The nameless Luna

By smiling_optimist

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I panted hard, when Daniel wispered into my ear: "We should call you Snow white." I barely manged to answer h... More

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By smiling_optimist

"Are you sure we can leave before Daniel sees us?", an uncertain looking Coby asked Macy for the third time already.

Macy nodded her head impatiently and pulled me towards the already waiting car.

"Yeesss, so now let's go!", she replied in a cheery voice and opened the back door of the car that would take us to the mall.

On the one side I was really glad that I had not seen Daniel today, because of obvious reasons. He was apparently in a meeting and nobody was to disturb him.

On the other side I really wanted to see him. I just wanted to check if he was okay.

I shook my head, because his well being should not be a concern of mine.

I noticed how my fists had clenched at the thought of Daniel and I quickly tried to think about something more pleasant.

My gaze fell on the jeans I was wearing and I had to smile when I remembered how Macy had used me as a dress up doll this morning.

She had stormed into my room, grabbed my hand and pulled me into her room to show me that she had "nothing" to wear.

Considering the size of her closet, I had been of an other opinion.

After what felt like an hour we had finally decided on an outfit, which Macy claimed would convince the love of her life to fall in love with her instantly (if he even was at the mall). I had giggled at her dramatic choice of words.

Macy had also looked for several outfits I could wear and I had to try them all on. I knew it sounds horrible, but I actually had a lot of fun and something inside me had told me that I never had a girlfriend with whom I had the chance to be crazy with.

Finally Macy and I had settled on jeans, a white top and a really cute looking green jacket for me. Needless to say that I had been very glad that I did not need to borrow more clothes from Daniel's girlfriend. It would have just felt wrong.

According to Macy a beanie completed the outfit, but I was just glad that I wore something on my head. Although my head injury was healed/vanished, my head still felt like it needed coverage.

I had also asked Macy if she knew anything about my head injury, but in exact this moment Coby and Bryan, our companions for today, had shouted for us to come downstairs.

They had introduced themselves and when I had found out that they had discovered my car and therefore me, I thanked them profusely. It was probably due to their help that I had survived the nasty accident.

Coby had blushed at my thanks, but Bryan had seemed more than satisfied with my words.

We were currently driving to the mall and this gave me time to study the two men in front of me.

Coby and Bryan seemed to be in their early thirties and I immediately wondered if they were already married and had children.

Both of them were very good looking, but this was nothing new since everybody here looked like a model from a magazine.

Coby had dark blue eyes and brown hair, while Bryan had hazel eyes and blond hair.

Beside me Macy sighed in annoyance and I curiously took a look at her.

Macy noticed my stare, rolled her eyes and lifted her mobile phone in answer.

"Daniel's mad we left without seeing him.", she admitted in a whisper.

"I told you we should've waited for him.", Coby suddenly said in a frantic voice. He had turned around in his seat and was now facing us.

Confused I looked at him, because Macy's whisper was barely audible to me, so how could he have possibly heard it? Did he by any chance have enhanced hearing too?

"Just relax, I handled it.", Macy told him and rolled her eyes again.

I giggled at her behaviour and at Coby's still bewildered expression.

"Macy handeled it!", Bryan, who was in the driver's seat, told Coby again, but I could see that their words did not settle him.

"It's okay Coby. Macy's Daniel's sister and who else is going to convince him that us leaving was okay?", I soothingly tried to make my point.

Coby locked eyes with me and when he saw that I was not alarmed by Daniel's disagreement, he nodded his head and turned around again.

Macy smiled encouragingly at me and I returned her smile.

After ten minutes we finally arrived at the mall and Macy practically speed walked away from our car.

I chuckled at her enthusiasm and followed her in a slower pace together with Coby and Bryan.

"So how do you like it here so far?", Bryan wanted to know, looking curiously at me.

I smiled warmly at him, because I found it rather sweet that he apparently wanted me to like his village.

"I love it. Everybody is really nice and I can't wait to get outside and take a look around."

Before he could reply, Macy shouted from in front of us: "Why are you people so slow?"

I giggled at her impatience and quickened my steps.

