The nameless Luna

By smiling_optimist

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I panted hard, when Daniel wispered into my ear: "We should call you Snow white." I barely manged to answer h... More

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3K 101 4
By smiling_optimist

"And he will call right in the morning?", I asked Daniel with doubt clear in my voice.

Daniel looked rather amused at my question, but patiently nodded his head and told me for probably the fifth time already: "Yes, my love. I faxed Sam Xander's sketch of Jamie and he promised me to run the sketch through the search engines. As soon as he has something he'll call me, but that will probably not happen until tomorrow morning."

"Okay.", I agreed and tried to convince myself that I had done everything in my power to find my brother.

"It's just..I feel so selfish and guilty.", I admitted and Daniel immediately tightened his hold on me.

"There's no reason for that, my love. The accident and you losing your memory weren't your fault.", Daniel told me in a gentle and soothing voice.

I nodded my head, but who was I kidding, I could not even persuade myself.
I knew that technically I should not feel guilty, but I still did.

"He's my baby brother and I just feel bad for leaving him all on his own.", I tried to explain Daniel my point of view.

Daniel chuckled lightly and said: "He's eighteen Ellie. I doubt that he can't survive without you."

Immediately my cheeks started to burn and I conceded: "Maybe you're right."

Daniel gently pressed his lips on my forehead and I instantly melted into his loving touch.

"Let's go to bed. It was a rather exciting and stressful day for you, my love."

I chuckled at the understatement of the century and let Daniel led me upstairs.

Daniel was right. I could not change the past, but I could try harder in the future and mend it. For now all there was to do was waiting and maybe trying to remember anything. But we all knew how well that had worked out in those three days...

I made a mental note to take a look at my car tomorrow morning. Maybe actually seeing it would trigger some memories.

I sighed and let the tingles, that had barely ceased to run through my body due to Daniel always touching me, calm me down further. I smiled at how drastically my life had changed today, but I could not see anything wrong with it.

Finally I had found someone, who loved me for who I was. Well maybe the term love was a bit too early to use and technically I did not know who I was, but you get the meaning.

Excited about what my future had in store for me, I let my thoughts run wild.

Of course they mainly revolved around Daniel and when the door of my room came in sight, a question kept me occupied.

"When you showed me my room yesterday and told me that it's mine for the time being, what did you mean by that exactly?", I curiously wanted to know.

Daniel continued to lead me to my door and chuckled.

"That's because I wished for you to move into my  room as soon as possible. I still do."

Glad that Daniel was busy with opening the door to my room, I tried to calm down my racing heart and flaming cheeks. I could not had been more wrong with my assumption that Daniel wanted me gone as soon as possible.

With just a few words of explanation everything made sense now and I could not describe how happy his words made me.

"So you want to share your room with me?", I shyly asked once we were inside my room.

Daniel pulled me closer to his muscular body and wrapped both of his arms around my waist.

My stomach somersaulted when I noticed the look of yearning in his eyes.

"I do and I want to make it our  room.", he told me in a certain voice.

Our room.


My heart pounded unsteadily in my chest and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much.

I knew Daniel for like three days and was already willing to share a room and a bed with him. His confession did not even freak me out and what surprised me even more was my readiness.

The nagging voice inside my head screamed at me what the hell I was doing and that Daniel would think of me as easy if I agreed.

"What are you thinking about so hard?", an always attentive Daniel wanted to know and I could feel myself blush.

"I'm wondering if those intense feelings I have for you are normal.", I admitted without looking him into his green eyes.

I was sure that the smoldering look in his eyes would be my undoing.

"They are, my love.", Daniel started to tell me in a husky voice and I lifted my gaze.

His now dark green eyes revealed to me that he was deeply affected and satisfied with my confession.

"It's normal for werewolf mates to instantly develop intense feelings for each other and it's not rare that they mark and mate each other soon after."

Daniel's voice was getting breathy and I could feel myself getting breathless too. Daniel had already marked me and I realized that his bite was probably the reason for my instant feelings of love. Not that I would not had been attracted to Daniel without his mark, but I was certain that it would have taken me longer to develop the feelings I now already had for him.

I then remembered Daniel mentioning mating and I could only assume what it meant.

My heart was pounding a mile per second when I thought about Daniel and I having sex and I could swear that he could feel my heartbeat through our clothes.

"So you wouldn't think less of me if I already wanted to share a room with you?", I boldly asked, needing to change the direction of my thoughts, but also wanting to hear Daniel's opinion.

Daniel groaned when I wrapped both my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me.

Our lips were mere inches apart and I could feel his hot breath when he answered me: "Never, my love. I want nothing more than to sleep with you in my arms and wake up to your gorgeous face every morning from now on."

His sweet words quickly made their way into my heart, where I would keep them forever.

"Daniel.", I moaned his name and this was all it took to finally feel his delicious lips on mine.

Differently to our first kiss, which started out gentle and soft, this kiss was way more passionate.

While I had taken my time earlier to get used to Daniel's addictive lips and the new mindblowing sensations that came with our kiss, I could not wait now.

