Jilted at the Altar

By nav_k21

306K 8.4K 463

Ariella Marie Clark knew before she could even walk that one day she was going to walk down the aisle to marr... More

Author's Note
Author's Note II
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Three

8.1K 196 3
By nav_k21

A Year Later

Ariella and Kaden were sitting by the edge of the Lake in Central Park. The past year had passed in a blur of stolen moments, holding hands, sneaking away from the rest of their friends to sit and just talk about everything and nothing. They weren't officially dating, yet. They knew what they felt for each other and they also realized it was no longer just a crush. The kiss they shared at Ariella's birthday almost a year ago was still a livid memory for both of them and the only memory of kissing each other.

Ariella still didn't know how to proceed next and neither did Kaden. The biggest obstacle was their families. They didn't know how to tell their parents and what to tell their parents. They themselves hadn't taken their "relationship" any further. It had mellowed into a comfortable friendship but that was going to change today, Kaden had decided.

"So how long is your degree going to be?" Ariella asked as picked at the grass  between them.

"Four years" Kaden muttered, his mind trying to comprehend a way to bring up the topic that had been swirling in his head for months now.

It was August now and Kaden was accepted into Harvard for undergraduate degree in Computer Software and Technology. His father Dante Steele was an ex CIA agent who had started up a security business. The security business had now expanded into a multimillion enterprise that dealt in security software and solution, both private and industrial. Ariella on the other hand was going to be junior in high school this fall. Ariella didn't want Kaden to leave but she didn't know how to ask him to stay for her. She had pacified herself by thinking that she would also join Harvard and they could be together there after two years but those two years seemed like a very long time.

"Ari" Kaden finally decided to approach the topic.

Ariella straightened and faced him when she heard the seriousness in his voice. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small Tiffany's ring box.

"Kaden...what is going on?" Ariella sprang to her feet and Kaden followed her lead.

"Ariella it's..."

"Oh my god Kaden...what...I...." Ariella stammered and took a step back.

Kaden sighed and ran a hand through his already messy hair.

"Will you please listen?" Kaden tried but Ariella kept on shaking her head and backing off. Kaden pulled her by the arms and she crashed into his hard chest.

"It is not what you think" He said quietly.

Ariella stepped back and looked at him.

"Ariella, I know what we have doesn't have a name to it but I don't want to us to go on like this. I have fallen in love with you and there is no looking back for me. I...." Kaden stumbled for words. He felt so strongly for her that it muddled his thoughts.

"We are still too young and have our futures to decide and pave but I want you to know that I wish to be there with you, at every step and build our futures together. I want to be with you Ariella as your boyfriend." Kaden got down on one knee and pulled open the box which had a platinum ring shaped in an infinity sign encrusted with diamonds along the design.

"This is a promise ring Ari. I promise to love you and never hurt you. I promise I will always be there for you when you need me, as friend as anyone you want me to be. I promise I will support you in every decision you make. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Ariella couldn't believe it. It was finally happening. She had always hoped that Kaden would ask her out one day but it had always been a scenario in her head where he would show up with flowers and ask her to the movies as his girlfriend but this what he had done for her was the most romantic thing ever.

"I love you so much Kaden" Ariella whispered, tears escaped her eyes as she held out her right hand and Kaden slipped on the ring on her ring finger, pressing a kiss on her knuckled. He got up and hugged her.

"What we have is too precious to be wasted by not making it official Ari. I want the world to know that we belong to each other"

"But you are leaving in two weeks Kaden and what about our parents?"

"I am not going anywhere."

"What?! But you always wanted to go to Harvard! Dalton is also going to the business school there and William also got admission in Harvard Med"

"I also got an acceptance letter from Columbia so I have accepted theirs. I want to be here with you Ari. I want us to go on dates, spend time together. Also it makes mom also happy as she wanted me to go to Columbia either way so I could be closer to home."

"I don't want to come in between you and your future Kaden."

"You are my future Ariella" Kaden said and kissed her.

In the evening they pulled up outside the Clark mansion. They had decided to tell their parents today. Kaden had called up his parents and asked them to come over. He saw his parents' car parked in the circular driveway. He pulled up behind theirs and stepped out. Ariella came around and grabbed his hand.

"This will all work out. Don't' worry" Kaden said and Ariella replied by squeezing his hand. She knew hell was going to blow over no matter what her parents' decided in the end. It wasn'y exactly their parents that scared them most, rather just one parent and that was Ariella's father, Aaron Clark. Even if they did accept their relationship, they weren't going to give in without making a fuss about it and it wasn't that they didn't like Kaden. Her parents knew him as well as they knew her and Aidden. It was just the fact that her dad still considered a little girl and refused to accept the fact that she could be dating. She knew Kaden's parents would be cool about it but they would have to support her parents.