Soon we entered the mall and before I knew it Macy had dragged me into the first store.

When I could not find Bryan and Coby, I asked Macy: "Where are the others?"

Macy laughed and pointed to the sign above the store.

I blushed when I realized that it probably was not a good idea for the guys to join our lingerie shopping.

"Daniel would have their heads.", Macy explained and pulled me towards a shelf full of panties.

At first the very small, but still existing part of me that hoped Daniel and I could be together tried to convince me that Daniel did not want Coby and Bryan in here, because he wanted to be the only one who saw my underwear, but the more realistic part of me believed it to be just because of his sister.

Of course Daniel did not want the men knowing which bras his sister wore.

After I had picked a few panties and bras and I had convinced Macy that anything else really was not necessary, we continued our shopping.

I knew that she was not happy with me, because I always selected just a few pieces of clothing, but I really appreciated her not complaining about it again.

At lunch time we met the guys at the food court, where they had already bought food for us.

"Finally food!", Macy exclaimed and dug in.

I giggled at her behaviour, said thank you to the guys and followed her suit.

During lunch Bryan and Coby talked about a certain comedian. Apparently I was too focused on my food, because I had totally missed her name being mentioned.

"And then she looked him right in the eyes and just then, right beside him, jumped up another guy. He almost pissed his pants.", Bryan told us chuckling.

"God I love Ellen!", Macy gushed and proceeded to tell us about another scaring prank from Ellen.

However, I did not pay attention to her story anymore, because something inside me just clicked.


Why did this name sound so familiar? Did I know someone called Ellen?

And suddenly I knew why.

"Hey, is everything okay?", Coby wanted to know worriedly. His concerned question made Macy and Bryan stop their conversation immediately and their attention solely focused on me.

"I just remembered why the name Ellen sounds so familiar.", I beamingly told them.

"What? Why? Oh my gosh is it yours?", Macy bombarded me with questions and I had to chuckle at her eagerness.

"Almost, my name is Ellie.", I told them in a shy voice.

"Aaaw that's such a perfect name for you.", Macy told me and hugged me.

"Is it short for something?", Bryan wanted to know as soon as Macy had loosened her hold on me.

I nodded my head and replied: "It's for Elisabeth."

"That sounds so majestic.", Macy gushed and I smiled appreciatively at her.

After discovering my name Macy wanted to continue shopping, but I told her that I really had enough clothes.

"Okay fine no more shopping, but we have to celebrate you remembering your name.", Macy told me determined.

"I bet somewhere here is a cake for that.", Bryan joked and I cracked a smile.

"Okay, I'm in.", I told them and Macy threw her arms in the air and shouted: "Yey!"

"She's a weird one.", Coby whispered to Bryan, but as soon as he realized that I heard him he flushed.

I shot him a smile to tell him I was not angry, but settled on saying: "Who isn't."

"I can't believe they had no cake for remembering one's name.", Bryan told us disappointedly for the third time already and it still made me chuckle.

"Well we got cupcakes, didn't we?", I tried to lighten the mood and cheer him up.

"I guess.", he agreed and took a big bite out of his blueberry cupcake.

"Do you want to go somewhere else?", Coby asked us out of the blue and my eyes widened at his question.

He soon realized his mistake, because he noticed the glint in Macy's eyes.

"I meant to the bathroom before we leave.", he quickly added, before Macy could suggest anything else.

Macy pouted but I grabbed her hand and told the guys we would be back in five minutes.

"I really wanted to check out another store.", Macy grumbled and I giggled at her childish behaviour.

"Maybe next time?", I tried to appease her.

Macy's eyes widened and she asked me in a disbelieving voice: "You're willing to go shopping with me again?"

I nodded my head. "As long as it isn't tomorrow, then yes."

Macy engulfed me in a hug, which I immediately returned.

"You're the best."

We went into the bathroom and just as I was washing my hands a girl next to me looked admiringly at my neck tattoo, which was visible due to my side braid.

"Wow that's a really beautiful mark.", she told me and although I found her choice of words strange I thanked her.

