Miraculous Phantom

By Natsu_D_Blaze

21.5K 572 343

Danny is caught in an explosion when he is trying to protect Amity Park from a bomb. When he wakes up he is g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22. The End.

Chapter 6

1.3K 35 10
By Natsu_D_Blaze

P.o.v. Adrien.

I have been waiting for around thirty minutes. We had a photo shoot here earlier and I just decided to stay here. Telling the Gorilla to tell my dad I will be staying for a while longer so I can just enjoy the view. Fifteen minutes before nine I had changed into Chat Noir and had started waiting for Ladybug and the white haired boy from before. Turns out I didn't have to wait long until my princess arrived.

"M'lady, you are here p-awfully early, and here I thought you'd be late like always." I said with a cocky grin

Ladybug ignored Chat's silly pun. "I just didn't want to take any chances of walking into a trap so I thought it best to come early. You too?"

"Nah, I just happened to of had something to do here earlier anyways, so I decided to wait around." I said. "I mean I like to give people a little room before judging them. So until he proves to me other wise, I'm going to trust him."

"It would be nice to trust him but since the whole Lila/Volpina situation ....it just seems random. I don't want to be taken off guard."

"Well true, but I don't know if we have anything to fear from him. I mean my Kwami told me that he didn't sense any akuma off of him or anything relating to Hawkmoth. All he told me was he gave off a spooky vibe, and how the air around him got a little colder."

Ladybug gave Chat a warm smile and laughed a bit. " I think you have been watching too many horror movies Kitty. I'll try to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, but until we know who he is and what his intentions are I'm not dropping my guard and I don't think you should either."

"Oh don't worry purrincess. I am always on my guard." gives her a smile and a little bow.

"Now shall we wait for our friend?"

Ladybug nodded. "He should be here soon."

I heard something that sounded a lot like an electrical charge, but seemed different. After I heard it the temperature dropped a little. Enough that I could see a bit of my breath, but not enough for me to actually be freezing. That's when I saw him float up through the floor right behind Ladybug. The kid with the white hair.

"Um...LB..." I said pointing a shaky finger behind her.

Ladybug heard Chat's shaky voice as he pointed to behind me. Ladybug looked back and jumped back a bit in defense with her hand on her yo-yo.

"Boo!" he laughed then stood on the ground like a normal person.

"Aw, I was hoping to scare you guys." he said in disappointment.

Ladybug frowned and looked at the guy.

"So we have questions and you probably do to."

"Alright, ask away. I will answer you as best as a I can."

"Are you the supernatural? And by that I mean a ghost." I asked hiding behind Ladybug.

Ladybug looked behind me at Chat. "Since when are you such a scaredy cat?"

"Pfft, I'm not scared. I am...protecting you...yes that's it. Plus don't you find ghosts scary?"

"Since we became miraculous holders, I am not surprised by a lot of things now. I mean some things still creep me out, but our lives are something you would see in a comic book normally not in real life."

"Well, I guess you are half right. Where I'm from I'm known as a halfa. Half human, half ghost. Heck I get hunted because of it." he said with a bit of a frown as if he was recalling some not so fun memories.

"Your turn for a question." Ladybug said looking at the white haired boy.

"Who are you guys? I mean not your secret identities or anything like that. I mean who are you now." could this be for real? Someone doesn't know who I, the great Chat Noir and the most beautiful and miraculous girl, Ladybug?

"Are you serious?" he looked at me with a deadpan look and nodded

"I'm Ladybug this is my partner Chat Noir. Who are you?"

"The names Danny, Danny Phantom." he said. "Now what's this whole business about Miraculous and Akumas? I never heard of any of this stuff."

"Miraculous is what we get our powers from. My earrings, his ring. Akumas are these purple butterflies that come from a man called Hawkmoth. He sends them to possess people with negative emotions. He uses them to try and get our miraculouses, meanwhile they usually have another goal at the same time they are trying to accomplish. Once we find where the akuma is hiding on a person we destroy the object and I purify the butterfly and set it free. Then everything goes back to normal."

"Ah alright. Well your turn to ask the questions. I only have one last one after this."

"Why are you here? In Paris I mean. Any specific purpose?"

"Now there is something I can't answer." he said and turned away from us and walked a little bit then then walked back towards us.

"Why is that? Is it because you plan on attacking us? Or is it because you can't reveal your true plans to us?" I said making sure I had a tight grip on my staff.

"No, it's because I don't know. You see, I discovered earlier today that I'm not on my world anymore. I seem to have traveled through a dimensional hole or what ever when ever a bomb in my world went off."

"There's something I did not expect." Ladybug relaxed a little. "We wouldn't mind helping you out but unfortunately we don't know anything about other dimensions. We would like to be able to trust you. So all we ask is that while you are here you try not to cause any trouble for the people."

"I'll try, but trouble just seems to follow me." he sighed. "You guys know of any place around here that's abandoned that I can stay at? I mean new world, no home."

Ladybug thought about it for awhile. "Mhm I think there are a few old houses near the edge of the city. There are also some affordable hotels in the area as well. Just not the one over there."  Ladybug pointed to the one that was owned by the mayor. "They are picky about who stays."

"I will take the abandoned houses. I don't have any money." I looked at him and then back at Ladybug.

"Well stay there for a little while and, worse comes to worse I will bring you food every now and then. I know this little place, best croissants ever." I said thinking about the croissants.

"Oh you mean that little pastry place owned by the Dupen-Cheng's? Because their food is godly! Best pastries I have ever had in my life." Danny asked.

Ladybug raised her eyebrows in surprise as if she was shocked that we had been there before.

"It is a nice little place." she said shaking the confused look off her face.

"Yeah nice is an understatement." I said. "In fact they should be selling it at the mayor's hotel, they are so good."

"Well that Alya girl's mom runs the restaurant there if I'm not mistaken and since we both have had to help Chloe, we have spent time at the hotel and gotten to taste the chefs food and it was pretty good." Saying Chloe's name made Ladybug groan a bit.

Danny and I looked over at Ladybug and noticed the groan. "Well I guess I should get going. I have to get up for school tomorrow. God I hate school nights. I will let you guys know where I'm living after, that way if you need any more help with akumas, you know where to find me."

Ladybug raised an eyebrow. "I thought you weren't from this dimension, so how do you expect to go to school?"

"Over shadow the principle and put my name and stuff into the system. Pretty simple actually." I gave him a sideways glance after he said that.

"Over shadow?"

"Yeah where I am able to take over the persons body and do whatever I want with it. Kind of like possession, only it doesn't leave any lasting effects, so there is no need to worry."

"Let's hope not." Ladybug said low enough probably hoping no one heard her. "Let's get going Chat. Nice to meet you Danny." She shot out her yo-yo and took off.

"Yeah I will be seeing you Danny, kind of like the fact that we have a new partner to fight Hawkmoth with!" I waved and extended my staff so I could get to the next roof and headed home. 

Authors Note:

Well that's the second chapter for today, and as always I would like to thank RoseMoon22 for all the help she has given me, in this book, and how she isn't a huge pain in the butt or a psycho. You guys are probably wondering, 'Natsu! Why are you being so nice to her? You always call her a psycho! What made you change your mind?' The answer to that is she currently has a mallet in hand and is ready to smash my crotchal region. Having that happen will do that to a man....

Wait...I wasn't supposed to tell them that you were doing that to me? Now you are going to make me all black a blue with that mallet of yours? I'm only making the pain coming to me worse because I am repeating everything you say into the microphone? Well...before I get beat, I would like to thank you all as well. Thank you for your support.  Now if you will excuse me, I have to think of a way to escape!


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