Immediately I deepened the kiss and Daniel moaned at my bold behaviour. Surprised by it as well, but not wanting to stress about it too, I just went with what felt good.

My tongue gently stroked over Daniel's lips and he instantly opened his mouth, which earned him an embarrassing loud moan from me.

As our kiss grew even more passionate, I felt Daniel's fingers caressing my bare back. Deciding that we both had too much clothes on I pulled back from his addictive lips and immediately noticed how swollen they were from our hot make out.

Daniel's eyes were dark with lust and longing and it took me a second to breath again. Then I quickly got rid of his shirt and my jacket.

He groaned in satisfaction when he caught me ogling his eight pack and huskily told me: "Fuck the way you look at me is so damn sexy."

I would had been embarrassed by his assessment, but the truth was that I was too busy imagining what I could do to his fine torso.

Unconsciously I licked my lips and in mere seconds Daniel had maneuvered me into my bed, accompanied by a deep growl.

I could not help myself, but felt even more turned on when an almost naked Daniel lay above me.

His muscular forearms were caging my head in order to keep himself from crushing me, but I found myself wanting for him to touch me everywhere.

The way Daniel kept looking at me with so much love and desire kept me breathless. Never had a man looked at me like this.

"You're so beautiful.", Daniel told me in a low husky voice and the colour on my cheeks intensified.

Somehow I could remember having heard this compliment before, but never had I wanted to accept it more than now.

He leaned in for a kiss and soon it got intense again.

I had wrapped a leg around his torso and used this position to push Daniel's body down onto mine.

He seemed to understand what I was doing and complied with my desire to feel him.

I was immediately aware of his arousal and pressed my body deeper into his. Daniel groaned when his cock was sandwiched between us and carefully sucked on my mark again, which turned me into a moaning mess.

I started to grind on his errection, because the sensations accompanying it where out of this world. I had never experienced so much pleasure and even if I wanted to, I could not stop.


An embarrassing needy moan escaped my lips, but I was too far gone to care. Daniel had long ago started to speed up my grinding and had pressed his now very hard cock harder into my pussy.

The hard material of his jeans made me even more sensitive and soon I felt myself reaching my limit.

I threw my head back, not being able to hold the sound of pleasure back any longer.

I was overtaken by a life shattering orgasm and all I could see were stars.

Emerald green ones.

Just like Daniel's eyes.

"So fucking beautiful!"

I could feel Daniel tremble above me and soon after he followed me into the land of pure bliss.

For a short moment Daniel forgot all about not wanting to crush me and this gave me the opportunity to fully experience his weight on mine. It felt like heaven.

I had never felt so safe before.

I started to gently caress Daniel's head. His face was nuzzled into my neck and everytime he exhaled I could not help but shiver in pleasure as his breath hit my mark.

However, soon Daniel tried to get off of me, which made me tighten my hold on him even more.

He chuckled and I begged him for only a few more minutes.

"I'd do anything for you, my love."

His answer made me teary eyed, but luckily his face was still nuzzled into my neck.

"That was amazing.", Daniel told me in a dreamy voice after a few seconds of comfortable silence and I had to smile at his words.

"We should definitely do this again."

My eyes widened. Had I really just said that?

Daniel chuckled and I could feel myself blush.

"Definitely!", Daniel replied huskily and I moaned lowly when he kissed my mark.

"As much as I want to stay in your arms longer, you need your sleep and I need a shower."

I nodded my head and giggled when I realized why he needed a shower.

"That's not funny!", Daniel complained immediately understanding why I had laughed.

I seriously tried to keep a straight face, but his adorable pout did not help and I soon burst out laughing.

After several seconds of me laughing I calmed down and noticed Daniel looking at me in awe.

"What?", I wanted to know, somehow embarrassed.

Daniel shook himself out of wherever his mind had been and his whole face lit up when he told me: "I love your laugh. It's so melodic and addictive. I want to hear it all the time."

My cheeks instantly turned red, which had Daniel chuckle and a goofy smile appeared on my lips.

I was just so happy.

"So here is what we do: You'll shower here and I in our room, but as soon as you're finished you'll come to our room. Tomorrow we'll move your clothes.", Daniel suggested and I agreed instantly.

His lips were suddenly on mine again and I returned his kiss immediately.

"God, I'll never get enough of you.", Daniel told me huskily and pecked my lips once more.

I smiled at him and realized with joy, how often Daniel had laughed or smiled at me today.

"What?", Daniel asked me amused.

I shrugged my shoulders, still a bit selfconsciously and amitted: "I'm just so happy that you seem to smile and laugh around me this much."

Daniel's eyes instantly softened at my observation and he kissed me again. This one was different, because as much as I had loved our heated kisses before, this one told me that Daniel cared deeply about me and was glad that I was here with him.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you.", he told me after we had managed to stop kissing.

I pouted at him, although I was deeply moved by his words, and complained: "That's my line."

Daniel's whole face lit up at my statement and I found his lips on mine mere moments later.

If I was still dreaming, I never wanted to wake up!

Thank you for reading! :)

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