"But honestly I can't remember what it meant.", I sheepishly admitted and the girl stared wide eyed at me.

"Seriously?", she gasped and I shook my head.

She sighed dreamly before she explained to me: "It means love, adoration and wholeness. The person responsible for this is your other half."

Surprised I touched my tattoo and suddenly I felt a few tingles spread through my body. Usually that only happened when Daniel was touching me.


"I'm so jealous, I wish he would just pop up right here.", the girl continued and I looked confused at her.

"Who do you mean?"

She giggled and said: "My..."

"Prince charming", Macy, who was back from the toilet, suddenly interrupted our conversation and finished the girl's sentence.

"She wants her prince charming to pop up right here.", Macy said with a panicked voice.

"Are you alright?", I asked her worriedly and she nodded her head and immediately grabbed my hand to pull me back to Bryan and Coby.

Just as I wanted to question Macy's strange reaction, she said: "Let's go back to the car. Come on people, I'm tired."

She started to speed walk back to the car again and Bryan, Coby and I followed her rather confused.

On our way back I thought about the meaning of the tattoo.

Love, adoration and wholeness the girl had said.

However, the idea that appealed the most to me was that my soulmate was the reason I even had it.

Had I already met him? Had I forgotten him just like all my other memories?

Suddenly I felt guilty and selfish.

Here I was shopping and having a great time while my soulmate was maybe worried sick about me.

What a disgusting person I was!

"You're deep in thoughts.", Macy remarked on our drive home and I nodded my head at her.

"Is it because of what the girl said?", Macy asked almost afraid of my answer.

"Yes.", I admitted and continued: "What if he is searching for me and I can't even remember him?"

Macy looked conflicted when she answered me: "Maybe the tattoo was a rash decision."

I considered her suggestion and replied: "I don't think so. I can somehow feel the importance of it. I know it sounds crazy, but..."

"No!", Macy denied and softly said, "It doesn't sounds crazy at all."

I smiled gratefully at her encouraging words.

"I need to find him.", I declared and Macy looked at loss for words.

"Just think about it Macy. He is my solution to everything. He'll know exactly why I've driven the car I had an accident with and he'll also know where I was headed to. There's a good chance he's searching for me. He'll know who I am.", I told her excitedly.

The car came to a stop in front of Daniel's house and I did not wait for Macy's reply, because everything right now seemed to make sense. I finally had a chance of remembering everything about myself again.

Hurriedly I exited the car and just as I was about to reach the entrance door, Macy grabbed my hand.

"Wait Ellie, let's think about this.", Macy pleaded with me, but I would not hear it.

"I did Macy, I'm going to find him, he'll know everything.", I told her smilingly.

I saw Macy opening her mouth once again, but no words escaped her as her eyes widened at the person behind me.

"Daniel.", she whispered and I turned around.

Right behind me in all his glory stood Daniel. It was not that I was surprised, because as clichée as it sounded, I had already felt him behind me.

His now dark green eyes were pulled together in anger and his whole posture was rigid.

Was something wrong?

"Who is going to find you?", he wanted to know in a raugh voice.

"My soulmate.", I whispered, the uncertainty clear in my voice. I suddenly had the strong urge to touch him in order to calm him down, but I knew I should not.

"And who do you believe this soulmate of yours to be?", Daniel asked in a tight voice.

I had no idea why he was suddenly so angry, but somehow his fury did not scare me although I knew it was directed at me. However, somehow I trusted Daniel that he would not hurt me

"I...I can't remember him, well not right now, but I know he's out there, so maybe he's from my old high school, or...", I started to tell him, but an inhuman growl interrupted me.

Realizing the sound came from Daniel did not even frighten me, because somewhere in my mind I had already figgured that out.

My eyes locked with his green ones, but when I saw that his eyes were almost black now I gasped. I had never seen Daniel like this before.

His arms suddenly engulfed me in a tight embrace and my body was pressed against his muscular one. Never had I felt so secure with someone this furious, but what shocked me even more where his next words.

"I AM your soulmate!"

Woops now she knows.....

Do you like the name Ellie for her?

Thank you for reading!

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