
By Uniqueness_

235 35 3

At the age of 18, Rose decided to take her luggage, broken spirit, and a one-way plane ticket to California l... More

Author's Note and Disclaimers.
The Process.
The Interview.
Mom's Visit.
Desperate Times, Calls for Desperate Measures.
Friend Basis.
Hit And Run Part I.
Hit And Run Part II.
Back To Normal.
The Date.
Solving the Issue One Step At A Time.
Here Comes The Past.


16 4 0
By Uniqueness_

It has been a couple of days since I last heard from Ashley. I didn't think I performed horribly during the interview, but can a girl be told if she got the internship or not? Everything...well not everything is riding up on this internship this would be a huge stepping stool for my career.  My phone, laptop, and Ipad hasn't left my site nor has my feet failed from the constant walks to the mailbox. 

Steph thinks I'm overreacting and should focus my mind on something else. I have. Searching other internships if I don't get this one. But now that I think about it maybe I should go out and focus my mind on my social life. For once. 

"Rose, come on we will go to the beach without you!" Steph yelled from downstairs. "Just a second!" I hollered giving my laptop one last glance from my email. Don't worry Rose your email is connected to your phone, so whenever you get a mail you'll see it. Tying my hair into a high ponytail, I grabbed my phone and sunglasses rushing downstairs. 

"I'm so glad you decided to go with us. You've been cooped up in this apartment ever since that day. You need some fresh sun." Steph blabbed. "Yes, mom." rolling my eyes. "Such disrespect." she shook her head. Locking the door to the apartment, I went and sat in the passenger seat of her car. 

"Don't forget we have to pick up Chris, he doesn't feel like driving today." "Yea he just being lazy."  We sat in silence as she drove a few streets until reaching Chris's apartment. "Am I allowed to turn on the radio on or is it going to be too loud for your notification bell?" she asked. "Ha ha very funny. Go ahead." I insisted. 

No later than a few seconds was the car filled with Endgame by Taylor Swift. We pulled up in front of Chris's apartment with a honk. Locking his front door, he came into the car with a basket of snacks and sandwiches. "Had to come prepared, the food at the beach is expensive." "Hope you brought our favorites," I added. 

The car ride was about thirty minutes and through the minutes I chatted but secretly looked through my email. "Give it," Steph said. "Huh?" "Give me your phone Rose. I don't want you getting distracted as we hang out." "I'm not distracted Steph, just -- "Seriously Rose, you got the job. The way you described it to us we believe you did. All you have to do is believe too." Chris replied. 

I sighed handing over my phone in defeat. They're right. I shouldn't be this worried and believe that I'm going to be an assistant for a successful businessman. "Thanks, guys." I cheered. For the next five minutes spent we did sing-alongs until we reached the beach. 

The sun was not only glazing the sky but my skin too. I couldn't wait to jump into the icy cool water and just relax. We unpacked the car leaving altogether, to find the perfect spot on the sand. It took a few steps but we were able to find a spot that was in the middle of decent sunlight and fewer children. 

Placing the umbrella in the sand, I laid my towel and left Steph and Chris to get into the water. Icy cool just how I like it once my feet landed in the water. The further I went the nicer it felt and I waited for my friends to join me. No later than a minute we were splashing water at each other and giving one another piggyback ride in the ocean. Chris even taught me how to float, on the 10th time. 

After a swim, we sat and ate our lunch and enjoyed as the sun dried the water from our bodies. Chris kept trying to make us laugh with his corny jokes until eventually, we started laughing to make him feel better. He even disturbed someone else's family to say one but they ended up telling him the truth. "Well, at least we know you don't have a career in comedy." I shrugged. 

He went and got a bucket of water just to dump it on me. "Oh, you're so on!" I yelled. Taking my bucket, we soaked up the majority of our sitting spot in minutes. Then ended up going back to the water and floated. 


"This was a great beach day thanks, guys." I smiled. "These selfies are definitely going to make Liam fall for me," Steph said. "So you made me drive to pick out a selfie to post?" "Love you too sister." she kissed my cheek. "Chris, are you coming over tonight?" "Yea I was thinking why not watch some scary movies why we at it?" he suggested. 

"If that's what you want then I'll be in my room. Enjoy your time with Steph." I told. When we reached my apartment, unpacking we went inside and each of us took a shower. I was able to get my phone back but I wasn't going to go on it until I was completely settled. 

Taking my shower last I changed into something comfortable. Grabbing my phone I went through my email to find one sent from Ashley. My fingers instantly trembled and I could barely click on my inbox. Before I even opened the email, I read the subject title. "Rejected." 

My heart sank. Reject? Rejected? I didn't get the job... Finally having the courage to read the email, I opened it and it read: 

Good Afternoon Ms. Kamson, 

I am deeply sorry to inform you that you did not get the job of Mr. Pierce's assistance. I apologize for the inconvenience and hope you use this rejection not as a disappointment but as a goal striver. I know you have potential to finding a greater internship and I know you will be successful. 