The stepped into the foyer and heard their parents voice trailing in from the living room.

"You ready?" Kaden asked as he grabbed her hand once again as Ariella nodded.

Aaron and Dante were still in their suits as both of them had just come back from a joint meeting regarding a new venture and were still in deep discussion regarding that. Elaine hadn't gone to the hospital today as she had run a 24 hour shift yesterday in the emergency. She and Rose was shuffling through a home décor magazine looking for new ideas as Rose wanted to renovate her master bedroom.

"Mom" Elaine looked up as she heard Ariella call out to her. Aaron also looked up and his gaze immediately zoomed on to his daughter's hand entwined with his godson's.

Aaron shot up from the recliner and strode towards them, rest of them following him. Elaine hurriedly stepped up to her husband, placing a soothing hand on his back.

Ariella partially slid behind Kaden as she saw her father storm towards her.

"What is this?!" Aaron asked, his voice controlled but anger seeped through.

"Kaden?" Dante raised his eyebrows, amusement flickered in his eyes but he knew his best friend was about to blow. Aaron was over protective when it came to his daughter. Rose openly smiled. She knew Kaden had fallen for Ariella but she never approached the topic with him or meddled in it, letting fate run its course.

"Sir, I should have asked be..."

"Let go of my daughter's hand this instance Kaden" Aaron gritted out.

"Aaron" Elaine said, her voice warning him to keep his anger in check.

"Dad you..."

"Ariella Marie not now." Aaron cut her off and then he noticed the ring on her finger.

"Did you just give my daughter a promise ring? What in the hell is going on!?"

Rose gave Kaden the thumbs up and Dante was now grinning.

"You need them to let them explain Aaron"

"Shes a kid! Hell even he is kid."

"He is eighteen now buddy" Dante said and Aaron glared at him.

"But my girl is only fifteen!" Aaron retorted

"She will be sixteen in two months" Elaine replied.

"Elaine, don't tell me you knew about this" Aaron turned on her and everyone's expressions straightened out.

"Of course I didn't. I am simply not over reacting as you are, honey"Elaine was surprise none the less but she saw the pure and utter happiness on her daughter's face and the love and protectiveness in Kaden's. Yes they were still young but love wasn't defined by age.

"You put a ring on my daughter's hand and you didn't even have the nerve to ask me beforehand Kaden" Aaron shot at Kaden.

"Dad, please stop" Ariella said as she stepped forward. She felt the strength and love radiate of Kaden and it gave her courage to face her father.

"Dad, I am no longer a kid. I am fifteen and will be sixteen soon. I love him dad. I know what I am getting into and I know my limits."

"But you are too young for all this and he is going to college this year. How will this all work out!? I don't want you experiencing heartbreak at this age Ariella. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Sir, I promise my intentions towards your daughter are pure and I will never hurt her. I love her." He glanced at his own father, who nodded his approval, pride evident in his smile as he watched his son deal with this situation; given he should have talked to him and Aaron beforehand but what was done was done.

Aaron could see that Kaden was not playing around and he knew this boy since the day he was born but still as a father he would always be scared for his little girl. He would protect her no matter what.

"Listen to me boy" Aaron said as he grabbed Kaden by the collar. "If you ever hurt her, hell, even if a single tear escapes her eye because of you. You will have hell to pay. Even your father wouldn't be able to save you. Are we clear?"

"Yes sir" Kaden said as he maintained eye contact with Aaron.

Aaron let go off him and stalked out of the living room muttering that he needed to get his head around this and things were moving too fast.

"Yay!" Rose cheered as she hugged both Ariella and Kaden.

Dante patted his son on the back and leaned in to whisper in his ear "Take care of her son. You don't want to be on the receiving end of Aaron's wrath. Trust me" Dante said and chuckled.

"You are 100% sure about this , love?" Elaine asked as she looked at the promise ring on her daughter's finger.

"Yes mom" Ariella said and hugged her mother.

"I am always here if you ever need to tell me anything alright?"

"I know mom"

"Well we better leave. We told Azalea we will pick her up from the library" The Steele's took their leave and Kaden left with them, promising to call her later at night.

Ariella sighed, thinking about how she still had Azalea to break this news to and for some reason it seemed scarier than facing her father because Azalea hated secrets being kept from her.

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The Promise Ring 

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