By cuddlylittleblue

78.7K 3.3K 1.5K

Kim Taehyung is the new art student from Korea who always had the dream to study somewhere else than his home... More

first day
movie night
find yourself
bad dream
little space
scary movie
not eating
well again
jinkook throwback
pinky promise
play date
tae's past
big date
little date
yoonmin throwback
little paintings


2.1K 110 30
By cuddlylittleblue

It was lunch time so Yoongi decided to prepare it for the boys this time, while they were all watching a disney movie because of the littles.

Taehyung until now was very clingy to Namjoon, either he was on his lap or following him around really close, the older finding it amusing honestly.

In that moment it wasn't different, Tae was cuddling him while his eyes were stuck on the television screen.

The other pair of littles were just sitting in front of the screen very focused mostly because of the bright colors and the cute characters.

Both Jin and Hoseok were out because they went to buy some ice cream for later.

"Wanna pway."

Namjoon looked at the maknae with a little smile, mostly because when Tae was little his voice would turn out more quiet and more high pitched but cute just like a little kid.

"Oh yes? What do you want to play?"


Taehyung had his funny thinking face again, because thinking in something he wanted to play was really hard and honestly he didn't knew what to do.

"What about we go and do some coloring, what do you think of that love?"

"Can we??" he asked, more excited.

"Of course, you can color a pic for someone if you want to."

"Yesh pwease!"

"Let's go then."

Taehyung got up from the sofa, followed by Namjoon and both of them went to the bedroom's floor.

Namjoon entered Jungkook's room just so he could take a few coloring books and crayons.

He knew the other littles would want to join Tae too.

Taehyung in the other hand was in awe when he saw Kookie's bedroom. It was so pretty and he had lots of toys and cute other things.

"Taetae has bedwoom wike dis too?" he asked innocently.

Namjoon would nod, but he didn't knew if big Taehyung knew anything about little space in the first place.

"We'll see." it was all he could say at the moment.

They returned to the living room and Namjoon landed all the things on the table, while Taehyung sat beside it.

Both Jungkook and Jimin noticed the sound of the crayons and soon joined them too.

"Here you have everything you need to color very pretty pics for your daddies. Have fun and don't color on everything except the papers." he warned.

The three of them nodded and started coloring, while Namjoon decided to help Yoongi in the kitchen.

"Do you want any help?"

"Yeah, prepare the table, Hoseok and Jin should be almost here and i practically finished it."


When Namjoon finished his job both Hoseok and Jin entered the kitchen in time with a few bags with a lot of ice cream.

"Do we have more than twenty people living here for all that ice cream?" Yoongi joked.

"You know that the kids love it." Hoseok said. "I mean, who doesn't like ice cream?"

"We should call the boys."

All the caregivers went to the living room, meeting the littles who were giggling and with things drawn on their arms.

"What is happening here?" Jin asked with a stern voice.

Jungkook noticed his Daddy's voice and looked up to where the voice was.

"Daddy!!" he was fast in running and hugging him, always with a huge smile. "Missed chu bewy much!"

Jin noticed that it wasn't color felt on their arms so it would get out of their skin pretty easily.

But that wouldn't stop a little warning.

"Hello love." he hugged back. "What did i said about drawing in your skin?"

Jungkook looked up at him and had his typical silly smile when he knew he did something wrong but felt bad for doing it.

"To just d'aw on paper an' color body an' arms bad thin'!" he was proud for remembering everything his Daddy said.

"Exactly. So next time you know, if you draw again in your arms you will get punished."

"Otay, sowy Daddy."

"Apologies accepted." Jin kissed the younger's cheek.

Jimin had finally finished his drawing and was excited to show it to Yoongi, until he finally realized that everyone was there and he took his drawing so he could see it.

"Dada! Dada!"

The little gave it to his Daddy and Yoongi couldn't help but smile.

"You did such a good job baby, Daddy's very proud of my little artist!" he said, grabbing little Jimin and kissing him all over his face.

"I has a dwawin' for Daddy too!" Jungkook said.

He went to the table and took his drawing, giving it to Jin right after.

"Oh, what an awesome drawing! Am i looking at Kookie's drawing or Da Vinci's?"

"Mine betta than Vinci's!" Jungkook said proud of himself, making everyone laugh.

Namjoon then noticed that Taehyung was sat still on his place with a cute frown on his face and seemed very upset, deciding to go talk with him.

"Hey, what's wrong sweetie?"

Taehyung looked up at Namjoon, soon tears streaming down his face. Namjoon didn't knew what was going on, but decided to hug him very tight.

"Why are you crying angel? What's wrong?"

Taehyung was hiccuping because of his cries and tried so hard to stop, but he just couldn't.

Namjoon just pulled the younger to his lap and petted his back softly while whispering to soft nothings.

He didn't knew the reason of all of this, but it just hurts his heart to see him this upset.

Namjoon decided to take Taehyung to his bedroom, maybe a nap could help him feel better.

Once he managed to go there, he closed the door and went to the bed, laying Taehyung there and deciding to dress him in an onesie so he could feel more comfortable.

Once that was accomplished Taehyung wasn't crying like he was moments ago, making Namjoon sigh in relieve.

"Do you want to talk about it or it's better to just take a nap?" Namjoon asked, wanting the maknae talking about it only if he wanted to.


Namjoon took that as a no and lied down beside him.

"It's okay love, let's sleep now, okay? A little prince like you shouldn't be tired and sad."


Taehyung cuddled up on Namjoon, who hold him tight and soon both were fast asleep.


A new chapter!!!

So, what do you think what made Taehyung so upset?

See ya in the next one, love you bewy much! 💖

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