Best of Luck from Mr. Pierce and the EPC employers. 

I could feel the tears as they dripped from my cheeks to my phone screen. I didn't want to interrupt Steph and Chris's movie night so I cried in silence. I can't believe I failed again. I really thought I was capable of getting this one. It's like I felt different once I applied. 

I felt like everything was set into place. I felt like my outfit was impressive. I felt like my interviewing skills were delivered more informally. I felt like..God was on my side. I guess he wasn't since I didn't get the job.  Who are you kidding Rose, God? Ha...He probably wasn't even listening when you called. 

Your head has been so caught up in being independent and sculpturing your life by yourself that He probably decided to leave you in those terms. But yet where is the fairness in that? I'm your child right? I thought all you wanted was success for your children, so why do I continue to get rejected? 

Am I not good enough? Do I not qualify for this job field anymore? Should I just move back home? Should I just start over? God are you even listening to me?! I cried out in frustration on my pillow and I could sense a presence. I didn't understand why but my body leaned in as if I was being wrapped in arms. 

My tears were able to bring sleep to my eyes and I drifted. My thoughts continue to wander as much as I wanted them to quiet down. Stephanie and Chris came into the room and I knew but I didn't move. I felt their arms wrap around my body as each laid their head on my pillow. 

"I'm sorry," they stated in unison. No point in saying sorry if it wasn't your fault. My eyes flickered and my hand grabbed my phone. "What are you doing?" "Calling Ashley." "But Rose it's 9:45pm, how do you know if the office is -- "Hush up." 

Dialing the number I held it to my ear. On the third ring, I expected Ashley to answer but it was picked up by the last person that I wanted to speak too. "Hello, Mr. Pierce speaking?" My voice hitched and I covered my hand with my mouth. Don't curse. Don't curse. Don't curse. 

"Hello? ... Hello? Okay, I'm hanging up now." "Mr. Pierce." I finally spoke. The line went quiet. He cleared his throat. Probably getting ready to tell me some stupid reason to why I didn't get the job. "Ms. Kamson, how are you?" he started. "I've been better and you?" He sighed. 

"You're calling about the rejection, am I correct?" "Mhm." "Okay well, I told all the other interviewees they were missing something. You, in particular, was missing more communication skills. It didn't seem like you -- "You're telling me that the reason why I didn't get this internship is because of communication?" I interrupted. 

"Yes but -- "No buts. I hope you have a nice night Mr. Pierce. Oh, and whoever got the job wish them congratulations for me. I'm guessing their communications skills outranked mine by a few points. Goodnight." I'm so done with that man. 

"Communication skills? You didn't get the job because of communication skills?" I nodded. "So you're telling me out of all the service and programs that made you qualify for this job, communication was his number one?" 

I groaned in aggravation, "I can't believe this!" "Well, that's not professional at all." Chris scowled. "I'm going to come and join you guys downstairs, can I have some alone time to talk to my parents please?" I questioned. "Of course." As understandable as they are, they each gave me a hug and some encouraging pats on the back while leaving the room. 

My fingers dialed the house phone but I could feel the tears creeping on my eyelashes. "Hello," I mumbled. "Hi, sissy!" I cleared my voice. "Oh hey Izzy, how are you, sweetheart?" "I'm good, how's California?" she wondered. "It's going by good. Wait a second, shouldn't you be in bed young lady it's really late." "Me, mommy, daddy, and Wil were watching a movie it just finished." 

"Oh okay, what movie?" "Spongebob Squarepants." she cheesed. "Aw man, I missed it. When I visit we're definitely going to watch it together deal?" "Deal!" "Can you pass the phone to mom?" "Sure." I listened as the phone went from voice to voice of Hi's and Hey Rose until it finally reached my mother. 

"Rose?" "Mom, I didn't get it." I cried. The tears splattered as soon as her voice echoed through the phone. "I'm so sorry baby. I wish I was there to cheer you up," she stated with comfort. "Mom, I prayed like you suggested. He must not have heard me. How could he let another rejection be fulfilled?" I questioned in disappointment. 

"Sometimes, the things that are happening are a part of His plan. At the moment it may not look like everything is purposeful but trust me, baby, it is. Don't lose fa-- Faith? Mom, I honestly think it's a bit too late for that." I rustled. "Sweetie please, take this rejection and use it to your advantage. Right now it may look like He's not listening but He's been walking with you ever since the situation started...." 

I sat in tears as she continued to give me words of encouragement. But my mind trailed off as my eyes looked up at the ceiling. God, where are you? 


Rejection hurts man. Truly does. Hope you enjoyed the chapter because now the fun begins! What do you think of Mr. Pierce's excuse? "Communication," my butt.

Comment, Vote, and Say Hi! 

Love you guys and God Bless! 

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