Queen of the Beasts✅

b00klover09 द्वारा

2.3M 99.6K 13.9K

👑1 in Queen Series👑 (Warning: Dark themes & sexual assault) I will have you...all of you, Esmerleda," he s... अधिक

Attention/ Authors Note
NEW Announcement
Queen of the Fangs!


23.6K 1.1K 153
b00klover09 द्वारा

It was all a dream?

That is what I thought as I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I remembered Sirus almost dying...me failing to kill him. The Vampyr King...it was all an awful dream?

Slowly sitting up, pain blossomed within in me. I pushed off the covers and moved my night shift to see that I was wrapped up from an injury. I had a large wound...

It must have been when I jumped in front of Hilda. The pain was mild which I could not understand...being that an arrow basically pierced me. Then again...Hilda and Sirus probably hurried up the healing process.

"Your highness...?"

I looked up to see the wet nurse standing in the corner of my room...with tears in her eyes. Why was she crying? "Is...is everything alright?" I questioned her as she nodded quickly, wiping at her tears.

"Yes...I am sorry..you must want to hold your child, yes?" Before I had the chance to response she was rushing over to me with Thorian in hand. She placed him gently in my arms.

He had his eyes closed...and he snuggled into me as I kissed his forehead. He was large for a baby...then again he was not fully human. Maybe this came from his lycan side?

"Tell me where is my brother? Or little Sarah," I wished to see both of them. Since Hilda had so much strength to stop the Vampire Kings power...she had to have saved little Sarah.

The woman cleared her throat, "The maid child...she is gone. The Vampire King took her...your brother is somewhere here. I-I will go fetch him for you."

She seemed a bit skittish and I wondered if that was just from her fear of Sirus and everyone else in this castle. She made her way over to me, outstretching her arms. "He has just fallen asleep...and you are still recovering," she said tiredly.

Did she think I would wake him? "Oh...you will bring him back to the nursery?"

She nodded her head. "You should kiss him goodbye," she said as I gave her an odd look before kissing his soft head and handing him over.

She cooed him a bit as he began to fuss...most likely missing my warmth. "Thank you...thank you for doing all of this for him. I know you are being forced but...you do not have to care for him like a maid does." She was only supposed to be his food supply yet she cared for him deeply.

"I am sorry my Queen." The wet nurse shook her head, and slightly bowed. Before she disappeared from the room. I coils see her whining to cry again...and wondered what on earth did she have to apologize for?

The next hour or so I spent falling in and out of sleep, waiting for Edwin. Maybe she has gotten overwhelmed with Thorian and forgot? Whatever the reason be...it was time for me to get up.

It took a minute, but I managed to get to my dresser and throw on a thick cloak. Who cares if I had a night gown on under...no one could see and I was the Queen for heavens sake!

As soon as I heard the door open ring, a smile came over me as I thought that it was Edwin. I was disappointed. Incredibly disappointed to see Sirus.

"What is it Sirus?" I questioned tiredly, looking to the guards who were not meeting my gaze. Sirus looked awful. As if he did not sleep nor eat in a few days. His hair seemed to be getting out of control...and I wondered what was going on in his mind for him to look like this.

I noticed that the guards had their hands on their swords...and scoffed. Were they head to kill me? It had been a very, very long year and if he wished it...then so be it. Edwin would be safe...Thorian would be too. That is all that I have asked for, all I have wanted.

I was tired of fighting. I had fought enough for a soldiers entire life...and I also saved his life! I guess that was not enough to for him. He was probably furious that I had actually thought of going through with killing him...and partially stabbing him..

I sunk to my knees and put my head down. Waiting for a sword to come crashing down upon me. Or maybe his hands would be the things to kill me. He would maybe choke me to death while we locked eyes. That is Sirus's style. Not getting a soldier to do it.

"Get up, Esmerelda." I opened one eye...and glanced up. Sirus was now in front of me, and I shook my head. So he would toy with me before my life ended? How typical of him.

He grasped at my shoulders and stood me up. "Look at me, my Queen." I took a shaky breath, before meeting his gaze. "Edwin is in a carriage, along with both of your belongings. The carriage will leave soon..." he told me as his hands grasped at my shoulders almost painfully.

"Where are you sending us, Sirus?" I was prepared for an awful place...I was prepared for him to say maybe a faraway castle where you will spend your days in exile.

"You are going back to your home kingdom."

I watched him closely. Tears gathered in my eyes as my hand connected with his face. "Why torment me so? You know that is a lie, it is utter nonsense! What have I ever done to you...to warrant such...such anger and hate! Such loathing! I could have killed you!" I began to break down into sobs. Sirus was a monster, yes...but for him to lie and say such a thing. A thing that made my heart soar with happiness, it was the ultimate cruelty.

He had to hold me up from the hatred and pain I was feeling. "Esmerelda, you are going back to your home kingdom to rule,"  he said unto my ear as I broke away from him.

Wiping at my face...attempting to see straight. To look at him. Look him in the eyes. "You liar."

"It is true. Correct me if I am wrong," he said as he glanced back at the guards. They were all nodding their head. Giving me slight smiles...

"Why...why would you do such a thing to me?" I questioned, giving him a suspicious and wary look. I did not trust this. Why would he let me go? It made no sense.

He glanced at the few guards and they quickly retreated behind the door, shutting it quickly. "I do not know myself...but I am asking you to go now. Before I change my mind, Esmeralda. You have spared me...you have given me a child...all of what I could ask for. You have given me the best months of my life...even though they were hell for you. I would like to..." he paused. His eyes flashing of the beast. He shook his head, grasping at his hair. "I will repay you for all you have given me. Rule your kingdom, take your brother."

