empire."

Luke nodded. "I see. So the young man thought that I could be an Imperial spy?" He asked.

"Yes. The Empire may not be ruling over us, but they are not gone. Not yet."

Luke nodded. "I understand. Well, I thank you for your help, but I must be going."

San Tekka nodded and walked him to the door, but when they got there they noticed that a sand storm had begun. Artoo was beeping loudly.

"You cannot go now. You will never make it to your ship. Stay the night here. You can leave tomorrow." Lor offered.

Luke hesitated, but finally gave in. He called Artoo inside.

"You can sleep on this mat. I know it's not the most comfortable, but-." Lor began giving Luke a travel mat.

Luke smiled, he used to sleep on travel mats all the time during the war and when he was on Degobah.

"No. It's fine, really. Thank you."

Lor smiled. "Your welcome.

That night Luke had trouble sleeping. He didn't know why, but he had a feeling that something was wrong. That something bad was going to happen. Luke remembered what Raina had said before they left. Maybe she was right. Maybe something was going to happen to him. Or what if it would happen to her?

Luke shook his head. He was probably just feeling his way, because what she said had gotten to him. They was most likely no danger at all. It was just his feelings for her getting in the way of his duty again.

Luke sighed. That was the exact reason why he could never let himself be with her. His emotions were no longer as attuned to the Force when thinking of her. Instead they were attuned to her. Luke closed his eyes and tried to sleep again. This time sleep came. It came slowly, but it came.

The next morning Luke ate with Lor and they talked for a while about his life during the Clone Wars.

"Skywalker...." Lor began, after telling Luke his story.

Luke looked up at him warily.

"Now where have I heard that name before?"

Luke shifted in his seat uncomfortably and cleared his throat. He knew Lor wouldn't know that his father was Vader, but it still made him worry when his father was brought up.

"Wait a minute. Are you in any way related to a Jedi named Anakin Skywalker?" He asked.

Luke nodded. "I am. . .he's my father." Luke said in hesitation.

"Your father?" Lor asked in confusion.

Luke nodded, knowing what the next question would be. Especially from someone who knew everything about the Jedi.

"But Jedi are not allowed to marry."

Luke took a deep breath. There it was.

"You're right. They weren't, but my father did not agree with their rules. He married in secret."

Lor nodded. "Your father was an incredible Jedi. By the end of his life the whole galaxy knew of him. he would have been a great Jedi Master, but he was killed by the Empire. By order 66. Just like all the others."

Luke looked down. "My father wasn't killed." He admitted.

Lor looked up in surprise. "What?"

"My father was not killed by Order 66. He was one of the men who helped carry it out."

Lor's mouth dropped in shock. "He. . .?"

Luke nodded. "Yes. Palpatine got a hold him and somehow turned him. My father became a sith and joined the Empire."

"I'm so sorry." Lor said.

"That was the reason I was raised with my aunt and uncle. My mother she died in child birth and the Jedi beloved that me and my twin sister had to be hidden form my father. So they separated us. It was just a few years ago that we found one-another by accident I might add." Luke explained.

Lor smiled. "You have a sister?"

"Yes. Her name's Leia. Leia Organa."

"Princess Leia Organa?!" Lor exclaimed.

Luke chuckled. "Yes."

"I wouldn't have guessed. And your father he never found you?"

"He did, but only because I joined the rebellion and we met up by accident. He eventually figured it out and told me." Luke explained.

"You said your father was a sith. He was Darth Vader wasn't he?"

Luke nodded. "He was. After I learned that he was my father I was very angry. Especially at my Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. He had told me that my father had been killed by his apprentice Darth Vader, but I realize now that. . .in a point of view he was. And Obi-Wan was only trying to protect me."

Lor nodded. "I see. And your father. . .he died with the Emperor? Over Endor?" He asked.

"Yes, but not as Darth Vader. He died as Anakin Skywalker." Lor looked at him in confusion. "He brought me to the Emperor. He and I dueled. And at the end I refused to kill him. I didn't want to turn into what he had become. The Emperor didn't like that so much, so he began to kill me with bolts of electricity. My father saved my life and killed the Emperor, but in doing so his suit was ruined. He died, but before he did he told me that I had been right. That there was good in him."

Lor smiled. Then he looked puzzled. "Now, who was your mother?"

"She was a the youngest queen and later senator for Naboo. Padme Amadala." He told Lor.

He looked at Luke in surprise once again. "Senator Amadala? She was your mother?"

Luke nodded and smiled. "Yes. I just found out myself about a month ago, but my sister knew her whole life. Our mother was one of the reasons she went into politics."

Lor smiled in remembrance. "She was a very great politician."

Luke smiled. "So I've heard. Thank you."

Artoo soon beeped to Luke.

He nodded. "Alright Artoo."

He turned to Lor. "I'm afraid we have to go."

He and Lor stood. They shook hands.

"It was an honor to meet you, Master Skywalker."

Luke smiled. "And it was honor to meet you."

"I hope we meet again someday." Lor said as Luke walked to the door.

"I have a feeling we will. Give me a call if you ever need me. Good day and may the Force be with you."

Lor gave a nod. "And May the Force be with you."

After Luke and Artoo returned to his ship they headed to Coruscant. Luke still had a feeling something was wrong, but couldn't place what it was. Shaking off the feeling Luke fired up the engines.

"Alright Artoo let's get outta here."

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