"And Thorian?"

He cleared his throat, the soft loook in his eyes now gone. "He will stay with me."

I let lose a small laugh, wiping at my eyes. "You cannot keep him, Sirus. He is my child." That is why that wench of a wet nurse told me to kiss him goodbye! Why she told me sorry when I complimented her!

"He is mine also. You do not want him. You do not want to raise a beast child in your kingdom. You have Edwin to raise. I have Thorian to raise. Leave, Esmeralda," he told me as I just stared at him in contemplation.

He could not just take Thorian. He could not tell me such wonderful news then tell me awful news in the same breath. I could not leave my child! I could not leave him, with Sirus! "I-I will stay," I told him as his eyes widened before he let lose a growl.

His hands turning into fists, glaring at me. I did not understand what he wanted from me. "You will go back! You are not welcomed here, Esmeralda. Chelsea has already agreed to help raise Thorian. He has a wet nurse. He is in good hands. He is the next King."

I took a few steps back, anger rising in me. He would not take my child. "I am staying, Sirus. You cannot make me leave. I am your Queen. I want to stay," I pleaded with him as I tried to grasp his hand. I could not leave my child. Thorian would be the only child I would conceive. I refused to marry again. I did not wish marriage on my words enemy. He was the only good thing that came from this union.

Sirus squared his shoulders and folded his arms across his chests. "Esmeralda, you will leave or be escorted out by my men. I think you will want to leave with your dignity intact."

I scoffed, beginning to shake from my fury. "You took my dignity, Sirus! I have none. I refuse to leave of my free will. If this were before Thorian, I would leave. I would leave willingly but you cannot take my child from me. You will not take him. You have taken everything else from me, Sirus...you claim you love me...yet you do this to me!"

His eyes began to glow, as he grabbed me by the shoulders. "I am doing this for you, Esmeralda." Then before I had the chance to say anything, his lips pressed against my own. It was a painful kiss, nothing about it was enjoyable...which was not a surprise coming from him. I hit at him, and he let me go.

"I hate you, Sirus!"

He called in the guards. They all stood hesitant as he gave the order. He said it again, his eyes glowing with authority and anger. They grabbed me by arms. "Get off of me! Get off of me, I am your Queen!" I shouted as I began to struggle in their hold. "Sirus call them off! Get them off of me! Let me keep my child!"

He moved out of the way as they began to drag me out of the room. "Let go! Let go of me!" I screamed, thrashing in their hold. Most of the staff of the castle were outside, with their heads down. "Sirus! Sirus, let me stay!" I screamed as I could see Chelsea and Rowan rushing towards me.

"Unhand her!" Rowan spat as the guards stopped moving but still kept their hold on me. "I said get off of her," Rowan snarled, grabbing one and throwing him onto the floor. The other one quickly let me go and Chelsea was their to catch me when I fell.

"Esmeralda!" Chelsea cried as she held me tightly. "I am so sorry. You have to leave...it is best. It...it is the only way to repay you in his mind. He will not listen to reason," she told me as I pulled away from her, looking into her eyes.

She had tears trailing down her cheeks as she stared into my eyes. "I am so sorry," she whispered, as I began to wipe at her wet cheeks. "I-I am so sorry," she repeated, as I hugged her once again. "Please, just leave."

"He is keeping Thorian...Chelsea...Rowan please...I need my child," I sobbed as Rowan squared his jaw. Shaking his head.

"Esmeralda, you need to leave. I know this is hard, but my cousin will be the death of you. He is in his right mind...doing what he is doing. I will escort you to the carriage. Not the guards. Get up, Esmeralda."

I shook my head. I just could not leave him. "Esmeralda, please, get up." Rowan's voice sounded strained. I looked around. No one was looking at me. Everyone had their heads bowed. Or eyes averted. No one would help me.

I did not even get to see him walk. Or hear him say my name. Or let Edwin play with him. "Esmeralda, please...I promise to take care of him like he is my young. Like he is our young," Chelsea had now joined in attempting  for me to leave willingly.

"Esmerelda, he is coming. You need to muster up the strength you have and get up, else he will drag you out of this castle and into that carriage. Do not let this be our last moments of you. Do not let Edwin see this of you," Rowan was hastily speaking into my ear. His grip on my arm incredibly tight.

How could he do this to me?
How could he think this was okay?
He reaped every benefit from this marriage, then once I was spent, he discards me..

Was it worth being man handled by these guards? Even if I am dragged out he will not change his mind.. Even if I beg it still will not work...

I only had one choice...and it was the one he was giving me...

I snapped out of my sorrow. I had to be strong. This was the last time I would set foot in this kingdom...If I knew that as the last last time I would see my son....

"I will go," I said weakly. Rowan attempted to help me stand. I pushed at his hand. I did not need him. I did not need Sirus. I did not need anyone.

I could feel Sirus's presence behind me as I shakily turned, my eyes piercing his entire soul. "You are a disgrace to all of the males on this earth and on that joyous day when you die, you will remain in the pits of hell. Where you will be welcomed with open arms by the devil himself!"

The look in his eyes did not waiver. The determination did not cease, but his eyes had began to blaze. With emotions that I could not understand...and did not wish to understand.

"Farewell, Esmeralda."

Hey guys...double update. Not gonna lie almost cried because ya know all the feels and my babies😭

Anyway I have about three chapters left and then we're done. Maybe four, I don't really know.

Final thoughts? Any bonus chapters you guys would like to see eventually?

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